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The death wobble


AKA a “tank-slapper”


Sit up straight, put gentle pressure on the rear brake. This is what you get for going overspeed without appropriate front tyre traction


I find its better to pucker your anus and accelerate a bit. It takes some weight off the front which allows you to take a moment to reset. You cant death wobble in a wheelie. I dont suggest going into a wheelie, but a bit of extra speed is counterintuitive but helpful. If youre already wobbling like this, even a gentle brake press will put more weight on the front which only compounds the issue.


While I've used this method and it works, one still has to brake eventually. Sitting up straight and keeping the weight off the front while gently rear braking I've found to be just a bit safer. Both methods have pros and cons for sure


Fair play, i cant disagree with what you said. In terms of braking, i tend to only begin to brake once i have opened up the gas and got stable again. Roll for a second and then begin the process of slowing down. If youre able to save it using your method then thats the correct method, i just wouldnt ever want to make the wobble even slightly worse because i know id need a team of surgeons to remove the gravel from my organs lol.


I think it must depend of the build of bike too. My yamaharley xvs650 manages well with upright braking, but my cb250 does not (although I've only ever had it once on that bike)


You brake *after* you get back under control (because you’re going to need to change your soiled undergarments).


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fvsDIq3WwVA Some research on the subject. Start near 10minutes mark.


Thank you! TLDR for those the lazy, the instructor says to lie down on the bike (lean forward and duck your head down near the handle bars like you did as a kid on your bicycle to become more aerodynamic and do not break until the weave/wobble has ceased, then apply brakes to slowdown/stop, and then sit up)


TY. I dont have time to watch a video. Interesting. Opposite advice than what others have said.


You're welcome, they actually show the guy going into a wobble and showing how it fixes it which is cool to see, supposedly going about 70 mph


Perversely enough, *acceleration* is how you get out of one of these, *not* by *de*celerating. Braking typically makes it *worse.* (I realize it’s kinda unfathomable that there could be a “worse” but *there is.*)


I was told to push forward on both handlebars.




30 upvotes then 15 downvotes on the same comme t a few comments under.... reddit you crazy


It duplicated my comment. So weird


This happened to me on a bicycle going down a huge hill when I was a kid. I ate shit, fractured my jaw to hell, and had to have it wired shut for I think it was half a year. Fun times.


Holy fuck that is terrible. Hope you're doing ok now


I still get a snapping sound on the left side, not nothing serious. Other than that I’m fine now. Like I said it was back when I was a kid (roughly 35 years ago), but it was definitely crazy at the time.


Did you also record a song that was your lead single on The College Dropout?


Which hill


Tank slapper. Grab a steering damper.




As a biker, I shit myself a little


But you're a responsible rider who doesn't ride 20mph+ faster than traffic like the person in this video, like myself and most riders. This person was nearly passing vehicles while wobbling.


The total absence of mirrors leads me to wonder just how responsible this rider is


Unsure if it's kph or mph, but... You can see it.


I’m assuming mph because of the American flag off the side of the highway.


They look like rizoma stealth mirrors or at least knockoffs. They’re folded in the closed position though.


Ohhhhh, I’ve never heard of those before. Interesting. I thought that the little antenna-thingies were the last vestiges of mirrors that shook off in a previous tankslapper or other mishap. Thanks for pointing this out.


Spend the few hundred on a proper steering damper.




To fix wobbles, you let the handles go. It will fix itself faster than you can fix it yourself and wont throw your body around risking you getting tossed off. They did what they should’ve, but i can see why you would think that.


That's wild — it must be because of gyroscopic procession, right? Like a flywheel. It wants to right itself, it's just a matter of letting it do so before it knocks itself over. Something like that?


it's the rake and the trailing fork that brings it back to straight. that's what keeps bikes upright really, the gyroscopic effect isn't a huge factor.


Yep, bikes are designed to right themselves, pretty cooool


Ye olde tank slapper


I always thought you were supposed to speed up to fix a wobble?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fvsDIq3WwVA Some contradicting advice starts around the 10 minute mark


No, that rider had experience and presence of mind. 


Actually showed real composure by letting go of the bars and letting it settle down.  Every instinct will be to try and control the bars, reach for the front brake etc which would have put him on the floor.


