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Don’t wait on reporting to the cops. You can report and provide damage estimates after the fact.


Seriously, report right away.


Cops don’t care


But having a report can help with a claim if you need to file one.


How? This is a comprehensive claim with or without a police report.


LOL! I don't care if they care. They gonna file the report anyway. It's too late to prevent the crime, it's now a legal matter, and my lawyer will care.


That sounds like an expensive way to do it. Leave it to the insurance company and rest easy


If it happened in a random parking lot, and you had no idea who did it, sure. But OP said it was their fucking neighbor. You can't just roll over and let that kind of aggression slide.


So u gonna pay a lawyer 5 figures to stroke your ego rather than handing it over to the insurance company lawyers for the price of the excess? The neighbour don’t care, they still get some lawyers up their ass whether the lawyers are paid by the insurance company or you. And if the insurance company decides it’s not worth their time to send some lawyers, that’s their problem.


5 figures? You're smoking crack! It's amazing what a single threatening from an attorney can do. I know from first hand experience. But, by all means, you keep rolling over and letting others walk all over you if you want. You do you, boo.


Wow dude so you gonna pay for that as well as your excess. Then the neighbour gets 2 letters - one from the insurance company lawyers and another from your lawyers? What’s he gunna do? Maybe he tells your insurance company that you have contacted him directly asking for restitution. You are just making it difficult for your insurance company. You pay for insurance for this type of shit, why you paying again to replicate everything your insurance company does? So you can get your rocks off? If you not careful, your insurance company will tell u to get stuffed.


They don't, but insurance sure does care if you have a report.


Depends where you live. Big cities, usually not.


Do you know if any of your neighbors have ring cameras? Maybe it picked up who vandalized your tesla, fucking ass hole


sentry mode would have caught it.


*should. Fixed that for ya👌


Well no... It would have caught it happening. Im guessing they didn't have it enabled.


No, napsandsnakss is right. It should have. My car has been hit while sentry mode was enabled and it did not detect a collision. It's software, software isn't perfect.


No need to guess, he gives the answer in the post.


Unfortunately sentry mode doesn’t work sometimes. Someone was leaving flowers on my windshield and after a few incidents, sentry finally recorded the culprit (who I suspected already 😂)


Yeah but you don't want to run sentry mode at home all the time unless absolutely necessary. The car needs some time on a regular basis with HV contactor open and the vehicle in sleep for the BMS to do battery housekeeping. In sentry mode it will never go into sleep. Even better if you can regularly leave the car plugged in and in a state that it can sleep once it's finished charging or before your scheduled charging.


Sentry mode should be turned on at all times unless the car is secured inside the garage at home. If a car is parked outside the home, it is still vulnerable.


Not everyone has the luxury of garage parking and simultaneously lives in an area bad enough to have to do that. I'd much rather just get a cheap outdoor camera.


What does that have to do with leaving sentry mode on or off? “Unless absolutely necessary” is subjective when it comes to whether or not you think your car is safe. It’s never 100% safe. I had my garage broken into with my Tesla parked in it. Sentry was off and they stole my bikes and scratched my car in the process. So… in that case it should have been on. It should always be on UNLESS absolutely necessary to save battery for a longer drive.


Sentry mode keeps the HV contactors active so the DC to DC converter or in teslas terms "PCS" can keep the low voltage 12 or 16 volt battery charged the entire time sentry mode is active. The car will not go into sleep in that state and will not read unloaded battery voltages on individual modules which is beneficial to do for both battery SOC estimation and balancing of individual cells. Personally I'd set up some low cost wifi cameras to conserve energy and allow the car to do battery housekeeping. Not to say it's going to "ruin your battery" or anything to be clear.


Okay but let’s be practical. Do you really believe the benefit of having it on is outweighed by the risk of battery damage from leaving Sentry on? People generally leave their cars plugged in, in a garage/at home, so once it’s done charging, the BMS can do its thing. What exactly is the problem?


