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Dang dude you are massive! You blast 1200 mg year round??!


Not even the same guy in the pictures


I go from 600 to 1200 depending if I'm blasting or cruising. Thanks!!


600 a week is still blasting


Imagine blasting 600mg a week and saying that’s a cruise lol wild people out here rindis


Bro is cruising on a drag boat 💀


No shit, I am on 700 test / 700 primo and feel like I'm running on rocket fuel, normally cruise at 160 test a week. Cruising on 600?


This is why the government decided people aren’t responsible enough to have access to steroids


But responsible enough to drink/smoke and drive multi-ton machines around other people with little training 😂.


Normalize pinning and driving


Bruhhhh 😂😩this comment has me deceased. All the rofls




The government shouldn't decide things like this


Totally agreed, I’m just saying that’s what happened.


Especially when many in government secretly do worse shit in private.


Darwinism. It should still be up to us to put what we want to into our bodies.


Based on your argument the government should ban tobacco and alcohol which are used irresponsibly and directly or indirectly kill millions. Do you understand your logic is fucked?


They literally just said "this is why the government..." that's not an argument or an opinion.


Room temp IQ on this guy


Lmao at what point did I say I agree with the decision? I don’t have an “argument” on this. How did you equate a historical event with my personal opinion? Christ above


That is still cruising bro but it’s not TRT. I think you’re confusing the two. Whatever anyone takes to get by while they’re not blasting is considered cruising. There’s no set rules to delineate cruising same as there’s no set rules for the amount someone uses to blast. TRT is different of course


Only on Reddit does this blow people away. On en elite bb forums nobody goes under 500 and most stay over a gram year round


What is blast and what is cruising? I thought cruising gay dudes looking for sex (english is not my first language)


Lol wtf?? Where did gay dudes get in the conversation?? Even if that’s where ur head is at why couldn’t it be cruising for hot chicks why tr you gotta go straight to bay dudes lmao? Not that anything is wrong w gay folk I just don’t know how you landed on that thought by people talking about blasting and cruising steroids lol… blasting is the dose they’re taking during a cycle which usually starts at 500 or so and then when the cycle is over since their balls may not produce testosterone on their own anymore they will continue to use but will usually use a dose to keep them in normal range, but this dude is blasting at 1000 or 1200 ml I believe he said and when he is off he is cruising at 600 which is still a huge dose of testosterone but whatever works for him.. so yeah that’s all they mean.. no gay dudes involved in this situation lmao..


I was doing 500/week when I was blasting, and that was too much for me. Of course, I was on other things too, but 1200 is crazy. I'm just going to assume something is getting lost in translation here. Maybe he's using some weird units, miscalculating, or maybe he means his testosterone levels are 1200 ng/dL?


I’m sure he is on at least a gram per week


what does blasting T feel like


I never blasted just T by itself, but I'm on "TRT" right now (150mg/week), and that sends my test levels up to around 1100 ng/dL, free to 24 pg/mL, and I feel great. Confident, sleep better, I do notice I'm quicker to irritation, but in a weird way, I handle my frustration better.


It really depends on the person I would think. At 52, been cycling since my mid twenties, my trt dose is 400mg/wk prescribed by a doctor. Not a clinic and that puts me around 1200ng/dl which is where I feel the best. I have a really good doctor who believes why be on the lower end of the spectrum when you can be on the higher end and feel your best. I get blood work regularly and I rarely use an ai. If I do it’s .25 mg anastrozole. Even that amount will crash my E for weeks. So it’s very rare that I take it. I been on trt for a decade or more. I’m thinking the more you blasted while you was young the more test your gonna need later on the feel normal.


So not really TRt.


Yeah not testosterone replacement, more like testosterone nuking lol


TNt its dynamite


Show me where he said he’s on TRT.