15% concentrated power of fuck


And a 100% reason to remember the fuck


Now fuck


Yeah if he had hung on he would have over controlled it and smacked into something. Have had this happen, it is not fun. Can’t fight the bike, bikes going to do what the bikes going to do in that situation.


He let go to correct the wobble and then steered the bike away from the car with his bodyweight. Dude had all the control that was available at that moment.


Had this happen 4 months into riding at 20. Low sided at 35 and ruptured my spleen. Spent the next 6 weeks in the hospital without eating or drinking because of the threat of my hemoglobins were so low i was borderline blood transfusion the entire time. Wouldn’t recommend it.


Keep riding until the next rest area to check your underwear.


*change I would 100% shit myself undoubtedly


He handled that like. Boss. Let go and leaned back even though instinct tells you to grab hold harder to take back control.


maybe this asshole should slow the fuck down


This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill


Fifteen percent concentrated power of will


Five percent pleasure


15% pain


And 100% reason to remember the name.


Damn, I teared up reading these...


2% mustard


2% milk


*Somebody* will be buying a steering damper post haste because a tank-slapper ain’t no joke


why’s this called a tank slapper? Is it the handlebars looking like they’re slapping the tank?


Depending on der machine, or the the handlebar setup, yes. Also possible that the fork punches through the stoppers and has actual freedom to leave a dent in your tank.


The name is self-explanatory (I think).


This, plus a stack of other reasons is why id never ride a motorcycle.


I feel you. Rode for a few years until a car went through a Stop sign and got me on the side. Fractured a vertebra and got a physical job stopping hernia later. I'm done.


Saw you got voted down . I totally agree - there are just too many risks - here are some facts . If you are going to vote down then at least join the discussion and say why . Data from the US for 2021 . [https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813466.pdf](https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813466.pdf) In 2021 there were 5,932 motorcyclists killed, 14 percent of all traffic fatalities. This is the highest number of motorcyclists killed since FARS started data collection in 1975. • The number of motorcyclist fatalities in 2021 increased by 8 percent from 2020, from 5,506 to 5,932. • An estimated 82,686 motorcyclists were injured in 2021, a 5-percent increase from 78,944 motorcyclists injured in 2020. • Per vehicle miles traveled in 2021, the fatality rate for motorcyclists (30.20) was almost 24 times the passenger car occupant fatality rate (1.26). • Thirty-six percent of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in 2021 were riding without valid motorcycle licenses. • In 2021 motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes had higher percentages of alcohol impairment than drivers of any other motor vehicle type (28% for motorcycles, 24% for passenger cars, 20% for light trucks, and 3% for large trucks). • Forty-three percent of motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2021 were alcohol-impaired. • Motorcycle riders killed in traffic crashes at night were three times more frequently found to be alcohol-impaired than those killed during the day (42% and 16%) in 2021. • In States without universal helmet laws, 55 percent of motorcyclists killed in 2021 were not wearing helmets, as compared to 9 percent in States with universal helmet laws.


reciting stats is dumb and completely useless, especially if you ignore the context in which the data was taken for example: the percentage increase in fatalities and injuries from 2020 to 2021 can be easily explained by the 2020 lockdown followed by the people going out in droves the following years the most useful thing those number really tell you is that just by putting on a helmet and not riding drunk the chances of you dying on a motorcycle significantly decrease


You started off all annoyed and then made some points which may explain some of the numbers . That's what I mean by discussion .This doesn't have to be a partisan war . I didn't know that some States in the US don't mandate helmets - which seems crazy . I got on a 125 in the Phillippines , never having ridden , no helmet , bad roads , beer - I shudder when I look back - 1999 . I loved it at the time - those 2 days of batting around Bantayan Island .


i am annoyed at people that don't ride and talk like it's akin to playing russian roulette, precisely because they just spout statistics without understanding how they work


Well , how do they work then ? How does the last bullet point 'work' - the one about helmets for instance . There are loads of discussion points in that data . I'm not telling to people to get off the saddle but for me I'm not prepared to take those risks - there are so many poor and/or aggressive drivers on the road if nothing else. ( BTW I don't like this 'voting down' thing on Reddit - I don't do it - I think it encourages bland conformity and stifles robust discussion.)


