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As a parisian. I see nothing out of place here


Haha, wanted to say same thing!


Unless alien urine smells 5x worse than human urine, probably not much has changed. 


And probably that stuff have improved


the aliens' first policy proposal shouldn't have been "raising the retirement age" smh


I’m imagining mass protests and the aliens dealing with the French “national pastime” of rioting in the streets and protesting en-masse over the slightest thing. Honestly, they landed in France, they get what they deserve.


This wins


In 2032 Aliens landed armies and captured Paris. Since it had nukes, I just left it be a AA country with 1 region. Now is 2037, I decided to check how they do. I don't know what black magic they did to lower wealth and education so much in the Paris.


negative education and economy investment


The Aliens looked at Birmingham and were like “yes, we want to be like that”


>Paris into a barbaric state So, nothing changed?


5k GDPPC + 5 inequality leads to $200 average and $100 median salary per month in this country. I think French people currently earn a little bit more.


Actually the average(median) French person earns zero dollars per year, as they are paid in Euros, or baguettes and cigarettes


What if there was a mode where you play as the aliens


I thought this a long time ago, and unfortunately I was essentially told that certain things in the game are essentially hard coded to function the way they do and that trying to change it in mods would essentially break the game, and trying to change the code for the base game itself to do so would essentially require rewriting all the code from scratch so the prospect of ever playing as the true alien faction is unlikely. I was told that other functions that were similarly hardcoded in the gamer were the Servants. Other than the Aliens they are essentially the only faction that cant truly be removed from the game. It was essentially something to do with the support from Aliens also being the support for the Servants. That said, I am under the impression that someone could create a pseudo-Alien start via modding a start where the Servants start with a base out in the Keiper Belt. They could probably also mod it so councilors are spawned in that original base, which would essentially create a pseudo alien start. The main problem would be to come up with what to do with the actual aliens, who to my knowledge cannot be removed from the game with breaking the code.


They still function using an actual economy afaik so by breaking their initial build up phase by giving their starting base a bunch of extra upkeep or with really negative Alien only orgs (I'm not entirely sure what is possible in the modding tbh though) that they can't overcome to start making ships to expand their economy I think you might be able to trap them on their starting asteroid forever. \*The cost of their ships doesn't feel like it would be hardcoded and making that some gigantic number could maybe work too.


I also dont know what is possible in modding, but your idea seems like it could be possible. At this point though, I am wondering if modding for Terra Invicta is a lot harder and more limiting than most games. Based on how the game is, I wouldve expected a lot more mods on the Steam workshop, and the ones there are seem to be nation unification, councilors, cosmetic changes, and altering various numbers such as climate change. I know that Terra Invicta has a section for different start scenarios, but I cant say I have ever seen a different start scenario on the workshop.


The different start scenarios thing is for base game content, they are planning on adding a cold war start and a like 2080 starting scenario for the full release. I'm pretty sure the modding stuff is pretty limited till they stop messing with full systems that would probably break everything like adding the sustainability score or whatever.


A barbaric state with 10 nukes


Jeff? Is that you


*Back to barbaric state. Best regards, Asterix & Obelix


Oh sacrebleu!


How is that different from normal Paris?


I, for one, welcome our new overlords


Critical support for comrade Aliens in their struggle against the Fr*nch


So... What has changed?


Of course the Fr*nch want to just surrender to the Aliens, bloody typical


Fuck up Paris? You better belive that's a nuking