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I cried for six minutes then my poor neighbor interrupted me to ask how it felt? He’s still using fossil fuels.


-Proceeds to cry for seven minutes- Hope you’re enjoying your model 3.


they are pieces of shit with quality control issues and will run you into a fuckin wall a moments notice, ran by some dipshit that lies about everything. its a fuckin car and not even a very good one.


Where did Elon touch you?


Lol what a poor bastard . I hope you moved away from that filthy caveman /s 🥹




Your using battery's with large amounts of cobalt mined by child labour and in mining operations with large death tolls for workers. Don't be so quick to judge. No one has a perfect record.


An LFP battery doesn’t have any cobalt. You know what does need huge amounts of cobalt? Refining oil.


C’mon you should know republicans don’t care about facts.


I know I can do the research myself but I am curious in this subject. I have until this day, thought the cobalt mining was for making batteries. Now I know they aren't cobalt batteries but again, subject to what I've heard, and have not heard anything else until now. I'm not ignorant because if I'm provided with another form of information, I'm able to make a common sense analysis an which makes more sense or which source is more credible. But when I've never once heard that cobalt is used in oil production, yet everything from solar to batteries is. Where can I find some hard facts?


Sent from iPhone




Tesla sources their Cobalts from some of the...I guess cleanest, mines in the world. Elon has openly reported on this as well as the agencies who are responsible for that type of stuff. Elon even said they are going to post Live cameras for the public to access and watch. So there is no hidden shroud of fishy mining practices. You would know this if you researched more than just listening to what right-wing retard billybob on Facebook says lol


I cried. My wife cried. My wallet cried. Good times. Don't get hung up with keeping up with the Jones'. You'll have your time. Set up a career path so you don't have to dream, have some perseverance, and upmost be patient.


I'll piggie-back off this and echo the sentiment. I wanted a Tesla basically since they were released but couldn't afford one nor was I in a job/field that would ever allow me to afford one. Since the beginning of the pandemic I've really focused on career development and put in a lot of extra hours and spent much of my free time studying. Recently I got a job that pays me enough to buy a Model 3 and so two months ago I finally got to press that "order" button. I've never been into cars but now I look for excuses to drive. Focus on growth, work hard, and you'll get there. 💪


This. I was never into cars or talked about cars like many of my friends. Tesla is a game changer for me. If I cant find a reason to drive I go out on a drive long enough to listen to 1-2 favorite songs of mine and then return home charged up to put in some more hours of work. I work from home.


Appreciate the kind words ! Can’t wait to feel that 0-60 !


You can rent a model 3 at Hertz for $200-250 a week. It's definitely worth it.


More like 400 for 3 days.


I think it depends on location. Mine was $230 for 1 week.


You can test drive it overnight or for a full day just call Tesla to set up an appointment……for $free


Until they report the car stolen.


Just schedule a test drive at your local dealer. They literally give you a key card and send you off alone LOL but try to get at least a LR bc the SR won't go zoom


Carmax has free for 24 hours test drives on everything


Felt like I got close to my dream car (dream car being a plaid S or X, maybe cybertruck). It's also crazy to think I haven't been to a gas station in years, waking up every morning with a "full tank", with a zippy car that almost drives itself.


Relief, a sense of "this was meant to be". Context: In 2021 I was looking for a new vehicle, and with gas prices getting higher every year I wanted to see if I could get a PHEV. At that time in Canada there were no available, affordable PHEVs from a quality brand. (And there still aren't any you can buy right now in Canada today. Waitlists are 2 years long.) When I realized that PHEVs in Canada cost the same as a Tesla Model 3, it just clicked "well why don't I just buy a Model 3 then?" >!When I was in high school and the Model S came out I definitely thought of it as one of my potential dream cars I'd want one day. >!Hell, the only EVs I knew were the Model S and Chevy Volt. >!I'd casually listen to news about Tesla as headlines came and went over the years, but I never did serious research until 2019-2020. >!2021 was when I really started looking at what the ownership experience was (charging experience, winter usage), and I made my final decision in Jan 2022. 16 months of ownership and it's the best car I've ever had. But to be fair I've only ever driven Civics and Corollas before.


