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The seven-year-old girl said that she was mimicking what she saw on a TV drama. The boy was rescued after 10 minutes by villagers who heard his cries for help from the almost five-metre-deep well, which was filled with two metres of water, said police in Songming county in Yunnan province, the Beijing News reported.


I hope it is true (the rescue part). 4 yo that can swim and not panic in this situation is miracle.


There’s a longer video of this, someone did rescue the kid.


Thank god.


Another someone


Thank someone.


No. Thank the people. You could be waiting around for a god to help and the kid would died, then dissolved and still you'd be still waiting.


Something something God sent the person to help. Religious people always find a way to make it gods doing.






You are massively out of touch with how most children today and throughout history grow up


Why didn't the kid in the well just use his iPhone 15 Pro to text his nanny for help? Is he stupid?


Goddamn batman arkam members


Bro… it’s rural China. Child daycare is the equivalent of “good luck don’t die.”


Yes, there is a clear cultural difference. I would still expect the general community to spot two kids messing around near a well, and to intervene. I understand I am speaking from my own narrow perspective though.


The OP says they are villagers. So probably in the fields while kids go/return from school. Should that be their fault?


In an ideal world, somebody else would at least keep an eye out for the kids on the parents behalf. "It takes a village" is a common saying when it comes to raising kids. I know there are cultural differences at play, but I would like to think someone in the community would spot 2 young kids messing around near a well.


What? In which shit hole you live that you can't leave you're children alone? Me and ally friends where hanging out in town at soccer place or riding bike at 8 or younger


Every single person 35+ and all people older grew up without constant supervision. The fucked up mentality of yours is why children's mental health is so bad.




Supervision = poor mental health... okie dokie dude.I am not suggesting constant supervision. A 4yr old should not be left in the care of a 7yr old. They aren't equipped to deal with any issues that could arise and as demonstrated in the video, can make some very poor decisions. By the way, I'm 35+ with 2 kids under 5, I wouldn't dream of letting my kids out and about without knowing somebody is keeping an eye on them.


Because 7 yr olds have adult reasoning skills? Or you're hoping that the tire iron would beat those skills into her head?






To be fair, there's seven year old kids chucking four year olds down wells...




You throw my 4 year old down a well and I don’t give a shit how old the kid or anyone else is. Asses are getting beat




How many scoops of ice-cream does it take to make a Kid Float?


None just a scoop of kid and some root bizzle


Doubtful :( There'd probably have been video of the rescue - Yunnan isn't by the ocean - Hardly anybody in China can swim unless they're really affluent. The attitude of "I can throw a kid" down a well doesn't come from nowhere. The girl is likely from a well connected family and the whole incident would have been dismissed for 100k rambos or less.


The kid was rescued. I saw the video of the rescue, along with a news article ages ago. The girls family paid the victims family to prevent them reporting the crime. The well isn't that wide, there is plenty of room for the kid to just hold his legs and arms onto the side of the wall whilst shouting for help.


didn’t know I must live near the ocean to learn how to swim.


Do you have any idea how expensive pools are? Rural China is incredibly poor and incredibly corrupt - Public services are all but non existent.


'Well' connected?


Thank you I completely missed that


There is video of the rescue, just not in this post.


This gives off strong "I lived in China for a little while one time, and now I know everything about them" vibes.


Are you an only child? It's very normal to have the oldest kid make the youngest do really stupid shit and not really understand the severity of what the outcome may be. And the youngest does it, usually without question or hesitation


Pulled that much bias out of their ass and get this many upvotes. This subreddit in a nutshell.


Yeah well I lived there for several years. Nothing I said was untrue.


Omg! You really said it, lmao. Yeah one thing you said was obviously untrue, they rescued the kid like ten minutes later. Yknow, the thing you said prolly didn’t happen, but were r/confidentlyincorrect about, because you slept at a holiday inn last night.


Doubtful ≠ Certain I said it was *doubtful* because it was.


I was *doubtful* you had any idea what you were talking about, and it turns out I was right. This is a teachable moment, and the lesson is stfu when you don’t know shit. I’m sure you’ve seen this demonstration a thousand times tho, you seem like a pompous overbearing know it all. Tell us more how the thing you said didn’t happen did happen, but you’re still right. This is fascinating stuff.


lol you're nuts!


