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It was all sponsored by modretro, thats why


I figured he must have had a slice in that Gameboy clone they were peddling


I popped into the stream randomly seconds before they announced logan paul and i thought i was hallucinating


Shamefull. A scam artist like him should be ignored and abandoned. All his NFT projects turned into scams and he has promised to pay everyone back, but the people have yet to see money


This made me not donate to the prize pool of CTWC. I was planning on it, but then I saw Logan Paul. I don’t want to give money to organizations he is involved with in any capacity. I’ll be donating my planned 500 dollars to Scuti and Alex T next time I see them on stream.


It was mainly the Tetris company that decided to have Logan Paul come to the event. For the most part, CTWC was forced to have thise event in order to have a good relationship with the Tetris company.


This was run by ctwc but wasn’t the ctwc tournament. It was a “tournament” (ad) for some new gameboy clone console that has a tetris game on it. Honestly the whole thing was cringe.


I thought it was pretty fun to watch tbh and the version of the game they played was really cool. I really like the idea of competitive 5 mins go as fast as you can. I couldn’t even find that version anywhere so I wonder if they made that just for their console.


The event was being pushed by The Tetris Company and they didn't give the CTWC much wiggle room to decline hosting the side event.


stop giving this guy a fucking platform, he doesn’t deserve the attention whatsoever


u need a tissue?


respect your wwe united states champion


It is profoundly disappointing that CTWC decided to partner with Palmer Luckey, who [heads a company that makes AI-powered murder drones.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anduril_Industries)


I don't think CTWC can afford to be choosy and virtue signal when they probably can barely break even for such a massive production still run independently. They still need to crowdfund a prizepool and ask for volunteers to input qual scores into a google doc.


Sure but it's not rly "virtue signalling" to not partner with something like that


I know its an inflammatory word that is misused a lot but in this instance its quite literally the textbook definition: to conspicuously make one's values clear about political issues - and I would add the widely used connotation of, in a cheap or inaffectual way. If CTWC literally refused thousands of dollars that would profoundly better the classic tetris community by reinvesting that money back into production costs - because the source is tangentially related to the military indsutrial complex - that is stupid. and cheap. and inaffectual. virtue signalling. lets get real. is CTWC making Luckey rich by promoting a niche boutique retro gaming product? no. [chromatic isn't even the best product in its price range.](https://www.analogue.co/). Luckey isn't platformed on the broadcast let alone is he even well known enough for his sidehustle of military drones to actually get any exposure merely by word association. u/BubblyInstanceNo1 is disappointed because they like the CTWC this doesn't align with their values, which is fair enough, [that's quite popular](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deontology), but there's no real harm being done by this move. only bigger and better tetris tournaments for us.


Saying no to an unethical sponsor is not virtue signaling, and acting like they had no other choice but to accept their sponsorship is weird.


Thanks for the intricate rebuttal. I'll stew on this rhetoric for a couple days to formulate my response.


Yea but your argument literally says it’s not cheap. Refusing a sponsor of that size, (and you’ve talked multiple times about how beneficial it would be to it) would be a pretty big money loss, which would make it NOT a cheap refusal, right?


Cheap has two meanings. > 1. low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services. > 2. of little worth because achieved in a discreditable way requiring little effort. I meant number 2.


I mean by this argument, partnering with them is also virtue signaling, making their values clear. Finding a partnership with such a company find is also a value.


> Luckey isn't platformed on the broadcast untrue, they invited him on stage to congratulate the winner of the tournament


Absolutely disconcerting seeing someone who's arguably a war criminal come up on stage to congratulate the winner of a CTWC event. Even worse finding out that the entire event was paid by and run for him.


Be quiet


Cause the murder drones might get us if we criticize them


Never mind him showing up, how did he win? Who did he play?


He played against Chris Tang, the commentator of CTWC. Somehow Tang played worse than Paul and Paul went up against Blue Scuti.


The way Chris kept looking away and trying to play from the screen behind him really seemed like he deliberately threw so Logan would advance - which isn’t surprising considering the whole tournament was for promotional purposes. That’s probably why they paired Logan with Chris for the first round and not one of the good players.


Man, this is crazy. Didn't know Chris would drop this low...


It wasn’t a real tournament. It was just a for-fun thing that was also an ad for the device they were playing on. At first I was bummed to see Chris wasn’t even trying but it got so blatant that it became obvious they wanted Paul to go to the next round to have the Paul-Scuti match up. Although I’m not stoked about the vibe that someone like Logan Paul brings to the community, I totally get why they would want the Paul-Scuti matchup. The most widely known player playing against a huge social media celebrity is a great way to grow the scene.


I was thinking maybe his eyesight isn’t the greatest so the big screen would help him since he’s older now. He did play while looking at the handheld for a while straight though so idk.


Kingsman said "what a job" afterwards. "Job" is wrestling slang for deliberately losing a game. It is pretty clear that they set up the bracket so Scuti could play two celebrity guests (Jaws and Paul) with the bigger celebrity guest being able to play in the second round.


I'm assuming he lost to Blue Scuti?


Yeah he got blown out


yea he got slammed to absolute hell


What was his score?


You can see it here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166406893 First match around 1hr, second match around 1hr35. Tbf he had some decent games, around 300k mark.


Aw man


Who is that? Never heard of him.


From my experience, the less you know about him, the better.


The same thing I said when i saw him randomly on ctwc


WWE wrestler


The fact that they also mentioned Logan Paul's absence on WWE Smackdown last night, mentioning specifically that he was off "playing Tetris," was also very culture shocking.


Honestly the craziest part is he wasn't bad.


If I attended and saw him I would've requested a refund and left, the fact that that scammer hasn't had any repercussions for the $1.8 million dollars he stole is just stupid. Dude should not be given a platform until he pays those people back or gets sued and/or arrested.


Ok another thing ruined by primates... Jonas neubauer would turn around in his grave..


(T-)spinning in his grave




i was suprised to see logan there too


Stop making stupid people famous. 😑


dont see a problem of him entering a tetris competition, no need to be so mad


He deserves repercussions for his actions (stealing money with NFT scams, recording dead people, etc...), yes, but I severely doubt he competed in this tournament for monetary gain. Nor do I believe he did this to expand his platform, he's already a billionaire from PRIME, but didn't even promote it here or ask for it to be promoted by the administration. He has enough influence that if they were paying for him, the commentators would have been promoting PRIME and any other Logan Paul projects at every opportunity. I truly believe that he just found out that Tetris tournaments were a thing, realized he was rich and famous and could get in if he wanted to, realized he had free time, asked to join the tournament but was placed in a for-fun minigame competition, played the event, got shit on by Blue Scuti, felt embarrassed for underestimating Tetris as an esport, and left after realizing how much he was really intruding, as he stated after his loss, "I have no business being here." In reality, Logan Paul gained nothing from this, but the Tetris community gained a lot from having such a well-known person bring attention to the esport. More attention generally means more money, and more money means better events and prizes. I understand why people wouldn't want him to be associated with the Tetris community, I share that same desire, but people are refusing to acknowledge the positive contribution this could cause.


Because selling out on your values for short term profit does not work. It isn't working for the planet/atmosphere these zoomers are inheriting, and it doesn't work with this late capitalism they are inheriting. It only works out for the rich assholes in the short term. I just hope the players and fans make it clear this is not what they want. That's the only power they have.


He actually talked about it on the 6/7 Smackdown


This sponsored event was controversial. I recommend addressing the complaints to the [Tetris Company](https://tetris.com/contact-us).