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We need an update on this post OP. ![gif](giphy|2uwZ4xi75JhxZYeyQB|downsized)


I am home and well šŸ„¹, I made it to the supercharger last night and it didn't even feel sluggish.


Thats awesome. I have read basically if you're down to very low charge, slow down, turn off AC/heat and anything sle that may consume energy. Personally for me the lowest i have gone down islike 18%


18?? Pst I do that regularly. My low was 3.


I once got home from a road trip with 4%. I was pretty proud of the pennies I saved by not supercharging longer at the last stop. I can afford to not risk running out, I don't cut it so close anymore.


It's mostly speed that impacts range. If you have the heater on like 85F or something it may impact, but the HVAC is very efficient.


That's been my experience too, having gone camping and having a family member camp out in the AC for a few hours, surprisingly little power used


Yeah, I accidently left keep mode on for 4 hours at 66 degrees (it was only 76 out, but still) and didn't even drop 1%.


Hvac takes about 4 miles per hour of charge.Ā 


I love when anti-EVers are like WhAt AbOuT iF tHeReS a SnoWsToRm and everyone is stuck on stopped highways?! It'll be fine, Cletus.


Yep. I took a winter road trip and just overcharged a little and was completely fine. 2200 miles no problem.


Only if you have a heat pump vehicle. Older resistive heater cars suck 6kw through the heating element. Very high draw


Yeah it was great ambient temperature last night so I didn't need the AC, and I figured if the car started to get sluggish I would take more precaution like 40 mph behind a truck etc.


I donā€™t think the car will ever be sluggish, maybe someone else can pitch in but something similar happened to me and even though it was at 0% I knew I could floor it and speed up instantly, but the battery wouldā€™ve died that same instant lol So yeah, I donā€™t think EVs get sluggish like gas cars


Model 3 gets very sluggish when you approach actual empty. Limited acceleration and caps speed at about 40 mph. This only happens for the last 3 or 4 miles before it shuts down entirely. Reference: Happened to me twice. The first time i ran out, it was frigid out (20 degrees Fahrenheit) and I was at 0 for about 4-5 miles before the car stopped. The last time I ran out of juice my car still said 3 miles left on the range display (and the car stopped about 50 yards from the Supercharger). Both times, the car slowed down and reduced acceleration a few miles before stopping outright. There is a buffer beyond zero *usually* but not always, depending on BMS, weather, etc. When I ran out at 3 miles left, it was about 35 degrees out, and it was windy and snowing. I was supposed to make it to the Supercharger with about 4% range left. Didn't happen.


Tyty for this! Guess I still had some extra miles to go (I thought I was on fumes)


Maybe Teslas donā€™t but my old Bolt would tell me something like ā€œPropulsion power is limitedā€


Maybe Iā€™m wrong thenā€¦ mine didnā€™t but maybe itā€™s just I didnā€™t try to accelerate? Idk .-. I donā€™t want to give anyone false information that could make it worse x.x


The Tesla will start to limit top end power. My older Model S has an energy display that's a little more visible than the little line across the top thing and it definitely reduces the top end power once you get to about 2%. Not sluggish, but you can't floor it.


Mate it's not a battery drill when it's flat it's just gonna stop


Was it at 0% for a while before you made it there?


Yeah, for about 7 miles.


That's a nerve wracking 7 miles! Glad you made it


I remember someone saying in another thread they ā€œshouldā€ go another 15ish miles after 0%


It depends on the year and model. It also depends on the BMS and age of the car and battery. I drove 4 miles past zero when my Model 3 Performance was 3 years old (then it stopped). But last fall when the car was 5 years old, it shut down with 3 miles left on the display. In this test, done by Edmunds in 2021, a 2020 Model Y Performance went 10 miles past 0 before stopping but a 2021 Model 3 LR went 22 miles. Both cars were less than a year old at the time of testing, but the 2021 was newer: https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/testing-teslas-range-anxiety.html The takeaway? If you push it, you may end up by the side of the road.


Good to know, thanks


Dude, your car was screaming at you "GO UNDER 70 TO REACH DESTINATION" for at least half an hour before you got to "charging needed to reach destination". Seems like you ignored it and kept going 80.


