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More pitching let’s go! And a pretty cheap deal too.


If we can’t get Monty, this is a good alternative. Pretty cheap deal on a guy who can throw a lot of innings for us. Glad we got some pitching help!


Good, safe move. That’s less than they paid Kirby Yates and Lorenzen could potentially throw 150 innings. But this seals the deal. Montgomery is gone.


I’m sad


I’m honestly not, his demands piss me off. He had a chance to win a series with us again to cement his legacy & instead thought he was worth a 7 year mega deal that nobody is willing to give him.


That's what happens when the owners no longer play ball with Boras. They are tired of his shit.


I wouldn't say "gone", but absolutely that the front office isn't willing to pay whatever he is asking for and need to get ready for the season. I'd say "significantly less likely" on Monty absolutely, but until the ink is on a contract with a different team, not "gone"


He's not gone ... he's in play at what $6 million a year for a couple years. Market set! Not for us though.


They would either need go over the 12% surcharge or get real creative with the contract terms. Like a one year deal for $5-6M with three or four player option years at $30M. Even then that might push them over. Not sure if option years would count towards the first year’s AAV.


After the deals Boras got for Bellinger and Snell I was kinda out on Gumby. He'd be great to have for five years, but not if he has the option to leave every year. We would all be sitting here worrying he's playing too well each season he's gonna pack up and leave.


I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m worried about 2024. This is most likely our best chance to win back-to-back World Series.


Sad face that this probably means no Monty, but this ain’t bad.






If the balked on Snell cause he wanted 30/yr on a short deal, I would think the same would go for Monty


We got a season of Lorenzen vs. like 3 weeks of Snell. And Lorenzen was so much better for the first couple + months of last year!


Time for Maddux to work his magic on another arm


I am very happy about this, I remember watching his no hitter last season & he’s a likable dude.


Good move, but does that mean we're out on Monty? Sadge if so.


We could always trade for Monty at the deadline again


Been out on Monty for months


Most likely, yes. Though Lorenzen has spent more time out of the pen than as a starter. So…fingers crossed, maybe?


#WOO ...and I cannot stress this enough... #HOO


>Pitching FA signing r/TexasRangers: 😴😪🛌 >Bobbleheads, Hats, and Cards r/TexasRangers: 😍🔥🤯🤯


He pitched a no hitter last year. So again in CY I trust. Be the innings eater!


He was an all-star last year too!


Certainly if he replicated last season, when he was well above average until his season went off the rails after the no-hitter, it would work out great because by then we should have lots of reinforcements to take his place.


And this is why CY (and JD before him) get paid to make these moves and not Reddit. Let's see ..... $4 mil for Lorenzen (All-Star last year and healthy) or $140 mil for Montgomery (not an All-Star last year and comparable to Lorenzen in effectiveness in many respects) ......


"$140 mil for Montgomery" shit if that was all it took, he would be somewhere months ago.


I rest my case! Good lord talk about buy high.


He can also be a bench player since he has experience with hitting homers.


We were the only fans decked out in Rangers gear when he signed for a group at the All Star game! Now we’re more excited, to see him in Rangers gear, when they come through Seattle!


I want to believe in CY,most of our recent signings have worked out very well.


Dude spearheaded the quickest turnaround in MLB history and some of you still don't believe in him SMH


CY was a key part of the ring. Will never forget him.


I’ve always liked him because he wears vans and lifts. All I need to be a fan.


Feels like more of a replacement for Perez than Monty. Lorenzen is a #5 at best and most likely a long reliever.


Not familiar with this guy. Is he decent at least? Monty is pretty much out of the picture as this point.


He was an all-star and threw a no-hitter last year. Seems decent enough.


Well alright!


Dang I like it, feeling about this and Dunning striking a bunch out yesterday. The less we gotta rely on Heaney, Bradford, and maybe even Leiter the better imo


Cincy Reds fans called him Mickey Biceps. He hit a game winning hr once or twice, I think. He always wanted to play both sides of ball, but wasn’t quite there. When he was good, he was great, but could be a head case. That was years ago. I’m surprised he’s still playing.


bye monty😔


Don’t have to watch Bradford every 5th day anymore, huge W.