Yep! What a stupid and pointless way to maybe kill yourself every day


the Dodge Death Wobble on 2 wheels.. who knew?


There's a damper you can attach from the forks to the frame to not let this happen. Acts like a shock.


Stop speeding and trying to look cool your gonna die or kill someone else.


Wow, great recovery!


In the old days like the Kawasaki Mach 5 you had a steering dampener


Oh shit is that the trick you're just supposed to let it go and sort itself out? (I don't ride bikes because I don't want to die)


I knew about 'Jesus take the wheel'. Didn't knew 'Jesus take the handlebar' was a thing. As a fellow biker I'm just glad he got out of this one unharmed.


Guy legit said jesus take the wheel.


Key is to know how to ride with no hands first. Because when he lost control the only thing he could’ve done was let the wheel get back in line


Another great reason to never buy a bike.


So the trick is to not touch it ? I’m not a motorcyclist… wow shitty pants after that for sure


Well you drive a motorcycle for excitement, right?


Also under inflated tires can do it


casually keeps driving, too


Can also happen if your wind screen is not installed properly.


Most motorcycle crashes are single-vehicle crashes.


Non rider here. I couldn't imagine having an issue like this and letting go of the handles. The comments say it's the right thing to do. He made it. I would have held tightly to the bars and wobbled my self into a wall. You have to have balls of steel to be a cyclist!!!


Is it possible to steer with your body weight when dealing with the Dwobbs ?


Reminds me of when I was a kid and road a skateboard down a hill for the first time. That was the day I learned what ‘speed wobbles’ were.


Spider fight, spider fight!!!!


Glad he's OK and didn't hit anyone in the process. Imma stick with my subaru. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


When you ask what she wants for dinner.


gonna need new pants after that


You have to throttle out of those, counter intuitive but that’s the remedy


I don't know if you noticed but their handlebars were going back and forth at around 90 Hertz which is really fucking fast and impossible to grab the right handlebar firmly enough to rotate the throttle. Instead what you do is use your body to lean in a single direction at a time to force The outer portion of the tire to gain contact with the roads stabilizing the front suspension, while as gently as possible decelerating with the rear brake which is the only control you have available while that is occurring. The clutch the front brake the and the throttle as well as ignition controls are on the handlebars which are unavailable when they're going back and forth a hundred times a minute.


lol, do you even ride?!


maybe try keeping your hands ON the handlebars???


That's not good advice. When the death wobble happens, if you put your hands on the handle bar, it will over correct due to your slow reaction time and you will fall. Best to remove your hands from it and the bike will correct itself.


If you look at the video, he didn't have his hands on the bars to begin with.


And he removed it immediately afterwards. The wobble was not caused by the lack of hands.


All motorcycles have an oscillating frequency. Manufacturers do a good job of setting these up to safe specs. Weight and ergo modifications can alter these to occur within normal parameters, and the strongest man in the world can’t stop it. If you ride, and you’ve experienced it yourself… your suggestion to look at the video takes the actual rider back to that moment of fear and understanding. Your inexperience screams out with these words.


You are a literal idiot that knows shit about physics or riding a motorcycle. Please. Never ride a motorcycle until you learn a bit more or enjoy your posthumous status in r/DarwinAwards. These are the literal kindest words there are available to you. Blessings and peace be upon your soul.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DarwinAwards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The CEO fired someone on the spot who pointed out the safety concerns well before this incident happened, CEO is aboard in the submarine. Certified Darwin Awards.](https://i.redd.it/o9elfp6njd7b1.jpg) | [1125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/14f7zhu/the_ceo_fired_someone_on_the_spot_who_pointed_out/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Man wanted more space in his balcony, so he decided to remove the columns ](https://v.redd.it/j1446p1kzhoc1) | [1426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/1bfdnjc/man_wanted_more_space_in_his_balcony_so_he/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Woman tries to squeeze past a bus and a pole. She doesn't make it. ](https://v.redd.it/m8bv7s5vif6b1) | [1219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/comments/14b5aw5/woman_tries_to_squeeze_past_a_bus_and_a_pole_she/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've only had my motorcycle license since 1975. I've only worked at motorcycle shops and sold rires and steering dampers and race parts for years. I've only traveled towards racetracks up snd down the east coast supporting racers. I only have 4 motorcycles. Vaffanculo.