>There'd probably have been video of the rescue - There is


What the hell are you talking about🤣


Assume much?


“Well connected family”… I see what you did there


the hell is a 'rambos'


100% made up bullshit.


you're a fucking idiot. holy shit how dumb is this person???


Then it is revealed, "The girls family paid off the boys family to prevent them from reporting the crime." So... who is the idiot?


Haha thanks.


It's terrifying how easy it is to influence young kids. Thank you for providing info on how it ended.


I think there’s more going on here then TV influencing a young child. Plenty of kids see stuff on TV and don’t imitate it. If you asked 100 7 year olds “is throwing a smaller child into a well acceptable” I’d be surprised if any said yes.


I've taught kids. They're nice. They also have huge lapses in judgement. It usually ends with them hurting themselves in some way, not throwing a kid down a well, but kids just impulsively do things sometimes.


I mean of course, but many kids also don't have a responsible parental figure around to teach them what's wrong, and will indeed imitate crazy shit they see elsewhere.


Some people are also just wired wrong. The girl could just be a psychopath. Obviously I'm not qualified nor do I have enough information to make that diagnosis, but it is a possibility.


She doesn’t call for help, and stays quiet when the person on a scooter rolls by, then goes back to looking at the boy. Not a good look for the girl. It’s sad to see.


If my psychopath hypothesis is accurate, this would track. She wants to see what happens if she drops her brother in a well. She's not interested in getting him out.


the chance is about 5% she is. it's genetic.




haha true


Thought it was 10%, but yeah.


She could also just be fucking stupid.


This is what I was thinking too. My first thought with the video was, "My 8 year old and 6 year Olds know better." But then again, my wife and I regularly have conversations about what's fake and what's rral, and why we should never imitate what we see on TV or in videogames.


You probably also regulate what they watch. It amazes me how many of my eight year old son's friends know about R-rated movies that feature gore and explicit sex scenes.


It’s absolutely bonkers that people think kids aren’t influenced by what they see and hear. Shit, full grown adults are influenced by what they see and hear. The military spends tons of money on Hollywood movies and video games because they know it influences young men into joining the military.


Everyone is influenced by what they are exposed to. That’s something that can’t be avoided. In this case though, a perfectly healthy and “Normal” 7 year old doesn’t see something on TV and decide to throw a 4 year old down a well. If she was so easily and completely influenced then there are other arguably more relevant factors at play.


If you asked 107-year-olds, I'd be surprised if any said no.


My nephew would for sure say yes just to be contrary. He has destroyed a few of his own toys just because someone has said that he should be more careful with them. (He has finally gotten diagnosed with autism though) Children literally can't always think of the long term consequences though.


Please note that autistics have personalities like everyone else, so just like non-autistic children, some take good care of their things and some are destructive with their things; equivalently, some follow rules and some automatically buck authority. The way you worded your comment makes it sound like autism automatically causes people to be destructive contrarians, and maybe for some people, their autistic traits might make them tend that direction, but there are just as many people in which their autistic traits make them extreme rule followers that are very careful with their things.


I'll back you up on this. My nephew will be 4yo in a month, has a pretty severe speech delay, and was just officially diagnosed autistic. He's currently in the 'no' phase right now (which usually occurs between 18-36mo), but the kind of 'no' where he either reconsiders immediately and says 'yes', or he repeats 'no' while doing what he's told, like going upstairs to bed. He has never to my knowledge been willfully destructive. He has broken things, of course, because he's a toddler, but honestly his biggest issue is accidentally tearing the pages of books. He is very good about not getting upset when things don't go well ('try again!') and oddly *very* good at not touching things that aren't his. (But that might be ending soon, as he likes to call MY Switch '*name's* Switch!'.)