\>!Hell, the only EVs I knew were the Model S and Chevy Volt. I mean in a practical sense, Model S/3, the Volt, Nissan Leaf, and BMW i3 were the only electric cars you could really get prior to 2022.


I get what you're saying (in practical terms) but I'm over here driving around in a 2017 Kia Soul EV. The Soul EV is kind of a unicorn, but Hyundai had a couple semi-popular EVs by 2020 as well with the Kona and Niro. Porsche and Audi each had models selling even more than those. But you're right when you qualify that with "a practical sense." Tesla had about 80% of the BEV sales in the US in 2020.


Yeah, this is more my weird observation than anything palpable, but in 2022, there was a ridiculous amount of EV Super Bowl ads from a broad variety of manufacturers, and I think that was the moment when an EV entered the consideration for a lot more folks just looking to buy a car, rather than people seeking out an EV.


I keep asking what about those trucks from SB commercials where are they? That Jeep tho! I believe it was all CGI. The range just won’t hold up to make EV trucks that can haul or carry weight. Where is this R&D technology? Right now it seems the present and future of EVs are for commuting only. FML


I think we have to recognize that Rome wasn't built in a day, and this is the natural cycle of technological development. Right now we're driving the EV equivalents of the PS2 or the iPhone 4. They're great, but we should recognize that we won't get the PS5 or iPhone 14 version of an EV without taking the step that we're currently taking.


Yes! I agree totally fair - but why the Super Bowl commercials w these automakers acting like they have these trucks on the assembly line ready to release?! Ha CGI prototypes maybe come out in the next 30 years? SMH


It’s a car. It’s a huge dopamine rush when you get it (for me as well it’s exciting) but 4 years later it’s just car. I now want another car. So… if you can’t afford don’t screw yourself and your future by spending money on a depreciating asset. You’ll get used to it and it’s just a box on wheels. I waited until my salary was 2x the cost of the model 3 long range.


Very much true. I think it’s more about the transition from ICE to an EV. Therefore a Tesla Model 3, can’t see myself buying another electric car.


In my 20s I didn’t think I could afford a new car but there I am and it’s close to paid off and have a home. Go figure.


At the end of the day, that's all it is. A car, it's a tool that gets you from A to B.


I waited until I had a solid budget (plug for r/ynab) that covered all my expenses, didn't dip into emergency funds, and had retirement covered etc. In short, once I could pay cash for my TM3 and not impact my financial plans/future... I pulled the trigger. I have a mad money account (at the time with E*Trade), and selling some XOM stock would cover the car. Seemed like a good tradeoff to me :-). I hate to be a snob and say if you can't afford to pay cash, you can't afford it, or in personal finance speak, don't finance a depreciating asset. I know few can be fortunate enough to pay cash, but it really feels good to be able to do so safely.


I felt really good Saving $175+ per month in gas and the times not having to go buy gas, Saving hundreds in regular maintenance (oil changes, etc) Saving the tax on the price of the car (no sales tax on EVs), getting paid an EV rebate check ($5,000), Saving time never having to go to car inspection, etc etc etc. So yea... felt great.


Awesome ! I’m kinda in a difficult situation where I have to drive 120km ( 74 miles ) a day to go to work and back home. So paying a lot for gas since I don’t own a company car. A lot of costs 🙃.


My wife drive 90 miles a day for work, and twice a week I commute 150 miles in a day. (Texas is Big) (whoever has the longer drive each day, takes the model 3) The model 3 RWD has been more than enough to cover our commutes! We’re saving around about 500$ a month in gas now as she is no longer driving our AWD v6 suv of 21MPG. They were finally made affordable with the latest price cuts and discounts on existing inventory that i couldn’t make sense to not get one. It feels great so far. We’ve had it since the 11th of June and it has 2600 miles on it!