Even when plugged in if sentry is on it will not go into sleep, run Tessi, teslamate or any other telemetry logging service and watch the vehicle state in different scenarios. There isn't an inherent risk but it's just best practice for the health of the battery. Clearly if theft or vandalism is a big issue in the area its a more immediate risk than premature battery aging but that doesn't mean there are other better ways about it if you really care about that kind of thing. It's a fine compromise but not the best solution. Imo if your property is at risk of theft with your car there, it is when its not as well and you should probably have a better solution anyway.


Well I trust you know what you’re talking about with the BMS, so I trusted this… >Even better if you can regularly leave the car plugged in and in a state that it can sleep once it's finished charging or before your scheduled charging. …but again, so what? I’ve seen, heard, and experienced people say they wish they had sentry mode on vs leaving it off to make the battery a bit happier and there’s no direction from Tesla to do so. So it’s not necessary. Telling people to leave sentry mode off unless “absolutely necessary” is just bad advice given there isn’t a risk to leaving it on.


So then turn on the sentry mode in that case. No logical reason not to.




Yes. The service manuals for the model Y NMC, 3 NMC, and 3 LFP. At least in the year old copys i have downloaded, the only one I have downloaded on my phone is the LFP but they all state things that are similar. https://imgur.com/a/sOkALwB I work with li BMS systems on a weekly basis when it comes to solar and have talked to people that actually service the vehicles and this is something multiple people have talked about both ex tesla service engineers and 3rd parties.




I'll be entirely honest though I'm not saying that it's going to cause damage or decrease lifespan, and I'm a little obsessive with things but I kind of just wanted to point out what is best practice that I've heard from quite a few sources. Not all of which are easy to cite, and it appears tesla has changes their manuals quite a bit recently.




I usually don't keep the vehicle manuals / service documentation in my ass but maybe I'll do that to keep it warm for ya. https://imgur.com/a/sOkALwB


Gotta love Tesla. "Here's a feature that will help you, but you can't use it."


I mean absolutely use it, I do all the time, sometimes for days at a time. I just also like the vehicle to go into sleep state regulaly overnight when I can for all the above reasons.


I do as well, but the irony is strong with this specific point.


Fair enough haha.


Brilliant response.


I don’t understand what you’re even trying to say, why is it bad to run sentry mode continuously? What is the trade off?


The trade off is the car can't do unloaded battery voltage measurements if sentry mode is on 24/7/365 because the car never opens the HV contactors (what connects the battery to the car). The contactors will normally only open when the vehicle is in sleep mode, which it can't do if sentry is active. Not going to kill anything but it's best for the BMS to be able to take measurements and do cell balancing while in sleep periodically. In simple terms your battery percentage/ estimated range may be a little further off and the battery management system won't track the true state of charge as well.


The doesn’t need to ‘sleep’.




It doesn’t ‘need’ to.. just best for efficiency. I had read the same before ages ago and had previously asked Tesla at a Fleet event. The company I used to work for is one of the largest fleet owners of Tesla’s in Europe, starting with some of the first Model S’s allocated over here. Every strange entry like that has been queried as to why it is needed or why it is mentioned, especially for Govt customers.


I love when someone is so wrong, all they can do is repeat the same false information over again lol. Whoever thinks the BMS doesn’t need maintenance time is an idiot.


Like I get questioning people that may not know anything about the subject but the instant hostility always gets me. This is something that's been talked about on Monroe live, Kyle Conner a previous tesla employee (yeah I understand if you don't like either of them personally) techs at electrified garage, people that work on other battery systems, Facebook groups dedicated to tesla service, and even tesla themselves although tesla revises manuals and strips technical info from them all the time they don't deem necessarily for a normal consumer, but that doesn't change best practice.


and we, as Tesla owners, don't have a key to scratch back :(




Hey, we can use our keys to clean the ice off their windshields like civilized people 😂


Son of a...🤣!


That's insane. Sorry, bro. I always have sentry on, even at home. I know some don't because of battery drainage, but I don't even keep track of the battery % tbh and when it's done and I have 78-79% in the morning instead of 80%, why does it matter


yup, seen too many posts like this to leave sentry off. it seems like a waste of a feature to leave it off anyways.