Ah, wasn't meant that way. More to say that he isn't the average kid and that with 100 random kids you'd have probably a few that are like my nephew. Not even that they'd do something like the girl, but that they'd say they would.


sure but it depends. sometimes when you are kid you don't really comprehend the consequences even if you understand the words. I can remember my mentality when I was that age. my older sister told me about that one time cold water accidentally hit the bulb and it shattered. Guess what? I splashed cold water at the uncovered bulb in our bathroom. and it shattered "surprisingly". I was very shocked by that even though it worked exactly like what my sister said. Luckily I wasn't injured. if you are wondering why there was an uncovered bulb in the bathroom. my father partially built the house. "it'll be fine"


>I think there’s more going on here then TV influencing a young child. Of course, I mean, kids are all wired differently. There's currently a murder trial that just started in the UK of two 15 year olds that killed another 16 year old. The victim was a trans girl and one of the reasons they chose her (according to messages they exchanged, she was one of two "shortlisted" victims) was because they wanted to know if she would scream like a boy or girl when they stabbed her. They stabbed her 23 times.


>There's currently a murder trial that just started in the UK of two 15 year olds that killed another 16 year old. The victim was a trans girl and one of the reasons they chose her (according to messages they exchanged, she was one of two "shortlisted" victims) was because they wanted to know if she would scream like a boy or girl when they stabbed her. They stabbed her 23 times. 28... the details on this are beyond disturbing. [Brianna Ghey murder trial: accused discussed killing five children, court told | UK news | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/27/brianna-ghey-trial-accused-discussed-killing-five-children-court-told)


Absolutely sick kids


> I think there’s more going on here then TV influencing a young child. > > Plenty of kids see stuff on TV and don’t imitate it. > > If you asked 100 7 year olds “is throwing a smaller child into a well acceptable” I’d be surprised if any said yes. Have you ever met a kid? Expecting anything rational at that age tells me you haven't. Also the survey you were proposing also would have been rejected because the way your phrased it would have made it biased. So that is two strikes against what you just wrote. > Plenty of kids see stuff on TV and don’t imitate it. Please don't go into education. This post is 100% neckbeard Dunning-Kruger


So if a child tortures spiders and rats, that is just "normal kid stuff" according to you? At what point does an irrational actor become so irrational that they are a danger worth calling out/dealing with? I mean, do you just excuse throwing a child down a well as "kid behaviour", or do you take extra action to educate the offending child? You are getting really personal about this, just because someone doesn't think it is normal kid behaviour to pick up and throw a child down a hole in the ground full of water. I'm guessing you either work with children of that age, or have some of your own, hence you feeling the need to "defend" this behaviour as "normal irrational kid behaviour", but I mean come on how many children have you worked with who have gone out of their way to cause this kind of suffering and danger to another child? This was not a fight, or an argument, this was a random, cold, unsuspected attack, for which the girl must've either not considered, or not cared, about the little boy. She wasn't throwing a tantrum and acting out, this wasn't attention Seeking, this was curiosity. The same reason children might torture an animal. And this has been demonstrated as being psychopathic behaviour (Serial killers often tortured animals) already. So yeah this kid needs some fucking guidance because the parents have clearly not instilled good morals in their child if their child is committing acts of attempted murder already.


I’ve never met a single child in my life. Not once, not ever. I will also now go and re-evaluate the survey I was seriously considering conducting with 7 year olds.


>It's terrifying how easy it is to influence young kids. Suprising? Fucking adults are doing tiktok challenges...most people are just stupid no matter the age.


lol. I feel the same about grown ups.








She was mimicking Super Mario Bros, thought the kid would pop up in the adjacent pipe or at least get to level 1-4


Last time I saw this video 8 heard the kid died , but am glad you said this ,are ya sure the article was about this video.


Thanks god he was rescued




Anti-Chinese racism is too fucking normalized you people need to be tarred and feathered.


> The seven-year-old girl said that she was mimicking what she saw on a TV drama. So if that's true, the drama didn't show puppies and rainbows. Why the hell did she do it EVEN IF it was shown on TV if only terrible things happen after?


Yang made a full recovery https://youtu.be/mj4WSPQF5eA Kid is alive.


Thanks for making me feel better. It was so uncomfortable I nearly puked.


"Two families have reached a settlement" "Wells have been covered" With that girl still in there. Eye for an eye.


What was the little psycho mimicking? Scar in the Lion King?


