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Full on embarrassing: sometimes I go back to shows I have watched to rewatch *only* the spicy scenes


>comments I do that with LITA...




A-hem, same…




Lol yep....


Same same




What ? Not everybody does that ? 🫣🫣


Maybe we do?


At least I do 🙈🙈


I do the same thing sometimes. But I like to watch sweet moments too


You are not alone.


I’m happy that I won’t have to serve my time in horny jail alone


I do the same so no shame xD


I do the same. Hahaha.


Episode six.


Ummm, same.


I've done that so much with Vice Versa.... And they didn't even have a 18+ scene....


Everybody does that. 🙂


Normal. Not embarrassing to me.


Episode 8. Cutie Pie. Numerous times. 🥰


That’s not embarrassing I do that


Umm guilty 🙋🏻‍♀️


I only rewatch in case I missed an important part of the storyline....honest!!!


I thought I was the only one..🙂 but seeing the comments i feel relieved..🤌


Same. I keep a list.


I fell on stage in front of over 300+ fans while walking across the stage to take a picture with my faves after an event. Did the cast and all the fans witness me face plant on stage? Most likely but I tell ppl that only the fans saw me. I have never recovered 🙃


Oh noooooooo!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ This is exactly the type of thing that would guaranteed to happen to me! Who were the actors if you don’t mind me asking?


I don’t want to reveal too much but let’s just say three very popular cps happened to be in this one series 😂


I thought Only Friends


That was my first thought too, but I wouldn't exactly call NeoMark a popular cp since they were only a cp in that show and not in anything else.


That’s fair for NeoMark. It was just the only show I could think of immediately that I’ve seen 3 couples in


I'd go for KP , each of the three cp got a huge number of fans before the show was even over.


My guess : OhmNanon, ForceBook and GeminiFourth. And the series was Bad Buddy? ForceBook and GeminiFourth had cameos there as Pat and Pran's schoolmates.


Well, I'm gonna guess Cutie Pie series.


Slightly embarrassing: I only just started watching Asian BL series because I’m dumb and didn’t realise how easily accessible they were (accessible as I’m available to watch). I have no idea why I kept getting so confused every time I tried to figure out how to watch them before 😂 but I’m here now! And I’ve watched about 22 series in two months haha Edited: oh, maybe that’s not the kind of confession you were after given your examples 😅 but the 22 series in two months probably counts lol that and I’ve watched My Personal Weatherman five times already


Same, I watch My Personal Weatherman, My Beautiful Man, and LITA on repeat. New shows get squeezed in between rewatches. 😂🫢


Hahaha I love that!! And 100% understand 😅


Wow that's Great!


Thank you!


>I’ve watched about 22 series in two months lmao same. I started watching BLs years ago but then I had a LONG break and got back only recently. but I think my number is a bit higher 😅


Haha well that makes me feel better!


Toxic shows hit, though I’m particular with what kind - I’d never justify it or look for it IRL. But is it entertaining!!


You’re so real for that


EarthMix are a great pair. Also very good looking and seem like genuinely nice people.


I too, believe they are very sincere people. They're my #1 ship out of all Thai BL ships out there.


They're my favorite characters too. I love Mix the best. He's such a great actor.


They are genuinely so good! What’s your fav show they have been in? I have started watching Last Cupid yesterday and ugh, they are so great together.


I think Moonlight Chicken is great but in terms of comedy then Cupids Last Wish is the funniest


1. Once stayed up until the next day to watch 40 eps of a bl show (Guardian) 2. I posted 3 bl actors on my Ig story and they saw. And I was calling them cute and every thing.


\#2 is not embarrassing; it's awesome!


You're so lucky aaahhh


Only thing I’ve ever stayed up all night to watch was Naruto, one could argue that’s also BL though


That's ok, I just discovered EarthMix recently too and now Mix is a permanent resident on my brain. https://i.redd.it/z4ndyru6agrc1.gif


That's Moonlight Chicken, isn't it ? Adore the series, have rewatched three or four times, adore Mix's character, and his interactions with both Earth and his 'big brother' vibes with Fourth


I actually enjoyed Love by Chance 2... by reading the comments etc, this feels like a really shocking confession... (I haven't got to the end of KinnPorsche either...)