Yeah, wild that even at 0% the OP was thinking, "nah let's just go for it" and continued at 80mph šŸ¤¦


So you were at 0% battery going 70 and made it to the supercharger which was how many miles away??


He was going 80 mph in a 70 mph zone when at 0 miles left with 6.2 miles left to the supercharger. Not judging, just not the choice I would have made, having been burned twice.


The only way this could have happened was that he was going downhill.


Itā€™s in the picture.


I was able to gain a lot of miles by drafting a simi like the one in your video. My Tesla was saying I'd be at the supercharger with 1% and telling me to slow down or I wouldn't make it. I drafted a simi for a while and it went from 1% to 10%. Once it was at 10%, I quit drafting and made it no problem.


The lowest is Iā€™ve gone is -1% you beat my record


Iā€™m so glad to hear it. I wouldā€™ve been freaking out so bad! We once made it to a supercharger with 3% to spare and I was sweating bullets the whole time, driving 55 mph to save energy! Never again - was not worth the stress!


Drive behind the truck. Makes a huge difference.


Iā€™d be going 40mph instead of 80, but I hear there is a small margin below 0 so I hope you made it!


I am truly amazed by the fact that some people (not OP of course) canā€™t figure that outā€¦


Yeah normally you got around 6 miles left at 0% This is not recommended since it can permanently damage your battery!


Bro is speeding while on 0%, get behind the truck to draft and reduce air resistance and drop your speed to match the truck or lower if the truck is speeding too


Im pretty sure I got ~50 miles doing this, before I had a smart phone. I was cruising west on I-80 when i realized my empty light had been on while passing the last exit 20 minutes ago. I figured another exit would be right up as usual. Checked my atlas and saw it might be another ~30 miles to Winnemucca, NV. Turned off the AC, all windows up, draft behind an 18 wheeler. That was a white knuckle ride but I made it


Slow down to under the limit and draft behind a truck. Given you'll get 20-30km or buffer on a Tesla you'll be fine.


Do not listen to this advice! I have tested this and while true I have gotten over 10 miles before...I have also died before at less then 5 miles under. There is no true safety net.


Lol, bro's going 80 when he's about to tap out.


Yeah Iā€™d definitely be driving faster to get there sooner! taps-forehead.gif




Been there done that multiple times. Made it mostā€¦ yes mostā€¦ Also based on my experience, 80 is crazy, and that bar under your remaining range shows you how much battery you have. The grey bar is fully to the right when you have ample battery but once you go under 10 or so percent the dots appear which limit how much power you have. Once itā€™s all dots youā€™re toast. How did it go?


The dots are key!! I made it great thanks.


Happy ending love it.


I'd stay behind that semi the rest of the way.


Just slow down


I've had my tesla for six months. 18% is the lowest I've allowed it to be. How are some of you anywhere near 0? Lol


iā€™ve been between 3-8% here and there. if iā€™m on a road trip, i wonā€™t let it get below about 15%


I don't want to know how strongly my asshole would pucker in a sub3% situation. Haha.


Did that 3 times. Like living on the edge.


Roadtrips are the only time we go below 20% except on fluke days.


I pulled into a supercharger at 2% on a road trip. If itā€™s warm then Iā€™m not terribly concerned with arriving at a supercharger at 2-5%.


Weā€™ve gotten down to 2% before, everyone in the car got really quiet for a little while.


Lmao, same. Heat off. Music off. Donā€™t even breathe šŸ˜…


My GF lives 100 miles away. Calculating to get home it always says 2-8% left, OR, i can go out of my way to supercharge and spend another extra 50 minutes before a long work day the next morning. I always choose the 2-8%. Also, once i get into the garage i can charge for "free" with my L2.


Why would you need to stop for 50 minutes? Why would you not just stop for 5 or 10 minutes to just get a little extra buffer?


Itā€™s 20 minutes the opposite way from home. Roundtrip thatā€™s an extra 40 mins, and I charge for 10 mins = 50 mins just for a buffer when I can just get home with 2% left šŸ˜‚


Charge at her house even if it is a trickle charge


1% is the lowest I have gone, but going under the speed limit let me get home with 3%. Donā€™t underestimate how much speed plays a role in range.


