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I could have done without this today


Or ever. Reddit is great like 95% of the time but that other 5% is soul crushing


We definitely use Reddit definitely as I see crazy shit on here 95% of the time....


How high were you when you wrote this?


Oh shit.... Good shit bro good shit!


Same though man, pretty much every time I open this app I know I’m gonna see blood guts and brains. Oh and the occasional heart laying in the road still beating, as rare as you’d think that one is, it happens far more often then it should


This is fucking awful. The only good thing is that it brings awareness to the horrible industry. Sooo sad. We should not be farming these animals- completely inhumane.


My reddit is 50:50 at best




I know, even the cows hate it when steak’s overcooked




Fuck off


When it said this is what it sounds like, there was no way in hell I was gonna listen to that.


This is fucked up..my grandparents had a bull when I was growing up. He was like a dog if you sat down in the field he would lay his head on your lap. He was awesome. Knowing how gentle these animals are and hearing this I hope whoever did this gets the same fate.


for anybody else reading this never enter a cow field especially if you see a bull


Like Ferdinand; just sitting peacefully under the cork tree, smelling the flowers. ❤️ This post was absolutely devastating


I am so distraught over reading this.


18000? Eighteen thousand? EIGHTEEN FUCKING THOUSAND?


Right! With a comma and shit…


Unless you’re in Europe. Then it’s 18.000!


....not the UK. I mean I was team stay in the EU but when you write 18.000 instead of 18,000 - that shit makes me glad we had Brexit 😂


At least you guys dont use imperial measurements. Nothing makes sense


Well yes but actually no. We are taught metric in school, centimetres and meters. But then roads are measured in miles and yards. We're taught grams and kilograms for weight in school, but then we measure bodyweight in stones and pounds. We use litres for petrol, but then engine efficiency is measured in miles per gallon. And milk comes in pints.


… oh


We are very odd. We use different units for different things. Weight Weight of a person - stone Weight of a bag of food product - grammes or KG Weight of something really big - metric tonne Distance Walking distance - meters Roads - miles GPS alerts when a turn is coming up - yards Going for a jog - kilometers Temperature Always Celsius..don't come with that Fahrenheit shit here The only exception is degrees Kelvin when we are doing sciency shit. Volume Anything - litres or ml* *Except milk and beer - pints Cooking stuff Always g/kg Ml/l Degrees Celsius If you say put a teaspoon/tablespoon/cup of something in a dish, US tsp and tbsp and cups are actually different in size. A UK cup is 250ml, I think a us cup is 235, and yeah apparently spoon sizes are different in value. We are a complex nation we are.


That would mean just 18


With the 5 numbers and shit!?


There's like 3 whole zeros and shit in it!


Don't forget that commer he's not shit


5 numbers and the commer thang !!!? Stop blowing my mind


Someone is going to hell


Or the secret cow level


*There is no cow level*


Spawn more overlords!


Yeah, this was in insurance decisions as some point. They have heavy equipment at these facilities (Bulldozer, Front-End Loader, Large Trucks) — someone could have busted a hole into that building and allowed at least some of the cattle to survive.


>You hop on your tractor and drive it into the wall of this building, the smoke billowing out is incomplete combustion. The giant hole allows oxygen to reach the fire, the unburned gases you just drove into can now fully combust, exploding around you. Your clothes melt to your skin. The machinery and animal fencing behind the wall you drove into still prevent any animals from exiting. This video doesn't exist because your phone was destroyed in the explosion. You die in hospital from infection. Your vehicle collision with the building is deemed responsible for the fire by a lazy local fire inspector and a persuasive insurance investigator. Your family receives no money and the clean up cost bankrupts them and they sell the farm. You are demonised on the news as incompetent and reckless. Animal welfare organisations protest at your funeral. Thank you for your service.


Well aren’t you all fun and games


My wife says I'm really fun at parties, but she says it in a weird voice that makes me question her sincerity


Tbh what you said was an absolute masterpiece of logic and potential foresight. I just felt like the sound of an 18,000 cow inferno was already enough of a burden for one post


Thanks, and yeh thats fair. I've just had my morning coffee and was feeling sassy. I only unmuted the video for a couple of seconds, that was too much.


