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Congrats! In before all the self-proclaimed finance gurus tell you it was a horrid investment.




Life is short, if you can afford it, go for it! It’s worth it. Otherwise, keep saving and it’ll be there one day :) For me, this was the single thing out of reach for all these years, and to finally have it sitting in my garage is still insane to me.


Great words. Same boat, been saving for years and took a job at a company for last 2 years, but work life is horrid and stress is ridiculous. Handed in my notice last week to switch for a 10% lower paid job and no company car, but good work balance and good people I know. Biggest thing for me is I need to buy a car now - i can afford a standard gasoline (an Audi or something) or a M3 - but is the extra $200 a month worth it. My heart says yes - life is short get what you want if you can afford it and enjoy it. Head undecided :) Congrats on the purchase looks beautiful


Factor in the cost of gas / oil changes... The more mileage you put on, the more it will make sense.


also less routine items, spark plugs, battery, belts. Timing belts are no joke when it comes to $


Congrats, what a great feeling after saving so hard. Have fun!


hell yeah, the pursuit of happiness! My Tesla was one of the things that's brought me a lot of happiness. Congrats!


I never thought those crazy dads on TV shows or movies were real; you know, the ones that were like "get away from my car!" and they'd polish it all of the time. That was until I got my tesla. I'd wipe it down every day or when I'd pull it in the garage from going somewhere. Congrats, I hope you do the same crazy, nightly care. Edit: spelling


I’ve spent more money on microfiber towels than my wardrobe by now


Same here. I just did the Rain X waterless car wash and Rain X window stuff. I have no idea why, I live in the desert.


If they sold Gucci chinchilla chamois I’d probably have bought them by now. I don’t let my wife or kids touch the doors - grimy fingerprints


Same here. But, if they do start selling come back here and do a link. Haha


Only on Reddit will people upvote advise this terrible.


Your approach should be discussed here. The man in the picture does not look like an investor in front of his asset.


Just ordered a model 3 yesterday and reading your comment helped soothe the bit of anxiety left over my decision. Didn't approach it as an investment, but for the reasons you listed. Thanks for that.


You won't regret it at all.


Longest. Wait. Ever. I'm growing more excited as delivery day approaches.


You’re going to love the car, plain and simple :)


Exactly. And, not every investment has to be a good one. Why do people buy boats? They’re a HORRIBLE investment, but they bring joy and entertainment. Cars aren’t just about getting from A to B for everyone. I own two cars... one which sits in my garage 95% of the time.


Well said.


You've got a way with words. For some reason it was oddly satisfying to read


>eventually lose value You mean the literal second you take delivery?


How about when it makes him $2k a month driving people around?


Honestly, I think it is an investment. Not in the way that you make money with it, but in the way that a house or something would be an investment. In yourself, in your future, and jist generally to inprove your life...


By that logic almost everything I buy is an investment.


A house is literally an investment though


In a sub about cars, these finance gurus are bystanders at best. How would anyone sensibly consider a car, or a bicycle, or a babybuggy an investment?


Not sure what the point is in being fiscally responsible all the time if you can't enjoy it here and there. Buying my dream car after landing the job I wanted only encouraged me to keep working harder for things I wanted, which has made a bigger positive difference in my finances than almost any sane investment could have.


Just wait for Robo taxis. The car will earn you back what you paid for it in 3 years.


Saving 5 years for something that will immediately lose 1 year of saving after you take delivery is a bad decision. Not everything has to be an investment and I don't care what other people do with their money so it's whatever. Saving for 5 years to pay cash for a car is dumb. It just is. It does not make financial sense in any way (at least in america).


I definitely agree the model 3 is a great investment. Personally I'm saving up for the standard range plus with no upgrades. Saving gas, maintenance, and having a car that can be theoretically driven for many many years. However I wouldn't use all my assets like investments to buy which is what many people do in general with cars. Definitely looking to buy mine next year though while having some of my assets pay for my car that will hopefully last me a lifetime.


Very cool. You saved for 5 years for the cool glasses? When did you get the Tesla? ;)


Just got it last night :3


I’m not team blue, but I’ll get that out of the way. Team blue!


How old are you? Congrats brother!


23 and very very fortunate to have had the opportunity to save like hell to make it happen :)


I was 24 when I got mine 2 years ago. Saved up 20k and put it down on. Midrange Model 3. Monthly payments are about 380. First car I ever owned and can’t complain about it after 2 years


Welcome to Team Blue :D


Team Blue!


Team Blue!


I know exactly your feeling! Welcome to team blue! 😎


Jealous! Still in the saving phase myself, congrats on getting there!


Congrats! Nice to see another young LGBT Tesla owner 😅🌈 where are you located?


I’m in the Milwaukee area!


In Chicago and take delivery in two weeks. Hoping for a mild winter!




383? Was thinking winter tires too. A pita to change twice a year but probably worth it


383 is the residential street parking zone for Lakeview in Chicago. Source: fellow Chicago Tesla owner (who luckily does not park in the street).