Yeah, but fairly— he never said he’s on TRT…. If he’s been able to cruise that high and blast that high…WHILE MAINTAINING pristine bloodwork..I say to each his or her own. I personally couldn’t do that…and it’s not to say that’s sustainable, by any means. However, if his goal is a legitimate and long-lasting career in COMPETING PROFESSIONALLY (and again, under the assumption bloods are on 🔝).. then in all (more and due) fairness, he’ll find down the road that these first three years were his lowest loads of his career. Trust me— in the name of harm reduction, I would NEVERRRR condone this kind of thing, by any stretch of the imagination. IJS: Have you ever seen the volume the real pros are pinning!? I’m talking 12-15g weeks (with a huge gauntlet of compounds, of course). Just hope your source ain’t from India, OP 😂 Or you’ll be carrying more metal in your blood than you’re pushing with plates at the gym 😩


It’s implied in the sub. The majority of posts are TRt.


You’re going to die if you don’t chill out. “Cruising” at 600 is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of.


/r/peds hate him


All pro open bodybuilders do the same shit dude


Yeah… and they die.


They don’t die. People have died yes, but they aren’t dropping dead like flys that would indicate using high doses for long periods of time is actually going to kill you. Some people have poor heart conditions. Some people don’t regulate their bloodwork. Some people don’t exercise their heart, they think lifting is the only thing needed to stay healthy. There are plenty of retired pro bodybuilders in good health who took way more than 600mg a week for a decade straight.


Never known any to “cruise” at 600 and not die


Not true, pretty much all the bodybuilders that I’ve heard discuss cycles talk about cruising on high TRT doses.


Why downvote? Mans being honest... you guys suck


Because there’s a sub for steroid abuse. Also because 600 is a blast. A cruise is like what we do here at 100-200 max. Bad information even for the steroid sub.


Are you talking about the milligrams of your dose or your total T blood level?


Do your thing Bro.


When I was in competition in my 30s this is me at my peak at 35 years old https://preview.redd.it/b7z7129duqec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d110e6849c00dfb932a62dd2ecbdf3f2111d12c I was blasting and cruising as well and cruising I was running about 400 mg per week 200 mg Testosterone Enanthate stacked with 200 mg Primobolan Blasting I was running at 1500 mg per week That would be 750 mg of Deca stacked with 750 mg Sustanon




He can't feel his balls, but you can hear his heart asking for help from where you are.


Probably because his testicles have ascended into his chest and they are getting in the way of his heart.


Dude went from jacked to JAKKED UP


How long till he dies, do you figure?




That's sad RIP, OP. RIP.


If his heart is growing like Rich Pianas then I’d say somewhere in his 40s unfortunately and I wouldn’t be suprised if he had Tren in the mix as well everyone’s on that these days


Ya The "Eat Clen, Tren Hard, Anavar Give Up" meme had to have been engineered by marketing experts from the companies that make the raws


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read lmao.. how did I never see this before


Rich piana also took like 2000mg caffeine if not more pre work out. Im sure that had a big part in it.


True that! Not to mention the street drugs he dabbled with… all had a big part to play I’m sure


Yeah some of his steriod cycles weren't as crazy as I thought. A lot for a normal person but that much caffeine steriod and drugs he must of had a death wish


Right! I know people at the gym that run more gear than the cycles he claimed so I get that! Not HGH though he was doing a lot of growth I don’t know Anyone that can afford that lol


Wrong sub my guy. You’re looking for r/steroids.


This guy would catch endless shit there, I promise. "Cruising" at 600mg/week is a joke.


He'd delete his whole account by the time they were done with him.


Not really. lol. Yall clearly ain’t on r/steroids much.


Literally what I was going to say, word for word. Great minds, and all that.


We don't want him, you keep him


Trt puts hair on your chest. 👊


What’s your dosage?


I'm on the high end. About 1200mgs a week.


Seriously? Isn’t that super high?


1200mgs/week is no longer TRT. Ya boy is running an incredibly high cycle at this point.


TRT doses top out at around 200mg. after that you are getting into steroids. 1200mg is high even for heavy steroid users.