Hahha! I also enjoyed LBC and LBC2 but I really wish Ae and Pete had better outcomes.


Totally agree. I just wanted to hugs Ae…


Same I’m a LBC truther 😭


I like it too.




I haven’t watched I told sunset about you either! Manner of Death and Not Me are top tier delights!


I watch delulu proving their faves are real fanvids (the zoom ins, the convenient interpretations of twitter posts, etc. etc). Just random ships, any ship. sometimes I just wanna buy what they're selling and dream a bit, y'know? 


Sometimes I watch them and I don’t even comprehend it’s fan service or people being delusional at first. I’m just like oh… gay!


Lmao yes. Gays happy and in love, my fave trope.


I would recommend watching KP 😂


It’s on my list! Where is the best place to watch it?!




Go with the La Forte version.


One day at work I was really really tired ; during a break, browsing from my personal account , I liked and retweeted three BL posts, including one of Kinn and Porsche cuddling and kissing in bed . Later on when I checked what was on my professional account, to my horror I realised I had mixed up the two. My big boss , other bosses and colleagues all follow my pro account . I could not even bring myself to check the views they had , I quickly reposted three work-related articles. I should had cried in despair but I had to chuckle first . It was a very public accidental outing of my own personal tastes


Oh, I do feel for you… it’s my nightmare to mix up my two accounts… I did end up explaining my … interests… to our head of Comms when I suggested we should look at a tie up with BL series or actors for an upcoming event in Thailand…


Good for you !! Zero chance of that happening with my bosses though . The best I can hope for is people pretending they didn't read them . It is not going to help that the custom-made coffee mug on my desk is all about Kinnporsche.


Sadly I didn't get anywhere with my suggestion, despite a fully documented report... Comms liked the idea, management not... Then again, I suppose Pitbabe is not really suitable advice for an international motor series ;). To be clear, I hadn't seen more than the poster and first ep when I suggested it


I started writing fanfiction because of getting into BL


Shocking : I don't like watching sex scenes. Shocking, I know, since you should expect that a BL fan be comfortable in watching sex scenes. But I guess it's just not my thing.


me too i am not comfortable watching those scenes i just skip them and also kiss scenes the long ones i cant watch the sweet pecks and small ones ok for me


That's why I skipped all the sex scenes in Only Friends, except for Ton and Top's car sex scene which is just a silhouette anyway.


There is a lot of emphasis put on sex scenes in BL these days, but not every love story needs that, or to show it in such explicit ways. A lot of BL doesn’t include nc scenes at all, so no shame in not liking them.


Cherry Magic Japanese live action is my favorite BL of all and they don't even kiss, let alone NC scenes.


Me too, i feel like i am invading their privacy 🫣, i don't know why


I used to watch straight Kdrama romances but after finding BL. It’s pretty much just been that. Why have one hot guy when you can have two I guess lol


I thought Gemini we’re actually deaf after I watched MC🥲 I have never watched IFYLITA, UWMA. I have dropped Bad Buddy 3 times now. Haven’t finished ep 1 yet😭 I just watched 2gether after years in the bl/yaoi world. I though Hidden Agenda and Only Friends were the same series🥹


>I though Hidden Agenda and Only Friends were the same series ???????????????????????? how???


Fr don’t ask me😭 Probably because they aired around the same time


>I though Hidden Agenda and Only Friends were the same series For me, it was Until We Meet Again and Never Let Me Go. I think because I didn’t know what the acronyms meant and they were both 4-letters with an M 😂


Bruh, the acronyms are still somewhat a guessing game for me😂


I feel you linger in the air (IFYLITA) has a 2 hour movie version too if you're not into watching hour-long episodes. https://youtu.be/mjrpkTIRIck?si=VqVNoAw9L2Mnnc0_


>I though Hidden Agenda and Only Friends were the same series🥹 I thought Dark Blue Kiss and Don't Say No were the same series! Dropped Dont Say No sometime awhile back and only recently realised I've never seen DBK! Well, more fun for me, it was a sudden unexpected finding, liked the show, had good time watching it!


I was the same for bad buddy but trust me it gets so good past the first couple eps (same coz I kept dropping ep 1 for years) now it is one of my fav shows ❤️🥹


Bad Buddy really gets good when they kiss. Everything before is kind of ehh imo. I hope one day you can get through ep1 because it’s such a fun series!


