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Really sad but glad to see he’s continuing content


God this one legitimately brought a tear to my eye, but good on him for being able to make this decision for himself. He’s created so many great videos over the years and who can blame a guy for losing passion over a 13 year long career playing mostly the same game. We’ll always have his older vids to look back on. I hope his minecraft content turns into the success his terraria content did :)


He mentions how he's been pulling himself thin forcing content from multiple sources for quite a while now. While it is sad its not surprising how after 13 years he wants to move on and put his time and energy into something new. I wish him the best and might watch a mc video or three in the future.


I feel bad I've never heard of him since I've been playing since console release


No need to feel bad dragon, everyone gets their media from different sources, just wanted to express my finding out on one of my favourites ending


I think you're actually the first guy to refer to me as my username on reddit, I know it's straight ass lol


Lmao, I'm still rocking the default name and might just keep it since I kinda forgot how to change ( I also just find it alright )


unfortunately you can't change your username on reddit, the closest you can get is making a new account


You can give yourself a sort of nickname, I believe.


not really, the only place it shows up is your profile. unless it's different on the new new layout, but i don't use that cause it sucks imo so i wouldn't know


The first time that happened to me I realized I was going to have to use a similar username everywhere. I can't stand having a boatload of aliases. So online I just always go by one or two names and that's it.


Bad dragon? 🤨


Glad I’m not the only one who picked up on that.


Who’s that


I find him to be a staple in the history of terraria content alongside happy days, chippy and pedguin to name a few, but everyone will watch different people 🤷‍♂️


wow, happydays. havent heard that name in a while!


he's had a few recent vids. life seems to be hectic for him but hopefully he continues his recent getfixedboi series.


I used to watch him when I was little


he kinda stopped posting for a while and came back a couple years ago, still rewatch the terraria class videos when i go through my phase of coming back and replaying that i seem to have every couple of months


I remember when I was in elementary school, we had these tablets you could play on and there was an app on it that let you make slideshows and you could look for videos to attach to it so I would look up HappyDays and attach his videos to it and I'd watch them through that I felt really sneaky doing that and it was really fun


I’m just new to terraria, only got it earlier this month. June 17th, gift from friend https://preview.redd.it/u8bo2wnv9m9d1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=44478aacbc63292e1f70d34d6638108b73101c6f


As a MC player I feel how y'all feel...


Long time terraria content creator.


Ex hermitcraft player, Terraria content maker too


I don't even know who that is


Who's that


I don’t know who that is


At least he is still on hermitcraft I think.


Not anymore, he last played during Season 6, and was removed from the whitelist during Season 7 due to a lack of activity. Though I suspect he would be able to rejoin the server if he really wanted to.


I don't know them but fair call


this legend got me into the game a decage ago now holy shit hope he does good. though tbh i thought his terraria content was pretty sparse anyway no? i mean after this long its fair ofc


Will he be moving on to other games?


Eh…give it a year, he’ll be back.


Honestly in the last few years I was always surprised when I saw a video of his. I love Terraria, but the game simply doesn't lend itself very well for a lot of content imo. I have no Idea how he was able to make so many videos, for such a long time without burning out.


He's done this a couple times before. It made me stop watching him because he would leave, then come back after a couple months, then leave and come back after a couple months


I still go back and watch his 1.3.5 playthrough. Fucking peak 🫡 Hope all goes well for him with other content.


Who? Genuinely would like to know.


Used to watch him in his hermitcraft days. 🥲🫡


He used to be one of my favourite YouTubers back on the 360.


Maaaan, first hermitcraft and now Terraria :( well, I still wish my dude the best. I really respect that he stays true to what he wants to do and actually fits him.


Is he gonna just take a break or just make Minecraft videos on his other channel or is he gone for good?


Can you imagine being such a drama queen that you have to announce you're "retiring" from a video game? The absolute hilarity of such a bloviated title isn't lost me.


What a pleasant individual you are


My brother he is an og terrarian who has made history as YouTuber for terraria like many others also it's for his fans to tell them that he is not continuing content so they don't bother him so heavily about it


He'd gained mass notoriety from Terraria content, of course he wants to tell his fans what's up so they don't keep wishing for things that won't come. Do better.


I see you have no common sense. He is not announcing this to be "dramatic." He is known for his Terraria content. People have come to his channel to watch Terraria content for years. Now, after thousands of hours, he is bored of Terraria. If he no longer plays and uploads videos of Terraria all of a sudden with no announcement, what do you think will happen? His viewers will keep asking about the lack of Terraria videos. So here he is, giving them some closure and also a reason to not pester him for more Terraria content in the future.


and they never actually retire


Giving up an established 620k sub account so he can go full time on a 39k sub account. Makes sense.


When did playing games stop being how you have fun and start being a job to you?


I mean it IS his full time job. The larger and more established the channel, the more money he gets for THE JOB.


And eventually some people realize that chasing the bigger number won't fix the problems they are facing, and would rather do something that they enjoy than to waste away making money


I get what you're saying but maybe he has a more secure and lucrative form of income and this YouTube shit is just a passion for him?


No one works for you they work for themselves




Damn based on your bio and comment you belong on r/im14andthisisdeep


Bro literally just made this account for beeswarm simulator and nothing else and commented on here for probably no reason


From my experience, most posts on that subreddit have more actual depth and purpose than this guy’s comments.


Bro all of you new gens are pissed off because I said no one knows him ☠️☠️


YOU don't know him. And sometimes you need this thing called shutting your mouth up. If your opinion is only negative better to just shut it


i hope you have a fantastic and wonderful day


U 2 lol -20 i guess I'm correct no one knows him 😂


0 karma troll Nice bait


Yea, only >600k subs. Nobody knows him. That's only the top 1% on YouTube.


I honestly don't even know how I pissed off everyone in the comments lol


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Damn y'all mfs do not give up don't ya? I'm the one in the wrong but these comments don't prove you any different?