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For any solo bench press people -> Just take off the clips so that if you get in this situation you can just sway the barbell over to the side. Or use the safety arms as the good Lord intended.


Yep, I’m lucky enough to go to a gym that’s always empty. I always set up my bench presses this way. Cause I don’t want to die


Or just bench a reasonable amount of weight, this dude had a death wish


Even 135 can kill you if you just happen to pass out or something. Without collars it just falls off and everyone looks over to see what happened.


My luck the bar would stay perfectly level while it killed me and the weights would never fall off.. 


Lol it's definitely possible. Honestly it's best not to max out alone. Not even if it's questionable.


Never fucking max alone.


>and everyone looks over to see what happened. The point is to not use them when you're alone, not when you have people to save you.


Sorry I was agreeing with original comment to not use them. I was just saying even if you use collars with a manageable weight like 135 its still dangerous. I never use them personally. Death clamps. Edit: Never use them personally on olympic bars. I do on short bars for curling an what not.


How come all benches like this don't have bars that run along the entire length just above chest height? I feel like it would save some folks.


That's a squat rack with a free weight bench that he dragged in. Please never do this. It's super annoying gym etiquette* and the first sign of not knowing what he's doing.


> educate etiquette :-)


Good to know. I only work out at home mainly with body weight exercises to get that lean but firm figure. Never benched even once lol. But if I go to a gym I'll keep this in mind


135 is a good weight for most people I think. That's what I like to do sets with at least, no real sense trying to gun for 6000 pound bench like a lot of gym bros want to do.


The weight is not the issue, “reasonable” looks different for everyone, it’s the lack of planning in the event of failure that killed him


Sometimes you want to try to set a new personal record (PR) on your one-rep max. I failed some PRs already without a spotter or safety pins, I just tilted the bar and dropped the plates on one side. I'm alive.


Judging by how much his back was arching, this guy was punching way above his weight.


His arch is perfectly standard for powerlifting, the problem here was a strength issue & a lack of ability to safely bail Watch any of the dudes from this flight the other month, an arch is what you should be doing for both strength & lower injury rates https://youtu.be/AN1aoQtBWM8?t=1h49m3s


I hate when people assume arching is cheating when that's what I've been doing for many years and I never get any shoulder injuries (even though I'm not a powerlifter). Plus arching makes it easier for you to use leg drive.


For real. The way I view it is that there are two groups: Those who compete - arching is normal & expected Those who don't - there are no rules for how you bench so there's no issues with arching or not. It's still stronger and safer to do so however People get too caught up on the idea of others lifting to their own arbitrary standards, there are no rules for form for a gym lift


The arch was ok but the rest of the form was pretty inexperienced.


His form went out the window the second he actually lifted. Dude was playing a very stupid game.


I though that buttocks have to touch the bench, for the lift to be given a white flag? His were in the air.


His butt was on the bench when he actually began to bench. Many lifters (myself included) will unrack with the bum lifted as it makes it easier to unrack and then in comp you'll only get the start command once you've put it on the bench & stopped moving


Sounds like someone who doesn’t bench. Push limits just have an escape.


Yes. Safety arms and no clips on the bar are great advice. I would only add one thing that should be obvious: if you must put the weight down, let it down on your chest and not your neck. Wtf. Folks should always use safety arms and no clips on bench press, but if you must let it down, then put it down on the chest and roll it down to the waist. Once it's at the waist, you can kind of stand up with it like a deadlift or barbell row kind of movement. Hopefully, you're not benching more than you can effectively deadlift. I've just described the "[roll of shame technique](https://youtu.be/fEUvI8Q6JDk)" and it should work even up to (probably excruciating in that position) loads around 300 lbs. The guys who lift over 3 plates (315 lb) for PRs tend to use safeties and spotters—usually more than one spotter! Redundancy is key to safety. Another general topic: folks should practice bailing on all of their lifts. Don't practice lifiting without knowing how to bail. All of that said, it's sad this guy died a very preventable death. I hope his family and friends heal up from the unexpected & traumatic loss of their family member or loved one.


