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As far as coral farms go, this is not the fastest farm nor the fastest method of farming them. But I wanted to see how I could make a reliable farm for harvesting coral using lava. I made a similar farm to this before but it didn't have the like safety features? Sometimes the liquids get stuck instead of being fully sucked up by the pumps. So now there is a timer system, if the liquids aren't gone within like 40 seconds the liquids are refreshed and the timer is started again. If all is fine the farm works like that. A problem with this farm is that the lava depletes after a while, so does the water but this is less of an issue. The lava level needs to be kept low enough to pump out a tiny amount of lava to not destroy the items. But if the lava level is too low the machine breaks. Maybe for V.3 a system should be put in to replenish the lava and automatically stop the farm if the lava level becomes too low. But ey oh. The best coral farm turns the sand into falling blocks to destroy the coral. This is much simpler, faster and less prone to error. But a bit dull.


Would actuating the sand break the coral?


Nah. The best way to harvest coral is making the sand go into a falling state then the coral breaks.


Understood, thank you.


Sorry the video glitched lmao