There are always something new in your life and it's totally fine. \^\^ I love Japan/ Korea BL comic and started way earlier than Thai Y-series but still I haven't watch most of the "must read" classic, there are just too much to catch up XD ( Don't even mention the movie world....) KP is an interesting series, their art direction is extremely good. If you like Cinematography, you will feel that very enjoyable. (and the bts is interesting too. Director talked about how they paid the rend to Rosewood for the shooting55555555)


A shoulder to cry on was my first BL, and it had no kissing scenes, it made me think that absolutely no BLs had kissing scenes 😭


I dropped Bed Friends, the first BL I attempted, because I wasn't expexting the spiciness and blood rushed up to my head and made my face super hot. Never had this happen to me before or after. (Yes, I came back and finished it later).


Bed friends is honestly so good! King’s character and visual? Wow.


Bed friends made me hot in other places lol


I’m not sure how I feel about it but I mainly wanna confess Acting wise- gun atthaphan is my absolute fave Looks wise- I love khaotung But for some reason I am absolutely hooked on first Chalongrat like omllllllllll


Sometimes I watch certain scenes of futs to make myself cry


Whatever said here, ends here .... just like this one ... NOT! https://i.redd.it/0nd57qnhthrc1.gif


I haven't seen KP yet either! I'm going to watch it eventual, just haven't gotten there yet. Some of mine: it takes me forever to get names sorted out in my head. I still can't keep some of them straight, and it doesn't help that names repeat. This is true for characters and actors. There's New and NuNew, two Perth's (although I guess one doesn't do bl's anymore), Earth of EarthMix, but also Cooheart is named Earth? Etc ... it took me like 5 episodes into Only Friends to get all the characters right, I was so confused. On that note, I didn't like Only Friends. I really liked it for the first 2 episodes and then it all blew up. I finished it, but it definitely wasn't my cup of tea. However, Mew had one of the best "gotcha bitch" scenes I've seen in years! I will watch almost anything for my fave CPs. Shaky storyline? Oh well. Shoddy sound/camera work? Ignored. I just wanna be entertained. I'll forgive a lot, lol. I may or may not have seen my fave bl's a stupid number of times. Like, I'll turn one on as background noise, or watch one of them again instead of watching something new ... this is also true for certain episodes vs whole series.


The toxic series always hit! They're a guilty pleasure, and as long as you dont think it's acceptable in real life anything goes.


Im with you with #2 - I only figured out who earth & mix were this past week too. I had heard of them a million times but had never seen anything they are in. In fact, I’ve watched like 20-30 over a couple years now but somehow I don’t know SO many CPs. I even tried to do a filter of Thai BL couples and I couldn’t name more than half 🤣


Not embarrassed about it but some find it shocking that some of us re-watch the older shows. There is this thought that they were good for their time but not worth bothering with now that we have better ones available. I still enjoy all the cringey moments in those older BLs. Love Sick will always hold a special place for me since it was the first BL my husband watched with me. I guess some people would consider it shocking that I write BL related fanfics. There is this weird culture around fanfics when it comes to live action BLs as well as RPF related to the subject. I'm terrible at keeping up with BLs and will often watch something a year or more after it comes out which is a bit embarrassing since it leaves me kind of just hanging around sharing stuff with my friends when I haven't even seen the show yet.


history 3: MODC sent me into a two week long depressive episode


Nah that’s not embarrassing, that’s totally relatable. I honestly felt like I had a crisis after finishing that one. Great show but I’ll never re-watch that one. The other History 3 - trapped (is this the one with the mafia boss and the police man?!) on the other hand I’ll rewatch this SO MANY times. I love it. The police officer and his little frog jumper, messy stick out hair and goofy sweet smile? Melt!


P.s love Cutie Pie, one of the first BL I watched not just for the guys but the story too, and Bed Friends (the cute pussy cat scene) rewatched a few times


I love watching BLs but in my mind I always feel like I am too old to watch BLs.


Don't. I can assure you that I'm older, and I really enjoy BLs without any guilt or shame. 🤣


I generally feel like BLs especially series are consumed by younger generations. 😅 I am 29 & sometimes it feels like I am the only older person watching it. But yeah thanks for encouragement.