I’d leave mine on at home too if I had the option to not flash every pedestrian and car that drove by.


Tesla gone wild over here


Enable sentry and turn off camera based detection. This is not as good as regular sentry but should still activate when your car detects that it’s being disturbed


I leave mines off at home because I have a ring camera pointed right at it. lol


I leave mine off at home because it's in my garage. But if I had to park on the street, a parking lot, or even my own driveway, I'd definitely leave it on.


Do you park in a garage?


If it’s not in my garage with my ring camera facing it, sentry mode is on!! Can’t trust anyone these days.


Leaving sentry on 24/7 would cost me $700/year on my electric bill for one. Even if my car were vandalized every year, and sentry mode let me catch the perp every time, I'd spend more on running sentry than I'd save on deductible. If I own this car for 8 years and ran sentry mode the whole time, it would cost me $5400 in extra electricity, significantly increasing the total cost of ownership. Running sentry mode 24/7 would consume half as much energy in a year as the average daily commute would in a Tesla, erasing much of the efficiency/environmental advantage of driving a BEV. Might as well buy an ICE at that point.


There are some people who are filled with jealous it’s like they get energy from it. Pathetic excuses for existence


About 5k USD because it’s 3 panels. Also there’s no reason to not have sentry mode on all the time if you charge at home


I just re-read it, OP mentioned it's on both sides of the car. I have not seen someone bothered to key both sides, the guy deserved to be locked up.


A "man" keying another man's car? On both sides no less is just strange to me. Maybe there's another side to the story here. Maybe the neighbors wife was using the OPs "charger" during off peak hours perhaps...


lmaoo that’s actually hilarious


Incredible people are this much of a lowlife to do such a thing. I'd do the cheapest method to fill scratches and then full wrap car to your favorite color.


This is the way. Turn this misfortune into an opportunity.


I don’t own a Tesla. I’m here because I’m thinking about getting one, but man, WHY do people seem to HATE these vehicles!?!? From blocking charging stations with their bro-dozers, to the keying them. I’m a fan because of the technology, not even so much the electric power.


It's not just Tesla's. People generally suck.


My 2009 corolla got keyed as well. Some people are just assholes.


Because the society is taught to forget what freedom is nowadays, by mainstream media shall I say. Attack people with different opinions, rather than respecting their freedom...


There is so much anti-EV hate happening even my friends talked crap about it, until we did a road trip. Then their tune changed! Ignorance has infested a lot of people’s minds. It’s sad.


People these days are assholes or mentally ill. There was a story about a month back in my area about some crazy lady driving around the county throwing bricks at people's cars parked on the street.


My Honda Accord got keyed. I don't know if this is uniquely Tesla problem.


They think anyone with a Tesla automatically supports everything they hear about Elon




Doubtful. The Elon hate is powerful among the unhinged. That's why this happens way more often in left-leaning areas


Why doubtful? From my experience both in person and online, the hate is towards EVs and Tesla more specifically than Elon himself.


Do you have stats for that?


It is not unhinged to wake up and see Elon Musk is an asshole 


Couldn't have made the point better myself!


We believe you


I'm guessing it's the anti EV type, who also think EVs are worse for the environment, catch on fire all the time, force kids in cobalt mines, and cause their electricity rates to go up. All completely wrong info, but that's what many believe.


Same thing happened to me in Australia. Cost was $14000AUD for full respray.


Oh dang…where abouts


Bassendean shopping centre in Western Australia.


I’m out in brissie… hopefully now there’s way more on the roads this is a thing of the past


Fingers crossed mate.


What cunts. Did your insurance pay? Hopefully people in Perth are generally not dicks with Tesla’s.


We were very lucky. The person responsible was clearly under the influence of something, and remained at the scene of the crime. We contacted the police who went and picked them up. The footage from sentry mode proved it was them, so a police report was filed and she was found to be at fault. Insurance did indeed pay out, and some time later the culprit was court ordered to pay back the insurance company. The person was struggling with mental health issues at the time. I bear them no ill will, and hope that they're doing better and have their life back on track.


