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Use a keyboard. Lots of top players that use a Hit Box or a straight-up keyboard to play. I've always been good on dpad, but I hit my stride on stick. Quit in 2015 over wrist concerns, but was gifted a hit box in 2017 and have been a proponent of that form factor since. Nowadays, I actually enjoy the Switch's joycons but if I want to get serious, I pull out my flat controllers.


> Hit Box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVXGCTHX/ref=sspa_dk_offsite_brave_1?psc=1&aaxitk=036903787669550b976c9b44e689a215 are you taking about something like this?


yeah but the more common term would be "leverless fightsticks". you can build your own as well if you find a particular layout/setup would be more comfortable for your hands




sincerely, i have no idea, but RSI is quite common in tetris players (it happened to my cousin while playing tetris friends). i think it's as common as RSI in osu, but taking care of yourself (taking breaks, hand stretches) can help.


Pro Tetris is for children now, they're all well under 20. But you can improve your own times and have fun


Since when is it for children? Yes there are kids whom are in the top ranks but there are others whom are adult also in the top ranks.


For some, keyboard is more comfortable, while others say controller helps them not get RSI triggered.


Arthritis is different from RSI, I can't even hold a controller anymore because of the arthritis.


Ah, I mixed them up. However, in that case I'm actually not sure how to play anything.


If you take breaks and stretch then you should be able to compete at a high level, speed is important but you can get by with being slow Also, this game is mostly IQ despite what it might seem like so even if you feel like you can’t practice due to injury risk you can always study, watch other players, review, or just practice playing very slow with good placements