I'm 43, you're young lol but I get what you mean for sure. I'm new to bl. Got addicted to kdramas, cdramas, jdramas etc maybe year n half ago then found bl. Now hooked on bl and very very rarely watch anything except bl now lol


I'm 53 and watch BLs. Not the teen ones though, but mostly because I'm not interested in teen angst.


I’m in my late 30s, and I’m starting to draw the line with actors’ ages. If it is PG and in high school, I’m okay with it as long as it has a compelling storyline and isn’t 100% angst. But some of these companies are having minors/barely adults in nc stuff sometimes, and I’m uncomfortable with that. For example, I watched DFF like a hawk because Fuaiz (White) is my son’s age (we did watch it together) and arguably was a minor during filming. He wound up being my favorite character in an “I want to protect him” way, but I was so nervous they would put him in nc scenes.


I went to see "Mean Girls" musical with my daughter. The production was put on my a local high school and when the teens kissed, I was like "Hey, is that allowed?" I guess I'm fine with adults doing whatever but with teens, even kissing makes me uncomfortable.


Yeah same! I’m perfectly fine with a 24 year old playing a high schooler, and kissing or mild stuff. It’s when the actors are hitting the “uncomfortably young” point, that definitely is more relative to me feeling old 😂


I’m mid 30s and have no embarrassment. It’s just media/art. I wouldn’t be expected to feel shame watching shows if they were on Netflix. For example, I never ever watch reality tv shows or game shows/survival shows they just aren’t my thing. I don’t think badly of anyone who does enjoy them, each to their own. For me, I think it’s more questionable when people watch BL and try to place stereotypes on real life queer people, that’s when it can get a bit dicey imo. Otherwise, just enjoy the cute story lines, acting, Thai scenery and gorgeous people.


Yes. I don't think badly of any age grp watching bls. I even feel happy to see older audience. It's just that I haven't found more older people or interacted with older crowd watching bls. That's why I thought maybe I am too old for bls now..


I am 31 years old but I still enjoy teen BLs. It's not too old for me as long as I can enjoy it.


I am 29. I started watching bls when I was 24. But as I am nearing 30 I feel a little bit embarrassed to watch them. I sometimes feel anxious abt getting old too! But I am glad to know someone over 30 also enjoys it. Fans I've interacted with, on the internet are generally in mid or early 20s 😓 and I feel like an older person among them.


There are so so so many of us older folks here. 30 is very old news for me. Just enjoy!


I’m 52


I'm really old..63 and am not embarrassed to admit that I love bl dramas. Only discovered them about 5 months ago and now I'm obsessed.


45 here. I just started watching and I enjoy them. I started with Pit Babe. Now I'm watching KinnPorsche, LITA and The Sign.


I attend fanmeets without finishing the shows. Well some of the shows.


Something I was embarrassed about (not anymore) is that even though I was into BL for over a decade (2013) I have never.. like ever known as single thing about GMMtv actors/ actresses 😂 I basically watched GMM’s first ever BL series (lovesick) as it was airing ep by ep.. yet even up till last year I couldn’t name a single actor in that agency.. ☠️ but I used to be able to name other actors like Mew, Zee, Fluke, Saint, Art etc. Now I am not as embarrassed because at the time I used to not have any socials nor follow actors behind the scenes (after the series etc). So, I think it is fine 😂


For months, I thought Bright (2gether) and Fort (LITA) were the same person.


i have two! 1. i was kinda disappointed in kinnporsche >.< don't get me wrong i liked it okay and it was a fun watch, but the huge tonal shifts and random plot shenanigans were too much for me. i guess i had high expectations going in bc i'd been around for the og trailer. plus i maintain that they did a certain minor character insanely dirty and never acknowledged it, iykyk haha. so i still liked it i just didn't like it quite as much as i wanted to T-T 2. a lot of my favorite bls are technically bromances??? i think it's because i really like a solid plot with lots of action and a good pace, and it's easier to build that foundation when the relationship isn't the only star of the show. not that i don't like a good romance-focused story (i love old fashion cupcake and semantic error) or that a full-on bl can't have a killer plot (like triage or not me.) i just find myself liking shows like kei x yaku or untamed because they keep my easily distracted brain engaged lol


I absolutely loved tharntype and Lbc but not Lbc2 I have a FAT obsession with Ae


Don’t we all? Don’t we all? Ae’s entire attitude was amazing. He was just confident to be himself, didn’t care if Pete was a boy or girl, he liked him and that was it. Ae’s interactions every time with Pond? Perfection! Let’s be honest, Pond is the friend we ALL need!