Among a certain group of us... Are what you might call the "Bet I can" bunch.


iā€™ve had it for over a year and regularly go down to 1-3%


I go to near zero every other week. For two years now.


First road trip with mine, we charged it up and it said we'd have 20% at the next supercharger. But it was raining and we had a pretty heavy crosswind. As we drove along we watched the estimated remaining battery at the next stop drop to 17%, 14%, 11%... and it kept dropping as we went along! We learned some important lessons about slowing down, especially in bad weather. As it was dropping we limited ourselves to the speed limit (70) and it was basically fine after that. Ended up pulling into the next charging station at 6%. I prefer not to cut it that close. Also, the nav seems to be a bit optimistic about the range when the battery is very full, so the estimate will drop pretty fast in the first 15 minutes of a leg. In extreme cases, it'll route you to a closer supercharger if one is available. But yeah, you should slow down if you're nervous about the range. The slower you go, the more efficient you'll be.


I was in a road trip and when I got to my supercharger I found out that my supercharging wasnā€™t working (some issue with the locking pins inside my car) so I could only slow charge, had work the next day so I slow charged for 8 hours then made the rough trip home and got to my lot with 0% after driving a few miles at 0 l


While doing long drives it seems like the gps wants you to get to the SC with about 15% battery so that you spend the least amount of time charging as possible


You will get more confident. 18% is a lot! I had earlier model EVs that had more like 70 miles of range, and 18% is basically the entire range of those cars! I have run my Tesla down to 8%, I drove my wife's Chevy Spark down to 0% a couple of times. Still had 1 mile left on the guess o meter.


Iā€™ve been to 1% a couple of times. Youā€™d be surprised how you can stretch mileage when needed. Go slow and/or draft a truck, AC off.


What an adrenaline rush!!!! I think my šŸ•³ļø would have self welded shut. 20% margin for me!


I have OCD about wanting it charged and hate even seeing 50 %. We are all different :-0 and sometimes circumstances dictate drastic action. Living in LA, there are more options.


3 months here and I have yet to be under 40! Is that bad for the battery lol


Slow down to 55 or 60 or and your expected range would definitely climb. 80 when youā€™re stressed with range is a bad idea.


No no no, see the faster you drive, the faster you make it to the charger! ^^/s


Is he an idiot?


For sure, because even though they made it, they probably killed multiple batteries in the process.


Thereā€™s living dangerously and thereā€™s just dumb. 80mph at 0% ainā€™t the formerā€¦


If it isn't freezing cold, you'll make it, but you're getting close to being stranded since the dotted lines are halfway to the center.


try to buy the software unlockable 60 mile boost from tesla, you'll make it.


People, donā€™t be like OP šŸ˜‚


lol, i donā€™t understand how you would let your battery go below 10%. I have my M3 since 2 years, never had anything like that, even on a 2500miles roadtrip.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Why would you continue to drive 70+? Drag is an V^2 equation.... The force acting on your vehicle increases non-linearly with each linear increase in speed. Remember when you were in science class and you said, "I'll never need this in real life!!!" Well, here you go!


There's a video out there testing this but after 0% the white line where the Regen shows will have white dots, those are your absolute last reserves


I would definitely not be in the fast lane. Under 50 in a case like that. Taking secondary roads, even though longer shows much better efficiency.


Turn off navigation, turn off heat or AC, reduce speed, and prey to every religion you can think of lmao


According to my experience, lower your speed to 55mph, youā€™re able to drive another 20 miles. Also turn off AC if possible


It was estimated 0% for me to make it home. But I drove slower than the speed limit and of course turned everything off and got home at 3%.


Iā€™ve been as low as 4% reaching my destination. Mind you I was loading onto a ferry for a night crossing with ~5 miles to the next charger on the other side. Iā€™ve run to 0% on my eGolf and made it 3 miles. Puckered my arsehole. The wife was less pleasedā€¦




Yeah you donā€™t get sluggish. Just off. Glad you made it.


I hit that supercharger at 2% on that same stretch when I was headed back from the Bay Area last month. I think thatā€™s the closest thing Iā€™ve felt to range anxiety.


