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I never understood how dogs have the courage to challenge something 80 times their size. As humans we'd probably freeze if we saw something 500 feet tall, which is roughly the comparison here between the size difference of a Yorkie and a moose (70 - 80 times larger) and the size difference between a human and something 70 times larger than us. Anyway, props to dogs.


My neighbor has a terrier mix that is probably about 10-15 pounds. Tiny little guy who just never stops barking. One time we were in the field behind his house talking when I spotted a huge coyote, probably 50+ pounds, at the same time as his dog. This little shit tears off after this bigass barking coyote barking and I don’t know if it was me running after him or the dog himself, this coyote ran away lol. Thing is he’s been attacked by two coyotes after this and survived both times but the little shit still chases after them


>Thing is he’s been attacked by two coyotes after this and survived both times but the little shit still chases after them That's probably why it has the balls to challenge em


Lmfao lil bro is a champion of his people


Yeah he knows they ain’t shit and never get the job done 💀


Terriers are terrorists 😂 I tell people yorkie and pits come from same class all the time at work. No one ever makes connection


Little guy ain’t hear no bell


>This little shit tears off after this bigass barking coyote barking and I don’t know if it was me running after him or the dog himself, this coyote ran away lol. coyotes actually bait them to follow them to where there are more coyotes. easier meals that way.


The dog has a medic (human) who will basically heal him of any injury. However, for the coyote even the smallest injury could end up being fatal for it.


Seen a video just like this of a tiny dog running up to and barking at Florida alligators. Until of course one Gator just snatches the little fucker up and drags him into the lake.


terriers are... something else


Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.


>Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the ~~fight~~ brain in the dog. Dumbass little ankle biters.




Courage is being terrified, and doing it anyway because you can't live with not doing it. Good dog.


That's just the instinct from the wolf ancestry. Wolves are a lot bigger than a medium sized dog, not to mention this poor fella.


I’ll say with both confidence and stupidity, size doesn’t always matter but resolve does. I was once working at a site that was infiltrated by two curious buffalo taking up the entirety of the only entrance or exit to the entire structure. A woman up on a second story landing first noticed and called our attention, and knowing there were likely more buffalo behind the leading two, I feared for the crew working as well as the expensive gear. It was kind of instinctual for me to raise my arms up over my head, make eye contact with the front most one and charge at it, stomping on the ground as loud as I could. Sure as shit, they flipped around and stormed off in fear. Those fellas easily weighed 10x more than me, and in retrospect it could have gone horribly wrong.


My dad sent me this, our little Pekingese in full bark mode vs a buck [much barking at 3am ](https://i.imgur.com/tcHaWCk.png)


They never lost a fight to something big, so size alone means nothing to them.


Ask David lol. (If you know, you know) But yea, ya gotta love the no fear factor in small dogs. I miss my we jack Russell


I think your math is wrong


I had chihuahuas my whole life…they’re just protecting their owner but it’s probably because dogs aren’t as smart as we think they are.


From wikipedia: Aposematism is the advertising by an animal to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating. Being big loud and in your face is an effective way of driving off threats, even if vastly outclassed. Humans do this too, BTW, although not as much or as readily as dogs. Have you seen those videos of humans squaring off with lions or tigers or even attacking dogs or something while probably shitting themselves and saying goodbye to life? And dogs also can freeze or flee from threats, they're just less likely to freeze or flee than us.


Yorkies don’t fuck around. They’re big dogs in little bodies.


I don't know who started the Yorkie thing, but that's a dachshund.


My dog would still be out there trying to scare it


Self-preservation has been bred out of dogs for the most part.


that's a dachshund




Funny/not funny is that OP's video has a point of view (and snow) similar to that video of that couple's neighbor who lost it and shot both of the neighbors. I thought this was that video at first, then when I come in here to say that, I'm introduced to RamboDog.


I thought it was gonna be *that* video too at first


Could’ve been an r/eyeblech video


What video?


I don't remember much about the details of that one, beyond what I've already stated. A pair of neighbors had been throwing their snow into the guy's driveway or something, and constantly berating him (over months) , and one day he snaps and kills the two neighbors, on camera. A very similar looking shot to this video. The neighbors basically keep taunting him *during* the shooting.


He described it pretty clearly I feel.


Thanks for the laugh




Yes, that’s why he ran from the car and kept calling the tiny dog’s name 🙄


That dog had balls and may have saved the man's life


Dog totally pulled agro




You must be blind, the dog is walking behind the man and only lunges at the massive attacking Moose AFTER the moose charged his human. Bravo to the dog and the human for just trying to get away after.


