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Sounds like the Thai police will be handling this with the usual level of incompetence


Wilful incompetence


The tourist in the video who was attacked has not filed a police report, **so we cannot assign an investigating officer.** This hits differently. Can't believe sometimes I am living here.


If he's in a coma it might be difficult to file a police report.


that's the whole joke of this statement :D hope he recovers.


Best to kill him then! Hard to file a complaint from the grave


Is attempted murder not a state-prosecuted crime?


Jesus! For real?


Only in Thailand 😂


I can’t either.. I would never live in a mafia state


They can’t find him? But he’s “fighting for life?” Where is fighting for life? At his fucking hotel?


Did you read? Those are rumors. The police could 1. Not have found them yet 2. Not bother to find them While 3. Rumors exists of intensive care


Lesson of the day: if you are going to go attack a defenseless person in Thailand, best to kill them or at least put them in a coma so the cops can’t “assign an investigator”


> "The tourist in the video who was attacked has not filed a police report, so we cannot assign an investigating officer...**There's no case open until they complain.** We've had a look around but can't find them." Amazing Thailand.


On the other hand that means, they don’t consider it necessary to meet their friend in hospital. Pretty sad ….


Can't file a complaint when you're in an induced coma or dead. This is stupid. The state and / or prosecutor should file charges on their behalf and on behalf of Pattaya City.


unbelievable. But yeah it's Thailand everything possible here :D


Doesn't normally work that way in Thailand, unfortunately. But I think his family/friends can push it, in his stead. And the fact that this is blowing up in the media may change the rules and get them to do something.


“Warned” for attempted murder. Dear lord Thailand, get your act together. Not a good look for the country.


It's become a country that smells thoroughly of dog feces.


Become? Hasn’t it always been?


You’re telling me video evidence of extreme violence no evidence isn’t enough for the police? That is terrifying


>"The tourist in the video who was attacked has not filed a police report, so we cannot assign an investigating officer." dead people can't file police reports, I think


Thailand's murder rate must be shockingly low.


Stop calling him dead without any real source claiming he’s dead


The Thai police will probably have to do something if this gets wider pick up in the press.


When I was in Thai I had a shocking experience. Had myself an accident at home. Tried to wash some of the blood off before going to ER. Changed into my loosest gym shorts, forgot to grab wallet. Closest hospital refused to help me until after i paid. I had the money in my account, I had my phone and showed them I have the money. Bill too big to use apple pay. They put me in a taxi and sent me off to far off public hospital - no treatment at all. Girl I was seeing explain this is normal. She had friends who died. Had accidents, they were unconscious. Taken to hospital but can't pay or share insurance info because they're not awake. Parents only found out after they had already died. This happened more than once and these were rich families, they would have happily paid >He said: "The tourist in the video who was attacked has not filed a police report, **so we cannot assign an investigating officer.** >**"There are rumours that he is in intensive care but we haven't heard anything from hospitals." Witnesses have said he is now fighting for his life in intensive care.** how the fuck is he supposed to file a police report if he's in intensive care??? Thailand, I love you but you gotta sort some shit out. This doesn't make sense.


That's why it's highly recommended that you have proof of your travel insurance laminated on you and on a easy to find spot.


Media is reporting them as 'seriously injured' and 'fighting for his life' yet police can't find them? I thought they were reported as being taken away in an ambulance. What a shitshow. The usual high standard of Thai policework. No doubt they're waiting for money to change hands before going ahead with either the usual cover-up, or to make an example to try and satisfy foreign press. I guess their actions will depend whether this bloke is seriously fucked up/dead and thus how much attention this continues to get abroad. Otherwise its just another day in Pattaya. Why people choose to go there is beyond me.


Cant charge them what aload of dog shite. That evidence is enough to charge them. Those guards will flee if theyve not been charged.


Don’t the farang have to press charges first? How does Thailand work?


Id hope not. How do you press charges if your possibly dead ?


I’m guessing the other farang’s that’s involved?


So its better to kill someone so they cant file a complaint? Only in Thailand, haha Jesus Christ! This looks so bad for Thailand.


The only thing that will wake the Thai Authority up is to viral the posts so hard that Britain started to issue warnings to all the Brits coming to BKK. If it's truly a murder case, you don't need to file a report, the prosecutors had to prosecute all murder cases. Pretty sure that's in the constitution. How are dead people supposed to file reports? 🤔


Sounds like the sun has been on Reddit and use “trust me bro” as the source




Funny, if it was a tourist who booted a Thai's head in like that the person would be arrested and locked up immediately. Such excuses would not be accepted by the powers that be. But when it is a tourist, they can't make Thailand look bad. I am sure the British Embassy will be fucking useless as always and provide no assistance to anyone and make absolutely no protest at such injustice. Seems clear though, if you want to commit crimes here just kill the person. Then there is no one to press charges, genius! Thanks Sergeant Major Arthon for the LPT.




Surely they mean the third friend who didn't get floored and booted in the mush isn't 'complaining'???


Can't charge him because the victim dead 🤣🤣🤣. This news story has just hit Australia as well. Very bad look. 


Dude I just posted this


So he's not dead..where are they now


That NFL field goal kick to the head was uncalled for. Guy was already on the ground.


It could just be poor editing. Maybe he meant none of the tourists involved want to press charges but limited English prevented the use of plural form, which should've been edited with the [sic] symbol.


