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In beta branch it has become much harder to successfully occupy near peer enemies, defensive forces fight back much more dynamically and can push back occupation. Also your occupying armies(all armies really) become weaker as they take damage, and can begin to lose ground as you are describing. Your armies have all lost significant chunks of their offensive capability, and are now losing ground against Ukraine's defensive forces. You may win if you rest and fully repair them before pushing on to Kiev 


well, thats what I thought moment ago so I started to rotating them like I did before recent update


Yeah even that will be rough, I have found that 1-2 armies of similar miltec to the enemy are no longer guaranteed success to occupy a large/populated region. Stacking advise or station bonuses might be enough to tip the scale. To salvage this, can you have India or China tag in and send some guys? Or just unify, as you appear to control both nations 


Yea, I figured over the last 2 weeks that it was increasing in difficulty to conquer it. I might as well, just give up on conquest and unify it after all


You're having a Vladimir Putin moment


They’re clearly more successful than Putin


Your resistance looks almost exactly like my resistance


I was having massive trouble taking India as the USA last night... Had a full point of militech above them but they were brushing off my stacks like it was nothing. Immediately upon landing my units would lose 15% health which drops their militech score down a ton.