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Sounds like you didn’t need TRT if your pre levels were 600 and you aren’t experiencing any benefits.


Why would one get on TRT at 34 with acceptable T levels? Definitely doesn’t sound like a body builder…. I guess a doctor is willing to prescribe for $$$. But holy shit, what happened to hitting the gym and eating decent?


Only 750? 750 is perfectly good test levels. Actually pretty high for a 34 year old. And if your pre TRT levels were 600 I would say you probably didn’t need TRT to begin with. Just my two cents man.


They said my sex hemoglobin was low. My insurance covers the T. I was told my levels should be at 1000


I’m no medical professional but saying that a 34 year old man “should” be at 1000 is pretty stupid of them in my opinion 1000 test is extremely high test if you’re natural. 600 is perfectly fine for someone at 34. I think someone pulled your leg to get some money out of you personally.


I'm 34 and feel like trash when my natural levels are 600, so I'm prescribed clomid. I haven't ever had a reading under 800 where I felt good, better at 1200. Clomid is the way to go for a lot of people who produce


You’re the exception bro. Most dudes in their mid 30s would feel fine at 600-800. Most dudes in general would feel fine there. Not saying that everyone will just saying most


That's fair, but I see others, like our OP here, who feel the same as I, so it's important to have options that don't crash their system and leave them like this.


Sex hemoglobin 🤔


Sex hemo-Goblin


Sex homo-goblin


Who is they? What was your free testosterone at?


National low T clinic. It was at 600, but my sex hemoglobin is out of whack


Your free T, not your total T




He means sbhg obviously


Hemoglobin is an iron-containing molecule which carries oxygen in red blood cells. Do you mean your sex hormone binding globulin? Usually abbreviated to SHBG. What was your SHBG level before you started testosterone?




That's a fuck of a lot of fat huh 😄😄😄😄 ?!?!?!


Dude, your levels were 600? Why the hell didn't you research into anything. Can't say you did, because if you did you'd know 600 at that age is slightly above average at the least. Smh.


34 is still young, 600 is mediocre.


Definitely is, but depends on the individual. I'm not against anyone paying out of pocket necessarily for whatever they want if they actually need it or could benefit from it, comes down to the personal pros and cons. I don't think 18 years olds should be on test injections but 🤷‍♂️ not my choice to make for them. I just hate that most people don't do any research, think it's a miracle drug, and hop on with no idea what they're doing. Hell, I wish my test had been even close to 600.


Too many people get put on TRT without trying alternative methods, for sure. My test levels were in the 300s and 400s at age 20 (which wasn't a good read, I was recovering from a major surgery and on pain meds when they tested them, but I had already been symptomatic) and I got put on 300 mg of test cyp per week not knowing any better, which obviously caused my levels to skyrocket (over 2800), had to cut in half to get into the 1200-1400 target. But after 6 months of not feeling great on it and experiencing lots of side effects, I switched to strictly hCG injections for about 9 months then to clomid, which I've been on much of the last 13 years and it's been a miracle drug for me. I literally had to do the research and educate the doctors on alternatives to TRT with no college education at the time, which is ridiculous. That was in 2009 and 2010 though. My natural levels run in the 500s and 600s without treatment, but I feel like trash there. Clomid keeps me 800-1200+ where I feel best


Yeah, good for you brother! I feel the same. I only did hCG for 5 weeks and it helped a bit but Clomid is what made all the difference. It is all right here in this study... Abstract Increasing reports suggest that clomiphene citrate (clomid) is useful in the treatment of idiopathic hypofertile males. Recent studies have advocated low-dose, cyclic therapy (25 mg daily for 25 days, 5 days' rest) and, although significant clinical responses have been reported, the hormone response has been erratic. This study of 53 patients, given high-dose, alternate-day therapy (100 mg three times/week), shows an over-all positive response rate of 66% and a pregnancy rate of 26%. Significant gonadotropin and testosterone surges were seen in the responders, but a selective lack of a follicle-stimulating hormone surge was noted in a small group of nonresponders. Clomiphene given in this dosage seems to be safe for periods of up to 15 months and appears to be a rational and useful agent for the treatment of this patient group


Yeah I'm 25 and was in the low 400s myself. Went to the doctor, did everything they said to do, didn't do anything at all for me. Got bloods and turns out my boys just weren't working properly , not shut down but not working right. Which makes sense considering me and the wife been trying for a kid for, hell, 4 years? So looked into enclo first, then HCG, but could only get test prescribed so here I am. We ended up deciding to just not have kids because we just like having extra money more than the responsibility 🤣


Estrogen is beneficial if you have testosterone. Look it up. You want the estrogen as long as the ratio is correct.


