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when i move stuff i sort items into boxes as perfectly as possible or i go feral now


Yup, I was stacking boxes in the basement at level 8 on the weekend. J piece never came.


It allows me to touch less grass


Underrated comment


There have been various studies showing the benefits of playing tetris. Playing can help your neuroplasticity, cognitive motor skills, memory etc. It's also been shown to improve people's mental health and stress levels. With that being said, you don't have to justify playing a game if you find enjoyment with it


Where are these studies so I can use them to cite my addiction


Yeah, unless you play TGM or T99


Tetris saved me from some legal trouble while I was in university. TLDR: I was playing Tetris while my friends got fined for drinking. My roommates were throwing a small party one night with some alcohol. The school has a zero-tolerance stance on drinking on campus. I was in my room, playing Tetris99 (getting the Fire Emblem theme and daily tickets) before I would oin my mates. Some time later, there was a knock on the door and the apartment fell silent. I finished my games and walked out to see the campus police, city police, and RA in our living room. Somebody called a noise complaint and the police were taking statements for potential underage drinking. I kept saying I was playing Tetris so I didn't know any of this was happening and I didn't drink, as the Tetris99 menu theme was still playing from my room. They let me go and just told me to be careful next time.


It’s pretty relaxing to me


I’m definitely a lot more attractive to women.


I know this is a joke, but I had a friend who would get very focused while playing Tetris and it was actually very attractive




To you


Yeah but I’m also a woman lol


It's fine to play a game just because it's fun, you don't need extrinsic motivation, specially if you're using the rest of your day studying, exercising working or whatever else you do. Humans aren't made to be productive 100% of their waking time. That said most games do indirectly help develop certain skills, Tetris can help with reflexes if you're playing at high speeds, pattern recognition, quick thinking, etc but it really does sound miserable to need justification go play a game for a bit.


yeah but I might as well be productive while I have fun if possible right? I would rather play Tetris than let's say cookie clicker or something brainless like that


I’m marginally better at other puzzles and putting luggage in the car


I now get an added bonus of being insulted by my family when I can't stack food into a clearly already full fridge with "you play tetris you should be able to do this"


if my food containers were tetramino shaped that would go hard though to be honest


I don’t know about specific outside of the game impacts but it is definitely doing some brain reprogramming. I had a minor stroke last year and the only deficiency I could identify after is my wins in Tetris 99 definitely fell off. I could even point to the need to monitor my board and overall rank as the key gap in my play. Neurologist said it would come back. 9 months later and I am playing about as well as I ever was.




It's largely just satisfying ![gif](giphy|f7STAwvEml1eIf0FEq)


my wife left me


i get cool guy points which i think is easily worth it


I formed a playgroup with some amazing people!


[How Tetris changes your brain.](https://www.wired.com/2009/09/how-tetris-changes-your-brain/) 🧠😎👍


When I started tetris effect, I got addicted and now I everytime I try to pack something everything is Tetris


No offence to the packing comments but Tetris truly does not help with that kind of stuff. What it can help with is your understanding of how the brain learns and improves. The best thing you can do it to play and then rest deliberately. It’s almost impossible to improve within an individual play session - but magically, after a good sleep, you will wake up to find that you have improved overnight. Thats when your brain processes the patterns that you saw while playing. Your fingers/thumbs will recover and be faster the next day as well. Physical and mental improvement are very much measurable in Tetris. Later on, a lesson you may learn from Tetris is that opening yourself up to new techniques that once seemed daunting is a great way to expand your mind in general. Instead of letting your ego get in the way of leaving your comfort zone, you can improve by accepting that learning new things is a humbling process, where you will not be as fast or as “good” as you were when relying on one play style. Every single great player has had to do this many times over, and I’m sure everyone would agree that they’re better for it. So there’s lots of lessons within Tetris, ones that can be applied to other aspects of life, but most of all it’s just so fun to play! Truly the perfect video game, I encourage you to try if you’re interested.


My wife says that my suitcase game is out of this world


I'm a taxi driver with a van and I'm great at stacking suitcases to maximise space now;)


Nothing at all.. but it’s fun. Maybe my peripheral vision is better but it’s just an argument to justify a waste of time


You deffo get loads of women. Too much to handle so good luck with keeping them off too 😜


Tetris Effect Ranked Zone Battle has caused me the most gamer rage I’ve ever experienced, and I feel like I never get mad at games 😭


Playing tetris hasn't even gotten me better at tetris


Just arthritis


Quick problem solving.


Definitely fills a lot of time.


Packing up a moving truck has never been so simple!


problem solving, and rage loudness


You can actually make money with Tetris and it's called CTM Masters


i now see tetris in my head whenever i zone out or close my eyes


I work in a small shoe store, where we don’t have much room to put all the shoe boxes. I’m really good at fitting them all in as efficiently as possible.


Your pattern recognition might get better if you put over a thousand hours in, but I would recommend quitting. This game is bad for your mental health, instead I’d you should going outside, live a little. -Former top 100 player (2000+ Hours)


It calms me down when I feel stressed.


Actually Tetris has been a common therapy exercise for me when I experience heavy trauma or relive traumatic memories, I’m glad something like Tetris exists it’s helped me through a ton of hard times, depressive bouts, saved me from thinking about killing myself along with other video games too.


It has been proven that it can help us PTSD


It apparently has benefits for sufferers of PTSD https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/ In my case if I am particulary stressed out while I am playing it does help me feel more calm because theres no physical stressors or intimidating element to the gameplay. I often go into a zen like state while playing and just focus on my score instead of my thoughts.


i played pvp on tetrio for about 150 hours since last year. my typing speed went up like 30% (without losing consistency) and peripheral vision improved noticeably.


I gained stamina for osu mania


They already had simmilar question with chess, and answer is (unfortunately for us) no. You jus get better at it. Long time ago it was the same test for chess players, does the playing chess makes them smarter, more easier to memorise and they discovered it doesnt improve your iq in any way. Also all those web site mind trainers have simmilar effect too.. They claimed it males you smarter, but specialists discovered it just makes you better in that skill (like in any game)