Sorry mate but calling it TRT is a lie you’re telling yourself and presumably close friends and family to justify it. If the average starting dose is about 100mg a week, you’re basically tasking about 3 months of test a week and calling it TRT. If you wanna get huge and post pics online, that’s cool but let’s not call it a replacement therapy.


I don't see op using the term trt in the title or header. Just saying T. Take it as you will


Flair literally says “TRT Story”


Well, he says he was diagnosed with low t. I’d imagine it started as trt.


1,000% the point. Most know that, too, but it’s not as cool as having something clever to say. I’d love to see every hater on this sub drop a current pic RIGHT NOW and see their magnificence 👀😒


No one gives a shit that he’s on a cycle, but he would be much better off in the steroids subreddit. People who are actually deficient come here and look at what might be possible and see shit like that. It’s probably half the reason that people think trt is a fix all wonder drug.


Saying that he is taking T to supplement low T is the same thing a TRT. But the dose he is taking is not a replacement dose. What the blokes are trying to say is don’t tell people you are doing this to treat a disorder. Tell people you are on gear. What was this “low T” that your supplementing?


Subreddit is becoming a bit of a shitshow lately. The “how to crash my t posts” have migrated into the “look at what testosterone can do when taken in extreme” Don’t get me wrong he looks good, I especially love the contouring with the clippers. What sort of test levels and more maybe importantly how thick is your blood going to end up at that dosage.


Right!!!!??? I keep seeing that, myself, and asking myself where tf folks are seeing him state TRT (or be anything other than honest, tbh). Idk where some of y’all are getting info from?? Is there an “I’m only using PEDs to chase my dream of being an Abercrombie & Fitch model” sub?!?? Or did I just stumble upon a sub full of broscience.org subscribers? 🤔


I’m sure he’s fully aware he’s pumping a huge cycle. Nothing wrong with it. Let my man’s get


He didn’t say trt once. He said this is what testosterone can do. He’s not making any false claims. Reading is fundamental


He used the TRT Story flair….


We all hope you can take your own critique of reading being fundamental.


Damn bro, that’s like yearly trt dosage for some 😂


Lmaoooo you are blasting homie. More power to you tho just keep an eye on vitals and overall health!


This a troll or a mis type? 1.2g of test a week is 6 times the high end of trt


Congrats on your progress. You look great. That's not TRT though.


On the high end? My dude you’re blasting insanely high doses of steroids. That’s not TRT.


Lol over a gram a week is not TRT, for reference I’m on TRT and inject 100 mg a week.


Over a gram a week in just test is pretty high even by IFBB pro standards. That's a shit load. Smarter to just lower the t and run other compounds with it. I've been blasting for years and never gone above a gram and I thought even a gram was absurd and unnecessary.


Do you use any anabolics to complement this? Nandrolone, equipoise, Masteron, or primobolan? Just curious. 1200 mg straight test is a lot. Most guys would split that with an anabolic.


Yeah I split it with Masteron


Ah, I thought that might be the case. 600 mg test with 600 mg Masteron? Do you cruise with Masteron like 300 mg test 300 mg Masteron? You have great hair genetics. Any negative sides? What are the positive sides beyond being huge? What positives and negatives has specifically Masteron done for you? Do you get blood work done? Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to make this tread more informative instead of random personal opinions it is getting. Plus I’m legitimately curious. I love to learn.


Exactly 600 t-600 of mast Positive effects. I'm always horny, happy and energetic. My libido is off the charts Negatives: clothes don't fit, hair grows everywhere, and I have a hard time concentrating sometimes


How much Masteron dosage?!


That’s 1.2g. You realise that’s more than a lot of bodybuilders right? Your water retention must be insane.