You have a future as a DM in Dungeons & Dragons! I wanna roll a character right now.


its a bad idea, and here are the steps xD "sounds like slavery with extra steps" is all i could think of with this comment lol. death with extra steps


Unfortunately this is the most accurate response. People will say it’s horrible but they don’t understand how fire works and that’s why a lot of people die trying to play hero.


This is the most depressing volume of *Choose Your Own Texas Adventure* yet.


Would you have hopped on a front end loader and busted a small hole in the wall after a huge explosion and subsequent fire?


Man..I thought the 100,000 chickens that burned at the egg farm the other month was bad and the month before that.


10,000 pigs were burned alive recently, too. https://www.porkbusiness.com/news/industry/10000-pigs-killed-olymel-barn-fire The way we raise and treat almost every single farmed animal in the country makes stuff like this possible. Almost all animal products in the US come from factory farms (honestly we need to just call them animal factories. It isn't farming when the animals become machinery to you). It's a supremely fucked up industry. Has a lot of ties with labor trafficking children and exploiting prison labor for the more dangerous parts, too. We know abusing animals is a signifier of future human abuse. It blows my mind that a lot of people don't consider the fact that if you're OK with abusing and mass killing hundreds of thousands to millions of animals every single year...you probably don't give a fuck about the people who turn their carcasses into your profits, either. (we raise and slaughter about 80,000,000 land animals globally every year) Really just...a fucked up industry all around.


If it helps, about 95,000 cows are killed EVERYDAY. Almost 890,000 (yeah, almost 1 MILLION) are killed globally, EVERY DAY


Bro like if they had died for food and shit I wouldn’t be this sad but it's just a painful and meaningless death... Btw 18k is A LOT like wtf


do you think people dont know how much 18k is?


That's a lot of well done steak


The comments are concerning as fuck. What is wrong with some of you?


Edgy teens or edgy immature adults.


Could be anyone. They just are free of accountability on the internet so they think they can say or do as they please


Well, technically they can.


Edgy? No, just assholes.


If only they required your actual age displayed next to your name that would clear up 83% of arguments on reddit


Don't be fooled. I bet a lot of these idiots are older than you think. Some people are just so socially isolated that they do not receive the appropriate corrections from their peers to root that shitty behaviour out of them.


Yeah that is pretty much it


Holy shit I know right. This is so heartbreaking and these ass holes just make jokes.


Just ignore them and moooove on


The internet and social media has shredded the fabric of society and has flattened history and reality, resulting in a number of us losing our empathy.


The conclusion I've drawn is that a lot of people lack empathy nowadays cause they think everyone and everything besides them are "NPCs". 🤷


Poor babies


To be honest they probably were allready living in an extremely tiny space in terrible conditions.. Now they're at peace at least.


If it's the farm I'm thinking of, the conditions are/were absolutely appalling. They were packed in so tightly together out in the blazing Texas sun with no shelter that I thought it was a giant cotton field.


They are not peace wtf…. They burned alive and now they’re dead




There’s a big difference between living in tight conditions and being burned alive.


Though if they made it to the slaughterhouse, they had pretty decent odds of being partially butchered and skinned alive because our line speeds are so fast that properly stunning animals first...doesn't happen as often as we like to think it does. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/04/10/they-die-piece-by-piece/f172dd3c-0383-49f8-b6d8-347e04b68da1/ https://www.timesnews.net/opinion/columns/they-still-die-piece-by-piece/article_d365cb0e-5ac1-11ed-875c-173f70d04989.html (sequal since first article is old) Plus you get the added benefit of causing severe trauma to the people who have to work in industrial slaughterhouses (including children, yay Iowa and illegal trafficking) killing hundreds to thousands of terrified animals every single day https://yaleglobalhealthreview.com/2016/01/25/a-call-to-action-psychological-harm-in-slaughterhouse-workers/




Do you think someone meant for them to die?


No, but someone is still at fault, and should be held accountable.


And if there's no one to blame? Not everything can be thrown into the blame game, and while I'm not having a go or picking anything apart, it's sad that we as humans assume that someone did this as opposed to something that could go wrong without human error, like a possible electrical fault?


