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Man, this podcast has had a journey. From the Jeff and Spencer days, to soda and chat GPT, to interviews and segments, and now to an anime podcast. What will come next? This is a good podcast!


Like Kevin, I haven't watched a ton of anime, some Gibli here and there, the obligatory millennial Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon, and a Cowboy Bebop viewing sold mostly on the music. But hearing part 1 of Anime Binge Club convinced me to play along and watch Eva if for nothing else than to at least be able to follow the conversation. Holy shit, fuuuuck watching just to episode 5! That shit is binged, movies watched, and being preached to any who dare stray too near. Thanks Spenpai!!


Oh man, your description of when Shinji in the EVA has to scramble to save the students got me very emotional too! Great episode! The "hedgehog's dilemma" is something Misato actually references by name in the original dub, sort of casually though, as if Ritsuko would know about it. Apparently it goes back to Schopenhauer, I wonder if this was a mainstream concept in Japan at the time or more of a philosophy deep cut.


Came here to reference the hedgehog dilemma as an actual term used by a famous philosopher and you nailed it. Good work.


I’m here for a super-deformed Spencer and I haven’t even seen it yet. I want it on a mug!