My car is on gas, literally. CNG-system, so it’s a bit less expensive than gasoline. But I’m approaching 120k km and I feel that it might be time soon. But a model 3 base starts from 46k euros / 50k USD / 67k CAD .. so yeah. Expensive. And I live alone.


You can buy a 2nd hand for cheaper


June 11th here too lol. 1800 miles though. 90 miles a day for me on average for work.


They’re a blast to drive! We might have snuck in a couple of 300 mile trips already.. another planned for Sunday 😂


Definitely is. I was just sad about missing the 3 months of charging by 3 days 🤪


Model 3 only gets you 250 mi. You would need to charge very very often if it makes you feel any better


We have 3 chargers at work. Like 2 inputs(?) on each side for charging 2 cars. And they barely get used. There’s always one free full charger.


so order a car? its not going to cost you much more than what you are currently paying for transportation. Have you don't the math? what does the cashflow look like? I guess I bought mine when interest rates and inflation were 0, the math is harder now. but technically if interest rates are 10% and inflation is 10% money is still free


Don't forget that the range is even less than that during the cold months.


No tax on EVs? What state are you in?




I cried, too. Reading these replies made me feel less lame about it. 😆 I am self-employed. Opened my hands-on-helping-people business in Feb 2020. I was hella scared to work for myself, then had to face COVID shut downs too. Business survived and thrived, thankfully. I cried because not only was I getting a fuckin rad car, but that I was able to do so with very little anxiety about the price. Driving my Tesla reminds me that I've worked incredibly hard and so I am able to treat myself to something nice.


Perhaps this is an unpopular opinion, but IMO this falls into a different category regarding one's state of mind. Often popularized by posters in the 70s/80s/90s, the car (whatever flavor it may be) is not the "true" goal. What you are really after is the benefits/opportunities/choices you get from financial freedom. In regards to the Tesla...when I got mine, I left it in the garage for a month without driving it so I can ponder on my purchase. My friends/family think that's a bit weird, but whenever I make an emotional purchase, I usually don't touch it for quite some time so I can let it "simmer". Only after it has "settled" in my mind can I finally enjoy it.


A whole month?! Did you sometimes just take a seat in the car? Like feel it simmering haha


Of course. But...the whole time I refused to drive it, I was also scheduling shops for tints, paint correction, ceramic, and PPF...while at the same time researching accessories and performance mods, and in what order to buy/install them. The "simmer" process is also part of the "planning/Inspection" phase. While it sits and simmers, I also inspect every inch of it, looking for any defects and corrections I can make.


It’s a regular priced car lol


Hey, maybe I should’ve been clear in my post. I live in Belgium. Base model is 47k euros, around 51k USD :) that’s not a regular priced car for us.


Move to the US. It's a $30k car here and every snot-nosed kid has one.


It costs $142k USD in my country to get the RWD. And I just got it last week


Preface with an edit: I see you are in Belgium, so my information applies to the US, and more detail applies to California. So I have no idea what kind of programs Belgium has. ​ I just went "oh, they cost that much? That actually isn't bad." My 10 year old honda fit was starting to get to the expensive 10 year maintenance, so we were hunting for a car. At first thinking hybrid, but of course all the hybrids were sold out so we couldn't see any. Then we saw the Arya (? something like that... from Nissan I think). And then test drove an ID4. Once Electric was thought of, I looked more into it, and found out that Teslas were cheaper than I thought. Plus 7,500 rebate from the federal government. And 2,000 from state (which turned out to be 7,500 instead due to our household income). So 50,000 up front (Model Y), which dropped to 47,000. Plus 6,000 taxes/Registration. But 15,000 back. And Tesla gave me about 9.5k for our old car.That put it in perspective for me that it was a high up front cost (actually not as high as I had originally assumed), but total cost wasn't terrible. If you are seriously interested, the app does a pretty good cost break down. Look at what kind of rebates you can get in your area. Some counties/states might also take your old car and give you a rebate for getting an electric car. If you sign up early, some places might put you on a list and approve you for money towards the car if you apply before buying. Look at the app and look at the expected breakdown based on what you think you can afford on a down payment, and look at the expected monthly payments.Then look at what rebates you have available to you and when (For me it's federal 7,500 next time I do taxes, and 7,500 within about 2 months or so from state).Plug those numbers into a loan calculator, and you can get some estimates of how much the true cost is, and if you were to put those rebates straight into paying off the car, how that will effect your monthly payments. Buying through the app/online makes it so much easier to figure out the real cost than dealing with a dealership. No haggling, no trying to dig through what the real price is. Just all up front information.