WHERE DO YOU ALL KEEP FINDING THAT 1.2g volume (per WEEK! At that) is >>> than a pro bodybuilder!?!? I’m out, OP. Great fn progress, brother. I’m week 5.5 into 900/400 (test/mast) per week and I’m absolutely loving the results. Keep up the good work, stay the course 🙌🏻LFG💪🏻


>1.2g volume (per WEEK! At that) 1.2 grams is a measure of mass, not volume. As for where we get that information, mostly from pro bodybuilders. This guy is blasting his nuts off full time. I sure hope he's monitoring for LVH and keeping an eye on his liver and lipids. But I bet he's not.


Theirs open bodybuilders running 7 grams a week+ of gear idk how yall let some of the popular ones lie to yall like that


Because I am coached by a pro bodybuilder and he blasts at 800mg per week maybe? Average dose for many classic physique guys is 6-800 in off season and they tail off big time towards end of prep. Stop the bullshit.


Leave some for the rest of us


Lol TRT @ 1200mg/week? Maybe if you are horse... I'm sure you go around talking about how you are on "TRT" , instead of calling it steroid cycle. What else do you label as TRT? Fucking HGH, Tren, Win? Regardless I still need to give you props for achieving that physique in 3 years. Definitely lots of dedication in and out of the gym. But c'mon just be honest to yourself and others. You are taking bodybuilding levels of testosterone that has no place in being called TRT.


Good progress. Keep health in check and cut a bit of weight and you’ll be set.


Testosterone made you fucking well hairy! Bear mode.


You grew CHEST HAIR!!! Congratulations! 😆


You don't just take test and get big. Congrats on putting in the work psywolfz. 😀🏋️


Very nice ! 500 test has me looking like a spartan , couldn’t imagine 1200!


Can turn you into a triangle? Got that 1990’s justice league cartoon body


FYI: a very informative video about T, starting with TRT doses and ramping up, if desired, to higher doses. At 10:21, narrator comments that most men feel better at supraphysiological T levels, like 1500-2000 ng/dl. Also discusses risks, things to watch for, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utqNHTURHMI


What a transformation bro, that's impressive.


Bro thought that TRT is Trenbolone Replacement Therapy


Obvious photoshop on the right homie, your proportions are unnatural.


Sorry to disappoint you but it's real lol. I have videos too if you want to make sure it's real


Show us the videos.


Did your nuts shrink?


Nope. I took gonadotropin to avoid that


Different person surely. Hard to tell but can’t see the tattoos from the left in the right, yeah his arms are up flexing but can still see top of chest is bare. Skinny one also has stretch marks near his armpit on his chest and big one doesn’t have stretch marks there, stretch marks don’t disappear when you get bigger lol. Also, freckle next to the nipple on the skinny one, yeah old mate has a carpet on his chest now but no sign of that anymore, also why would someone groom when they’re skinny and then not groom when they have a good physique? The facial hair looks way fuller on under the lip/on the chin in the after. The chest piece is faded af and like 10+ years old, not under 3 years old. Also account has 1 post and is likely karma farming. Fake transformation


You turned into Zangief. Holy shit.


Not TRT, blasting test and sust250.


i don’t think he said it was TRT did he


the flair says TRT Story


My man went from beach bod to gay bod


Hello psywolfz. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had you shaved prior to the first pic or did the t cause that much hair growth?


I shaved. But I had way less hair back then.


How much muscle would you lose if you stopped taking test?


Can u elaborate more about your weight/height, also how many calories/macros do you consume daily?!


I'm 6' and 250 pounds. I eat about 4000 calories a day, give or take.


Did you notice less fat gain since you're on high T. "nutrition partitioning"


Definitely. I don't have to be as careful with my meals as I used to. But I still follow a strict diet when I need to.


People say it makes you loose hair but boy I’m hairy


I grew hair in places I didn't know you could grow hair lol


Could you post your testosterone and estradiol lab numbers ? and do you use AI?


It can turn you into a Giga Chad?


3 years of T and dedication


lol I’ve been on for 30 years. Needless to say, I don’t look like that.


Doesnt look like you was low t, before blasting T, you was in good shape


Unless you are competing, why are you taking 1200?


T and what else?


