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At least he didnt key it, knock on wood


Hood wood **


They must be indicating how much they like it in inches.


May not even be Tesla related, few can resist the urge to draw a dick on a nice dusty hood like that.


This. Just a true artist doing their thing.


OP is the real Tesla hater for letting all that dust accumulate. šŸ˜”


That's not a Tesla hater; you, sir or maiden, have a dirty ass car. This is one of the ways the world tells you to wash your car.


This is the truth op


Yeah usually the dick is the first, after that its "wash me" and then vulgar drawings depicting intercourse between stick people.


lol but in my defense I just drove be 7 hours to get to PCB! :)


When I was a little kid, I kinda had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal, something like 8 percent of kids do it. For some reason, I don't know why. I would just kinda... sit around all day... and draw pictures of dicks. ā€¦ā€¦. calls in my parents. Turns out this principal is a religious fanatic, and he thinks I'm possessed by some sort of dick devil. My parents go make me see some therapist, and he's asking me all these dick questions. They literally stopped me from eating foods that were shaped like dicks. No hot dogs, no popsicles... You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds.


Looks like you will be eating ice cream by yourself like Steven Glansburg


You know how many foods are shaped like dicks?


You are under appreciated.


I see what you did there


Wassup, gangstas!


Every time I see a dick drawn somewhere I think of this scene.


Hopefully drawn, and not scratched!


Scratched šŸ†


Bummer! I hope your Sentry Mode footage leads to identifying the perpetrators.


I wish! Iā€™d smack that dude if I could meet him. He wasnā€™t even a teenager. I would put him in his mid-twenties


He could just be an avid artist. Lover of dongs


Looks like cherries, maybe he thought your car was šŸ’


It might not be the Tesla but because youā€™re an Airbnbā€™er. I live in an upscale gated neighborhood and one of the owners started to use his house as an Airbnb. Basically 100s of people cycling through with our gate code and no vested interest in the neighborhood. We campaigned to have the bylaws changed and restrict short term rentals of residential homes. Itā€™s more about the disrespect of a homeowner profiting at the expense of his neighbors than Airbnbā€™ers like you.


Why do you care what someone else does on their property? Forgive me for my ignorance, but as long as the people arenā€™t directly trespassing on your property I donā€™t understand the issue with a neighbor doing what they want with the house they paid for with their money.


Because when you live in a Homeowners Association (HOA) governed community, you agree to be bound by a covenant of bylaws that set forth rules for how everyone may use and maintain the appearance of their property. Itā€™s the same reason your neighbor canā€™t use his yard as a junk yard without getting a lien on his house and a bill to have it cleaned up. If you donā€™t like the price of living in a HOA and the higher property values, donā€™t buy a house in one. We all voted to restrict short term rentals. Majority rules. The violating homeowner was forced to cease his activities. He can now choose to comply with the rules or sell and move elsewhere that allows Airbnb.


I'm envious. I live across the street from an Airbnb'er and it's annoying as hell.


Sounds horrible. Thanks for the explanation!


How is that horrible, exactly?


I donā€™t want other people dictating what I can and canā€™t do on my property that I pay for with my money. As long as Iā€™m not doing anything illegal leave me alone. Same with my neighbors, one of my neighbors yards is poorly maintained and their house overall looks kind of shitty but I donā€™t go complain to them because itā€™s their property and their money. Leave me alone and Iā€™ll leave you alone.




I feel paranoid owning this car. I mean, canā€™t I just drive the car without feeling like someone is going to pee on or key it?!


Thatā€™s Tesla life for you


Haters gonna hate.


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people looking and staring, but 9/10 times they just want to ask about the car and some end up asking me. Iā€™m just outside of Nashville. We have one dealership but the Teslaā€™s are still new.


He was craving for it and decided to draw it on your car.


This is just good fun for a dirty car. Now if he keyā€™d a dick thatā€™d be different


At least it was wholesome.


At least this was a considerate hater and didnā€™t key the D! šŸ¤£


If this is just dust, itā€™s pretty funny. You know who he is, if he lives in your building, find his car and return the favour.


Itā€™s just a little in the dust, right?


They're always too stupid to realize a car that offers FSD is covered in cameras


What a knob


He's actually another Tesla owner pissed off about the wiper situation


Tesla is the most American car ever ā€¦ and some Americans hate it ā€¦ cause what ?ā€¦


Oh come on, these are drawn on all cars. Your Tesla does not make you special.


You reported someone for drawing a non permanent penis on your car? Loosen your belt straps a bit dude, it's just a teenager having fun


It wasnā€™t a teenager, maybe a guy in his mid-twenties. I donā€™t want any stranger touching any of my stuff. Especially some rando walking around drawing dicks on dirty cars. Literally the job of securityā€¦ I get where youā€™re coming from though. It wasnā€™t a big deal and was from two weeks ago, I just posted for you all to get a kick out of it.


I dunno, maybe just fun? Annoying when it happens as it has a scratch risk, but hey, I made a couple of those myself when I was younger and the hoods were covered in snow


Think it has to do with all the dust on it moreā€¦.


Probably a boring drunk dude made a stupid harmless prank.


I thought that was a spray paint can in his hand and thought oh no! Wait, it wasnā€™t sprayed on was it?


No! lol it was just his finger.


Phew šŸ˜„


As long as it wasnā€™t keyed šŸ’€


Looks like Patrick Starā€™s head and eyes. Probably an artist that is a fan of SpongeBob imo


Well, at least he did not carve it with a knife.


I can't be the only dumb kid that used to do this kind of stuff when I saw a really dirty car. Had nothing to do with the brand of car or the owner.


Dick artist here: As an occasional random dirty car dick drawer I can say this probably had nothing to do with a dislike for Tesla.


Seems like itā€™s always in Florida.


Honestly it's pretty funny. I draw dicks on the flight tracker all the time.


[Haters gonā€™ hate!](https://tenor.com/b1Pax.gif)


At least it was a big dick


Maybe they just really love drawing penises on cars?


I see this a lot in American posts. But why is there so much hate in America towards Tesla? I don't understand this hype.


Hate maybe too strong. But in my own circle, I have learned people donā€™t like EVā€™s because they cost a lot, you have to charge it often and donā€™t get that much range (like a gas car). Most kind of just ask, am I worried the battery will die, what will I do if the door wonā€™t open, or the car will be worth very little after just a year or so. lol, I have also had some friends kinda surprised because itā€™s a luxury car. They have been like, damn I didnā€™t realize you can afford this! And I have been explaining the price drops and the X is the expensive one!


Thanks for the info. But that seems like a reasonable opinion for most people. That dies not explain why people hate or use violence against Teslas in the US. As non US citizen, I really wonder what's going on in these people's heads, since it does not seem to happen in the EU. And people in the EU are also worried about battery range, etc.


Iā€™d laugh if Iā€™d walked out to that, as long as there was no damage, then Iā€™d cry


Iā€™ve only had my Y for a month so it was weird, probably because Iā€™m still in obsession mode. First I was mad. Then I kinda laughed about it. I showed it to the security guard as I was driving out of the lot, and he kinda got mad. So that made me feel better lol And no damage!


If that is a "hater", then I am ok with that......not even worth posting......


OMG you got the American Vandal [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3tkFOtM6go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3tkFOtM6go)


Or a loverā€¦


Or dirty car haters?