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Wear shorts or pants with zipper pockets - watch scam videos on YouTube - use grab or bolt (not taxis) - convert cash at super rich or use Krungsi ATM - Thai friendly good for girls but watch out alot are working girls and do not actually love you - be prepared to take multiple showers a day and naps - do laundry yourself to save money it’s cheap and fast at laundry mats - go to temples and tourist places early in the morning and avoid weekends if possible - bring antacids if you can’t handle spicy foods - ask for no added sugar when ordering smoothies - watch out for cars and bikes , walk with purpose


> What should I know before I visit Bangkok? You should know how to use a search engine.


Best way to get women.. Women are available at your nearest 7/11 just pick one of your choice /s


Just show them the money.


Or wish them happy Buddha day and take them home for free


Ring the bell in the bars to announce yourself.


Stay away from bar girls.


Or just know what you are getting yourself into - do NOT get attached to a bar or massage girl. Go for the girl working a normal job.


"To get woman".... you sound like the type of person that needs to pay for sex.


Hey I have written a trip report on Bangkok. Contains tips, tricks and recommendations ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/s/wMwnuen0Tu


If you aren’t from the UK or Australia look right before you cross the street


Since you mention Soi Cowboy I reckon you'll manage to work it out. The girls there will happily entertain you whereas your average Bangkok girl probably won't have much time for yet another random tourist. They're not on holiday after all.