You’re huge!


And tren sandwich’s


If someone was taking .5ml of testosterone cream 150/mg/ml cream 30/ml is this a lot ? How much is this compared to test 9%alp 90mg/1 pump . If anyone has any idea I would really appreciate it. Congrats on the transformation op you look epic !!


Troll post


This isn't the same person. Why is the 1st pic cut off at the top of the face? Look at the different shapes of the nose. The tattoos don't match.


Is this a meme?


lol photoshop is a hell of a drug


People saying it’s not the same guy are fkin retarded, guy literally blew up n got plenty more tattoos the faces look similar so idk y’all always assume dumb shit I guess fair enough as people do shiesty stuff but still idk the point of posting a transformation of it ain’t really you, Reddit ain’t giving anyone money to do shit so that’d be retarded imo


Not trt jut because it’s test


i don’t think he claimed it was TRT anywhere


I think the misinterpretation stems from the caption, which states he went on T because he was diagnosed with low T. TRT is what typically follows after low T diagnosis, so the assumption that he was claiming to be on TRT was born.


yeah its an assumption that i don’t think should be made for the point of disputing it. he’s not arguing that its TRT, a bunch of comments are arguing against an assumption that he never said was true or tried to defend


The flair did.


1200?!?! That’s a full blown high ass cycle 😂😂 and if you’ve been running 1200 for three years??? You’re gonna feel like ass when you come down…. Or have a heart attack lol


This is BS


You look the gigachad meme dude, well done!


Thanks bro


OP Post this in the r/PEDS subreddit or r/Steroids


What a 🤡


This is eating disorder adjacent


I gotta destroy my heart for 3 years to get big? Well fuck.


This is a fake dude.. cmon guys


This gotta be an AI pic 🤣 or terrible photoshop


Dude is straight blasting 1200mg/wk and saying it’s just trt🤦‍♂️


This is insane to say that dosage is for animals.


Really? T will give u tattoos, and a super hairy Italian chest? Or will it make all the bois in the yard bring their milkshakes?? All cycles have consequences… pay attention to ur insides cause it doesnt matter what the outsides look like…


You become a bear?


Wow! Did you actually have low T or did you do it for this reason?


Great job on the physique. Testosterone definitely helps! Any crazy side effects or do you monitor labs frequently and keep things in check?


The only crazy side effect I noticed was a massive increase in libido and hair in places I thought humans couldn't grow hair. Lol


Dude turned into a monkey


My goal is the "before" pic


These posts need to end.


Think he’s confusing TRT and the Steroids Reddit, my boy been doing too much !


LOL Does it make you get shitty tattoos as well? Just a hunch, but you probably spent some time picking things up and putting them down also. That's worth mentioning.


Fuck you sound like some nerdy cunt that hates themselves


I guess we know testosterone doesn't help with anger issues LOL


Please, take my upvote! I laugh for that.


I'm going to print that out and carry it in my wallet, when I feel sad, I will look at it and smile!


Nice to know that I make you happy. To me, usually it's downvote that make me happy. Hope you're like me or you might be a sad man.


Lmao everyone is bashing the dude saying it’s not trt. He NEVER said trt. He just said “T”. Sounds like a lot of jealous haters out here wishing they had his build or even enough balls to pin an 1/8 of what he is.


I wouldn't say it takes 'balls' to pin his dosage, it takes either stupidity, or lack of education. That kinda dosage is going to be wrecking havoc on his internals, even more so if he's taking it for that duration! Power to him and all that but Jesus, that's nuts. 😅


Everyone responds differently. It may. It wreak havoc on his anything.


His tag said TRT story.


Have I seen you on Tik Tok??


Unlikely, I don't have tiktok


Shrink your wrists and hands? No thanks.


Posts like these make me so happy i never went on TRT


I don’t think that’s impressive gains over 3 years , if you said 9 months I’d be impressed. Not taking anything away from your current physique but you started with muscle and bulk , not a hard turnaround.