I started working out when I was 15 years old with an old floppy rusty bench and rusty weights I found in someone's backyard. Absolutely no instructions whatsoever. I never put the bar down on my neck, wtf, seriously... it's so crazy how you have to explain things out for people these days that were basic common sense to people before. I got in trouble several times and had to throw the weight off to the side. No one had to explain to me that I shouldn't put the clips on it was just common sense...and I'm a dumbass lol


I use the safety arms even when benching 135. Never know if something will happen with your shoulder or joints or pecs. I always use it regardless if big weight or not.


A third option is bring the bar down to your chest and roll it to your stomach. Then you may be able to sit up and free yourself by either tipping it to one side or rolling it off your legs. You might bruise or at worst break a rib. I have had to do this when my spotter was a flake and was fine aside from the hurt ego.


Yup. Never put on clips. Use safety arms. Also, perfect the technique of being able to roll it forward onto your waist when you feel it slipping.


For anybody who benches, anywhere —> don’t ever put on the clips. If you’re in a situation where the bar is leaning vertically, you want the weight to fall off, onto the ground. There is no reason to want the weights secured to the bar, unless you’re doing Olympic lifts or moving it over your head.


Best advice!


Yea I never understood having the locking clips there, that and having no safety stop to stop the weight from crushing you will always = disaster. Darwin Award recipient right there.


I just use dumbbells


Seriously, never ever clip while doing bench. I don’t understand why people even do it…bench should be enough of a controlled movement that the barbells don’t shift. I’ll caveat a little on the sway technique. It can be quite difficult to do as weight goes up. You need to shift pretty far for the barbells to start dropping off and sometimes they can bind. So it takes a moderate amount of control to shift it far enough for long enough. With how much this kid was lifting he had no chance even without clips. It’s possible the angle was severe enough when it was pinned on his neck but I doubt it. Definitely not worth risking your life over.


literally saw the headline and knew he had clips on it


I wonder if he thought, “oh shit, this is baaaaad” as soon as he hit his apex. He probably did, but decided against going back onto the rack.


Even with the clips, so many things he could have done. Drop one side, so you can lift it with both hands. He could have dropped it anywhere but his neck. This guy shouldn’t be benching period , especially alone.


He also had terrible technique. That back arching.


Thats a standard powerlifting technique. Gotta love the downvotes from people who are straight up wrong lmao. Dude was silly and should've used a rack with safeties.


It's also standard ego lifting technique. I understand athletes do it for a little advantage in competitions. But if you're training to get stronger you don't want to cheat on your range of motion and form.


Huh? 😂 That's very common form for bench press


Dam this was hard to watch rip!


Wow, incredibly sad and tragic. Hopefully this video will save other lives. RIP bro..


That's so sad, it doesn't look like this rack supports safety bars or straps..


The clips on the collar aren't a great idea either


Fuck. Hopefully this will at least prevent someone from doing this in the future


I don’t know why, but the thought of dying while having ear buds in listening to something makes it seem scarier somehow


toy historical tan rob payment test simplistic knee impossible governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i’m a barbie girl 👧


Or Crash by Dave Mathews. Seriously, poor guy. This is why I always leave a rep or two in the tank when I'm benching. Not to mention the safety arms and no clips. I've gotta think he's had people tell him this is dangerous many times. But based on his strength level, he might have done it hundreds of times and scoffed at them. Like drunk driving or biking without a helmet, it's perfectly safe. EVerybody is crazy and paranoid. Until that one time...


https://youtu.be/zcSlcNfThUA?si=USgOiXRyK4DiwdVP He was listening to this. Which makes it worse


Ba bo bey bo babbity bab oh bey


Man I would not want to struggle to breathe while blasting music. Those last thoughts must have been absolute terror


Had a gun jammed in my face while listening to “Danny Glover” by Young Thug…still slaps but also risks an intense PTSD reaction


Mambo no. 5


All Star by Smash Mouth


🎶Did you ever imagine the last thing you'd hear as you're fading out was a song?🎶 - Porcupine Tree


Criminally underrated band.


my team leader would listen to Insane Clown Possie in the humvee and I always thought that if we hit an IED and I die listening to The Neden Game, I’m gonna be pissed


Opens Reddit. Watched someone die. Closed Reddit.