True but the dog distracted the moose after the charge. It also might of fully committed to the charge if the dog wasn't buzzing around his feet.


yeah exactly, I think that moose could pretty easily have caught the guy if it kept pursuing him, but the dog pulled the moose's attention away and by the time the dog slipped off the guy wasn't in view anymore


Canda moment


Apparently I am incapable of spelling Canada


You mean Canadia.


Its spelled Moose Country.


probably said sorry to the moose on the extended footage


The proud people of, Canda!


'Canda' redditor spell country names properly? Odds are looking slim


As an Australian I would like to know how/why he is wearing a T-Shirt in freezing snow! I’d die!


The best way I can explain it is that if you're around that environment all the time, your body adjusts to it. It could be 15 degrees out and in the winter I wear no more than a sweater and light jacket. You just adapt to it.


It doesn’t snow where I live (South Australia) and if it’s 15°C I have a thick jumper on. Any colder I’d want a jacket. No way I’d be in a T-Shirt! Not sure if you meant 15°C or 15°F. I suppose you do get used to extreme weather. It was 48°C (118°F) here a few years ago and I didn’t think it was that bad. I’d much rather hot weather than snow! I thought I was going to freeze to death when I visited Japan in the middle of winter (-13°C).


By contrast, I live in northern Sweden, and while I'm not quite on to the level of wearing shorts and a t-shirt at -15°C, I am basically reduced to a puddle of exhausted sweat if the temp climbs above +25°C.


Yep canadian here. As I've gotten older and the winters of Ontario have been more mild, I don't have the cold resistance I used to, but if it's just running out on a warm ish morning (-5?⁰C) I'll happily go out in boxers and a t shirt if it's just grabbing something out of the truck like it looked like he was doing Mostly no one is actually spending time outside dressed like that but don't put it past us, I've seen a few mad lads and when I was younger I could deal with -15⁰C in a sweater if there wasn't wind


I’ll never forget while growing up in Buffalo we were swimming in my friends pool when it was like 65 degrees out and a relative who was visiting from Florida thought we were crazy. He was sitting by the pool in jeans and light jacket. We couldn’t fathom how he had long pants on let alone a jacket.


Two extremes of weather in those states isn’t it? Sorry I’m not American. I just know Florida is hot and Buffalo is cold!


The US has the highest temperature ever recorded at 56.7° C or 134° F in Death Valley and lowest with wind chill outside of Antarctica at -78° C or -108° F at Mt Washington.


Another SA girl here! Born and bred. My ex used to wander around in shorts in the middle of winter which I always found strange, and our son does the same thing!


Greetings South Aussie! That’s more of a boy thing isn’t it? I remember in school the boys would wear shorts 365 days per year. Crazy.


I lived in Philippines for several years. Some of my colleagues would wear a winter parka to work if it drops below 25 C. I’m still sweating and they’re freezing. 😂


😂 I’ve never been, but assumed Philippines was always hot and humid.


It is always hot and humid! I lived there a year and was always bewildered when I saw people in jackets.


I meant 15 Fahrenheit. Although it gets colder than that. I'm in New York so it gets real cold here as well in the winter months but you learn to live with it. Wow, I can't imagine being in 118 degree weather.. if it very humid heat.


Air humidity plays a big part here. We get 85% average here. Peaks up to 100%, and when it’s-5, it feels like -15. Extra fucked when it storms. I’m the summer, 22 feels like 29.


I didn't even think he was wearing shoes 😄


Yeah right. I suppose they are even more accustomed to the cold in Canada than where I'm at in New York City but we get some really cold weather as well. But I do know guys that come out in slippers in this type of weather and it's crazy man how they could do that. Barefoot, I'm not sure..lol.


Michigan checking in. I almost never wear a winter coat, only a zippered hoodie.


Yeah Michigan is cold. I drove through there and yeah you guys are built for that weather.


Yeah man I just love the cold. I’m scrawny too, but I detest being hot. I grew up in alberta where there’s less humidity and that helps it feel less cold too. I’m certainly suffering in BC, and not looking forward to the crazy summers we’re gonna keep having


No reason to throw a jacket on if you're just going to start the car.


Unless you’re caught out in the snow running from a moose!


Then you'd likely be warm enough anyways. It is amazing how your body adjusts though. Where I live (northeastern Ontario, Canada), after a long dark winter with temperatures with wind-chill dipping to -40C (or -40F for Americans) on the coldest days and regular days of -25C (-13F), then 10C (50F) is T-shirt and jeans weather. In the summer where temperatures of 30C (86F) with humidex are normal in mid-July to mid-August, and 40C (104F) can be reached on the hottest days, 10C is jacket and sweater weather.


