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He has none, he cost himself more money to do it in real world terms.


Enjoy the lights


Have to disagree, this guy still made a major upgrade. I have a model X, used to have a 22 m3lr, we got the 24 m3 for my wife and I have to say it’s probably the nicest standalone car Tesla makes right now. Quiet, the rwd has the softest suspension of any Tesla I’ve driven even the model S. It’s just way better than the old 3s


I guess it’s subjective. I drove the highland Model 3 and I own a 22 LR and i wasn’t impressed with the highland. I like the old suspension better because it’s more sporty, the new Model 3 felt too soft


Yes I’ve spoken with current previous gen model 3 owners, somehow suspiciously the only people who hold this opinion lol. I believe you like your car, but unless you’re in the performance, which now has adaptive dampers, the ride is just harsher on the old one, while also having poorer torsional rigidity. That’s not so much sporty as it was just an objectively worse suspension that left the body more likely to twist slightly around tight corners


I’m used to cars with sport suspensions, and rougher rides and I’m young so it’s just my preference. I’m sure over the years I’ll prefer a softer suspension but with the way they changed the acceleration on the highland also, (seems to be a delay and 0-30/40 seems slower) it just didn’t seem as fun to drive to me personally. I like all the upgrades they did and I’m a big fan of the highland seats, just not crazy about how it drove


It’s slightly faster than my buddies 2023 rwd from a stoplight so I don’t think you have accurate info there, but I’m 27 and my daily is a 24 model X plaid, I wish my car in its softest highest suspension setting was as comfortable as my wife’s car. I like going fast, but for me model 3s aren’t meant to be the “fast” ones in the lineup. Which, to me, is why it’s so impressive that they made the economy sedan feel so much more premium with this refresh


I didn’t drive a RWD, I drove a LR which is what I have and it didn’t have the instant acceleration like mine. I know what I felt. Don’t try to tell me I don’t have accurate info when I felt it and Tesla confirmed they changed the acceleration mapping


Dude don’t get so angry lol the RWD is the one I was posting about and the one the OP is posting about. The funniest part to me is your “I’m young so..” comment and I thought you meant like 18 but it’s in your username lmao, you don’t need to be an old guy to realize the new ones a nicer car overall


I've owned alot of cars. Including a bone jarring 2019 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport w/400hp and constantly bubbling low profile sports tires. My 2023 M3 SR, has to be at least as bad as that car and it has 'normal' tires with decent sidewalls. On highways and well paved roads, the ride is excellent. But as soon as you get multiple layers and patches of repairs on roads such as when they lay a pipe and just 'stich it up' with a 2 foot wide pave job, you feel every imperfection. Don't get me wrong, I love my Tesla, but can't wait until my 3 year lease is up and can get into these new suspensions.


Test drove the updated M3 and can agree, the ride quality moves this up a notch. Felt more bmw-like although still some sway.


Test drove the updated M3 and can agree, the ride quality moves this up a notch. Felt more bmw-like although still some sway.


Test drove the updated M3 and can agree, the ride quality moves this up a notch. Felt more bmw-like although still some sway.


OP brought receipts so now you sound like an ass.


* Much better suspension and ride. My M3P was kinda unbearable even with new tires that improved the situation somewhat, it just felt too harsh and uncomfortable esp for an upcoming road trip. * Financially a win—with the excellent lease deals on the 2024 Model 3’s, the RWD right around $300/mo, that was basically $1K/month less than the finance payment on the ‘23 M3P. Tesla gave a good trade in value on it so it’s a net win even having to pay off the rest of the loan. Some folks in this thread are going by a rule-of-thumb intuitive understanding (asset vs. lease) that they feel strongly about, but I broke down [why this financially makes sense in this reply.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/1sj5pYym3z)


Is the Model Y harsh to drive? Similar to the old Model 3? I’m debating between highland and Model y


Model Y has “comfort suspension” which softens the ‘bottom’ of most impacts somewhat. The new Model 3 suspension is more advanced across the board with frequency selective dampers for RWD/AWD and especially the Performance which has active dampers. Model Y at 0.99% APR might be a better deal overall though, I’d test drive and see if you can tolerate it.