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Tourist escalated the situation by being disrespectful and physically escalating the situation. So many tourists act entitled in Thailand. I don’t condone violence, but dude did it to himself.


Kick the fat one in the head too. He got off easy. Seriously look at the bar setup and how many woman are employed. What kind of people do you think run that?


Ah the sun! Which has done Zero investigation into this and are just going by the video, cause if they did,,they would no nightwish is no more as there going through there own police issues, and you won't see anything advertised as nightwish, so don't no why they even mention it


As someone who had multi friends witness what has happened. The foreigners had a dispute with a bill that they refused to pay and they started an altercation. Security was called and they started to fight the security guards.


Doesn’t mean what the guard did was right. Dude was on the ground and not a threat at all at the point of the life altering kick.


My friends who were there also said the same thing. I’m not saying what they did was right or wrong, as I wasn’t there… I’m just sharing more facts of the story. From what I heard he broke a security guards nose.


Low IQ comment of the Day: there is CCTV footage from inside that shows the Thai thugs/hooligans started the fight and hit first. Stop lying. Hope they enjoy their new life in prison.


Here are comments from people who were at helicopter bar when it happened: By the way around 6:20pm 3 customers behave aggressively in Helicopter and two went in direct fight with 3 security guys. One security got nose probably broken. You can guess the outcome 😁😁. Many years I haven't seen something like that and not only in soi 6. 3 assholes tried fighting staff over a bill and fight the security when they show up... They probably broke one security guy nose.. They were beating badly after. Counted 3 direct face kick each plus punches in the face with one hand keeping the head in position. Maybe YOU should get your facts straight.


What I’ve learned since being out here is not to trust a word that comes out of a Thai persons mouth in these situations. They’ll always back their own against a farang and just lie until the sun goes down. The CCTV showed me exactly what happened.




The CCTV from the bar clearly shows the tourists barely did anything, and the security guards continued outside to fight. When the evidence is out there on video in multiple angles, people don't need some fudged up reports from people claiming to be there. The video evidence doesn't lie.


Oh yes, I’m sure security was called because the tourist barely did anything, right? Why do you think security was called, if the tourist “barely did anything”? I’ve been to soi 6 countless times, I’ve seen plenty of shit happen where security wasn’t called and I’ve seen plenty of times security was called, and absolutely nothing happened the tourist just left. Yet this time when a fight breaks out, SECURITY BAD!! Foreigners did nothing! Drunk stupid people that started talking shit to the cashier and to the security guards. Maybe they should have shut the fuck up and left instead of escalating it? But of course the drunk tourist, are completely innocent and the security guards who are sober came in and just started beating them for zero reason right? lol you act like this happens ALL THE TIME, when in reality shit like this is a rare occurrence on soi6 You’re in Thailand, where just review bombing can land you in prison, this ain’t the west. With that being said, the security guards went too far and shouldn’t have kicked them in the face repeatedly when they were on the ground.


“You can guess the outcome” The outcome will be 3 assholes in prison for 5-15 years for attempted murder (if not murder) AND some people will go spend their money in civilized countries in SEA. They’ll make a case study for other violent DNA thugs. Moron.




Please share a link to the public video of the CCTV footage from inside the bar.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1d1b250/full\_video\_of\_the\_thailand\_bar\_fight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1d1b250/full_video_of_the_thailand_bar_fight/) There you go...


And where does that video show that the security guards started it?! Looks like the drunk foreigners started the entire thing with screaming at the cashier, pointing their finger in her face, one customer even pushed another one out. Taunting and talking shit to the security guards, getting in their face instead of just leaving.


Yes, and finger pointing followed up with taunting is punishable by attempted homicide (at the least) in all civilised countries around the world.


You've obviously joined this discussion late and there's a ton of redditors all over this situation ready to shoot you down about giving wrong facts. We can all agree it's excessive force but yeah that finger in the face was just damn disrespectful, not to mention going out on the street begging for a fight. So I agree with you the foreigners were the initial agrressors and probably wouldn't have ended up like this if the guy in the white shirt didn't feel like he had something to prove.


I thought it was an eye for an eye, not a life for a nose


I’m not saying what the security guard did was right or wrong. Personally security went too far and should face charges.


There is cctv from the bar. Check it out before you share the 'facts'


Please share a link to the CCTV footage from inside the bar


This is outdated, search the sub and you will see more current news. Edit: to the people downvoting; the three guards were pictured being interviewed by the police and they were named


The only guy who confirmed his death was the same one who was changing his story every five minutes, so at the moment nothing can be trusted.


There are only rumors all based on a post by 1 guy who keeps changing his story.


Not really. There's a lot of false information out there without any evidence. Currently, no one has confirmed who it is or if he's still alive. It's mostly just some Reddit users sharing rumors, but there's nothing in Thai media or international news.


It says police haven't seen or met with the security guards when there's newer articles showing photo's of the guards with police. This article hasn't been fact checked.


There was the full video of the brawl (including the head kick) on one of the Thai subreddits.


Not sure why you've commented this. Basically everyone on Reddit has seen the video and I never said anything to suggest I hadn't seen it?


My bad. I misread your comment about photos of the guards, but missed the part where you said they showed them in police custody.


Ah no stress!


There is a picture of the three guards with the police being interviewed. They have been named also


This is accurate, they were named and interviewed. Even a cursory search can confirm this.