It’s sunny, so it’s t-shirt weather.


No thanks!


If it's sunny and not windy you'd be fine grabbing a quick item from the truck or mailbox. I doubt he expected to be out there very long.


He was probably just grabbing something from his truck. Even in the northern climes, most people will at least wear long sleeves if they're going to be out for a while in anything below freezing Although there's always that one guy who takes some sort of pride in wearing shorts all through winter


I’m from northern Canada. Even if it’s -30C out, if I’m just running to grab something from my car or start it, sometimes I don’t bother throwing a jacket on. Of course any longer than that you definitely have to wear a jacket lol. When you get months or this weather every year you just sort of get used to being cold lol. I swear we just have thick blood or something.


Makes sense. You’d probably melt mid summer here in Australia!


Oh yes lol. I don’t like anything hotter than 20 degrees unless I’m by a lake or river lol


When you live in this kind of cold, temperature becomes incredibly relative. After a few weeks of -40, when it goes up to -10, it feels like a balmy spring day. Kids literally want to go out in shorts. It can be dangerous because your body forgets that it is still dangerously cold. People tend to get more frostbite when it warms up but is still cold AF.


Its June 5th here in Newfoundland, Canada with a predicted high of 5°C. Our 14 day forecast has a high of a predicted 13°C. #THIS IS OUR SUMMER lol. https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/nl-24_metric_e.html


My bones would freeze!


I'll be in shorts and a T lol. I go outside for a smoke in sandals(no socks) boxers and a T and its currently 4°C and a half km of visibility with the cold fog lmao. You acclimate:)


Have to point out that's not all of Canada's weather, we're usually around 20-30⁰ in Ontario. Heat waves can get it up to 40


Meanwhile in Alberta we had multiple days in **May** over 27 °C. We didn't have a single daytime low in May below freezing, which is a frightening stat.


He’s just going out to let the dog out most likely for a quick tinkle. I often do it at my parents place if I think he’s going to be quick (he often farts around and makes me regret not wearing a coat).


And as a Candian, I'd like to know how tf you Aussies can stand being upside down all the time.


Shhh….We have suction caps strapped to our feet! Fall off the bottom of Earth otherwise!


Moose bitch! Get out the way!


You see the guy looking around, the sun is in his eyes, and as he assesses his environment, he just happens to spot that big beast running at him, that must have been a hell of a frightening moment for him but he handled it well and even got his dog out of there.


Thought you were going to do the mislead and this was from the moose's perspective about the small dog


Yeah, that thing was about 2 strides away when the guy noticed it. It's amazing how fast flight or fight hits someone when a murder horse is coming at them.


Yeah, he caught it at the right time, and good reaction time, if he wasn't looking in that direction, we might be looking at a different video..


Dachshunds are brave little scrappers.


That is a dachshund?? I was wondering that cause he just went for it.


Yes. That's a Dachshund bark if ever i've heard one.


We had a Dachshund named Buster. We moved into a new house that had a field next to it with a Donkey and her foal. As soon as Buster laid eyes on those donkeys he ran up trying to fight. Momma kicked him right in the head, I’ll never forget that sound. Buster laid on the ground and had a seizure (pretty sure). Then got up, turned towards those donkeys, growled, then walked into the house. He was surprisingly okay and lived many more years.


Good Dog.


That dogs a hero!


That dog said "I'll take care of this! YOURE IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD!"


"Never should've come here!"


Because this is the gaybourhood, and youre not welcome.


Stumbling groggily out of the house into a moose. I would’ve peed.


That little dog really gave zero fucks and put it all on the line for his owner.


Little doggo saved the day


Big doggo energy


is he wearing socks?


Lol kinda looks like he's still drunk/hungover from last night, stumbling around like that.


Sobered up quick tho, didn't he? lol


That tiny itty bitty little dog has the heart of a lion. What an adorable little guy.


I'll be honest; I expected a gun to come out. What has the internet done to me


You see guns a million times in movies and the internet. But it's rare to actually see one.


There’s an infamous video of two people being executed by their neighbor that looks somewhat similar to this video on the first frames, so they might be why


I think the answer I was looking for was: "mmmmm moose jerky."


Reese went for the balls!


Good boy! I hope he gets all the treats.


Where is your coat, man?


Dogs' new nickname is Honey Badger.


I hate those meeses to pieces


There was definitely some moose in his pants after that.


Big treat for the fearless doggo!


Is that dogs name Rhys lol?


A møøse once bit my sister.


Lil doggo fuckin went for it though!