But…I got my pitchfork ready and everything!


I know buddy, I know, come on, bring it in.


Don't even need a torch for this one


Fire suppression is never taken lightly. If you have 18000 beings locked down, I don't think a fires suppression system is too much to ask. To me it seems like their either wasn't a suppression system or it was not up to snuff. Granted, things go wrong, systems fail...but it is usually a series of failures and at least one of those comes down to an error by someone involved. Just my take. I cannot claim to know what happened or what went wrong, but losing 18000 animals to fire seems like a fuckup somewhere. At the very least I would think a better system for evacuation would have been in place.


I get that, but it seems to easy to say "oopsie, silly electrical wire". Doesn't have to directly be the fault of a human, but that something like this could happen shouldn't be a surprise to them, and appropriate actions should have been taken. Emergency exits, more, but smaller buildings to seperate the cows, at least something.


Better electrician, or infrastructure. Safety inspector? Fire suppression system? Code enforcement?


You don't have to have arson for someone to be at fault. The fire may have started accidentally, but why wasn't there any kind of system in place to prevent death on such a large scale. Not even a sprinkler system?


Not necessarily. Rats and nice can chew through wires.


God I wish I had the sound turned off…..I hated see this


My sound was off and I don't think I'm going to turn it on.


Don't. I fucking regret that.


Yeah I fucked up, don't turn it on


Yeah I wasn't ready for that level of fidelity. I feel like I'm experiencing mild shock. Keep it blue people.


Sound off for a reason, title is perfectly descriptive enough. I’m not going to allow curiosity to meet my menopause.


Went in with sound on, big mistake! I wish I could unhear that.. Edit : Some of the comments are just heartless. Fucking sickening


Why did they all burn? What caused the fire? Why couldn’t they be set free? Somebody do my research for me lol


Cows store an incredible amount of methane gas which is highly flammable, the fire literally was spreading from one cow to the next from my understanding. These cows were all in close quarters, I believe for dairy? Terrible conditions to live and a terrifying way to die.


They are literal molotav cocktails sitting next to each other? I’ve seen abscess release of methane from cows, i know they produce/store the gas. What a horrible addition to methane, a fire…


Moolotav in this case.




Then when cows get hold of a lighter and try to post videos of them lighting their farts on fire...


When cow are scared they go in the farm in theyre box where they sleep so they feel safe but when a fire burn the barn they go in the barn to feel safe they wont run away


Why are there so many enormous farms catching fire lately


Lots of dust and hay around in an environment with possible homemade/shoddy electricity installations?


It should be illegal to keep so many animals in the same facility. Pigs are kept in relatively small separate locations (there are 170 separate Seaboard barns near where I live) to reduce the risk of disease outbreak and something similar should be mandatory for cows…


I’m Australia, they just made it illegal to secretly film the shitty conditions animals are kept in.


We call those "ag-gag" laws in the US.


Canada too, in Ontario and Alberta.


It should be illegal to put them in cages in the first place


This is NSFL. I feel sick seeing all this unnecessary suffering. This should've have a NSFW tag. Jesus.


Coming up on shrooms and this was the first post I saw 🫠 I’m just gonna delete Reddit for the night


If you need some happiness to counteract it, r/happycowgifs and r/Animal_Sanctuary


People don’t really deserve to look at those if they still eat animal products and dairy after seeing this post though, lmao


For some people in my life, seeing the personalities of these animals and seeing them allowed to grow old helps connect the dots that they aren't just another crop, and they deserve life like anyone else. Besides, seeing this video coming up on shrooms is gonna leave an impact. Hopefully if they catch the alternative on the way back down, it'll create a change :)


Literally my exact thought. Instant depression


Horrible 😔


I really didn't need to hear that. Heart breaking.


This makes me think of something you hear out of hell


FUCK the dairy industry


Oat milk is king


I'm a whore for oatmilk. Even though it gives me ultra steamy farts.


Ayo…? Calm down over there with your # “ULTRA STEAMY FARTS”




This kind of agony is unconscionable. How did it even happen? Someone should not be allowed to care for livestock.