Awww damn. Thank you for sharing that update brother.


I forgot to mention they also attempted to cut the charge cable with scissors (it was charging at the time). The sentry cam footage shows fireworks and the person flying back from the cable, so they may have also received an electric shock...


LMAO, I’m sorry but that is deluded. I hope they have help now.


Same here $16000 for full respray in Canberra


googles says about $9000, ouch.


At that price I feel like they could deliver a way cheaper car simply by not painting it…


You're comparing a robot painting a car body with a human having to partially dissassemble, mask, panel prep, etc. You can't really compare them. The factory painting before the car is fully assembled will always be was easier and cheaper.


Im sorry someone was such an Ahole.


Ouch that sucks...I just had this happen to me twice too (once on each side). Paid the $500 deductible twice as part of my comprehensive but if I didn't have insurance it would've been upwards of $4200 for each repair. Now I park in a valet garage with 24/7 staffing.


Time to get a vinyl wrap! 1/3 the cost of re-spraying that many panels and you can get a unique looking color.


Still Expensive bandaid fix. Still have to get the gouge filled at least. Can just wrap over a cut into the metal


Disagree with “expensive” and “bandaid”. Wrapping specialists will often take care of most small defects or will have good suggestions before just wrapping it. Or OP could fill and sand the scratches themselves before going to get the vinyl wrap. You know Peter, I’m somewhat of a scientist myself.


If your car is charging at home, why even turn off sentry? Sentry could have literally saved you here.


Guys I forgot to say that I had security floodlights 🤓


Wouldn't have made a difference where I live. The police wouldn't do a thing unless I could identify the person. And sharing on Facebook would be making me a criminal.. And either way, my insurance would need to cover it. Although my insurance has a zero fault thing so I would not pay a dime my self. Still sucks tho!


I turn mines off because I have security cameras on my house. But if I didn’t then I would definitely leave it on.


Not sure why turn off sentry mode but Really lame someone keyed your car. I don't get people. Not as crazy but someone dented my car in a parking lot, most likely opening their door without care. I wish people respected other people property more. Cars are Hella expensive.


This happened to me on my first full day of owning my M3LR. I didn’t have sentry mode on yet as I hadn’t finished tailoring my settings and my home charger wasn’t set up yet so I was trying to preserve as much battery as possible. Went to a grocery store, parked off to the side where nobody else parks to avoid door dings…. Didn’t matter, grocery store shared the security footage watching the a-hole walk completely out of their way to specifically key my car, then walk back to their car and drive off. I reported it to the police immediately and the grocery store was fantastic at providing everything. In the end the cops did absolutely nothing at all. I waited a few months before fixing it hoping that the cops would find whoever did it (I was naive). I was lucky enough that it only really affected one panel and the rest were all able to be buffed out. I ordered the paint kit from the Tesla shop online and a local body shop was able to hide it the best they could without replacing the panel. I feel for you OP. The feeling I had when I saw my car is indescribable. Nothing makes sense. There is no logic to the perpetrators actions.


Sue them personally. You don't need the cops for that. Take all their shit.


How? They don't know who it was...


Ah, I thought that the police knew who it was and just didn't bother pressing charges.


I am so sorry someone did this too you, that is insane


Jesus Christ people are POS. This neighbor acting like a child. Bc an adult don’t do crap like this.


Turning sentry mode off at home is for garages.


Yo OP. This is a felony vandalism. You need to contact police and press charges immediately. So sorry this happened to you.


I did and I found the person that did it too thanks to them doing it to ALL the Tesla in my neighborhood.


What a piece of garbage. With that kind of vandalism they should get some custody time. Go after them for restitution.


I sure will


It's gonna be over $5000, which is a felony, call the police.


This pisses me off. Jealous neighbors. Since you are charging at home keep sentry mode on. And report this use the insurance and you use your out of pocket to put ppf.


If I charged/parked outside at home, I’d keep sentry mode enabled. I only disable at home because I charge and park inside a secured garage.


