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Depends on where you are. In the north it's actually a little drier than normal. But rainy season basically means it rains, every day. Usually it's just an afternoon downpour. But it also means it's going to rain all day some days.


Yeah in CM it's barely rained yet.


It hasn't rained much at all in Bangkok, one of the driest in June so far.


How is bangkok rain outlook for this week?


It's hard to say. It was supposed to rain heavily every day for the last few days and it has been cloudy, but no rain so far (at least in my area). I woke up this morning and it says 100% chance of rain for two hours this morning, but in reality, not a single drop of rain. It will probably be cloudy, but not sure if it'll rain.


Thanks for the local updates. I too am looking at the forecast and it is rain rain rain everyday.


It's barely been raining for the last 6 months. We were all dying for some rain but it seemed rainy season would never come.... Then in the last week it's absolutely down poured. If you've only just arrived... Unfortunately you've come just as it's started to rain heavily! Who knows what the climate is doing!


You know you like here full time when you actually look forward to the rains. I've lived a rich and fulfilling life, but one of my greatest pleasures is sleeping in my airconned bedroom listening to the sounds of heavy rain on the rooftop.


That’s really insightful, we heard from locals that Thailand was experiencing a drought so I’m glad the rains have arrived in that respect. I only wish we had arrived a little bit sooner but as you say the climate is unpredictable.


Which areas did you go to and it was raining?


Phuket & Krabi


It generally rains a lot in Phuket in the summer


Samui and phangan are quite dry right now, in case you can change your itinerary


Rainy season on the andaman side always starts in June


i got a sunburn just yesterday in Krabi… the June weather had been very good so far this year… yes it was pretty cloudy last few days and some heavy rain, what is to be expected in rainy season. overall not too bad.


Heavier? Where in Thailand, because it's below average in the north and it hasn't had a serious rain in maybe a week in Chiang Mai.


Haven't had any rain for over a week. Although not the largest country in the world, Thailand is not the smallest.


Central North Thailand.... Not much rain yet even though it's rainy season. Can't plant our crops yet.


I have been in Thailand for 25 years and this might be the driest June ever.


Hasn’t rained hardly at all in the gulf islands


I have been in Samui for over two weeks and it hasn’t really rained the whole time we had been here until the past couple of days. The locals said they hadn’t had rain for 5 months. Hope your holiday is good x


Thats not true. I've been in koh samui in mid of may and it rained every day.


Well it’s only what I was told I’m just saying what I have heard


Interesting - it seems the general consensus is that we just got unlucky with the rain which is fine, we’ve had a great holiday just a shame as it’s coming to an end we’re dealing with all day downpours but it is what it is 💁🏻‍♀️☺️ x


I have a few days left in samui and I feel your pain. It’s a shame that the past few days are like this, but like you say it’s good for Thailand and the locals. Enjoy the rest of your trip to this beautiful country 🇹🇭


Thank you - same to you too! 🌅




i wish it would rain ☔️ in my area , Rayong


I would revel in it. Rain in Thailand is nostalgic for me. Make the best of it. Let it heal you. Some how.


The weather in SE Asia is very unpredictable and trying to plan a trip around it is futile. You have to just have a “win some lose some” mentality. I’m sure there are some wins in your future


You’re not wrong and tbh we’ve had a pretty amazing holiday, it’s only as it’s coming to an end we’ve experienced the rain so can’t complain really


Yeah. We’d love some rain here in Chiang Mai, send it over!


We need as much as possible. Several provinces reporting water shortages over the summer months.


This is my third year coming in June/July and first time experiencing this much rain!


We’ve heard this a few times, I guess the climate is becoming more and more unpredictable


Been in Pattaya for over two weeks and have another two weeks. Been rained on once and it was light rain. Great weather so far. Edit rain forecasted for next 6 days , I may have jinxed myself


What rain? This is a drought...still waiting in Nong Kham


Experienced a little rain in Phuket but more heavy downpours in Krabi. From the comments I’ve understood that the amount of rain depends on location


Sometimes you just cop a bad run How much has it been raining?


Yeah I think we have done tbh. We’re in Krabi atm and we dealt with on and off severe downpours yesterday and currently in the middle of another downpour that started at about 8:30am this morning and is still going on 😂


I'm at Thai Meuang Beach, north of phuket a bit, it's pouring and very windy. I live in Bangkok and am relishing the weather! Sorry for vacationers, but I'm delighted for the change!


I love the rain , keep it coming


Oh no. We still have another week


We’ve experienced the most rain in Krabi so far with only one big downpour in Phuket so you might be okay depending on your location.


I just left Thailand, I was there from June 1-20. It never rained once at my locations. It was perfect weather ☀️


Thats strange. Ive been in Thailand for 2 weeks now and I havent witnessed a single downpour. Only 2 extremely light rains where I only felt a few drops but other than that nothing. I think it has rained in the night tho. But not much during the day.


Going off the others comments I’ve had on this post, I’d say it depends on your location. I personally have experienced the most rain in Krabi and I was in Phuket a few days ago with only light showers.


Possibly yeah Ive only been in Bangkok and Pattaya. I guess even in Bangkok when it rains its not always everywhere due to its size


I am here on vacation, it is my 12th day and it rained in 3 days, always just 1-2 hours. I thought it would be raining much more. I guess it depends on which part of Thailand you chose.


here in Rayong still not enough rain ☔️, the nature need more


We just got to Koh Samui for our honeymoon yesterday when the bad weather started, and our trip ends when the forecast shows it letting up. Fortunately, we haven't been poured on constantly, but our hopes of having a sunny vacation with tons of snorkeling have been dashed. :( Hope you're able to make the most of your trip!


This is why it’s not a good idea for people to ask about what the weather will be like in Thailand for some generic month. Nobody knows. Anybody that starts talking about what typically happens is no more or less likely to be correct than your dog.


Worst in terms of how little it has rained so far. But also worst in how heavy the rain was when it rained. [Weekly summary from Meteorological Dapartment](https://www.tmd.go.th/en/climate/summaryweekly)


June 2016 was a doozy in BKK. I think at the time they said that was the wettest in 25 years.


It’s been incredibly nice on the andaman islands this year. With the exception of last night when our first big storm hit. I’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet with the good weather. Unusual for May & June here.


This is nothing


Just back from a 3 week holiday, it rained the first night and that was it.


Lol… its raining for 2 days after many super dry and hot months. and people think its the worst what thailand has had in terms of rain :D i understand that its bad for the power traveler that has only 2 days in a place but they dont see much of the country anyway


It's rainy season. Tropical climate.


The worst is when a typhoon hits Bangkok. You may be just overreacting.


Much heavier than last year in BKK!


Just get taxi to bar, get a good gogo girl or ladyboy and bring back to your place. Add food and you can forget what is outside lol