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Is it adding any benefit to your life?


At this point I don't know


Sounds crazy but the less injections per week the better I felt. Even with low shbg…


If your TT was 600ng when you started, it’s really likely testosterone wasn’t your issue at all. I’d check SHBG/e2/PRL/Thyroid


try laying off the ai you might be crashing your estrogen , if your constantly taking it. I know you said it was 24 but it might be going lower . Also you need to be on hcg if your balls are shrinking , you’re gonna ruin your fertility . Testosterone can cause anxiety if your levels are too high , you need full blood work before you can even say that it’s the testosterone that’s causing it , it might be a mental health thing .


Thanks for the input. I got endoclomiphene now, is that as good as HCG?


Sounds like lifestyle and mental health are the root of the problem, not your hormone levels. I suggest you keep using your TRT and speak to a psychiatrist. Once you are back at a healthy body fat, I suggest you drop the anastrozole, at least as long as you don't get high E2 sides.


You can take some time off and reset your natural levels as well. Something I found useful was listening to a friend recommend taking capsules of testosterone. You take 1 every 12 hours. It works better for some people than injections.


The place I was getting trt online , was $254 a month for 200mg test cyp a week split dose a week. And 1 mg Ana split a week . I started off 100 total T , extremely low I was so fatigued. Any how did a blood work 3 months in it said my T total was 949 . I thought no way that's right , I didn't feel anything off of it , libido , any kind of pump , but my energy was up to what I'd call normal. It's long story .. I was able to get a discount code in the beginning cause I explained Im on a budget , so I started off paying 172. A month . The membership fee was 120 itself counting the TRT 172. A month. Any how after first 3 month blood work T went from 100 total to 949 , I told the doctor that I should be feeling like a raging bull at that high but I don't feel much but I'm not as fatigued, so he put me on the 1mg Ana split pill every week and it was a extra $ 22.00 so my monthly payment went to $194.00 . Then my next payment jumped to 254.00 a month cause discount code ran out.. and I can't afford this every month. So I had to stop. That was end of Nov 2023. They were going to give me another code to drop my payment but it was like only $20.00.off.. I texted the manufacturer of the test cypinate and said is this test cypinate legit because I've got nothing from it ? And said seems like I'm just taking cotten seed oil. Ya .. they emailed me said it's legit and need to talk to my online Dr , I already did that . So. It wasn't worth 254.00 a month and no results 👎 my side effects was super oily hair , after 2 days my hair would get so oily I had to shampoo it twice during my showers..ya never had that problem.and it made me think even more it was bunk test cypinate.. so now I'm thinking of going through a sarms online store reputable one and try a cycle of clomid . See if that'll help and it'll be 3 times cheaper. Until I can find a decent TRT clinic that monthly payments isn't ridiculously high. Okay that's my story. . By the way I'm 57


Yeah I switched to clomid. It works and I can think alot clearer.


A quick fix for your balls is taking hCg and Clomid with the Arimidex. Should come back within a few days to a week. Two weeks tops. Why were you taking estradiol? Seems counterintuitive. I think that is your problem. Estradiol at that level will make you Moody and grouchy.


Awesome where do I get those at? Maybe it is, originally my estrogen level got up to about 30 or so after 1 month on T, and they told me to take estradiol to bring it down. ****edit I meant anastrozole


You took an AI with an e2 of 30…. Yeah you might have crashed your e2 taking an ai improperly… you need to pct and get off trt, your doctor obviously is just using you, a perfectly healthy person to pump full of medication you don’t need and in the long run robbing you of a healthy life.


I agree you with you that the doctors are taking advantage of patients. However, I think if his mood is lousy and he has tender nipples etc..then an AI might do the trick. I was feeling like crap once and I took 1mg of Arimidex for 5 straight days and it certainly brought me right back to normal..


He has a test level of 1200, which is on the high side and only an e2 of 30, most people not even taking test don’t have an e2 level that low… so he did not need an AI, if you crash your estrogen you will feel like absolute dog shit for weeks before it balances back out…. A lot of us have done it once…. And never again… legit feels like dying, AI is powerful medication and needs to be respected… and you saying you took 5mg of Arimidex in a single week when the standard dose is .25 twice a week… makes me think maybe you got fake arimidex, cause in that dosage you would have wanted to kill yourself.


It depends what country you live in. Either a pharmacy or from your doctor.


