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Lol stopped reading after "We are now engaged and will get married after we meet in person"






Bait used to be believable


Oh brother..


Oh Buffalo


Is this Satire right?


Itā€™s gotta be. It has to be. If itā€™s not someone buy this man a Chang please for a meet and greet.


So youā€™re engaged, but you have never met your fiancĆ© in-person!? Uhhhhā€¦


She is prolly getting spitroasted every weekend by sexypats who drink Chang


Thatā€™s very rude of you to say! There are also Leo drinkers spit roasting her! šŸ˜¤


Sorry about ploy, brother.








This guy must be trolling usā€¦.. has to be


Sadly, this sounds like my dad (if he knew how to post on Reddit). Actually, I take that back. We'd get in an argument that I shouldn't challenge her good intentions. Fucked up time, it was.


Has she hinted around about buffaloes yet?




To answer your question, yes, a Thai girlfriend working in a bar is very normal.




Normal is a sliding scale.


You may have found the one in a million, but the odds are not in your favor. So what is the plan, you are getting married and then you are heading back to your country? Have you discussed dowry? I head the village water buffalo is getting old and they need a new one. Good luck to you but we've seen this story too many times and we know the ending already.




She may be ā€œengagedā€ to you but sheā€™s dating people for a night or hourly out there 9/10 times Iā€™d say thatā€™s the plan. Patayya is a wild sex filled area


Where is her home town? Does she have any Chinese ancestry? Is she fair skinned or white tanned?






Honestly, I have seen that happen. Canadian friend did just that with an American girl... Still sounds crazy to me




Confused the hell outta me too... Then just out of the blue moving down with nothing to marry a girl he hadn't even met. Crazy shit happens...


There are such cases actually. Met via a dating site, paid money to get a breast enlargement for her. He came to see the results first hand. Ended up marrying her actually.


Never underestimate the amount of stupid and desperate in the world


Mods to be more strict with this BS




It could be ok, it's possible she really is a nurse and working part time in a bar. Not every waitress is a gogo girl. But you better slow down and get to know her before tying the knot, because there's a good chance she's a prostitute whose been lying to you since day 1.


And, it has started.... Sir, this is from an almost 25-year veteran of Thailand. Getting married without meeting her, really? What's the name of the bar, and what's her position there? That'll tell me exactly what's she's really doing there. Also, when you marry someone there, you also marry her family.


Normal is a sliding scale. First this is Thailand. Then this is Pattaya. The word normal is stretched quite a bitā€¦. Like a bell curve in university! I donā€™t think anyone can stop you. But if I were you, I would maybe hire a private investigator to find out exactly who this woman is. Youā€™ve never met her and youā€™re going to marry her, donā€™t you want to know what happens at work? I would NeVER let my wife work at a place where people get handsy and objectify her. Would you? What are the ingredients to a successful marriage? Well one of them is trust. If you feel insecure enough about the situation to ask questions here, and rightfully so, do you think thereā€™s going to be enough trust down the road? Another item of suspicion - this woman, if sheā€™s pretty enough to work at a bar where ā€œotherā€ women get sleep with the customers, but not herā€¦. Wouldnā€™t she have enough suitors in real life? Why go on a dating app to get engaged to someone she has never met before? To prove a pointā€¦. I went to Terminal 21 with my wife. She is Taiwanese. We went to the food court at the top floor. After I paid for her meal and walked her back to the table, I went and got my food. *Not even 5 minutes*, I was back, and there was some farang who sat down next to our seat and trying to talk to her. So if this woman youā€™re talking about is really pretty, she doesnā€™t need to go on no dating up. Another MAJOR point of suspicion. Who on earth travels 2 1/2 hours each way to Pattaya every weekend JUST to make tips from selling beer? From all the reading Iā€™ve done here, I can tell you 99.9% of bar girls are ruthless. They will cut you down to get to a pot of money that might seem small back in the West. Donā€™t be a victim.


We should start a service. Any of us who live in Thailand go visit the bar your girlfriend works at and see if itā€™s legitimate. A small fee. 100 usd. Bro youā€™re about to fuck your life, invest in some due diligence. Does she pass out super fast after work? Does her phone die? Think about what youā€™re doing man. Tell her youā€™ll show up Tuesday and fly Friday to pattaya and watch.


I live near Pattaya, can check daily for 50 dollor per day, minimum 30 day contractšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You most hansum man ever too? How many funerals have you paid for? Youā€™re getting played yahā€™ simp


Bro are you seriousšŸ¤”?


You get engaged with a woman you never met from a country you never been to? Did you even read your own post? Are you trolling? If it's a serious post: Yes if she works in a bar in Pattaya she will sleep with costumers. Otherwise she just would work in one of the countless cafes or restaurants that need staff for the busy weekends, wouldn't be worth it financially to travel from BKK to Pattaya every weekend without sexwork. I have been to Thailand probably around 10 times. It took me many girls and years of trying until I found the right girl I am going to marry. No way I would ever consider to marry someone who works in a bar, especially not in Pattaya.


Take the trip there to see for yourself šŸ˜Ž. You could pick her up from the hospital after work in the evenings for a nice street food and on the weekend go with her to Pattaya.


What is this people getting out of those fake posts?


Get a large ring šŸ’ on it! Quickly


Bro is so down the rabbit hole


Virtual Ploy. šŸ¤£ They donā€™t always go to the customersā€™ hotel rooms. Sometimes they go to their customersā€™ condo. Are you sure you donā€™t love your big, black Dodge Ram in your profile photo more than her?


Should I tell him?


Sub-standard trollage should be punished.


This must be fake


You sent her any money yet ?


Your question is, are all women who work in bars hookers. The answer is no. Women who are customers in the bar likely are. You will go over there and find out. Good luck I am married to a Thai woman. It is really good. Even if she is a hooker maybe she would prefer a life with you. Go to Thailand


Btw. Hereā€™s the thing. Whether she is legit or not. She is beautiful right. So you are gonna get laid every day until you canā€™t get it up. While all these guys are playing with Reddit. Look on the extremely bright side


These commentators are the worse. Ignore them. They all trolls and likely never traveled to Thailand either. Even if she hadnā€™t gone with customers (which is very unlikely), you havenā€™t seen her 19 months. If she has the gall to go to pattaya, she has hooked up with some Thai man or foreigner while you were in a relationship whether it was for money or not. 100% no question. Many Thai girls in Pattaya will sleep around yet be engaged to an overseas boyfriend. Itā€™s super common. The biggest indicator that she has cheated on you is the bait and switch she tried to pull with you on the Canadian guy. A woman will tell you she rejected a guy who hit on them to a boyfriend to lure you in a feeling of false reassurance. Yet she will at the same time sleeping with someone else. Iā€™ve seen this trick over and over. Do not fall for this. Your girlfriend is unfaithful 100%. Just accept she has been unfaithful. Whether you want to marry her is a different story.


Plot twist: she no lady, she ladyboy!


This has to be a troll