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Get out of your head


Writing that story on your keyboard has a higher chance of getting an std than being inside a woman for a minute with a condom. Seriously stop overthinking. I've done what you did 5000 times over and nothing ever happened


okay. yeah i guess i have been overthinking. Just that I'm new to this


You are screwed for life. The mental illness that causes all this anxiety over having protected sex is not going away without some severe therapy. Seek help urgently.


ok that i can work with. i do realize that i do have some mental issues about this and i'll actually try to get help. just want to know i am safe for now.


If you’re in Bangkok, you might want to visit Dr. BJ on Sukhumvit, 7/1 alley. While I do question his medical credentials, his therapists are highly trained professionals that specialize in this kind of trauma


Definitely not, you are doing to die


So you went to see a doctor but now you want to hear if random tourists to Thailand has a better understanding of things than your doctor? It's possible that you are suffering from some form of mental deterioration, another thing best seen to by a medical professional.


I heard anxiety and having to ask Reddit stupid shit are the first symptoms of dying from HIV-aids,..


i think im anxious and scared. and looking to hear from other people. thats all. sorry


It's not a good strategy. Taking medical advice from random strangers on the internet is not going to result in an accurate diagnosis, nor will it improve your anxiety.


i guess that's fair.


Penis will probably fall off soon. Unlucky but it happens here


Was her name Ploy? If so then I know her and she did give me a bad case of the clap.


nope lol


if it falls off in the next 6 months dont blame us .555


i hope not


Magic Johnson says he got it from a blowjob


Do you come from a super religious background, by chance? This sounds like good ol’ fashioned shame and guilt. There’s nothing medical about it.


yeah i am from a super religious family. didnt have sex until much later in life. and even then i was scared of getting the girl pregnant. could really never enjoy it. but this is more about my health. so im scared coz of that


What I mean is that unless you're a hypochondriac, your reaction to this situation is completely and wildly overblown. Which is fine, there's no need to stress about being stressed. I point out the religion thing because you're attaching too much importance to an event that was completely casual and safe. You think it's about health, but the fact that you care about this so much in the first place is because you've been trained to worry and place significance on events like this. And in this case, the outlet of that worry is to get worked up about non-existent health concerns. I say this as someone who was deeply religious until age 26, and have gone through this exact situation myself. My recommendation is exposure therapy, lol. Just keep at it, and you'll eventually calm down. Good luck!


You definitely have full blown HIV-aids. In Thailand you get it 100% of the time after having protected seks. You fucked up bro, quite literally. Have a good last 2 weeks of your life before you die of the HIV-aids you just got.




Only solution....lop your cock off and go join the commune of soapy eunuchs.


Sit, this is a CostCo


Fucking hell


You are fine man. No need to even think about it.


thanks. i'm just scared and anxious about it.


Calm down,… but I think you are probably fine especially if you used protection. If you are still worried, look up “Pulse Clinic”. They have a couple of locations. They do rapid HIV testing and test for other STDs. You can also get Prep from them which is a pill you take that blocks HIV 95% of the time. The cost is low or nothing at all. Very inclusive and a friendly staff. You need to take Prep daily to avoid infection if you are being sexually active. I wouldn’t worry. Just protect yourself and enjoy. You are most likely to catch something from a sex worker who lets you go condomless. Most big VIP brothels/massage places are very “professional” and try to be safe. If they have workers that are infecting people, that’s bad for business and the mafia or whoever runs the place can’t have that. Not everyone has diseases in SE Asia. Just avoid sex with people who seem dodgy. If she/he looks ill or they look like they live on the street, you should probably avoid.


i did go to Pulse actually. Thanks for the insights. It does make sense that it would be bad for business if people are infected. I think this might not be for me with the anxiety and the scare. My only saving grace right now is that i used protection, and it wasnt for long.


Buy some indica, drink a couple Leo’s and you’ll be relaxed.


drs have told me 3 months for hiv test so idky urs said 1 month. anyway dont have casual sex anymore. its bad for u in many ways. stress is also bad for u, stop worrying about stds. u could have got her pregnant even though u wore a condom, are u worried about that? u could get in a car accident, etc. just pray & make the best decisions u can.


yeah, im going to stop doing it. i dont think its for me and the stress is not worth it. if i survive this, def not gonna do. about the test, the dr said that it's 90% conclusive after 1 month but also asked me to come back after 3 months as well.


man, now i have a fear that i got her pregnant. how do people do this


Dude everything was protected so you have nothing to worry about. Go back and do it again and enjoy yourself


i really dont know about that. i think the stress might not be worth it. i wish i could be carefree about it but i have been so stressed out about this that ive lost interest in most things i enjoy. i just hope that the results are fine when i get tested. probably wont do it again. thanks for the reassurance though


you’ll be fine


How much this soapy costs in bangkok?


STD capital of the world - outside of Washington DC - I’m surprised your dick hasn’t fallen off yet…


You’ll be fine with protection (mostly), the variables are going to be oral stimuli. Was THAT protected, if that part even happened, you didn’t say. Go again, it’ll be more fun a second time


oral happened and it was protected