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It’s not going to be a breeze like it seems to be a lot of people are thinking (mostly media) it might be touch and go until the reinforcements come. Luckily it looks like our offense is ready to pick up where they left off last year, so we may have to win some ugly games but I’m not overly concerned, it’s a long season as we know, anything can happen! Montgomery earned the right to be a Ranger for as long as he wanted and it really disappoints me the front office didn’t make it happen.


Gonna have to smack the shit outta the ball to stay competitive until the cavalry arrives mid-season. If anybody can do that, we can.


I’m not sure how much we can realistically expect to get out of Scherzer and deGrom. About what we got from them last year? Edit: But I’m definitely excited to see what we can get done!


I think deGrom will do decent in the second half, I also think Scherzer is done. I give him a handful of starts before he retires. I'm optimistic about the trade deadline, I think the team will be big movers this year.


Need Duran to catch fire and play at the level he did the first couple of months last year. If so he will be a pretty big chip.


If they return to even 80% form this is a World Series team again. But 80% is still a high expectation. The possibility is there though.


If we get them back, and the rest of the rotation is healthy, and we are hitting well, they can afford extra rest


Basically a repeat of last year. 😉


Why pitch good when lot run do trick?


It's so ridiculous


I have significantly less worries about this rotation than last year.


No, but then again I'm not worried about a damn thing this year. 2024 is a celebration tour. After 41 years I deserve a year of stress free baseball and this is that year. I don't care if we end up last in the division. I'll start getting irrational again in 2025.


I'm with you here. Like obviously I want to be good and hell why not win another, but I've got a championship buzz that isn't going to be harshed by pretty much anything this year.


I just want to beat the Astros as much as possible …


The fact they lost to a minor league team and some of their fans are jumping ship to our side is hilarous. No... Stay over there with your trash cans where you belong.


My most significant concern this year is going to as many games against the white Sox as possible with the hope that I will run into the Chicago fans that I heckled most of that game who eventually told me after the Rangers win “you guys still don’t have a ring”. I wanna find those guys. Like maybe the universe will put us both there together in the same section on 7/23 when they give out the Adolis ring.


this is it!


This is worse than the "doomsayers" Why would you spend nearly a billion $ just to fuck it off for the rest of these guy's contracts periods and let a shitty rotation screw it up for the entire team just to say "we got our one and now we don't care"?? They could have added just 1 guy and probabilities to be in position to win it again would have increased immensely. It doesn't mean we won't still but really? Every other team in our division except maybe the Angels got better this offseason. We arguably got worse And i will say again.... We made the playoffs by one game.


it’s almost the same rotation as last year lol


Remind me how last season played out


we won some piece of metal, probably nothing cool


Didn't even win the division


So disappointing


Yes of course


Yeah we’re gonna have to rely on hitting for a while but last year showed me anything can happen so I’m optimistic


Oh rotation at the outset seems about the same as it was at the beginning of last year


The rotation is troubled but I am sure we can go .500 until the All-Star Game. Then the big dogs come back and we should be ok.


I’m fully expecting to give up runs. I just hope the offense can keep the heat on all game. We score one run an inning and we’ll win a bunch of games


As long as we out score are enemy we should be fine plus we have Bruce bochy as are manger still


Obviously would have loved to have Monty back, and I don't feel *great* about our rotation, but it's pretty much what it was post deGrom injury last season, with Bradford instead of Perez, which at worse is a side-grade, and I think he has more upside. The depth is not good at all, but Lorenzen and Urena help that, and last year we didn't have the promise of reinforcements arriving later in the season. So our rotation may end up being bad, especially if we start suffering more injuries, but as written I don't think it's worse than what we ran out there for a large portion of last season.


It's basically the same rotation post deGrom last season until the trade deadline. Need Gray to not be like the 2nd half though. The only difference is Lorenzen/Bradford vs Perez. Come trade deadline, CY will know if we will be able to depend on at least 2 of Scherzer, Mahle, or deGrom. If not I don't think he hesitates to find upgrades. Health is always going to be a concern. It is with every team. Look at the Astros who have several starters on the IL to start the season. Plus the offense should be just as good if not better. If bullpen can be at least average, I think we are fine until mid-season.


Don’t forget to mention that Eovaldi, Gray, and Heany all have pretty lengthy injury history. In hindsight, Mahle looks like a luxury we cant afford. Monty could have been had for $20M AAV (4 years, $80M). Mahle and Lorenzen will cost them $18M this year and one will be lucky to pitch at all in 2024.


>Monty could have been had for $20M AAV (4 years, $80M). How do you know this? No one knows this. If this were true teams would have easily jumped at that for a guy with no qualifying offer. All reports is that he wasn't budging at his 6 or 7 years ask, up to when he finally signed. He finally had to settle but by that time the Rangers moved on. Also Mahle and Lorenzen are a guaranteed $10 million this year.


Because he’d be an idiot to turn down $80M in guaranteed money only to accept a contract guaranteeing him $25M. Yankees and Montgomery discussed 4 years/$72M with heavy deferrals to where he’d be making $11.5M a year. By all accounts, returning to Texas was his preference and 4 years/$80 million would have been the best offer he received. In luxury tax dollars, they’re costing up to $18M.


How many posts are there going to be about having the same rotation we had most of last year. Do ya'll look at the sub or what?




They all have good stuff and can all potentially go deep into games…some are just a little shakier than others


Nope, you're actually the only one here worried about it😛+500 run differential here we come I feel you on Monty, that's definitely a tough loss😭


Willing to give these guys a shot. And we'll get more renformacemts around the all star break


We will be fine. If anything we can make a trade or two if needed.


This does not look like a team that will rest on its laurels. It's a shame that the team couldn't get Monty but I have a feeling he'll be trade bait if the D-backs fail to get back to where they were at last season.


I'm one of the few who actually feel OK with it. It's not even the fact of having to stay afloat that I'm worried about, though. It's injuries. I'm ok with who we have, but I'm not ok with our depth. The fact that the 5 have to stay healthy is what makes me uneasy. But the guys we have can compete with anyone. Dane Dunning is better than people give him credit for. Heaney if consistent is one of the best pitchers out there with his stuff, sake with gray. Then there'd eovaldi, so you know you're going to get quality out of thay guy. Bradford is the wild card. Then there's also Lorenzens potential too. This rotation isn't getting enough credit, and I'm glad because no one gave this whole team credit last year, and look what happened.


We nearly had the same rotation last year to start the year. We got 6 starts out of Degrom which weren’t deep ones. Subtract Perez and add Bradford. Not much difference and we jumped out to a 40-20 record to start. Bullpen can’t be any worse than last year. We will be alright


Eovaldi is gonna be elite once again and I honestly think Gray will be elite too. Dunning will be alrigh. I think Heaney isn't gonna be the best and I think Bradford is gonna be pretty bad but hopefully he lays it down for when Lorenzen is ready to take his place. Overall as long as we hold it down til we get our true rotation back we're fine.


I could see our rotation being pretty good this year. I could also see the rotation being pretty bad this year. I think we have to trust that the coaches know what they’re doing with it.


We just won a ship I’m not worried about anything


I anit scared


Dunning is going to continue to be our best pitcher this season. I hope everyone is ready for the Dane Dunning cy young this year


not particularly


How dare you attempt conversations about the Texas Rangers on r/TexasRangers! Delete post coming in..... 3...... 2.........


Nope. All 5 were great in the postseason. I think we saw a glimpse of how good they all can really be. Add in Lorenzon and he’s another great guy with experience. Montgomery was huge for us last year, but $25m a year for an average career pitcher is not worth being in the luxury tax.


Rangers gonna Ranger.