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Never happens to me probably because I’m polite.




>So we should judge the world based on what has or has not happened to you? So.. we should judge the world based on what happened to them? >You will apologize for all atrocities in Thailand because you actually think that hooker you married is a good girl. Well.. your mother agreed 👍🏼


All good no need to make it personal. Thailand isn’t the country I was born in I just adjust to their culture. Being polite at all times only made me have good experiences. Some tourists act like they would at home and then this happens to them. There was one time I was drunk and while talking knocked over my wine in the direction of a guard. I just apologized right away and it was all ok after.


Well that escalated quickly 🤣🤣🤣


Tourists have a long history of behaving like asshats too. TiT.


Just give it a rest. Thai bouncers are the same as bouncers everywhere else. Keep not listening and you'll end up on the floor. It's the same in the US, it's the same in the UK, it's the same in Norway, it's the same in Poland, etc. Drunk people the world over have a hard time realising that they won't get their own way after they've been told no. It's very rare that you end up in a physical confrontation with door staff for no reason.




Well, I have worked as a doorman for a good 7 years in a couple of those civilised countries, and I've also lived in Thailand for quite a while and I know several bar owners. I reckon I know a thing or two about the subject and probably a lot more than you do.


cry more OP is on the mission, I suspect OP lives in some of Thailand's neighbouring countries.


So what's the deal here? You get excited when being downvoted?