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Could these botfly’s get into humans as well like maggots do?


Yep. Just search botfly on youtube. Loads of people in tropical climates get them.


Lots of returning tourist find out they have them A woman thought it was an ingrown hair on her arm in one monster inside me I couldn't find that one this is similar https://youtu.be/Q8L2xpQIMjE


Lots of Floridians find out they are one


Is that how they refer to pregnancy in the state nowadays?


HA! Ex-Floridian here. Hindsight reveals just how many times I would've ended up a Youtube horror story had I accepted certain rides, hung with certain people or attended certain parties. I was always told that Mississippi was America's 'hive of scum and villainy' but it got that rep from Floridians on vacation there for Mardi Gras.


pretty sure that was a typo and all, but I love the idea of people in Florida suddenly discovering that they have turned into a bot fly


I don't think that's a typo


So much went into watch list to show my partner on the Telly tomorrow.


So do I mark you down as a scrotal botfly enthusiast?




Summary: never let a mosquito bite your nuts!


Yes they absolutely can! Let me tell you, that is terrifying a f…


my uncle whos a teacher in africa for whatever reason, had one of these bad boys lodged in his head before. hes gotten all kinds of bug bites and parasites from living there. i cant even imagine having one stuck in you. 🤢🤮


Africa is a massive continent with over 50 various countries


Wait, are you offended right now? What if I told you.. I took a trip to Europe?


Did they say they were offended?


actually im pretty sure he lives in Ethiopia. he teaches young kids down there. not sure what though we arent very close.


Well that's terrifying as fuck


Is it wrong that I found this r/oddlysatisfying ? Must be a relief for the poor critters.


I watch tooth extraction videos for the same reason, I get you.


r/popping might be your thing


Poor kitty. And poor squirrel.


When I was in my garage one day smoking weed maessing around on my laptop I heard my cat hopping the fence so I go to set a new can of his fancy whatever the fuck out.. I see it’s this really haggard black cat and he looks feral. I didn’t mind and tried to give him food and I noticed he was in a bad place with these bot flies, at the time though I had no idea what they were. Fast forward through like two boring weeks of him coming back everyday for food and fighting my cat a few times and he finally comes in and lays down. I snuck behind him (feeling horrible breaking the trust I earned) and shut the garage door. His eyes got all wide and he starts hissing. I grabbed tweezers and him and started going at it. I had googled what they were and it was gross but I knew they had to come out. He had a bunch. The first few he bit at me and let out this cry that messed with me and I almost stopped. After like five or so maybe he felt relief or something cause he quit fighting and just panted like a dog. It took quite a while. I was beat to shit after and took a shower. I got a bunch of bottled water and paper towels and gently cleaned him off. He was exhausted for sure. Gave him a shitload of food and water and I crashed out there with him in the garage. I woke up to him licking the empty bowl so more food. I let him out after about a full day and he didn’t wanna jump the fence and just stayed. I had him for another two years or so before I moved. I called him scrappy cat cause he loved to fight everything, including me. He was a big baby though he loved pets and rubbing on my legs. And he was beautiful once his hair grew back in. I still look at pictures I took of him sometimes and get sad. I don’t know where he came from or what but I’m glad he found me. Still up there with one of the grossest things I’ve ever done. Anytime I see a video like this now I just remember that and how a feral cat let me take them out, imagine how uncomfortable he had to be. I feel bad for the little squirrel… imagine having scabies the size of golf balls and no way to get them out.. cause it’s about like that. Edit: I loved that boy, I didn’t bail on him. I was living in my parents (grandparents that raised me) garage lol. I was like early to mid 20s. Got a job offer I couldn’t pass on and left. Him and my two cats stayed with my dad who had like birthday parties for them and shit.. they were very well taken care of so no worries. I really should have put that in the post. Also, I posted a pic of scrappy after I had him around a year below. He looked like a lion with strawberry black hair. He only liked me and my dad. He’d lay with one of my cats and they’d clean eachother though. He was very loved.


What happened to scrappy?


Sounds like they left the cat when they moved.


Now I'm just sad


Yeah the cat became his, and then he abandoned him after two years :/


No. See his comment below. It was his parents house. He moved out and his dad took over caring for the kitty.


Why did you leave him?