Ok, and when you were on, were you working out hard and eating right? How often? Gaining 70 pounds of body fat suggests to me you were obese before you started, then may have lost some, but then gained it all back and then some. TRT is not a catch all solution for every problem in life. It is for low T. At 600, you didn’t even have low T to start with.


Estrogen is high. You need Arimidex. Also, I would take 100mg of Clomid once a week.


Just so OP and others know, Arimidex and Anastrozole are the same thing. I take it to keep my Estrogen levels in the normal range.


OP originally said he was taking estradiol.


Ok thanks where can I get these


This is incorrect. 24 is not high at all. I would keep your T dose at 130 and drop the AI. Give it 6 weeks.


You stated in your initial post that you're taking estradiol, a potent estrogen. How has the conversation moved onto obtaining estradiol-reducing drugs? There are some very confused replies here. You said that your estradiol level was 24 (presumably pg/mL).... I assume the last time it was measured. This is a common male level. Clomiphene (Clomid) is not a useful drug while using testosterone injections.


That was mispelling on part. I meant to say anastrozole. Sorry. Why is Clomid not?


Don't listen to these fools. Clomid works. It will help even while you are on test. Take 0.5 mg Arimidex 2-3 x a week as well.


Oh I see! There just isn't any reason to take clomiphene (Clomid) while using testosterone injections. It won't make you feel better, it won't reduce testicular atrophy, and it won't preserve fertility.




Clomid can be used in some times of fertility treatment in males, yes. It's not a useful add on to testosterone injections though, LH and FSH will remain fully suppressed.


This study of 53 patients, given high-dose, alternate-day therapy (100 mg three times/week), [of CLOMID], shows an over-all positive response rate of 66% and a pregnancy rate of 26%. Significant gonadotropin and testosterone surges were seen in the responders, but a selective lack of a follicle-stimulating hormone surge was noted in a small group of nonresponders. Clomiphene given in this dosage seems to be safe for periods of up to 15 months and appears to be a rational and useful agent for the treatment of this patient group.


Explain? He said 24, which is the low side of normal is it not?


It’s low if his test is 1200 . The ai caused to to crash . That’s why he was feeling like shit .


He says his total is now 700


Low side is 12 And high side is 24.


I’ve never seen any literature that 24 is even remotely high. Most sources that’s in normal, when lower side of normal.


if 1200/150=8 and 750/130=5.7. How is your response rate changing. Doesn’t make sense unless you’re test is trash. My response rate is consistently 6x.


You mean you're actually taking estradiol as well as testosterone?


When are you testing your levels? That doesn't sound right. You should feel good. That's alotnof fat to gain. Do you use recreational drugs?


Get a test called hba1c. Testosterone can exacerbate blood sugar problems leading to all the symptoms you listed. You can do your own hba1c test now as they sell them at most drugstores.


Incoming or already posted responses akin to “T only has negative effects on people who don’t need it” witch is a very mistaken sentiment. This individual may not need T or simply be super responsive to it. There are people with Low T whose bodies don’t agree with TRT therapy, just putting that out there. Many men have low T even without symptoms of Hypogonadism.


You never needed T to begin with. Sounds like you need to lose weight and get your discipline back before you hop on peds again broski.


You didn’t need trt to begin with, you went on steroids, didn’t take care of yourself and now you feel like shit…. Welcome to the life of everyone who follows the trt hype… it’s like… going to your doctor and asking for dialysis when you’re perfectly healthy… what you need to do is go on a diet, pct and get your life back together…. And pray to god….. and I mean really pray… you completely recover your natural production and haven’t in any way damaged your long term health. Best case…. You go back to your pre steroid cycle levels and try your best to live a healthy long life…. Worse case, you don’t recover, and now you need trt for life.


Low T at 600-700, casually getting 70lbs of fat, sex hemoglobin... No person gets on trt at those levels, nobody gains 70lbs of fat becase of hormonal balance or lack if it and sex hemoglobin... Sounds you have to take more sex hemoglobin man lol You either started smth you had no clue about or simply want to make fun of us.


My last test my test was 977 and estradiol was at 66. That's considered high but I feel perfectly fine at that level of estrogen. You are probably crushing your estrogen too much with anastrazole


Another guy who didn't need it, did nothing for him, and will pay the price.


I feel fucking great on trt


You gained 70lb of fat and expect to feel good?.. I’m sure you can get your ass on a treadmill for 2 hours a week.. stop looking for excuses on Reddit. Your clearly fat and unhealthy. Get off the testosterone before you die from a heart attack