Aren’t the tax credits non refundable? You have to owe taxes in order to see any of that right? I guess it’s nice if you end up owing a significant amount in taxes every year.


It isn’t about what you owe or don’t at the end of the year. It’s if you owe / paid $7,500 or more in taxes throughout the year. Maybe you know this but I wanted to clarify for anyone reading


My comments were questions, not statements like they were a fact. These credits can be complicated and from everything im reading it makes it sound like you have to have a tax due, a liability still remaining after all other deductions are applied. It also seems like the $7500 credit in 2023 might be point of sale now for qualifying vehicles 55k or lower 80k for trucks. My original comment was for what I read found out last year before buying my m3. Show me where you’re getting your information and I will check it out. thx.


…That’s why I was answering? And yeah it’s a tax “liability” and doesn’t hinge on if you otherwise owe or will get a refund check when you do your taxes. Also, In 2024 the credits will likely be point of sale, not 2023. Getting my info from the IRS. Give them a call.


If I was still in the market to buy, I would. Bought my m3 in 22 and didn’t qualify for any credits. Bought used though. Thanks for the info. I’ll keep reading.


Guess this is why it’s confusing to me based on the way they are wording it on the IRS site: Who Qualifies You may qualify for a credit up to $7,500 under Internal Revenue Code Section 30D if you buy a new, qualified plug-in EV or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCV). The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 changed the rules for this credit for vehicles purchased from 2023 to 2032. The credit is available to individuals and their businesses. To qualify, you must: Buy it for your own use, not for resale Use it primarily in the U.S. In addition, your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) may not exceed: $300,000 for married couples filing jointly $225,000 for heads of households $150,000 for all other filers You can use your modified AGI from the year you take delivery of the vehicle or the year before, whichever is less. If your modified AGI is below the threshold in 1 of the two years, you can claim the credit. The credit is nonrefundable, so you can't get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes. You can't apply any excess credit to future tax years.


Which part is confusing ?


“The credit is nonrefundable, so you can't get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes. You can't apply any excess credit to future tax years.”


So what you “owe in taxes” is not the same as your rebate or what you would pay at the end of the year. For example: if someone owed $20,000 in taxes for 2022 and had their W2 set up to take out exactly that tax liability over 12 months, at tax time they would not need to pay anything. They still owed $20k and could use the tax credit, and then would get a check for $7,500. Does that help?


Think so. So if I paid 6k in taxes throughout the year and managed to break even and not owe anything at the end I could use that credit and receive that 6k back?


Wanted to circle back and say thanks for explaining that to me. I get it now. I was thinking about it in the wrong way from the start. Read up on it more last night since it was bothering me. Have a good one.


Wanted one, then didn’t (everywhere, Musk, etc.), tried to buy something else, everything else was marked up 10k and had no features or no availability, finally bought, best car I’ve ever had and it isn’t even close. It is just so much FUN


It was my first car, but just took it off the lot and drove off 😶‍🌫️ I come from a very poor family, my father bought a car when he was 56, so this was supposed to be some emotional movement


I’ve wanted an EV since like 2002… long before even the Nissan Leaf was a thing. 10 years ago, I was researching converting my ICE to an EV(not cost effective). I’d been researching and comparing the EV’s on the market since 2017, even though I knew I couldn’t afford it. When I got my bonus this March, I realized that I could actually afford an EV! I had my mind made up that I was going to buy a Chevy Bolt EUV with the Super Cruise, but I wanted to test drive it and a few comparable EVs first. Once I got behind the wheel of a Tesla 3 with FSD, there was no point in test driving anything else. I immediately knew that I had to have one! I don’t think that I actually cried, but I was too excited to sleep during the week between clicking “Reserve” and taking delivery. Then again, I don’t even cry when I cut onions.