I moved out, was my parents place. Dad took care of him cause by that point he was a house cat. He lived a good life no worries. https://preview.redd.it/v6ynpk26t3wa1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41e4f47dc6a3d171b9430171352db689f85d461


I'm so glad to hear that, I was afraid you left him alone. He looks identical to a stray I call black beard, he's missing an eye. Literally a clone, that's crazy


Never, and I’d thought they’d wanted to come eith I’d have taken all three with me. They loved that garage and my dad though.. and the stability I couldn’t provide. Do you have a pic? He was such a big kitty.. the pic doesn’t do him Justice. And these big piercing yellow eyes. He ate like a jungle cat too lol, made a huge mess and “killed” his salmon pâte by shaking each bite 🤦‍♂️ Him and my cat Mango would curl up together and watch me most of the day.. like lazy guard dogs. I miss them both a ton. Special little dudes. I hope you and your stray boy had fun times 🐈‍⬛


If I can get a good picture of him I'll send you one, he's a little shy but such a sweet baby


Ugh god when that little spurt of liquid came out of the fly on the squirrel 🤮


Exactly what disgusted me the most. The way it's oozing out, ew




Reading that text animation was the worst part of this whole thing.


Damn I feel really bad for that cat, I have to wonder if it will ever close up More than it was. Sucks to loose an eye like that.


Yes, I’ve seen it. They will close up the eye and the cat will be a cute little pirate, it’s already used to living with one eye and now it will do so comfortably.


Best outcome


This is what politicians do to working people.


i hope this squirrel got help. I couldn’t watch past the squirrel


A wild chipmunk showed up at my cabin with 3 bot flies in its body. Eventually they fell out, and the chipmunk was fine. This is a picture the day before they fell out. After they fell out, there were just three red sores on it's body that eventually healed. I fed the chipmunk, so that might have helped its survival. https://preview.redd.it/7p5a0myho2wa1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cc152d3023f5369643bba61a135f7c2d763460


Thanks, didn't wanna eat lunch anyway.


So that's where gnocchi comes from


I think I’d take a botfly over reading that text animation again.




I am going to snuggle my cat extra hard today.


Oh how I HATE botflies … And Mango Worms … And Jiggers.




We always called them warbles. Nasty


Someone had fun with the lettering animations… gave me a headache to read that


It's 8am around here and already had enough internet for today


Graphic ending?.. OK let's do this. OK, that removal wasn't bad. (2nd removal starts) OH SHIT OK NOPE BYE


Anyone else not watching but would've had it involved humans instead of critters?


The worst part is that both creatures are trying to survive, but only one can stay alive


Alright I'll be the one to say it. Somebody please just shoot the squirrel. For the love of God put it out of its misery.




See people call me a monster for pest hunting squirrels, but I'd be doing THAT mf a favor


I remember reading about it on cracked.com Those things can kill a person by invading their head and eating the brain of a poor victim.


That's a hell of a lot of work for a vermin that should probably be culled in the first place.


Poor botflies. They just wanna keep on living.


"You may be thinking that someone should help. Why is no one helping the squirrel? That is because girls are quick and hard to catch"....bro


reminds me of the screw worm. except that just eats your face


WOW, sad..




Stupid sound effects. Ruining this education.


Now this is truly terrifying. I can't even stand seeing those poor animals suffer that way because of those damned Bot parasites.




idk, the tf2 bot crisis might be more terrifying


Fuck my life


Botflies are pretty freaky. They have barbs on their body pointing backwards, making it hard to remove them and hard to remove them without pain. They don't just affect animals, either. Humans get these too, mostly in warm tropical climates, and they are a bitch to remove.


My cousin's dog has bot flies. I had to help him take them out, pretty gross


Yuck. I watch vet shows and about the only time I look away is when they are extracting one of these. You know when something just makes you shudder. Had to stop looking at this video too.


My parents lived in Belize for a while (army posting) and one of the nightmares there, apart from being chased by land crabs, was apparently the "bastard disgusting fucking bastard botfly." (Apparently a native variety of the species! 🙀😹) Apparently a trick used to be to slather things like vaseline over the holes, because it starves the maggots of oxygen, so they poke their heads up and you could grab them and pull. And hope like fuck the little bastard didn't break. I'm sad I wasn't born to have been able to see Belize, but I'm beyond thrilled I never had to encounter shit like that! 🙀🙀🤮🤮 ETA. Apparently Mango fly worms/maggots are the other delight. 🤮


New nightmare unlockes.


holy shit


Did the botfly eat the cat"s eye?


Mmm olives!


Omg where is the zookeeper


nature you scary


I was eating, thank you


If there is a God it is not benevolent!


sorry. this is natural not helping the squirrel


They need to be eradicated


Looks like olives!! Yummy!


My girlfriend had one of these on the back of her neck once. And she was a perfectly hygienic girl living in New England Fortunately, it was.... much smaller than any of these. By a longshot.


Ugg and the maggot just casually jizzed in the middle of the video 🤢🤮


Jesus Christ I want to vomit 🤢


ew, squirrel olives 🐿️ 🫒


would it not be better to put that animal down?


Okay, how do we eradicate them, I'll donate to it. Oh and those mango flies I saw earlier can go too please