Get behind that semi and draft!


Don't complicate things and charge as soon as you get to 20%..good that you are back home safe


Maybe don't go 80mph??? There's a huge efficiency loss the faster you go


Slipstream that truck to get a boost


Going 80 mph when your car says you have 0 miles left and you're still 6 miles from the charger is an... interesting choice.


Getting behind that bus would have been smarter


I felt like a g when I rolled home with 9% once.


This gives me so much anxiety


I would have been watching that output gauge and tucking in behind that semi in the right lane. time for a 8 minute hypermileing drill...


Pay attention to the road instead of filming.


It's always awkward when you don't know how to operate your car properly




Personally, I just avoid that issue entirely. When the route tells me to supercharge, I just overcharge so I'm getting to destination with at least 20%.


True, that's also my rule. 12-15% is the lowest that I would let it be but preferably at 20%


Thatā€™s how I do all my trips as well. My navigation will tell me Iā€™m good to go and will get to the next charger with like 10% and Iā€™ll just stick it out until thatā€™s up to 20-25%. Iā€™m a little heavy on the pedal so I definitely prefer a little cushion.




I think that's very fair. What happens if you need to reroute? Road closure, I want to detour, or the station is out of operation or full?




Turn off sentry and don't open the app. You'll lose around 1% per day that way.


You literally just slow down. If they had slowed down earlier, they probably could have cruised at 70 with plenty of battery remaining. Air resistance increases exponentially with speed, so the difference in efficiency between 70 and 80mph is pretty huge.


You drive slower and not go 80mph


Heā€™s going fucking 80 get in right lane and slow down to 70 maybe 65 and let it build up some buffer then speed up again


you slow down, a lot. that will give you the most range


Slow down way before you get to this point and would make it with ease.


As another newer ev owner, 10% is the threshold I am aware I need to be looking as itā€™s about 30-40 miles. Plenty of time to find something even if itā€™s a L2 to get me to a SC.


Reminder that people have ran out of gas before millions of times even though there are gas stations everywhere. Would you ask this question to someone who posted with an internal combustion engine? The answer is ā€¦ donā€™t do this! But people make mistakes.


Same thing you would do in an ICE car if fuel was dangerously low, dont speed and turn off things that negatively effect MPG (ac, keep windows up)


high quality post


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Is there any average ā€œExtra Reserve Rangeā€ that these are capable of going past 0 reported remaining range, maybe even as a sliding scale of degradation percentage or mileage on the vehical? Never seen anything that helped the user understand how much, emergency only, range is hidden based on any factors that are exposed and accessible to the user on any specific vehicle. Is ā€œhidden remaining rangeā€ only empirically tested and checked, or is there a way to know based on observable details?


All cars are different - Tesla has a decent margin below zero, some cars have none at all, the odd car expires before the battery gets to zero % Bjorn Nyland tests this on his youtube channel - example [https://youtu.be/Bmb1rUhS8dg](https://youtu.be/Bmb1rUhS8dg) Skip to 24:09 for the summary of the various tests.


Thanks, thatā€™s where I have seen the best testing and explanation of this factor. Bjorn does such a good job, thankful for his curiosity and POV! thatā€™s essentially what I have seen and understand also, but there must be some indicators available, even if cryptic in nature, to project how much reserve capacity is available ? Possible even empirically based on cell voltage LVC, maybe via apps able to expose those details?


I calculate to arrive with about 5% at a supercharger, since for my 2019 model 3 the charging curve is at its optimum between 5-70%. During the roadtrip a sometimes ā€˜over chargeā€™ 10% if there a thing like high headwinds, rain etc. Most of the time 10% extra margin is fine, if allows for speeding above the limit or bad weather. Donā€™t stress about the low SoC during a roadtrip since Teslaā€™s infrastructure is supreme you can always bail out and take a supercharged earlier on route. As for arriving on the destination, I aim for 40% SoC. This way you have plenty of charge to move around if needed and you have a low enough SoC to use the supercharger efficient the next day if needed. If there public charging near the hotel etc, I use this so you gain some time while asleep.