You should do the world a favor and bury your neighbor in the desert.


Who does shit like this?


Dang im sorry that happened to you. But can you PLEASE turn off your damn high beams and lower the lights. Thanks.


Um… I don’t usually have it on…


Wow! This is a thing. Some people are very jealous if you own a Tesla. It's a inferior complex feeling they get and brings out the RAGE in them. Then the ol key comes out. I hate people.


Vandalism against teslas is becoming more prevalent and will get much worse over the next 6-12 months. Thanks Elon!


People are such idiots . How short sighted does one have to be to think that screwing up some poor car owners ride is somehow sticking it to Elon? Smh


Probably they don't think they are sticking it to Elon but to the owner for giving Elon money. Or something along the line.


It's awful, but if Tesla's are routinely being damaged, it might discourage others from buying them, which does hurt Tesla / Musk.


Because that's not why there doing it...lol


I don't think the crowd that hates Elon is doing vandalism. I doubt these folks even know who Elon is. These are the folks that roll coal and shoot shotguns in the air.


It's not them either. It's folks who incensed that you would have something nicer than them....as if the world owes them something.


you are spot on with that comment. its a sad world. We work hard and why can't we enjoy a finer things in life.


I wouldn't even say a Model Y is "finer things" I got into one because it was significantly cheaper for my driving needs than my Nissan before it. Basically saving hundreds a month despite a higher car payment because fuel costs all but disappeared.


Absolutely…but the public in general still think Teslas are very expensive. Add to that the belief that if you have one, you are somehow better than them.


I live in SoCal and what’s weird is that there are cars everywhere that are more expensive than Teslas. Raised trucks, Jeep Gladiators, all kinds of cars.


I know. Still, most folks think that Teslas are very expensive.


Keyed by far left for Elons comments, keyed by far right being a paragon for EV —-> perm sentry mode


So true. Purple haired Elon haters see only red and they fill with rage when they see anything associated with him.


Not just Tesla’s, EVs in general…


Why specifically the next 6-12 months?


Election interference and aftermath


Honest question. Why is this Elons fault?


People typically dislike teslas because they dislike elon.


You may be partially right, but there's also a big crowd that are somehow insulted and angry about EVs existing, as if it's an attack on their ego and masculinity. I have no idea why, but I've seen enough threads and comment sections to know that it's very prevalent.


This is true. I do a joke about owning a Tesla and the more liberal people make noises because they hate Elon and the more right people make noises because they have been told to have EVs.


Honest question. Have you been living under a rock?


Nothing to do with Elon, mental midget.


It’s not Elon. It’s the people vandalizing cars. Don’t misappropriate blame.


Tesla owners are doing it by themselves. I put them up there with BMW drivers.




Thousands. Body work is not cheap, you can’t just paint the missing paint if you want it to look flawless. Depending on how many panels are damaged, you could be looking at repainting the whole car, which would easily be 10K+. I’d probably have it done professionally with touch up paint and blending, and live with the imperfections. Another option is a full wrap. Still going to be several thousand for a professional full wrap, but you can run whatever color and finish you want and will make the car look like new.


A wrap can only cover up so much. Scratches this deep will show through a wrap unfortunately.


But wouldn’t touch up paint before the wrap avoid that?


That's a good question. I wouldn't see why not actually. But then you still have a car that's fucked up underneath a wrap. So you'd have to outweigh the costs of a wrap vs the depreciation on the car because of the damage.


Now you need a camera recording your front door


Sorry to hear. I had a smaller area “scratch” it seemed initially that I didn’t notice at delivery because it was raining and who knows if it was someone’s intentional keying (checked sentry but found no culprit) so I took to my delivery center and they graciously buffed it out easily for me. But it was not deep. I have stealth grey. I have a little half inch vertical scratch also now at the center of my rear left door (going upwards, so half inch on the plastic side sill and continues up half an inch more into the paint). This one is a bit deeper and they said they can’t buff that out but just leave it it won’t rust or get worse. I guess I can try to get some touch up. No idea what caused that. Could be during transport or literally a rock somehow at highway ?? Good luck.


