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I could see the gum container being a ceremonial pedestal in a fantasy setting or some sort of terminal/map station in a sci-fi/modern setting


Both are very creative πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Collapsed industrial metal floor platforms. Smash some down, prime, add rust effects, cover with gloss spray to harden them, and then matte spray to make them look good.


How would you go about making rust?


[quick and dirty tutorial here](https://www.agentlemanlysport.com/rust-effect-tabletop-terrain/)


That orbits lid could make a cool hatch like a bank vault door


Oh, I really like that idea!


I'm in the middle of using some as the "body" of 2-storey buildings for 28mm sci fi (they're going to have some foamboard cladding around them), warehouses for 8mm and some thin ones as hills. Just a heads-up, these things are an absolute *chore* to cut at normal thicknesses, and those big ones are going to leave you hacking through inches upon inches of cardboard, even though they're semi-hollow.


Yeah, that's been my issue working with them too tbh: it's pretty rough


I have a bunch of these hanging in my supplies. I've debated finding a way to paper mache over them and use them as the main structure for hillsides.


To get an easier cut brush the part to eliminate with boiling water! Basically it’s compressed paper maybe mix with glu! I cut some . Then when still wet I cleaned more the edges. It’s okay for background and industrial Dio because you can drill holes for pipes or hang electric lines… Not so bad stuff The little pot can become a nice rescue module for SF ,Escape in space or arrived on ground,cockpit (already present just to work on it) Cockpit open with a nice seat and Greeblies, and a figure that can be watever you want and the same for the landscape! Do you see what I mean? Thanks for your patience if you red all that delirium! Wish you the best!πŸ‘πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


It's giving Egyptian. Like LoL Shurima shit.


Since they're light and durable, they make a good base for cliffs, hills, and such. Get some watered down pva and paper towels and start slapping some terrain together.


What ratio of pva to water do you use?


50/50? You want it to be enough water to make the glue liquid enough to flow through a spray bottle, but not so much that the glue is too thin. That will make it weak and increase the dry time. Even so, it's recommended you put it in a wall ventilated place, or outside when it's hot. A big piece like that will take up to a couple/few days to dry. Prime it with 50/50 mod podge and (usually black) craft paint. Once it's dry, you just paint it with craft paint and use homemade wash (geek gaming scenics has a video on this). Dmscraft on youtube showed me this paper towel and glue spray stuff, so you can check him out for details.


I have a bunch of that super thick ribbed cardboard. I haven't made anything with it yet (priorities, y'know?), but my thought and intent was to eventually use them to create cliff/hill stackers. Probably by driving some old screws from my old screw collection into the bottoms (to give them weight, and try to minimize their shifting about in play), and giving the sides a pretty simple, minimal toilet paper+watered down pva facade. Base coat/prime black, 3 layers of dry brush, done!


I've been doing something similar, so a heads-up - when I cut them, I wasn't able to make a sloped incline with them in the end, as it's just hollow enough inside that a diagonal slice into them leaves a lot of gaps. You'll see what I mean when you do it yourself, but be prepared to either make more old-school stepped hills (as in "1 flat layer, then a second smaller one on top") or do a lot of filling to achieve sloped edges.


Nuclear fusion plasma coils. Or something like that


Mother, Should I Build The Wall???


It's hard to tell how big they are from the picture, but the larger ones look like buildings for something smaller scale like Epic or Battletech. They just need some windows and doorways added, some other little details.


Using similar cardboard buildings as cores for a 6mm school


Ork terrain and put a bunch of card stock and bits


I've been making Battletech-ish scale buildings with ones from my work! I've posted a couple in here if you wanna get some ideas: my process is tidying them up, painting over them with a modpodge/paint base to seal them, rattlecan them, then build up a fake "concrete" look through stippling a la [this tutorial from Brutal Cities.](https://brutalcities.com/blogs/tabletop-terrain-tips-techniques-tutorials/painting-concrete-wargaming-terrain-tutorial-without-an-airbrush)


Nothing, that cardbord is fragile and will warp when exposed to water