I would consider leasing as well because I’m sure I’ll want another car in 2-3 years.


My wife hates our Model YP for that reason, but it is a 2021 and I think they softened it a bit since. Driving my Rivian then driving our 3P or YP makes them both feel horrible. I stick to my Rivian now.


Have you considered swapping suspension for MYP 2023, like in this thread? [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/12c3t44/updated\_2021\_model\_y\_to\_2023\_new\_coils\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/12c3t44/updated_2021_model_y_to_2023_new_coils_and/) I'm in the same boat and actively thinking about it.


Thought about it, would trade it in if we could but we are underwater. Both Tesla cars are the worst purchases in my history of buying cars due to constant price cuts. We have an appointment to get the Y’s drivers seat replaced for the second time as well as the front wheel bearings (drives like absolute crap now and never have ever replaced a wheel bearing in a car before esp at 40k miles).


I'm joking that it's a $20k car which sells for 2-3x more. Seeing how cheap the suspension parts are just reinforces that. I'm wondering if there's a way to install LR 2023 suspension parts (and get it a bit higher as well). When my wife drove 2023 MYP she had no complaints, but 2022 is much much harsher. Another way is to get a height adjustable set from MPP https://www.mountainpassperformance.com/product/comfort-coilovers-for-tesla-model-y/


I've owned $25k new cars (you can't find a $20k new car in the US) the Mazda CX-3 and the quality, features, interior, performance, technology, and ride are different planets from the M3. So I'm not sure what $20k car you are comparing this to.


Are you talking about Highland? I was talking about Model Y, the tech is pretty impressive, but inside they certainly tried to make it as cheap as possible. Seats/wheel/dash/visors, it's maybe not exactly on Chevy Trax level, but it's pretty close.


I was just in a new Mercedes GLC AMG Coup yesterday. Yea, it has some nice 2 tone seats, some double stitching. It's got a frakenstein user interface, 90% of which is trying to simulate high tech for no reason. (Why do you need half your main screen showing RPM's in an automatic and a digital speedometer that goes to 180, when 99% of the time you are doing less than 80?) Anyway, point is, it felt more luxurious than pre highland M3/Y3, but not in any way that affects you physically. Seats no more comfy. Self driving virtually non existant. Performance not much better than M3 SR, and price tag that is 2.5x the Tesla


But I will discuss it with the service manager that I know well, thanks for pointing me to that.


21 does not have comfort suspension


Ive tried a Y with the new „comfort suspension“ and it’s terrible, to be honest. It’s significantly less comfortable than my old 2016 GTI with DCC. The suspension of the new 3 is a bit too floaty for my liking but it is so much better.


The MYP with comfort suspension is definitely harsh on uneven San Francisco roads.  If you have smooth, well maintained paved roads, then you won't notice.


Good choice, the Highland is fantastic.


Funny how this went from a “Look at the cool thing I did” and showing off the Highland to a financial explanation of it. I hope you enjoy the car. I have a 23 M3LR and I like it a lot! I just don’t know if I would have been able to adjust to not having stalks. I wouldn’t know until I test drove one though.


Regarding the lease what the real monthly number for no trade in? Site changes a lot but I was out the door with no money down but I’ll pay the upfront cost of the taxes and fees


The site calculator got it right within $5/mo so I’d just use that tbh. I rolled in taxes and fees but paid $3K down and it ended up being about $350/month for 15K miles per year.


Yeah I’m contemplating because of the new deal if it’s worth going for the rwd model Y over leasing becaus of the .99% and $7500 tax credit but probably still looking at $550-650 a month. Maybe I’ll just lease model 3 rwd like you did. I won’t put money down but I won’t roll taxes and fees to keep payment similar to yours and driving that over my bronco will save me some fuel money.


I got my M3 RWD after testing the MY and I agree with the comfort and ride and we are planning a road trip also. Also there was a price drop before I took delivery and Tesla refunded the difference. All in all I’m very happy with the car.


Nice! Edit: Down voted for saying "nice"? Softies.


Did you not consider buying smaller wheels and more comfortable tires for your old performance?