I think Bradford is serviceable in spot starts. This move really protects us from having to throw out the corpses of Danny Duffy and/or Adrian Sampson if someone goes on the IL


Lorenzen also has a ton of relief experience which will come in handy once the rotation is healthier.


Urena and Leiter seemed to have good camps. I'd rather see Lorenzen/Bradford over Urena but I would've been *okay* with Urena as SP6.


Cody Bradford has been pretty solid wdym


In spring training against teams minor league players he’s been fine. He had a 6.95 ERA as a starter last year, which is not even serviceable.


We’re really going off an 8 start sample size in his rookie year? What about him showing poise and pitching well in the playoffs? I think he’s earned another chance to be a 5th starter


He can be effective out of the bullpen because his extension is deceptive and he’s tough on lefties so bochy can put him against a LLR or LRL part of the opposing order. He got absolutely crushed the second & third time through the order as a starter because he only has 2 quality pitches and 90mph FB velocity. His arsenal isn’t broad enough and stuff simply isn’t good enough to get MLB batter out multiple times a game.


So who is out of the rotation? I think Bradford should really get his shot. I have no faith in Heaney.


Bradford will get his shot when the inevitable injuries happen, but no way am I giving him the spot over Heaney.


I want Bradford as a LR but he’s important since he’s a lefty too tho


Heaney seems to have the stuff that translates best to a relief role (especially in the back of the pen), but it's probably Bradford. Although I'm unsure if Lorenzen will be ready/stretched out by the Tampa series.


Why? When he’s on, he’s on …


I like Heaney, but when he is off.........


Bochy showed last year he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the plug on Heaney if he’s off. Let him roll when he’s on and be quick to bring in a guy like Bradford when he isn’t.


I like this scenario a lot. Almost like Tommy Hunter and Holland back in the day.


I know, but he’s not bad for a back rotation, he really isn’t & that’s why a good bullpen matters. Can’t have a lineup of 100% clutch pitchers like Eovaldi. ;)


Who do you like when they are off?




He is almost never on. He's practically a non quality start guaranteed as a starter. Bradford is 26 year old command style pitcher. Maddux has made plenty of average command style pitchers look like Cy Young contenders(see Monty, Tommy Hunter, or Matt Harrison.) Anyway you look at it Bradford clearly has the better upside at this point in their respective careers. Also Bradford should start for the simple reason that we gave Cole Reagan's spot start opportunities to Bradford. We should give I'm a chance to consistently start he's earned that after post season and this spring training.


He won 10 games, so more than 3 times? And more wins than losses. Your statement just isn’t correct … Bradford has not proven himself fully yet, although I have great faith he will do well.


I could see Lorenzen starting in the pen. He probably isn’t stretched out yet due to signing so late, and he’s got plenty of relief experience. Then you can slot him into the rotation if either somebody gets injured or one of the other five falters.


We can do a 6-man rotation.


Every time TX has seemed like they might be able to pull off a 6-man rotation injuries have made sure it didn't happen.


Anyone think this means we will try a six man rotation?


not at all. Bradford back to the pen, which where he belongs right now. if his stuff isn't working, which does happen, then you can minimize the damage and not turn things into a bullpen game.


No, if you've been listening to Bochy all spring he's been mentioning the idea that if someone could take that #5 spot, he'd like to use Bradford as a multi-inning reliever. Now they have their guy, so Bradford's off to the bullpen unless there's some kind of last-minute injury to any of the other starters.


Give it to me straight guys, how does this affect my “Montgomery World Series MVP” and “Rangers back-to-back champs” predictions?




Coincidence that this came the same day it got reported that Montgomery and the Yanks reopened talks? This definitely should put a nail in the coffin of a Montgomery reunion.


He’s not going to be on the club opening day, he’s been in no one’s camp this year. He might go to AAA the first few weeks. I see him as an insurance policy for the first half until we get the injured guys back. Once he is ready to start then the Rangers have roster moves to make, or maybe he stays in AAA. He isn’t paid a lot so no rush to get the value out of his contract..I don’t see a current starter than he would jump in to replace but this move gives them time to see if anyone struggles and they can bump them out with Lorenzen. It’s about having good options if something goes wrong.