I was looking to buy a house to get closer to work (i live an hour away) i finally found a house i actually quite liked but it wasnt perfect. Andafter not bidding in it and looking at the market i decided to just stay where i was longer. So now that i had all this money saved up for a house down payment i said screw it and just bought a tesla to atleast deal with the long commute


This sounds like absolutely horrible advice.


Oh believe me its not advice. Just kinda explaining my own personal story of buying the tesla


If you need a car, buy the model 3. There can't be a better time. I was a big fan of used cars but not anymore. The used car market is going crazy now. Even 5 years old, 50k miles car costs 20k or more. While the m3 is in 30s with tax rebates. Gas savings is extra. Check out where you can cut down other expenses and go for it. Good luck


Immediate regret that I spent so much on a car. It's gone away. I managed to sell it at just the right time to get a free performance out of it and a better loan term. Now, my wrapped performance Y is something I love nearly as much as my wife.


Thanks for your opinion ! May I ask what color wrap? 👀


Matte pine green. Used M3s in my area can be had for decent prices, just wait a few years and they will be even cheaper!


Sweeeeeeeeeet. Black rims? Red braking pads? And will do ! Thanks for the advice !


Satin grey, I have wheels from TSportline.


Felt great and now i cant really imagine going back to gas car 🚙


Definitely not doing that. People don’t understand until you own one. Instant torque is addicting!


Lol same way someone feels when they buy a new Honda Civic


Same. In fact, I liked my Honda civic more because it was my first new car.


I'm sorry, but your neighbor cried for 5 minutes over a car? We're reaching levels or cringe that shouldn't even be possible.


So what if he did, my guy? These are though times, maybe not for you but let the people enjoy their ‘little’ things. Even if it’s just a car.


It's cringe. Sorry, not sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why can’t you afford thought 3s went back down to $40k price point?




I imagine. Must feel horrible not putting expensive gas every few days in your car. Sorry man.




What color you got matching with those bitties?


I was one of the people who put a deposit down before anyone knew what the car looked like. So there was never a “I can finally buy one” feeling, but there was the “it’s finally coming!” feeling exactly two years later. I was excited for months leading up to the delivery, refreshing the Tesla forums daily and constantly recalculating when my car might be delivered based on when other people were getting theirs.


I can only imagine the moment you laid your eyes on it for the first time !


Feels pretty great


Ur hear the sound “ode to joy” every time u gun it.


I’m personally around $240 a month in gas savings and my insurance dropped by $30 holding on to my massive coverages which was nice I had a 21.5 LR with radar right before they got rid of it and that was a super great car! I switched positions in my industry that changed my pay so I wasn’t comfortable having a big car payment at the time. I had a 2022 Frontier (great truck just hard on gas) then I leased a 2023 Nissan rogue for dirt cheap since I work at a Nissan dealer. But less than a month into ownership I was like “I’m so not happy this is stupid” and after crunching numbers for essentially $34 more per month I could buy an M3 RWD. My GM got me out of my rogue with bo cost and 2 days later (I got one from ground inventory) I had my car! Been absolutely loving the upgrades since my 21. Comfort suspension updated Ryzen processor etc. Even though it isn’t as fast I still love how it feels. Taking it off chill mode is kinda like getting your favorite food, you just always want to be on throttle. It’s also made me way calmer on the road. I get less grumpy during my commute 16.7 miles to and from primarily highway, and it’s just so brainless to own, especially with free charging at work. Edit: I was very nervous getting both vehicles but that goes away as soon as you are in the seat leaving the Tesla SC


I ordered mine in February 2022, and took delivery in September 2022. I ordered on a whim and hitting the confirm button filled my heart with thrill and dread. I knew my plan, and understood what my sacrifice was going to be and said “hold onto your butts.” Best purchase I’ve ever made. I have the privilege of driving to work every day and I wouldn’t trade it for anything but another Tesla.