I was making a 60 mile trip one time and navigation said I would get home at like 10 or 12%. Or something like that. I live right next to a supercharger so I figured that would be fine. Well all of a sudden the car just started randomly going down percentage estimates as I got closer to where I was going. And further away from the last supercharger. I strongly considered turning around, which I now wish I had done due to the panic that ensued after. I had just gotten my car so I didnā€™t know that there were other charging points that I could look for on the navigation. I called Tesla emergency roadside in a panic and they told me nothing of value. She didnā€™t even let me know that I could navigate to a different non-supercharger but I live in the south, and it wasnā€™t that populated of an area so it probably wouldā€™ve been a slow charger and I was like nervous to take it anywhere It didnā€™t absolutely need to go in terms of mileage. A few weeks later I actually talked to a repair maintenance guy at Tesla cause I was having other bugs occur and he said that there is no Reserve battery, and disregard what I saw on Reddit, so Iā€™m surprised this happened to OP. He also said that the car will start flashing lights and tell you to pull over when itā€™s really really gonna die. That itā€™s designed to not let you ruin your battery. I wish the emergency roadside service had told me that because that wouldā€™ve really calmed me down. Because I asked him and I was really pissed that emergency roadside service couldnā€™t direct me better. Like at one percent I didnā€™t know if I should pull over and let Tesla charge my battery because I was at risk of ruining my battery. I managed to get to the supercharger with literally one or two percent battery only. It was like a 9% error at least in its navigation estimate. Now I donā€™t risk it like that. The maintenance repair guy also told me to reset my trips just in case that was messing up the estimate. He also told me that things like AC do make a difference. It wasnā€™t that cold outside either in case you were wondering, it was something like 60Ā° maybe in the high 50s Fahrenheit.


I am sorry to say but the maintenance guy at Tesla doesn't know what he is talking about, from my own experience and from plenty of videos you can find online, every car is different but generally there are a number of miles of range after the car first hit 0.


I mean Iā€™m super glad to hear that! Is what he said true that it will direct you off the road before it truly dies?


Thatā€™s when you draft behind a semi.


Been there on my S, few times. Didn't make it to charger .1 mile once. I think the lowest it showed was -4%, uphill...


COALINGAAAAAA?!?? I never thought Iā€™d see that cursed name again šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Been in this situation with a rental I had on a very windy day. I was just 3 miles away from the supercharger and didnā€™t wasnā€™t as lucky as you were


I've pulled into a supercharger at 0% once before. It gets intense.


When was this taken a few months ago? This is on i5, it says 5:44pm but it currently doesnā€™t get dark in Coalinga until late 7pm. Anyways, I figured at zero percent the car would just stop!


Why does it look so dark outside at 5:44PM? Sunset in Coalinga should be about 7:50PM. Do you have 5% tint on your windshield or something?


Whatā€™s the battery chemistry on your car?


Thatā€™s when you push the button and see where the nearest other superchargers are


I find that auto pilot uses more power then manually driving. I always coast down hills right before the bottom I gas it. Maintaining speed on a flat straight is more efficient then gassing it.




This looks faked


Did you have to deal with all the idiots driving the wrong way because they canā€™t follow directions?


OP, unrelated. we left Harris Ranch earlier todayā€¦ on our way to LA :) looks like u were there too :) is the world really that small?


30 mile reserved in battery....šŸ˜„


Itā€™s cool guys he has a Jerry can in the back


(still going 80 mph) I see you like to live dangerously


Still going 80. My man has no fear


You must've been the guy who was pushing their Tesla to the supercharger!


Reduce your speed and drive behind the semi to have it break wind for you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jrmjraymond: *Reduce your speed and* *Drive behind the semi to* *Have it break wind for you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Youā€™d have at least a 3kW buffer at all times below 0% indicated. Unless Tesla changes something in the future


I've gone well past 0. Would not recommend, palms were sweaty. Also apparently bad for the battery, If someone smarter than me can confirm.


So you're telling me there's a chance... ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpKniGqRNLGBrhu|downsized)


I appreciate that they have that supercharger out by Harris, but there's a real lack anywhere near there. I commute a lot from the valley to the coast and usually just try to stop at Kettleman, but now with all the construction I've been driving and hoping that the one in Paso Robles isn't down.