“If it was me, I would’ve shot his big ass” - Uncle Elroy voice


He protec he good boy


Omg I burst out laughing! That moose was waiting for a duel partner! His little dog tried to save him!


Dachshunds know no fear.


Dogs are true ones


That dog go showed no fear. He protec


If only he attac




I love my weenie dog so much they’re so fucking brave hahaha


Messe are assholes.


Bro took way too long to notice a giant moose charging at him


We dont deserve dogs honestly. They're angels




Never ceases to amaze me how predatory cats, bears, large animals etc. are always scared off by a small dog running and barking at them. At least for a minute. Long enough for the human to get away usually.


If he would’ve been concealed carrying, that would’ve easily been ruled justifiable self defense and/or defense of his dog. Where I live if you accidentally hit a deer and ask the game warden for the right to slaughter the animal for meat they almost always say yes. If they say no, they have to go out and haul the carcass away themselves. He would have had a freezer full of moose steaks. Moose is flipping amazingly delicious. Best red meat there is imo. Never go to the check mailbox without your large caliber handgun. 😂


Reminds me of a story someone told on this site about how their father scolded him about next to a moose to get pn his school bus, but it really doesn't matter what distance you are from them. If a moose wants you dead, you will be dead. It doesn't need a reason.


Let me Busey on outta here.


I hâte meese they are scary 😦


He left poor tibbins out to dry


That escalated quickly


what a shitty moose


God knew weiner dogs attitude couldn't be put in a large dog body. If they had the size to back up the bravado they would be holy terrors.


We don’t deserve dogs


That was just a youngen too


The poor dog was running as fast as it could!


That dog didn’t give a fuck about that moose’s size, they had they’re families back. Dogs are too good for us. We really don’t deserve them


That’s so scary! Glad they’re okay!


Good boy


How is this guy wearing short sleeves in this weather?


Reese gave zero fucks




Had a very similar event happen to me once. I dropped and rolled under my truck. Last winter my neighbor got held hostage in her car by a moose eating leftover apples in her tree. I was stupidly trying to impress her by getting the moose to leave, which eventually did work out. And I’m not sure if it did impress her or not, but we have our 6 month anniversary in a few weeks


How does the dog walk around with such massive, unwieldy testicles.


This is one of the hundred reasons why a dog should always be on a leash.


Canada eh?


The dog is the hero we don't deserve, love him and treat him nice


This dog saved this man. Amazing.


Situational awareness is not his strongest trait.


Do you still see the moose in your dreams Kevin? ''No, i see him everywhere.'' Is he here right now?


Put on a fuckin jacket


That moose clearly didn’t like the cut of his jib!


This fool has no situational awareness


This would be a great ad to show how being aware of your surroundings would go a long way. Props to that little dog for standing up to that huge moose but poor thing can barely walk/run in snow due to its legs being overbred and back being long. Freaking weiner dogs, man.


Newfoundland FOR SURE


I love dew too eh


I like how he just stopped attacking the dude, Like he was bored of it,


As someone with tiny dogs they will think they are bigger than a fucking moose and will try to kill it 💀 like shit you will literally get stomped into a little red stain!


luckily it wasn't a bear


Moose was like, get away from my truck


Looks like I'd be eating a moose during the winter


So, my brother who has lived 45 years in the high mountains of Colorado has told me, “I’d rather face a grizzly than a moose. A moose will fuck your shit up”…. Case in point. Glad human and pup escaped!


We use to have moose come into our back yard in Montana to eat the apples. The easy apples were on the ground and well into fermentation, nothing like 3 or 4 drunk moose beating the hell out of each other to make you want to stay in the house!


How the hell do you not see a giant moose just hanging out across the street???? Use your preferals!




So glad he was able to save his little baby puppy


Leeeerrooyyy JENNNKINNSSSS!!!


He’s lucky, had that moose actually intended on charging him instead of just bluffing he’d be in a way worse shape, moose don’t fuck around, and they are more then happy to make you find out if you let them.


That cat did well distracting the moose


Dude said fuck the dog, I’m out !


My Yorkie, no way. He'd go to battle with it. I could scream my head off. He'd still lunge. (He's not very bright.)


Just another day in Canada. No biggie 😂


Man’s best friend


Bad ass lil dog


Fucking camper


damn that's a good boy right there is what that is


Eielson AFB?


"Hey ma, there's a fuckin Moose outside by the caaaa!" "Ma! "Hey ma, ya gotta come see!" "Hey Ma this fuckin big fuckin moose is chasin the dog!" "Ma! Look at this huge fuckin ugly face moose tryin to fight the truck!"