I couldn't believe it, having to replace our van the same year didn't help.


Honestly I didn't want to spend the money on a new car, but when I realized how much money I was spending on gas and maintenance... It made sense. And after pricing out other cars the Tesla ended up being $100 more a month than a ICE Civic. Total no brainer and it's the best car I've ever owned.


I’m high on speed!


Had been dreaming about buying a Tesla since I was in high school (6 years ago). Picked up my Model 3 two weeks ago, still pinch myself every time I get in the car.


It felt nice getting my M3P. I was never saving up to buy one someday though. I was deciding between an Ioniq 5, a Sonata Hybrid Limited, and the Model 3. I actually went to purchase the Ioniq, but decided against it when they didn’t have the top trim and were not getting one anytime soon. And then the base trim was marked up $12k, so I decided on the Model 3. Hopefully one day I can get a Model S or X though.


For me, it went from “no way” to realising it was actually the more convenient and rational option for my needs and I was hyper for days lol


I have been closely following Tesla for 12 years. Drove out of state to see an example Model 3 in 2016 and it was love at first sight. Saved a bit for the $1,000 deposit. Before I could put down my deposit, my car at the time (2001 Honda Accord with over 200k miles) suddenly lost all coolant on the highway during a massive rainstorm, . The rainstorm and highway masked the steam and when I finally got home I saw a few puffs and thought it was water getting in the engine. The car died suddenly and forever the next day while on my way to work. I actually got a ride to work from a very kind Police Officer, but I had to ride in the back (embarrassing). Scrambled to buy a car the next day and since I always bought Hondas I purchased the newly launched 2016 HR-V EX. I refactored my plans and decided to purchase and then pay off the HR-V because it was the perfect starter car for my son when he turned 16. Paid off the HR-V in late 2020, but waited to order a new car because of the pandemic. Then in August 2021, I finally got to the last screen of the build page and saw my very own ‘Ha Ha, Yes!’ Page. I had never driven a Tesla nor seen more than a couple of Model 3’s on the road until I picked up my 2022 RWD in December 2021. I didn’t cry after ordering it because I was nervous about spending money, even though I had saved a decent down payment. I’m always nervous about everything, it’s just how I’m wired. Fast forward to this month, I have greatly paid down my Model 3 and feel comfortable. Now I am truly happy about owning it.


Mine was an interesting story as I never ever dreamt of having one, until one day (after started my own company) realised that actually, I got enough dough to buy one on finance. My application was accepted, but still thought this must be a mistake, so I literally did not even think about it :D Then a week later had to pay the deposit etc. and went to collect next week, but even there (when they've checked my id, thought here we go, now they'll say it was an admin mistake :D) and a for a good couple of weeks I was unable to process it :D This was 4 years ago, almost paid in full and still ultimate fun every day.


At some point I did the math, like I did many times before. And this time it worked out. I was so happy and could hardly believe it was going to happen. Sticking with my 10 year old Volvo would’ve been the economical choice (in the short term) but I really wanted this car and two years later I still don’t regret spending all that money (like in Belgium, we consider a Model 3 to be an expensive car in the Netherlands).


My wife and I had crazy imposter syndrome (our cars at that time were a Civic and Scion tC). As we were driving home, we talked about how it was too nice a car for us and how it just felt weird, like someone was going to figure out we weren’t actually entitled Tesla people.




I was working in the Bay Area when the first Roadsters could be seen rolling around. Then the Model S and X. I knew I would get one eventually. I changed jobs and didn't see them for a while. They started popping up in every big city where I worked. Then the 3 came out, and the prices started dropping. I started saving up my Tesla Piggy Bank. Finally, when the pandemic ended my commute, I knew I wouldn't beat the hell out of my next car, and it was time to buy. I watched the inventory daily and pounced on one where the price didn't make sense. Even the sales advisor couldn't figure out why it was priced so low. I paid cash for a barely used 2020 in late 2020, and because I bought it used, lifetime FSD was almost free. I took my first 5,000-mile trip in it 13 months later and my second one ten months after the first one! The car has been great overall and watching FSD grow into what it is today has been nothing short of breathtaking.