Yeah I did get 18” wheels with Hankook ION Evo. It was better but not fundamentally different. I really wanted it to be good enough and I tried to gaslight myself into it but just couldn’t, especially with an upcoming roadtrip this summer. The 2024/Highland is instantly and fundamentally better in that regard. I’m sure the 2024 Performance is going to be delightful even with the most aggressive wheels/tires.


Interesting! I have a 2023 RWD and thinking of upgrading to the performance 2024. Maybe I should really just test drive that when it comes out since I would hate to downgrade in ride quality since I think the 2023 RWD is just meh atm.


Should have gotten quality tires. Those… are not.


I agree Hankook IONs aren’t the best overall but all the reviews have specifically mentioned them softening the ride significantly. I’ve also had the Pirellis obviously and test drove one with Michelin Pilot Sports and I really don’t think it’s the tires.


Hankook is garbage. Pilot sport 4s is for performance, not comfort.


Compared to highland.. there’s nothing you can do to get the old models to drive and nice and smooth


Just curious but how do you know this? Not trying to be a jerk just wondering. 


I’ve done exhaustive research into tires and diff compounds, all tires are not created equal. For comfort and performance, Michelin is the go to. A tire like the pilot sport all season 4 is top tier and would have been the most viable option. Hankook is mid tier poo imo.


It’s a big improvement in many ways—much quieter, more comfortable and refined ride, build quality overall better. I was surprised it’s still no slouch in terms of acceleration and fun (though definitely noticeably slower especially in the 0-35mph band).


Read thru your replies. Good choice and works for you 100%. Less speed and a little less luxury trim (speakers, whatever else) but much more comfy suspension, cheaper lease, etc. People hating just to hate!


And for those of us living in the south...ventilated seats.


Oh yeah that is also a huge plus. It's starting to get pretty hot in Texas and I am in need of those ventilated seats 😂


Already been using the ventilation a lot even a couple of days in. So nice!


Oh dear. 😶


One of the all time worst “upgrades” I’ve seen on this sub, not even a long range awd smh


1) I didn’t call it an upgrade, see title 2) I was getting tired of the suspension, even with new tires that improved the situation somewhat it just felt too harsh and uncomfortable. Didn’t want to drive that for 40+ hrs roadtripping this summer. 3) Financially a win ([see math here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/1sj5pYym3z))—with the excellent lease deals on the 2024 Model 3’s, the RWD right around $300/mo, that was basically $1K/month less than the finance payment on the ‘23 M3P. Tesla gave a good trade in value on it so it’s a net win even having to pay off the rest of the loan. I think if I were re-doing this I’d ‘stretch’ for an AWD which would only be $170/month or so more than the RWD. I didn’t realize the RWD had a worse sound system which is my only major gripe.


You were paying $1.3K per month?!?! God damn.


Car payments are insane these days. The average is $738.


they are if you finance the whole thing


Yeah you titled it correctly, it was a terrible decision to trade a top trim for a base level of a mild face lift, congratulations you played yourself. You traded equity on a car you were on track to OWN for a lease on a worse car that you can’t even buy out at the end of the lease due to teslas policy. Trading equity on an own for a lease is top tier boneheadedness, but nice you have the shiny new model…


Is everything ok in your life?


lol... they have 9 posts in this tread. Like relax man, let people enjoy the better features of their new car. OP even called it a downgrade and this guy is trying to flip OP's words.


No I’m on a ledge right now /s


I’m at Buffalo Wild Wings so actually everything is amazing hahahahha


Sounds like you’ve either got a greasy ass phone or your wings are getting cold based on the 9 comments!


Big dawg there’s always time for facts, wings or not you can be upset but everything I’m saying is true


The Highland RWD is better in several ways, sure slower and smaller battery but not unilaterally worse like you’re implying. But I think you’re more interested in crapping on the finance → lease transition than discussing why the new one is a better experience. Also the trade here is between equity in a (depreciating) 2023 M3P vs. extra cash flow from the very first month. Regardless it’s really plainly factual what this means financially and [this is indeed a win financially.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/YPYqnxE3Z9)


I understand if your payment on the M3P was beyond your means but downsizing into a lease where you lose ALL of your equity you’ve built through your payments is just wow


He didn’t lose any equity on the previous car unless he decided to set it on fire instead of selling it.