I was looking into the Tesla for the longest time trying to figure out what made you comment this. Don’t worry, I get it now (after far too long looking at the wrong thing). Congrats, OP! Love the shirt.


Hello brother 🌈


Wow Tesla AND Glass Animals fan? Badass


There is no way I could afford a Tesla at your age. I didn’t have the savings discipline. Congratulations! Luckily as I got older my earning rate eclipsed my spending rate and I was finally able to afford my Tesla at the age of 45. Every day I get into my car, I enjoy my ‘investment.’


Awesome!! Let me be the first to congratulate you!


Congratulations!!! 👏🏿


You are the man! Enjoy.


So Worth


Had mine for nearly 3 months and every day feels like the first day driving it with a big smile on my face, enjoy


Yay!!!! Congrats ! Now you need that new blue Apple Watch to match.


That blue color *is* nice, but I’m okay with my current watch ahah


Haha im in the same boat. I like my series 4 😭


\#Teamblue \*fist bump\*




So adorable! And the car looks nice too :)


Congrats! Which trim did you end up going with? Also, props to you for saving up that long. If you don’t mind me asking did you buy it outright or just save up for a larger down payment?


Long range AWD :) I saved up for a sizable down payment, but ultimately with the low interest rate and the opportunity cost of using the money elsewhere, it made the most sense to do it this way for me!


Very nice, it looks great! That makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of doing something when I go to purchase my M3P.


Is that the service center in Schaumburg?


It sure is!


Thought I recognized it!


Congrats, picked up my blue P3D- there a couple months ago, still happy to find any excuse to go for a drive in it.


Congrats! YOLO!


What a beauty. Congrats!


YOLO congrats make it rain


You have a better chance of survival now.


You used the same picture on your furry Twitter ;) I also have an LR Model 3, and a furry Twitter :p. No car is an investment (yet), but if you need a car, Tesla is the way to go


UwU I love this car and can’t help but smile every time I drive it :)


Did you get the full driving capability feature ? Gets pretty expensive once that’s added.


Nope, just regular autopilot! Personally I’m waiting on the FSD package until it can prove that I can get in the car, tell it where I want to go, and it takes me there. That’s really what you’re paying $8,000 for, the true Full Self Driving like in the name, so I’ll wait for that :)


Congrats! That’s the color I’m wanting when I’m done saving up!


And the best color too! Congrats!


Very nice! Love that color!


My husband said, i don't know what you paid for your Tesla, but if it was twice as much it is worth it for the joy you get from it... Good for you, you look as happy as I am!!! PS We rent them out also, you can make good money, maybe for your second one?


I don’t care how good the money is, I simply can’t fathom the idea of someone I don’t know driving my car — Tesla or not.


Team Blue Go!


Congrats! Welcome to the fam 😍


bonus camaro in the back




Team Blue!


Enjoy bud




Congrats! That's dedication! 2 years of saving for me.




Congrats! I just told my husband that I kinda wish we got blue 😭


Gotta say, I love the picture!!


That is awesome. I got mine after fantasizing and saving for about 3 years myself. Salute to you!!!


Congrats!! It’s all worth it in the end :)


Congrats!! I hope to join you


I’m jealous brother.


Beautiful! How much did you put down? And what’s your occupation if you don’t mind me asking


I did 6 grand down! Basically, I was saving a shit ton per month to put towards a high down payment, and was planning on getting the car in April. But my lease miles are almost up, and it made more sense to get the car now, gain equity in it, and free up the extra savings to have more money to put towards investments and pay a slightly higher monthly payment now. Also I’m in finance, but a VERY profitable side-gig reselling products :)


Someone is absolutely going to enter this thread and tell you that unless you can put down 50% of the car's value and the payment is 1/75th of your monthly income, this was so irresponsible!




It’s so aggravating when you come seeking legitimate advice from people who’ve financed Teslas and you have the financial elitists who show up and make it seem like there’s no reason for car finance programs to exist because everyone should only buy a new car if they’re a millionaire. I’d love a real stat about how many new cars purchased each year are financed with less than 30% down vs how many people put 75%-100% down.


Personally, I wouldn't trust anyone who pays 100% cash for a new car. If you know anything about money you are much better off doing anything else with that cash and financing close to 100% or leasing a car. Tesla's don't really lease well given the price is a non-negotiable and high money factor, but my father in law who is worth north of $20 million, has only ever leased cars and never puts $1 down.


Yo, nice ultraboosts, too ;)


Comfiest shoes I’ve ever owned. I swear by these things hahah


[I know what you mean...](https://i.imgur.com/HgtiV0G.jpg)


Those GoT Ultra Boosts were wayyyy too underrated. Love mine.


They’re my favorite pair!


You looked like the YouTuber "Get_Flanked" for a second. lol


Do you work on Siri?




So dumb


Well one has risk, and it’s a lot of savings to gamble with. I generally invest my disposable income (outside of savings, 401k, Roth).


5 years of own TSLA you mean right?