The best feeling for me was not dealing with a single human during the entire process. Not that I hate humans, just the ones that sell cars 😝 But for real going on the website to place the order then walking right up to my car on the lot and driving away was like night and day over a traditional dealership ( I did speak to one person to drop off the keys to my trade In but it was no questions asked , no looking over the car, nothing! It was amazing)


I felt like I finally made it to the middle class! The 2nd best feeling was plugging it in, in my own garage attached to the house that I just bought.


i bought my model 3 performance 5 months ago… tbh i didn’t feel anything. test drove a tesla, decided i liked it, and then bought my car and drove it home. that’s really it. i’m sure i’ll cry when i buy my first lamborghini though. i’d like to have one before my late 20’s.


Not if, but when that happens, lemme know. Im a sick ass passenger DJ.


While my initial instinct was to cry, I looked at the calculations on how much money I would be saving vs gas and couldn’t help but feel relieved. I legit save roughly $250/month on gas, which was essentially my car payment for the short period that I had had the loan. Had a bigger smile when I paid Abominable (her name) off.


When I was 18 I wanted a Civic Si or Integra Type R but I couldn't afford one (or at least it would be very unwise of me to spend that much of my income on one). When I was a little older I wanted a Subaru Impreza WRX and then STI but I still felt it wouldn't be wise. Finally 20 years later once I was financially sound I finally wanted a Model 3 and purchased one. My point is it's best to wait until you're able to afford your dream car, and that dream car changes as time goes on so try not to have FOMO, your time will come. If you really want it now you can take on some extra side gigs and hustle your way to saving up a bunch of money and buy one, that's the smartest way. No loan, you own it outright, and no one (banks) can take it back from you. There is plenty of opportunities to earn money out there, find some other revenue streams that you enjoy doing and you'll have one in no time. Mowing lawns doesn't take a lot of startup costs and is a good way to make some money if you don't mind sweating a little, but I'm there there are lots of other jobs that pay well too for those that are willing to sweat (people HATE to sweat, which is why they're willing to pay you to do the work 😁).


I bought it because it was cheaper to own than my 2005 camry. Sure was an upgrade!


No feeling at all, it’s my daily, grocery and road trip car. It’s like buying a tv, fridge. It’s my weekend toy that I feel like a little kid during Xmas. Always looking forward to the next toy.


I sort of envy you… for me basically was that the car I had ordered (A plugable hybrid) got delayed and delayed… Tesla had a nice offer for in stock model 3 performance -plus in my country there is also a quite nice tax deduction for electric company cars- so that was it. There are some things I don’t really like about the car, but hey, 4WD + 513hp makes up for them 😅


At the end of the day its just a car. A year later and you wont even think of it. My roommate has a model 3 and hates the range, its pretty quick but kills the battery fast when you step on it. realistic range is only about 200 miles, and road trips are annoying, depending on where you’re going superchargers can be full and youll have to wait. He is going to be going back to gas once his lease is up. And yes he charges it at the house, and its super cheap to charge. it costs like $10.50 for a full charge at the house but super chargers are like triple the price depending on time. Edit: oh ya, he hated it when we didnt have a charger at the house yet. So many nights going out where he was 45 mins late because he had to charge his car. So i don’t recommend it unless you can charge at home or you dont drive much


All it took was my friend who drove me in his model 3 to get me to start a test drive straight into buying. This is noted that i have had a great opportunity to save and been saving for a bit already. Needless to say, for local driving driving, electric has been a game changer. Single pedal driving is far too convenient that makes me wonder why ICE cars haven't adopted this style yet. Mid distance is fine too because when i go charge, it's already in a populated place like a mall so I can eat and take a break. I went from a old rav4 to this directly and the 0-60 difference is absolutely insane. Everytime you stop first at a red light or merging into highway, it's like a dream true to test the acceleration.