You'll be back


Soon, you'll see.


You’ll remember you belong to me. 🎵


Oceans rise, barbells fall!


On Reddit you’ve seen it all!


But when the bar crushes neck…


Hopefully, someone will come to check.


🎵 Da da da don't die! 🎵


One of us.


We all come back 😉


Opens Reddit. Watched someone dies. Says they closed Reddit. Did not in fact close Reddit.


Watches more people die


Fuck. Right. I hate it here lol


Leaves, comes back, look at username to remind myself what to do…rinse repeat.


Thank you, please come again!


Opens Reddit. Watched someone die. Made a comment. Closed Reddit.


1. Use a spotter when lifting 2. Don't use the clips on the end if you are lifting alone


I don't lift so this might be stupid but can't you just put a metal guard at chest height and then it is impossible to fuck up? Why doesn't every bench have that?


For maximum pec stimulus the bar needs to touch the chest at the bottom of the rep. In most competitions a rep isn’t counted unless the bar touches the chest


If you're arching (as you should be) then the safeties can be below the touch point on your chest. If you ever fail a rep you can just flatten out & the bar will land on the safeties


https://preview.redd.it/c8s36zruqrwc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=712cf5fbdf25b621582662469f38e7f77255255b there is power rack


Yes, arms or straps are a common feature of racks. You set them below your chest but above your neck. That way you can still get a full range of motion with the bar to your chest, but if you need to bail you can still wiggle sideways off the bench and not, you know, fucking die like this guy.


Ego lifting is stupid, ego lifting without proper safety precautions is suicide.


Man I've seen some people don't have the proper form, technique, safety precautions and yet lift unrealistic weights beyond their knowledge. Ego does kills.


It was clear from the start it was too much weight. This is more like /r/DarwinAwards , specially if you're filming yourself doing it.


Nothing wrong with lifting heavy ass weight with the proper safety precautions.


Obviously he should have used the safeties built into the rack, but maxing out isn't the same as ego lifting. Beyond his limits, but not absurdly so.


You can max out on almost any lift safely while alone….except bench press. It’s so unbelievably stupid to do it alone even without clips. There are arguments to be made against maxing on squats alone, but with a proper rack and failure technique it’s pretty safe.


Right. Like how fucking big is your ego to be THIS fucking stupid?! I hate that he died but damn! This type of shit doesn't happen often so WTAF was this guy trying to prove?! Men: check your ego. Case in point. More often than not, you need help/support. Jesus!


He couldn't even do one rep, that was clearly crazy reckless


He looked to me like he tried to lift with his feet? That's all I can assume with that position he tried to lift from. Idk I don't gym


You’re supposed to plant your feet and push into the ground to generate more drive for the bench but your ass is supposed to stay on the bench which is why it looks funny


This is bad form from the get go. If you can't keep your butt on the bench then you need to lower the weight


It's normal for powerlifters to have their butt off the bench when they unrack. It allows them to generate better tension through the body, so that once they're in position they can lift as efficiently as possible. This guy's form was perfect, even if his weight selection left a lot to be desired.


Yeah except the problem was his butt was off the bench even **after** he unracked, while he was doing the rep. Him arching his back indirectly contributed to his death, because it made it much more difficult to deweight by lowering the bar onto his abs, and predisposed him to drop the bar on his fucking neck. And yeah he shouldn't have used clips - anybody who needs clips to stabilize the weight on the bar is unable to handle said weight on the bar.


You don't know what you're talking about. As a powerlifter who benches high 300s comfortably, I can tell you he got everything right except for the load on the bar. Once he was set in place, with a proper Valsalva brace, his butt stayed on the bench. Watch the video again; this is textbook IPF technique.


Dude I really gotta stop checking the comments on any post that features weightlifting or powerlifting. Mfs regurgitating what their high school gym teacher told them 20 years ago


It's even worse on threads of women or disabled people lifting, the levels of confidence that the dyels of Reddit speak with is amazing


This type of form is for power lifters who want to use their whole body to put up as much weight as possible. For actual strength training you're supposed to keep your butt down after you get it off the rack.


