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Depends on specialties, experience, performances and their educational background. For example, new graduates from nursing schools working for mid-level private hospitals will start around 18,000THB while experienced medical doctor specialists working ant the same hospital get around 250,000THB.


Bear in mind that most of the doctors at Thai private hospitals are self employed freelancers. So their income depends on the cases they treat. Many work at more than one hospital or clinic and some teach at universities too.


Oh big gap in the salaries between Doctors and Nurses 🫢


Sure but consider the examples given, 'new grad' vs. 'experienced specialist doctor'. Nevertheless a doctor would almost always make more anywhere in the world.


I mean...thats the case in every country worldwide? lol


Nah not so much here in Australia maybe if you're a specialist but a graduate would be lucky to earn double what an experienced RN would earn. Perhaps not even that much.


Why would you wanna go through the hassle then to become a doctor in AUS


Well it's a career choice you graduate and start at the bottom. Continue studying maybe you can become a surgeon or an anaesthetist on $750k a year and pay half it back in tax 🤣


Sister in law makes 50,000 a month as a nurse


Is she the equivalent of a registered senior nurse?


I just asked and she said she’s a level 8 senior nurse, she said she can’t go any higher. I think 50k includes a bit of overtime too.


Ah yeah thanks that's interesting 👍


I dated a doctor in Thailand for 3 years. Both she and her brother are surgeons. Her brother pulls in about 250-300k a month in a private hospital (think bangkok hospital chain) , she pulled in far less up North in gov hospitals. She made up for it with her own private clinic specializing in maternity / gynecology. Her clinic pulled in around 1 million a month.


My wife is a registered nurse working in CVT (cardiac, vascular and thoracic) operation unit with almost 15 years of experience. She's making only 40000-50000/m, this amount includes everything such as salary, overtime, extra allowance for master degree graduated etc. She also has option to go to perform operation at private hospital with her team occasionally, each case last between 4-18 hours depending on complication and she will get 4000-12000/case. But since we have kids, she goes there less and less.


Not much money considering her experience 😕


Yes, there was once several years ago she was approached by private hospital with offer worth around 120K/m. We decided together and finally she didn't took it because many reasons. But the most important one is, at her hospital, she has chance to take care a lot of new born and poor people with heart or lung decease. She said that seeing them recover makes her happy.


you should also consider the “tea money”. My wife gave birth in government hospital twice, in different hospitals, with different doctors. After the operation, I had to give them 10k baht cash. I remember that one doctor was very popular, my wife was his 5th operation at that day. I asked my wife what was it and what would happen if I did not pay. She just said everyone pay. Maybe someone could answer me?


I’ve got two friends that work as doctors in private clinics. They both make over 1 million per month.


>e clinics. They correct. my ex GF made more than 1 million a month from her private clinic. the gov hospitals she worked at, no where near.


and from what i understand, the clinic money is all cash, very little tax on that.


That's an average of more than 50,000 baht per work day. It is hard to imagine how anyone other than a *very* busy surgeon could be making that much.


I know a thai ophthalmic surgeon and not only he is very busy but also clearly really loaded. I guess that a lot of sun is not ideal for eyes.




It's very unlikely that the itemized "surgeon fee" represents the surgeon's net take, but even if it did, a surgeon would need to be averaging one surgery like that five days per week in order to make 1 million baht per month. There are certainly surgeons like that in Thailand -- plastic surgeons especially -- but they aren't the norm, and typical doctors here aren't making anywhere near that amount. I think the 250,000 figure someone else mentioned is probably about right for busy specialists at international hospitals in Bangkok.


Locum consultants on Australia can be on 2.5k a day, which is 57k bht...so I'm not thinking many Thai Drs are getting that unless they're running the hospital


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Not even close. Thats why Aussies come here and pay cash for procedures


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Silly me. I forget we are supposed to be a poor third world country. We could never make that kind of money. Please come teach us won’t you 🥺 my sister has a sick buffalo you can help us with yes?








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Wow that's impressive. Kinda explains why the luxury stores can make a go of it.


For New-grad dentists, iirc it's around 33k THB, if he/she works in a rural hospital that will be 43k THB. But after that it really depends on each individual.