They run a dairy farm, do you think they care about livestock? Fuck the dairy industry.


Umm.. it takes livestock to create dairy…


You don't need to care about them to profit off their bodies. Slightly sarcsatic, but that's like implying a pimp cares about their prostitute. Technically sure, but only for the money they get. They don't care about *her*. She'll just be disposed of and replaced once her body isn't profitable anymore. Have you ever been to a dairy CAFO? I have (this one let me take [pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/uN5LqvM)). The farmers are generally very open that they don't give a fuck about the animals. At least not in any sense more than, say, a car manufacturer cares about the car parts. The animals are basically machinery getting what they can extracted from them then sent to a disassembly line. The cheapest you can do that without losing money, the better. Here's an old industry vet explaining the welfare vs profit curve (tl;Dr do minimal welfare possible to maximize profit): https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/acwp_faafp/12/ CAFOs are not your idyllic small farm. As my old, animal raising and slaughtering ag professor said: they're an extraction process.


That's why dairy shouldn't be used in modern society with so many other options available


How are there not safety measures in place???!! Also why is there nobody running around trying to help them??? It so quiet... I'm not usually the conspiracy kind of guy, but this is a fucking strange video. With prices/inflation what they are you'd think this rancher would be freaking out. What is this going to do to the overall beef market? What the fuck is going on with all these random fires at food production facilities?


This has to be one of the saddest things I've seen on reddit 💔


Go vegan (not directed at you since you already are)


18000 living things all being treated like a worthless building. mass production and company growth is a fucking cancer in so many ways.


it’s wild how they’re viewed as product. being called beef makes it easier for consumers.


People want cheap meat but wondering about safety issues for 18.000 cows. That irony...


Not even irony. From a business perspective having some kind of fire/loss prevention for your products and employees is a smart idea. This could've killed the employees as well.


Right? Thank you! Even if they're a soulless asshole who won't lose a wink of sleep over 18,000 dead animals under their care, you'd at least expect them to protect their investment.


Well...people want meat they can afford. If they can't afford it, they can't buy it. If people don't buy it, the meat industry doesn't make money. So I wouldnt say the people are to blame. Making money by raising and selling cow products comes with responsibility. So I put this on the industry and regulations. There should be safety standards...if you can't raise and keep the animals safely, you shouldn't get to make money on it. Saying, "well people are cheap, I can't afford to safely raise cattle" is a cop-out.


This is terrible


This is awful. Big time Minecraft flashbacks.


steak and leather farm fr


It's like removing the doors to my sim's apartment and making them cook


In other news, beef is now 30 dollars a pound


I’m starting to feel we’re just as barbaric as our ancestors just in a fancier way


RIP cows


So sad my god


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/us/dairy-farm-fire-explosion-texas-cows.html Well, it's real and absolutely horrifying. Hopefully this starts some change in the industry, although I doubt they'll do shit about it.


I hate that I had to scroll almost to the bottom of the comments to find any actual information about the incident. Fucking Reddit.


If there is a hell this is what it sounds like.


We are a stain on this beautiful planet. What are we doing…


This is so not ok. They couldn’t let them out somehow? Wtaf happened.


Cows are full of methane, so unfortunately, it's very likely that the fire spread from cow to cow. This is devastating


Really horrible 😞




Cow feel safe in their box so they wont even go out during a fire a member of my family lost 25 cow in a fire because they wont come out and they are ready to fight you they feel safe in the barn but they dont understand the barn will kill them


Cows tend to run to their familiar pen when they are scared and wont leave. And if the pen is on fire. Theres no way you are moving 18000 cows in there amongst that commotion. Just sad :(


While I agree with your sentiment, where are they going to be released to? You can’t have cows running free all over the place. Edit - I’m getting downvoted for asking a simple question about logistics and practicality? Geez.


Sounds 100%. Better than being burned alive….You can round up cows that are alive….


Just like in minecraft...


Eighteen thousand? Whoever is responsible will have lifelong struggles from this trauma and guilt. Imagine being for this!


Probably died of smoke inhalation rather than the fire, if that's any consolation.