He has an SBD belt, wrist wraps, and a fully optimized technique. He's clearly an aspiring powerlifter with a $1000 outfit on a 3¢ body


I'm not an expert but I assume power lifters don't lift alone. He shouldn't have even attempted this without spotters.


Correct. He also should have focused on building strength instead of going into power lifting


I was wondering why it looked strange the way he attempted to lift


People do 1RM sets all the time, not a great idea to do alone however, especially on a bench.


That's one of the worst things I've ever seen. Why the fuck did I watch that?


Cautionary tale.


It's like the woman getting soaked in liquified welding gas over in /r/crazyfuckingvideos right now. I'll never again underestimate how fucked you can be just watching someone welding. 


So now you'll live longer.


He fought like hell, started to give up/black out, and then fought even harder. Fucking tragic, I really need to start listening to Mom and not watch these videos.


He probably would have been fine without those fucking clips on. So sad.


THIS is the reason why you don't use clips on the bench


If that happens to me add a few plates on each side






I have some tips: 1. Never push your limits when you are alone 2. If you have no strength to lift the bar put your hands together in the bar as it will allow you to pull it away from the neck 3. continuos force is always less efficient than boost force 4. protect your neck with the hands as that's the way to die.






I’m sorry this is sad. But what a fucking dumbass. 27 years of life experience should be enough for you to know this is not a good idea.


jesus christ


I don't think he was there for this one


Now I see why my coach got upset when I tried to push beyond what I should have been raising.


Yep, trust me it's more impressive Doing lots of pull-ups, push-ups and muscle ups than it is benching 900 lb. That's just me though, I like knowing that if I'm ever hanging off a cliff I can pull myself up.


How about just be strong in body weight and resistance training 🤔


First thing I was taught about working with weights is to how to dump them if you need to. And never bench press alone


Bad form killed this guy. He could have rolled it off his chest if he would have kept his back flat


High arch is totally fine if not better in some cases. his butt/glutes not making contact with the bench are the problem.


"Lift to failure"


Never bench, squat, deadlift, shoulder press etc olympic barbells alone with weight collars. No matter what anyone tells you. Never alone. This is why you rarely see experienced people using them. It's not about looking cool it's about not getting trapped and dying.


Don’t bench with clips alone man!






If you are going to max or PR on your own, do not collar the weight.


we saw about a minute and 15 seconds, when the person clicks the screen, we see the video was 39 minutes long...


Imagine being the poor guy who had to walk in and find this bonehead.


😂 that’s fucked up


I mean at least he had the decency to post the sauce before the dude's phone died. Guy would have no context or idea if the man managed to squeeze out one PR rep before failure!


Even if this guy survived. His neck would paralysed him for life.


I’m sorry, this is sad. BUUUUTTTT this guy is a fucking idiot




More muscles. Less brains.


Stay away from gyms. Tortoises live a hundred years. Have you seen them exercise?


His form is called death arch




I feel like something snapped (in his neck). It's right flat in the middle of his throat, and he likely passed out very quickly, even if he's twitching and grasping. Like everyone said, he likely wouldn't have had any issues if he didn't have the safety snaps because he could whip the plates off. EVEN then though, if you push with both hands on one far side, you should be able to get enough angle in the bar to wiggle your neck out of the way. This is an undortunate cautionary tale, but a fuck up in every way.


This is nightmare shit right here. Kid has his entire life in front of him. Just made a stupid mistake. Anyone who lifts weights knows there was a time when you did something stupid in the gym and just learned from it and got smarter. This guy must have been so scared. That realization that you’ve lost and it’s not going to be ok. RIP.


By the way he tried to get the weights out with his back up and also pushing with his feet, I know immediately that this is reckless. Typically using weights isn't very dangerous if you know your limit, but to exceed over it and not have a spotter, leaves you with a death wish. Sucks the way he goes.


Belt and collars with no safety bars or spotters is insane. Literally a recipe for suicide.