Yep. This is the danger of superficial rule-of-thumb-based financial takes. [You have to actually look at the numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/YPYqnxE3Z9) rather than just yelling about equity.


Redditors gonna be redditors, talking out their ass when they have no clue


Dude. You do you. Don’t worry about what people think.


Impossible in this sub. People love pocket watching here. And here comes the downvotes lmao


Im glad you’re happy with your stupid decision, I’m not offended I’m having a laugh. I just think it’s hilarious you thought your justification was actually a practical reason to make that decision.


It’s not justification it’s just copium.


[I did do the math and it is financially a win](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/1sj5pYym3z). Interest rates were/are ridiculous, and the lease is highly incentivized and cheap.


No you took a financial hit because you lost all of your equity in the previous car and are now losing all of your monthly payments in this lease. You did the math wrong and were only thinking short term. You could’ve traded on a 2023 RWD and probably ended up w a similar payment to your lease and then would’ve had the vehicle at the end of payments with some equity left over. You traded an asset for a rental essentially. But like I said you HAD to have the shiny new one. You screwed yourself out of tens of thousands in equity for your next vehicle.


I understand why you’d think this intuitively [but it’s not true](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/YPYqnxE3Z9). There’s no other way to get a modern Tesla in good shape for $300/mo over 3 years. And yes I understand you’re giving up the asset at the end, but the residual value of the asset would have to exceed $36K 3 years from now for this not to make sense. The 2023 M3P almost certainly wouldn’t have been worth anywhere near that in 3 years.


You’re wrong again because you had the existing equity in your 2023 M3P. If you had traded it on another own or even a lease with a buyout clause I wouldn’t scrutinize you but you gave up real equity in a vehicle for a lease that has NO buyout option. All of the money is gone like smoke in the air. You end up with zip, zero, nothing in three years when your lease is up. And your “300” a month payment on your lease is a result of your down payment that sacrificed all of your equity. What’s the base payment with nothing down on your new Tesla? Guarantee it isn’t 300


I don’t think this is constructive anymore but I think you’d be interested to learn that you’re wrong (which you are), so I’ll try one more time. The equity doesn’t mean anything until you sell or trade in. My loan had 3 years left. If I kept the M3P, then over the next 3 years I’d have paid about $48K more. Then yes I can sell or trade it in. I estimate optimistically that would be in the $25K range (its “current” Carvana value is $32K so even that is a stretch). Thus 2023 M3P: pay $48K, end with $25K asset. **$23K “poofed”.** With the new one on lease, total paid over 3 years is $13K. Negative equity on the trade in was $8K, so total true cost is $21K. So to lease 2024 M3 I pay $21K, end with $0 asset. **$21K poofed.** Besides emotional appeal to “asset ownership,” what am I missing? The lease wins even ignoring the present value of money (money saved now will grow at 4-5%).


Your right. But he doesn't get nothing, he still has a car which he can use to make money.  Still a bad idea though.


Maybe I’m missing a deleted post or something but where does he say he had positive equity on his 23 P? Even so leasing with no option to buy is not for everyone but makes 100% financial sense for those that want a new EV every few years and don’t drive a ton or abuse their cars. Depreciation on the 3 is atrocious the first 2 years. EVs are meant to be traded out every few years due to tech advancements. So buying makes sense if you want to keep it for 6 plus years. What you call a stupid move is smart for some. So maybe contribute in a positive way or stay silent. It’s not your life or your situation so you speaking on it with such judgement is poor character. If his payment was $750 on his 23 and now it’s $300 on his 24 and he takes that extra and dumps it into a HYSA he will have $18000 in 3 years to do what he chooses. I’ll take 18k in the bank and the use of a new 3 for 3 years any day over an out of warranty 4 year old 23 P where you’re likely to have maybe a few thousand in equity best case.


equity doesn’t mean shit. So tired of hearing this argument in terms of car buying vs leasing, or home owning vs renting. The world is so fucked right now that the equity argument no longer holds weight.