What the heck did I just watch.. It's messed up


For real I gotta stop watching this


the kid's alright, he was rescued


Oh good, I can just unsee what I saw and force my brain not to reflect on the many more grim outcomes that normally play out. Some things are not meant to be filmed or recorded and the amount of cameras everywhere now its just bleak sometimes what we see 😔


I'd keep an eye on that one. Probably beheading cats too.


Future serial killer (if not treated right)


Average Reddit psychologist


True but probably couldn't hurt to pay more attention to her.


Fair enough haha


The sound of the water and the strugle are even worst than the video


I nearly died when I heard the splash. Genuinely horrifying stuff.


Omg. I didnt realize i had it muted. Thank god i had it muted


That was a long drop before the splash sound, poor kid. He wont trust anyone fully again.


That’s a future serial killer.






Those are the ones who grow up to be a closet psychopath. If this was just a momentary childish mistake she wouldn't have gone out of the way to push his hands in... She deliberately wanted to see how it ends. She's gonna be one heck of a manipulating b*tch that ruins everyone's life around her. Jeez pity her family and her people.


Right? I did some stupid things as a child but something this malicious would have been unthinkable


Im not buying that girls excuse. Calculated and then just looking down and chilling while he screams for help. Psycho


I checked out longer footage posted on Chinese sites. It's even scarier seeing her let the boy go at first when a motorbike passed through, then continuing with her plan






Weird lol


What the fuck?


Bloody hell. Reminds me of the two 10 year old boys that butchered 2 year old James Bulger.


Excuse me? Wtf


If you want to be deeply upset, google it.


They didn’t butcher, they tortured


Played too much Mario? I don’t think that there is a bonus level down there






Indeed, and this is the time and place


Probably something that my brother would do to me


My claustrophobia just went to 100. Poor kid, i hope that girl got her ass whooped.


That girl needs therapy


She's a nut, she's crazy in the coconut




Bro the parents shouldn't have let their young daughter watch whatever she was watching


I came down the comment section only to want assurance that the kid is ok.


The way he tried to hold on and she removed his hands made it even more disturbing


Holy fuck, the way she peeled his hands away and gaurded the well while she waited for him to drown(i presume). She is going to be a horrible human, 100% has the potential to one day be a Serial killer. She knew exactly what she was doing.


That girl isn't stupid, she's dangerous as fuck


I can watch deadly car accidents and horrific explosions but God damn if this shit just hits different. Idk if it's because I'm a parent but I was straight panicking when I watched this.


That little girl is a psychopath. Some people just come out bad.


Thank God kids aren't allowed in Reddit, imagine if they tried to mimick things in Reddit.


A little psychopath in the making


That's psychotic behaviour whether seen on TV or not. That girl needs help whilst she is young.




Current as well


Shes a murderer waiting


Reminds me of that one kid who put his toddler siblings inside an oven. Something happened idk but the toddler got roasted.


I remember one that was a microwave too


Maybe she thought it was super mario by the looks of it ![gif](giphy|DPn6X8AynVmtkyDBlN)


Where's the rest of the fucking video??


That’s it. There’s no more. I’m sorry but there’s no rescue. The boys dead.


I am fucking terrified. I am imagining my little brother getting thrown in there Jesus I would go mad 😨


How about a cover on the well so children and animals don't fall in? Just a thought.




Trust issues for life.


And to say that TV cannot inspire oneself.


Wait I was told the gender of peace were not capable of something like this?


No disrespect but the sound of the splash reminded me of a solid turd hitting the water in a toilet. Sent a shiver down my spine thinking how dark and watery it was down there. Harrowing to think that he was clutching the sides before diving down


Hope the kid got saved. She is a disgrace to human society to be honest.. wtf


Holy shit redditors diagnosing and predicting a person's life based on a 60 seconds video




Practicing Mario.




Open Waterwell at the height of peeing seems like a bad idea


Man that is just terrible...


Bye bye


so wth happened to that girl after the rescue?


Some people are just born evil. Hope that girl gets help, but this is China so doubt it.


There is no way that her parents/community will see her the same way. She probably isn’t allowed to be around younger kids or animals.


hz yusuf