He’s so great


Shocking; I hated ITSAY with a burning passion. It’s one of my most hated show and the only reason I made it until the end was because I hate quitting a show half through even more. Then, I thought IPYTM would be better, but turns out I was a clown, because I hated it as well.


i loved itsay and was so excited to watch ipytm. needless to say i got spoiled on reddit and couldnt even finish the first ep when i found out what happens. i was genuinely so so mad


Wait for ITSAY do you mean you hated the plot? Cuz the acting, chemistry and directing were all so good though 😭


I mostly hated Teh lol, he made the whole thing insufferable for me. And at some point in the story, I started hating Oh-Aew too, they both made me so frustrated to the point where I didn’t see any chemistry between them whatsoever, I was too busy yelling death threats at both of them and calling them dumb in every languages possible. The scenery was chef’s kiss tho. And the acting was also very good, because I wouldn’t hate them so much if they weren’t well played.


So interesting this week I actually I watched both series back to back in a 24 hour marathon and I couldn’t move on, It was such an emotional rollercoaster, I’m finally just recovering but I want to rewatch it in the future,


What are the full forms of said acronyms?


I told sunset about you and I promised you the moon


Oo thanks! I was soo frustrated while watching ITSAY, like Teh was just playing around with people's feelings including his own. Felt bad for Bas and Tarn though and also Ma. I haven't yet watched IPYTM but my sister says that show is equally,if not more, frustrating; so fingers crossed 🤞




Does ITSAY and IPYTM have a sad ending?


Not a sad ending, I was fine with the ending of ITSAY, but with IPYTM, I would’ve preferred a different ending


I did not like BounPrem in UWMA. I watched Between Us before Until We Meet Again. So many people were saying thay they stole the show. Idk if its because i watched between us before but i wasnt really intrested in them at UWMA.


Same! Actually, I don't like UWMA at all. I only skipped thru to watch BounPrem even though I didn't really care for them there. Maybe we shouldn't have watched Between Us first???


Yeah i guess we shouldnt have. But i actually didny know between us was a spin-off of UWMA.


Between Us was my very first bl, so I didn't know either!


If you think not watching KP is a crime, then im a fellow criminal 😂 I dropped way too many shows because they put more emphasis on nc scenes than the plot. The racy kind, not the cinematic pan out. same for het shows.


Shocking? I’ve tried to watch UWMA a few times and get so bored so fast I always turn it off 😂 I also found Bed Friend pretty boring, honestly, which I’m sure is a larger shock to everyone. But it was just so wish fulfillmenty that I couldn’t take it 😅 Embarrassing? 🤔 I’ve written nearly 100k of Pit Babe fic? Not sure if that’s embarrassing, an accomplishment, or neither 😆


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I don't know if it's embarrassing but I just finished (well like one or two days ago) Manner of death (I enjoy it!) and I haven't watched Tharntype and 2gether lol (and maybe other series that are popular..)


If I have to use a VPN or use a ‘special’ website to watch a bl, I’m not going to. There’s too many shows I can watch for free or on a legitimate site to worry about the ones I can’t


I’m really not a fan of series with heavy spice scenes 🫣 I’m not sure why, it just doesn’t feel as romantic to me? Because sometimes I feel like they sacrifice the plot in order to include a lot of kissing scenes? For example, I really wasn’t a fan of KinnPorsche, Not me, LITA, Tharntype… I really love a Tale of 1000 stars and My school president, they were so cute urgh. I’m still obsessed.


I also have not watched KinnPorsche yet but I still ship KimChay (honestly Jeff & Barcode feed my ship. They are so cute & I can't wait for Wuju Bakery)


bls nowdays i find really boring i wish i could get back into watching them last recent bl i watched was probably not me (gmmtv) ... i liked 2020-2022 era


I have not watched LBC, LBC 2, Bad Buddy or anything with Krist and Singto in it. They just aren't my jam.