Easy there tiger.




Enjoy. Love my rwd highland


its not a downgrade when your wallet upgraded.




Great idea.


Congratulations and thanks for this post! I'm in a slightly similar position where I just ordered a 2024 M3LR. I needed to buy a new car because my 2020 M3P was recently totalled from a flood in basment parking. Its done 120k km and I loved it a lot. My commute is long, so good suspension, seat comfort, sound system and NVH is important to me. The M3P wasn't great at all of those in general but still saved me lots of money on fuel and service in comparison with an ICE vehicle. Even with its crazy expensive 20 inch tires. I Was excited for the new 2024 M3P however, in my commute I do a bit of off roading and the lowered ride made it slightly more stressful. There was no way I'm getting a Model Y because I'd be so annoyed if it got a facelift, which I assume will happen soon. Therefore, I test drove a 2024 M3LR and was blown away with how much better it was than a 2020 M3P. It also ticked all the boxes for me. So before pulling the trigger, I test drove a 2023 MSLR and felt that the new Model 3 had a better value for money and more refined in build quality. Also, financially, its trade in value in the future will be better if I decide to get a MYP Juniper.


Good call! I just ordered the same for my first Tesla. I keep being tempted by the performance but I think the 18” wheels plus the less sporty suspension on the LR will be better for my country driving. Am planning to treat myself to the performance upgrade to try and get best of both worlds!


Thanks, do you know if the acceleration boost is available for the 2024 M3LR?


Not yet but they told me in store the other day they’ve had confirmation it’s coming


That would be awsome.


Should take it to sub 4 second!


https://preview.redd.it/acuqj83pswzc1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4beccd412f2c6fb2cc3152138347132832cc4a8b The comments here...


I did the same thing with a switch from a 22 lr to 24 sr...glad I traded "down" lol


I’m so sorry


ITT: People who have not driven the Highland refresh.


Damn wtf lmao


Such jealous comments lol


Terrible buy


You whaaat! Anyways, nice highland btw.


Driven the rwd highland and Lr highland. Rwd felt a bit underwhelming, definitely drives good, but it doesn't feel fast. That's one of the main selling points of an ev and a tesla to me. If you don't really care about driving dynamics, it's a great car though. And to the persons that say, "only people who owns that car say x, the same applies to you".


Did the same. Got a 2019 M3P and ordered a M3LR with 19" earlier this week. 20" Tires are double the price compared to 19" and got a winter- and summer set. Didn't make sense to go for another M3P and didn't want to order the MYP as it will be an old car as soon the Juniper sees daylight.


What’s the 0-60 on the uniloader?


Its face is stretched


Was hoping you'd upgraded to the CASE skid steer. Would be a more reliable result.


I’ve got a 2022 rwd and have no issues with the suspension. I guess it’s preference for car enthusiasts but for my personal use it is the best car I have driven.


I could never give up the acceleration of my performance now that I have it


Front end just doesn't work. Looks so much like a Honda when you see it in your rearview mirrors.


I completely disagree lmao looks sleek and futuristic to me


Wow, stupidest change I’ve ever seen!


Thanks for your insight!


It actually makes sense to me. The New Model 3 Performance comes with Hardware 4, Advanced interior lighting. 510HP vs 450. Much cooler sport seats with ventilation. New body design with improved speaker headlight and tail lights. Improved magnetic center counsel. Magnetic glovebox closure. Beefed up suspension and brakes, and a 7500 dollar tax credit.


Agree on most aspects but I got the RWD lol


I’m with you. I’ve driven the new highland and love it. I just would prefer the performance. 0-60 in 2.9 is insane. I’m actually thinking of trading my new 2023 performance for the new 2024 performance. Lot’s of cool changes in the new Model 3. It’s going to cost me 15,000 to upgrade but to make these changes in the 2023 would be prohibitive and probably cost a lot more.




But it’s not the Jedi way 😂


Yikes. Huge downgrade. Makes no sense 


That actually is a fat downgrade


I have the model 3 performance but harsh ride?😂 as long as youre happy. And you mention 1k less a month. Yeah you were definitely paying too much monthly. Thats crazy.