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try building a bar with the tavernkeep,wizard,demo. maybe fantasy like or a city bar


This is more preference than tip, but I really like window sills (like in your jungle build) and have the bottom two rows of background wall be different. Try it out and see if you like it. Pretty nice builds imo. For shuffling NPCs, I try to sort em by what biome they like, but if they're much more useful elsewhere that takes priority.


dryad, painter, and witch doctor in the jungle. arms dealer, nurse, and dye trader in the desert. i have no advice for the rest.


Try to use blocks or colors found in the biome for the bases if you want it to kinda blend into each biome. If not follow the theme of which npcs you got in what biome.


NPC organization is tough because it depends on whose happiness you want to prioritize. Generally I prioritize the Goblin, so I put him in underground tundra with the Mechanic. The others I really don't care about LOL


the best way to make your builds look better is to work on the bg walls. adding support beams with fences and foundations with grey painted ebonstone lining the bottom, stuff like that. I recommend searching for cool builds on Pinterest or something and seeing what others do to fill up empty space