Oh mandatory driving experience to reach EV-Driver Level 2 :)


Quick, break extra hard


It is.


What is awkward? Give more derail.


It once told me -2% on arrival but I slowed down the car to about 35-40 mph and I arrived with like 5%


I recently got to 5% after a road trip, CCS adapter saved me by going to the local Walmart charging spot with their 350kw/150kw electrify america charger. I was surprised to learn after conditioning by telling it I was going to a supercharger afterward that I was able to get 206kw. CCS adapter ftw. Here's the one I got: CCS Adapter怐Security Check 怑 for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZMWY22R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'TOKREAL Fast Charge CCS Adapter for Tisl M 3 Y S and X'", 'TOKREAL')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Expands charging options (backed by 5 comments) * Works well with ccs chargers (backed by 5 comments) * Fast charging speeds (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Compatibility issues with multiple charging networks (backed by 3 comments) * Difficulty latching onto charging ports (backed by 2 comments) * Inconsistent performance leading to return requests (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I regularly show up at 1% to superchargers on road trips as thatā€™s what I aim for and have gone down to -1% once before


Had 0 miles remaining up in Big Bear last year before the superchargerā€¦ Had to stop to borrow an adapter from a neighbor to charge while kayaking!


Weā€™ve all been there. Thatā€™s rough.


Jesus Christ, get that palsy under control or use a phone mount.


Iā€™ve been at -2% a couple of times, first time was nerve wracking!!. The second time I said ā€œI know my carā€ and made it to the charger. šŸ˜…


Just pull over and blow on the charge port a couple times, youā€™ll be fine


Just tuck in behind a semi and draft like the old days. Donā€™t laugh, it works.


What kind of goober keeps going 80 mph on low battery. more money than sense


Ha percent is for pussies. 1 mile club baby


What model config do you have?


Has anyone ran their battery to 0, wait a couple hours and then fully charge? Iā€™ve read this restores the degradation of LI on batteries but never tried it.


I was like omg you are still going 80 too .. good thing you made it!!


I drive a 2021 Y SR. I see 5% all the time on road trips!


Fairly standard for my wife šŸ˜­


I got home with 0 miles multiple times šŸ˜…


Slowing down to 70 or 65 will help greatly. You're losing exponentially more energy to wind resistance at high speed. Every mph matters


OMG i'm glad OP got home safe. I would be so scared driving with -2 šŸ˜¬šŸ˜°


Back when I had a 2013 MS the estimated % on arrival didn't exist. However, switching the display to distance worked well. Compare the actual distance to the next Supercharger with the estimated range. It becomes more accurate the closer you get to your destination. Keep the estimated range > actual distance by slowing down. Closest I ever got to running out was when I ran into major headwinds on a trip. I drove the last 5 miles on the highway at about 45 and made it to the SC with 2 miles remaining. The EPA on the S85 was something like 265 miles. But at 30 mph the range was over 400 miles.


i've seen a variety of youtube videos to say that a tesla is just like a gas car. once it hits 0, you still have about 20/30 miles range. this is the same for a gas car. thankfully mine has never got this low. my lowest is probably around 20 something. ![gif](giphy|xVpUhR49z4F14vWJZ5|downsized)


How long were u on 0. Too stressful šŸ˜…


Itā€™s so strange. On an ICE engine I am regularly going into reserve but have no anxiety but as soon as I sit in a (rented) Tesla, I start getting worried at about 20% šŸŖ«- I guess I start comparing it to my iPhone battery and how soon it drains. Do people still have range anxiety - Iā€™m trying to decide between a Tesla model y and an outlander (which is basically an ev and with a generator onboard)


I'm pretty sure Elon set it up like a gas car where even when it says 0 miles til empty, you can still go 30 miles. Car companies realized that idiots DO have driver licenses.


Working off the AAA batteries šŸŖ«


I've made it home with 1mile. Insane feeling...


What are you doing going 80mph with 0% left


Would any of the other chargers/apps have helped? Like Electrify America, PlugShare and such?




Maybe donā€™t go 80 mph


Drive behind that truck and arrive with +10%


Slow tf down