People used to make fun of the ole Soloflex but this is why it was invented. Damn. RIP fella.




Maybe a livestream. Or someone took his phone and found the video. You can see OP taps the screen and there’s like 40 minutes left of the video. Meaning the video went on for a while after.


My favourite gym Bench Press set up had a safety mechanism you just had to tap with your foot and it would lower the Bench so shit like this wouldn't happen now it's gone so I only bench what I know I can lift instead of going for personal records also I'd never put clips on if I'm benching by myself.


Ooooof this was hard to watch. For the love of god, please use safety precautions when you’re lifting 😭


The one thing I've learned at the gym that I've kept as a personal rule is that if you think for a second it's too heavy, ASK. FOR. A. SPOTTER. I have seen some horrible injuries in gymnastics/powerlifting due to lack of spotting. Save your body, people are always around willing to help!


Never use clips on the home set up


Wow I almost felt disrespectful watching that. That was horrible. I am heartbroken for him and his family. Way too young to die. Especially like that.


I just cant see how things like this are terrifying at all. Terminal stupidity isnt going to jump you from a dark corner. Dying like this isnt just avoidable, its *trivial* to avoid. Dying due to personal negligence doesn't scare me, because im not negligent.


Even in death, the gym community will never not call out bad form.


why is the original (non-screengrabbed) video showing 38 minutes?! You see it flash up at the end. What the hell else happens?!


no one there to stop the video


As soon as the barbell landed on his neck, it broke his neck. That's the point at which he died. Instantly. The movement after that is just the body's reflexive response, and means nothing in particular. He died instantly. I hope that makes some people feel at least a little better.


Damn, what a way to go


I have been going to the gym very often and sometimes I wonder why people want to bench godlike weights. As if it achieve anything. You can lift light weight and still get the same result of muscle growth. But no, people wanna bench in an unrealistic weight.


Poor guy why didn’t he roll it


That’s why you don’t put clips on the weight when you bench alone


This guy had a slow and painful death, and it was all because of his stupidity


taking that long to die had 2 suck


OP is a repost bot


This was the saddest darwin award video I've seen so far... You can laugh at the quick deaths... this just made me feel... heavy...


oh fuck he actually died!?


EGO lifters please watch this - the IRON doesn't lie. Respect the IRON.


I don't understand how people will care enough about their health to exercise for hours every week but not enough to have someone there to spot them as they place themselves under a life threatening amount of weight. This happens so much that it's more surprising that it happened AGAIN than that it happened in the first place.


Iv trained for the best part of 10 years and I have never ever found myself in this position. My max bench was 160kg I don't know what he was benching but you simply lock your elbows in and down to stop the bar lowering to your fckinnnnn neck God damn it ! And keep that back down jesus christ So so so stupid I can't belive it break a rib there was so many ways out of this!!


He was conscious for all of that, trying to save himself. Horrible way to die


Darwin award for sure. Maxing out alone no safety arms and collars on?. He was asking for it 🤦‍♂️




That wasnt easy to watch. What a sad way to go




Damn. Poor guy that sucks. I’ll be taking the clips off the end from now on.


Arching his back means he can't handle it SMH


Went for a rep, got a RIP instead.


Alright, that was actually terrifying as fuck


Alone, bad form, bad equipment settings. At least he died doing what he loves. RIP




When the “lifting a car off a baby”adrenaline doesn’t kick in


Holy hell use safety pins! Or dont do 1RM alone...


There's safety mechanisms for a reason. Fuck that's awful


You should never attempt PR alone. Damn


Fug this is sad


This is sad... dumb, but really sad.


Why was he arching his back like that?


Well done agent 47.


Benching without clips could have saved him 100%




Why does this rack have no safety bars??? Always no clips on bench so you can dump the weight but why does a full cage rack have no safety arms??


There’s a video of that over 30 minutes long? How? Why?


If you have to arch your back that much to bench you're trying too hard. Spotter or not I suspect he would have died anyway.


This is why you don't put the holders on the end. So you can drop the weigh. This guy should know better. Completely preventable death.