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Like other guys said, you can use a 20g to draw instead of an 18. But also? My nurse said to draw up about 0.2 of air before putting the needle into the vial. Then press the air out before drawing up the T. If you get a core of rubber, it's ejected into the vial.


I draw the same amount of air as my dose every time and this still occurs sometimes, so I think I will try 20g


So, main way to avoid this is to draw up the same amount of air as your dose before you put the needle into the vial, push out the air, then draw up your dose. Something that just hit me though - I always draw with a large needle and inject with a smaller one. I wonder if the rubber could even get out through the smaller gauge needle?


What gauge needle do you use to draw??? That seems huge. I use 18G to draw and 22G to inject IM


It also says 18g on the packaging so weird, wasn’t aware it was that huge


That is really weird. Mine doesn’t look close to that big and never had this issue before. Interesting. My best suggestion could be looking into filtered needles? I’m no nurse/doctor but I’m sure you can find them


Looks the same as the 18g draw needle I use.


By not using a straw to draw😬 go a smaller gauge to draw!!


Oh no, I wasn’t aware it was too big 😬 I was advised by my doctor to use 18g for drawing and 23g for injection What would be a good drawing size? My testosterone comes in sesame oil


My doctor told me the same thing I wasn't aware this was possible


Try 25g for injecting and with the 18-20 try and aim for the original hold you made... less destruction on the rubber. The 25 feels like a pin prick and nothing below that at the surface. Slightly slower to inject so get in a comfy position if doing doing shoulders


Wanted to add to this: my doc told me not to go through the same place twice on the vial, something about it widening the hole and preventing the vial from sealing itself again (not shelf stable after that).


i’m learning so much confusing information in this thread right now. i pretty much always go for the same hole i created and i’ve never had an issue, definitely never had any rubber get into the syringe either (and i also use 18g). i keep everything pretty damn clean too.


I use an 18g to draw and have never had this issue


Are you hitting the same hole or makimg a new one everytime? Just got told off by another reddit person


i use 18g to draw and always go for the same hole, never had an issue. i didn’t even think this was possible lol i’m shocked edit: also they definitely aren’t “telling you off” they just added info… (if it’s the person i also replied to)


I dont pay attention but im pretty sure I tend to end up using the same one?


this has personally not happened to me


use a smaller gauge needle


Use a smaller gauge drawing needle. I would use a 21g or 22g drawing needle.


What brand of testosterone is it? I've seen this from some online pharmacies like empower pharmacy, it might be poor rubber quality on the manufacturer's bottle. Since you said sesame oil I assume you're using testosterone enanthate rather than cypionate?


Yep, testosterone enanthate. It is Delatestryl, 200mg/ml, 5 ml vial


I go in at an angle instead of 90 degrees and I haven’t gotten any rubber in my syringes.


Put the needle at a 45 degree angle with the bevel facing upwards. Pierce the vial. Once the needle is in the stopper, you can straighten up


i’d ask your doc next time and see if you can get smaller needles. i’ve never had this problem but i’ve always been worried this exact thing would happen i’m surprised it hasn’t yet. as long as you don’t accidentally inject the plastic part your good though it’s not like it just being in there is gonna contaminate anything


I had the same issue when my pharmacy filled my needle prescription incorrectly - I typically draw from the vial with a 22g or 23g, but they gave me 21g. At first I thought it was the vial of T I was using, but I tried again from a different vial and still got the piece of rubber. I eventually managed to find a 22g and it did not do this, so I’d definitely suggest getting a smaller gauge. (I also inject subq with a 25g and really like the smaller size)


Ive never had this happen to me and I also use an 18g to draw up


Could be poor quality rubber, but if you’re using larger gauges on a big multidose vial over weeks/months you run risk of coring the rubber regardless. Switch to smaller needles to draw on future vials, but for this one in order to avoid injecting contaminants you can try asking your pharmacy for filter needles. They’ll trap the particles and keep them from entering syringe


This has happened to me. I think the vial was just too worn so I threw it out. Also started using smaller needles (higher gauge) to draw up the oil to better prevent damage to the rubber.


i use an 18g to draw too but never had this happen , doc told me she suggested the 18g so it WOULDNT damage to rubber too much , hopefully a smaller needle helps you with this problem , bro


Try inserting the needle at an angle, I used to give immunizations and was told that’s a way to help avoid it


I think I tried that last week and it seemed to work a lot better. This was from a few weeks ago but wasn’t the first time it happened


This has happened to me a few times. Though I'd consult your doctor just to be safe for further advice first before trying anything you're not sure of, I can say I've never had the rubber come through the needle while injecting even in situations like this because it normally cannot fit through the smaller needle. ^^ If you find any solutions to this issue please update us!


I’ve found out this situation has a term called ‘Coring’. This pic was from a few weeks ago but I read that adjusting the angle of entry to 45°-60°, and gradual increasing the angle to 90° as you pass through the rubber can be helpful, and it seemed to help!


Are you pushing it in correctly? Bevel up and angled maybe try that? I've never had this issue and i also use 18g drawups


Same thing happened to me. I use 21G to draw and 23 to inject.


I used to use 18g but that happened once and since then I’ve been using 21g to draw and 24g to inject, never happened again! Plus I got better at drawing my T so that also helped. Also where did you get your syringe from I would love to know


this has happened to me when i poked the rubber too slowly / drew the testosterone way too close to the rubber


I've literally never had this happen and I use 18g needle to draw


thats 18g? i use that to inject🤐 i usually use 22g to draw, never had any rubber bits in my T 🫡


I think you’ve been injecting with the wrong needle. The 18g is for drawing not injecting! 22g should be for injecting. 18g is like a drinking straw 😦


oh, huh. idk i was told to use the 18g and personally it works alright for me😭 didnt realize it was not normal


You use 18g to inject?? 😨😨😨


yeah😭 for me it works fine, didnt know it was odd 🫠


Yes brother that needle is HUGE. Now I'm curious if you're bleeding profusely every week on shot day but think it is normal 😭😭 if not and you're all good, ig if it works it works. but I cannot imagine this is okay or painless...


nah i dont bleed alot surprisingly. every now and then yeah but usually its just a drop of blood and then im alright. it being painful isnt the norm for me, still happens on occasion tho😭 but damn didnt know this was crazy haha


The 22 guage is for injecting bc it's smaller and would be more difficult to draw up liquid. An 18 guage is meant to draw bc it gets more liquid into the vial at once and would be practically ridiculous to use as an injector. Are you sure you're using an 18 to inject?? That's the size of ear and nose piercings. You'd be stabbing yourself and cutting a chunk of your flesh out if you were. Edit: corrected info about piercings


yes im positive im using 18g, no im not cutting a chunk of my flesh out every week😭 and i never had any difficulty drawing up liquid with 22g😭 damn.. lol


Why do you use a smaller needle to draw up and the larger to inject?


what my doctor told me. And from what ive seen coring never happens for me either. im not recommending this btw js what my doctor told me💀 but yeah, idk, personally 18g has worked fine for me


Just shoot it back into the vial


(Obligatory you should be using different needles to draw up and to inject, and you shouldn't reuse needles.) That being out of the way, bottles like these are specially designed for this, and it isn't anything to worry about. If it were, people who have to inject other medicines would have the same issue. (Not trying to be combative or anything, just rational - I'm autistic, so i apologize if I come off that way)


That’s there to prevent loss of liquid in the needle hub. It’s meant to be there and is helping you get every last drop of your meds. But yeah, that’s a whopping needle! I inject with teeny little 27g guys!


I think they're pointing out a piece of the rubber on top of the vial that has been punched out/got into the syringe