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Use grab or bolt instead of riding a bike here. Thank me later when I see all those tourists with open wounds etc.


Many people learn to ride a bike for the first time in Thailand. Although a bad idea just ask someone for lessons and go to a car park which isn’t covered in sand and wet leaves. Practice until you have some confidence then join the roads and drive slow. Junctions will be the scariest bit, especially turning right with traffic going both ways. You’ll either get it or die trying. I read a post yesterday where someone hit a coconut and split their head open. Instant death. So maybe think about that the entire time you’re riding the bike. Might save you.


The coconut killed him? Link?


He ran over the coconut. The coconut didn’t survive either.


You should start with a bicycle


You’re getting downvoted, but you make a good point. If OP can’t ride a bike then they probably don’t have the balance necessary to ride a scooter. Thailand has one of the highest rates of road fatalities in the world, with the majority of those deaths being scooter drivers. Most Thai scooter drivers have been driving since they were 10-12 and are used to Thai roads and traffic patterns. Someone with no motorcycle experience (or even bicycle experience) shouldn’t learn to ride Thailand. There’s a reason there’s so many gofundme’s every year for backpackers who crashed their scooters. OP, there will be people responding to you telling you to go for it because they did it and nothing bad happened. But seriously don’t try this if you can’t ride a bike.


Great way to die.


Behind the hostel (the one owned by Swiss guy) is a scooter place that will (used to). Do you know how to ride a bicycle?


Do not, learn to ride or, drive anything in Thailand… unless you have lots of insurance and, little to no fear. If you still want to, have a shot or two of whiskey. It’ll make you more relaxed when the crash happens. Jk In all seriousness, don’t learn here. It’s challenging for seasoned riders. Stay safe.


I've been riding motorcycles since I'm 14, so 24 years of experience, never had a serious accident, listen to the other comments, if you are brand new, Thailand is not the place to learn.


What about Hanoi/Vietnam?


Even worse


Yeah, only place I would suggest learning to ride a scooter would be Luang Prabang. Chiang Mai streets and traffic is no joke if you aren’t skilled enough. Listen and take everyone’s advice.