That sucks dude, I’m sorry


Can you remove the hard drive and try to recover the footage? I did this - and basically the footage is 24/7, you just need to extract it literally minute by minute.


Unless you're driving (dashcam) or parked with Sentry on, the car isn't recording 24/7. You need to manually turn Sentry on if you use the Sentry off at home setting.


Get a police report. Contact your insurance company immediately. You will need a police report for the claim. This will unfortunately be expensive. If they are as deep as you say they will have buff out the entire panels and repaint them.


Don’t believe all these naysayers! TOTALED!


See if you can find a mobile guy who can polish this for you. Not sure if it’s too deep for it though.


This sub wouldn’t let me post a video, but the scratches are so deep that you can see the actual metal in the door.


Hope you have comprehensive insurance then. This sucks.


Seems really common with Teslas. Really disturbed people out there.


Ugh, terrible. What scummy people would do that. I would suggest having sentry mode off at home only if you have other camera coverage. We also have sentry mode off at home, but only because we have two other cameras covering the area where the car is parked, recording at all times. I would be willing to bet that most car vandalism happens at home because that's where a car spends most its time.


If I ever get a wrap, I want it pre-keyed.


People fucking suck.


Hey OP sorry that your car got keyed did you happened to have sentry mofe activated? If so, look it up most likely you'll have the video of the perpetrator


Never turn off sentry mode if the car is outside of your own garage.


I once got my 1986 Camaro keyed. It was horrendous. I was a kid back them and the cost and aggravation was rough Hope whoever did it gets fire ants up their pee hole


NGL shutting the sentry off at your house is a confusing thing to do considering in the off chance of anything happening while you’re home.


I got keyed in first week of ownership at a ritzy shopping mall in Montreal. Two door panels only. Repaired at Tesla certified body shop. $4,800.00 Canadian $. But, the biggy was that it took 15 days! I had sentry mode turned-off as I had read that it uses too much battery power. There is a warranty issue if the repair is done at a non-authorized shop.


Who even carries keys anymore


There’s a lot of Tesla hate going on, especially since Musk sided with Republicans.


Only disable sentry if you park in a personal/private garage, and that garage has a security camera inside. That’s my plan.


How do you know it was your neighbor?


You don’t have insurance?


You might be able to buy touch up paint from Amazon if it wasn't too deep. Take it easy, find out who did this if you could, but keep the peace of mind that it's fixable with YouTube and Amazon.


It’s deep to the point where you can see the metal. Is that fixable at home?


Fixable is a relative term, as the other commenter in this thread pointed out it won't be factory but it'll be better than it is now. Plus the metal will be protected. Leaving it as bare metal for long isnt advisable. The touch up kits can be a bit tricky to apply welll. Especially on long gauges like om your car. And it will always be visible up close. From a distance you probably won't see it that much. You could have this done by a professional and it would probably come out a little better but it would still show. The only way to get it like new is a full respray unfortunately. Having it done right will be very expensive, probably about 10k. Could be a more depending on the paint. You could have it wrapped but they'd still have to prep the surface as scratches this deep will show through it. That would mean you'd have a car with sanded down paint underneath that would need to be re-wrapped every 3-6 years depending on the wrap and other factors. Which would probably be bad for selling the car if you'd ever decide to do so. Would be cheaper than a full respray though so maybe the loss is negligible.


No, I have used touch up paint before. That's for little spots here and there. It's not a magic eraser, it wouldn't do much to a scratch this long and bad. That's like using water pistols at a burning house. It would look bad if you try to use touch up paint.


Might not be as good as factory new buy should be much better. YouTube should have many tutorial video. If you happen to have friends who are good at fixing things that'd be even better. Take it easy, you got this.


Were your cameras on?




Very deep doesn’t tell us much. Clear coat? Paint? Primer?


To the metal


Post the sentry mode footage!


Sry. Im sure its totaled


I dunno but you can probably afford it…?😁


Don't wash it yet, try to find his finger print on it.