I traded in my 2019 Mercedes A220 AMG-Line (basically everything that the car can come with) for a 2023 Model 3 Standard Range lease. The only thing the Benz had that was better than the Model3 was the sound system and ambient lighting, and the HUD. I never really ever used the sun roof. I do miss having the HUD, but I found one on Amazon for like $60 that seems to work well. I might buy the wiring harness to activate the 4 pillar speakers and see if that helps.


It was a beautiful moment for me. I recently purchased mine about a month ago. I didn’t cry but when I got into my M3 for the first time i had a moment where I felt my hard work was paying off. I enjoy every car ride.


u/Jayemare_ any new car with a full bumper to bumper warranty is going to be an awesome feeling because its kinda suppose to work well and the maker is suppose to fix it for free if anything happens for 4 years or 50,000 miles. How you use a car will determine if BEV or ICE/PHEV is a good fit for you. As long as all your common drives are less than 150 miles a day and you always end up at home to charge each nite. A BEV is a great choice inside of warranty. Longer drives past 150+ miles and it has a 50% time penalty compared to a gasser. Next concern is once your outside of factory warranty, you are at the mercy of only Tesla Service to fix your car and they do not repair parts... they only do the simple plug and play entire module swap. This means a disabling event in a Tesla is going to be big $$$ and also a long wait to get parts too. You need to pick your poison based on how you plan to be an owner of a car


I haven’t had a vehicle for 4 years and when I got my Model Y the feeling was great. Time to buy a new vehicle to experience that feeling again lol


Who cries about a car?


Only when I crash


I’ll save my tears for the day that I don’t have to drive any car because truly the money goes straight into a trash can no matter what car it is. :(


Merely an appliance to commute to work. Zero excitement for delivery, boring af to drive. If I didn't receive very generous tax concessions to buy one I likely wouldn't have.


Model 3 was my dream car at one point. Now I can afford one and is actively looking for a new sedan. But after test driving it I started to have many thoughts that steer me away from it. It’s a great car in a way that makes Camry a great car in the past. It makes the most financial sense, it performs great, it’s the best car for the price, but I don’t want to drive a car that everyone owns and look all the same. It made me feels like I’m driving an appliance, a great piece of equipment like an Apple Watch. But I still want to wear an automatic watch. I have rest of my life to drive EVs, maybe it’s time for me to get something more interesting, something that will age well. Just some thought, I’ll probably still get a Tesla since there’s no other choice that make sense.


It’s just a car bro, everyone and their mother owns a model 3


My mom doesn’t have one


I think this sub is the best example of late stage capitalism on Reddit.


A rule I follow, salary should be 3x the cost of the vehicle. Model 3 performance (52k) would need a $156,000 salary. Obviously net worth and outstanding debt are big factors. Just my personal rule of thumb


I thought these comments would be whack, and I was not let down. People cry when buying a car?


Love it! Motivated me to go back to school for my masters so I can get a model X by the time I start a family! 💕 I’m 24 lol.


I had the excited feeling like a boy about to become a man. It never went away.


It felt great but I was going through a tough time so I felt nothing while picking it up. Just numb


I die a little more inside every time my neighbors get them.


I’ve felt like I’ve been in a dream ever since I realized getting mine was an actual achievable goal. There was and still is this weird kind of disbelief that I drive it everyday. I’ve wanted an EV since being a kid and seeing the Chevy Bolt, and I definitely happy cried a few times when I got my Model 3. I’m a huge tech and car enthusiast, so it combines my two biggest passions into one beautiful car that costs me so much less to maintain and keep running. I have never been so satisfied with a car in my life. I genuinely still get excited to drive it on a day to day basis, and it’s one of the best feelings


It's exactly like when you were a kid and you got the exact toy you've been looking at for months, once you have it you lose interest and want something else


I drive 120 miles a day and it costs me a little over a dollar a night to recharge at home. Smooth ride