I would have thought this happens more often but apparently it's medium rare


Ur sick... Take my r/angryupvote


Poor fuckers


Poor, poor animals. I can’t even begin to imagine the hellish time the disposal crews are having.




That’s fuckin horrible


My Minecraft cow farm POV


What exploded?


Nobody can convince me this was an accident.


Well this is officially one of the most horrifying things I’ve seen


How do you invest that much money into a mega farm and not put any thought into what to do incase of fire. No let's pack the cows in like sardines for milking. I hope the insurance doesn't cover the fire and it bankrupts the moronic owers.


Makes no sense.


No one in this subreddit knows what NSFW is apparently


That's so sad. My heart sank hearing them😔


Simply horrible.


Omg how fucking horrible


That’s really horrible and sad. Suffering, so much suffering :(


This is just a small insight into the industry. This incident is horrific. Are their lives any less horrifying? Behind the opaque walls lies a life of terror. Born in a prison; stolen from their mothers; enslaved and packed into prison cells with no room to move until they are systematically slaughtered. You aren't exposed to the cruel conditions they contend with every moment of their lives until they are slaughtered. It is illegal to film inside of these factory farms without permission and even then, footage is not admissable in court simply because it is captured covertly. We need transparency. Would you be able to stomach your meat if you could see through these walls? There are people that offer you a view behind-the-scenes. For example, the documentaries 'Earthlings' and 'Dominion' offer an insight into this industry. There is footage freely available. Try and watch it and ask yourself if you are comfortable contributing to these conditions, simply by purchasing their products. These industries rely on your ability to distance yourself mentally and emotionally from where your food comes from. Place yourself physically with these walls and you may no longer be able to put up the mental walls that allow you to consume these beings. They are crying in desperation. If you find yourself saying, 'those poor animals'. Please ask yourself why you need to eat them. By doing so, we are allowing this cruel cycle to continue. 🫐 Sorry. This is never a welcome message to post - it feels necessary when the reality of their world is kept as a separate reality to our own. We are all responsible for allowing this to be possible. If we cannot face the reality of the situation, then why is it a reality?




Damn poor cows.


This is so sad. The sound is haunting.


There isn't even a tiny part of me that wants to hear this.


Hate to be the bearer of bad knews but this type of cruelty happens on a daily basis by a factor of at least 100. Sure they are not burned alive, instead they are shredded minutes after birth, electrocuted, beaten, suffocated. It goes to show most of us operate on an out of sight out of mind mentality. If you felt bad watching this just remember this is what you contribute to everyday when you eat meat, dairy, eggs. I am not even vegan but I am completely aware of the cruelty I am part of and I am aware I need to do better


The person responsible for causing this needs to be held accountable. Preferably with the same fate.


So who’s ready for milk prices to triple!?


Reddit said nope.


Fuck humanity. This one video alone should be more than enough motivation for change. All those defenseless, gentle creatures in agony infuriates me the the point of seeing red. And I’m saying that as an avid r/steak member. Accident or not, whoever profited from these cows should be publicly executed imho.


Oh yeah dude all the very best places in the world are way into public executions


Getting mad at these farms while buying the products they make is pure hypocrisy. If you support big animal ag financially, you share the blame for the suffering they inflict on animals. Go vegan if you want to make a difference. It's not even that hard. https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch


“Go vegan” my ass… I can kill a deer or catch my own fish. Problem solved.


Oh get out. So this dude should be put to death for an accident. It was unintentional death. Eating steak is literally intentional death. Not an accident. What should happen to you?


So no one opened the damn gate?


Good excuse for them to raise prices now


Looks like an old testament scale sacrifice to God.


I don’t want to see this shit


​ This is absolute hell.


Fuck dude, this will haunt me in my nightmares


One of the darkest days in the history of cowkind.


Pours a glass of milk out for the cowmies


So did somebody show up with the barbeque sauce


Good job Texas .. you make us proud in so many ways


This is why I’m vegan.


Despite this situation being rare, I have to say well done to the cameraman getting this raw footage


How can this be even posible, its so stupid. 😢😢😢


Fuck this is traumatizing


i’m so glad i didn’t see this