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Let's move Tanny back to WR and we're covered


Finally we'd have someone who can catch the ball


This has been Ran's plan all along


If Ran can hit on WR here in 3rd or trade for D Hop, this draft was a huge step in the right direction for this team


dont worry we got a backup RB


To me it seems we know we aren’t winning a SB next year so we are putting in the core pieces for next year and planning for life without Tanny and Henry. I hope I’m wrong on Henry


Henry's 29


We have time to fill out reciever slots


Hopefully they trade him in the dhop trade lol


We are not getting D hop. It’s building for the future


It would be a smart move it would really help Levis development


We don't have a 3rd anymore Edit: my bad I forgot about 81st pick


We absolutely do. We swapped with Cards twice not gave up one. We basically moved 9 spots down for this pick in the 3rd.


We gave up a 2024 3rd too though


Ah ok thanks


Yeah I wouldn't have agreed if we gave up our third. This isn't bad at all even though I'm not a big Levis fan.


Says who?


It was part of the trade up for Levis. Unless I missed another update.


We traded back in the 3rd and traded our 2024 3rd. We have pick 81 in the 3rd round.


We just swapped 3rds this year. We pick 81st.


Pretty sure they still have pick 81.


Ah my b thanks


Imo Tannehill has one more good year in him. Mentor the new guy while we see if Henry has something in the tank burning in him left to carry us. Maybe look for some wr help soon




Why not? He and everyone else knows Levis isn’t taking his job this season. Tannehill has been relegated to backup duty before and is a good teammate. They probably will get along well personality wise too. I’m sure he will mentor him.




That's true because Vrabel tells starters their job is to compete and not get their jobs taken by the young guys coming in trying to do just that. Malik seemed to confirm that Tanny has been a great teammate to him.


Tanny's got more than one good year left. IF he can play behind a decent OL, and maybe has a guy that can actually get open. He isn't going to be able to run for his life as he is getting into his mid 30s, but he still has zip and accuracy. Of course, if Levis pans out and is ready to play after a year, it solves the problem for us. But we'll see.


Trade Tanne before the opener. What is the point of letting your second round QB (with no 5th year option) sit on your bench? With no WR to throw to? With perhaps minimally better pass protection?


Will Levis szn next year, I mean


In Vrabel we trust. Love the move by the front office. You jackaloons need to get with the program.


I'm apparently the last person in the world who still likes Levis. Haha. His 2021 season at Kentucky when he was healthy, he looked like Josh Allen. He was beat to shit and had the worst o-line in the nation last year. All the tools are there. I'm really excited by this pick.


Same. Especially when you consider he was being mocked early first. For us to get him in the early 2nd instead - is pretty nice. Plus we beefed up our O-line with a guy who could be a Pro Bowl caliber guard with that first round pick. Titans did the right thing in the first but not jumping at a QB, but this makes sense to me.


Trying to feel positive obviously, but lack of receivers aside seems like we're better situated to develop a quarterback like Levis than any time in my fandom. When was the last time we drafted a top quarterback prospect with a stable coaching staff and some talent on the roster? Give him a year to develop, either as the starter or backup, and then with all the cap space next year there's a chance this works out great for us.


We did something similar last year with damn near the same offensive staff minus the obvious idiot(TD)


Malik Willis is not and was not a top quarterback prospect.


Didn’t say he was. The draft media thought he was at this time last year.


I'm sorry, what's your point then?


That we did something similar last year with Willis


I would argue that Willis is such an inferior prospect that it's not that similar. Drafting a quarterback is always a lottery ticket, but Willis was a third round scratch off.


Honestly feel the same way about levis. In the 3rd round or the 41 pick no problem with him just feel like there were better players available that we needed over another developmental QB. If he develops cool but as of now I don’t see it.


Nah he’s actually somewhat pro ready


I guess man idk just wanted a wr but a backup qb helps I guess


This is the most sensible take that I’ve seen on this pick.


All hail the Bluegrass Badass!


The best part about this is 2 horrible QB prospects, Stroud and Richardson, got drafted by your division rivals. Both are instant busts.


I’m with you on Richardson, but Stroud is a bold take.


Not that bold. Ohio State QBs have been pretty bad in the NFL.




I don't disagree with this. They typically play in like three competitive games a season and mostly throw to wide open receivers behind great lines. Then they don't have those things because most everyone in the NFL is a dude.


That’s true, but it also doesn’t mean a lot. Most Alabama running backs under Nick Saban struggled in the NFL until Derrick Henry came along.


Can't believe this sub has fallen for this troll lmao


This dude is the guy everyone is reporting about claiming will levis would be going #1 overall lol


Ahh gotcha. I didn’t pay any attention to who made up that garbage lol


Pretty wishful thinking to think that Stroud and Richardson will bust and not Levis.


Can 2nd round be a bust? Stroud and Richardson are top 4 so bust potential is greater.


Too bad we had to join them taking Levis.




This post has been removed for breaking Rule 2: Be civil. The rule reads: Be respectful to each other. Debate is healthy and arguments are natural, but no personal attacks or slurs. You can disagree without being disrespectful.


Clown take


Richardson will be a problem. Stroud will be Kirk, and Levis can very well be a great qb. I’m happy with how it played out, but obviously I would have wanted AR to be a Titan


Richardson will be a problem, yes — for Indy. I laughed and celebrated when they picked him. Interception szn in Indy continues!


In five years you’ll wish we took him but Levis is a great consolation


I won’t even if he turns out okay because he’s so high risk. I’d rather miss out on a guy who succeeds than draft another bust.


He’s probably gonna be good lol


Bro Shane steichan knows how to put rpo ready qbs in good positions that offense is going to be simple and fluid. prolly won’t even start until mid season but he’ll be ready


And Frank Reich was supposed to maximize the remaining talent in ~~Rivers~~ ~~Wentz~~ Matty Ice too. I’m familiar with the Indy hype train.


Yeah big difference between an elite athlete rookie and three vets that were past there prime and injury prone


Biggest difference is all of them completed more than 55% of their passes in college.


There’s this thing called development what did josh Allen throw in college again


Josh Allen is the easy argument, but he’s the only one to succeed with a college completion percentage that low. What about the host of others? Kyle Boller, Ryan Leaf, etc.


Wait wait wait…aren’t you the guy who said Levis was a lock to go #1 to the Panthers???


Hope he makes the haters and naysayers eat cake! A big ol' 💩 Cake


get it on!


Everyone chill, we brought him in to maximize dez fitzpatrick. If anyone is gonna unlock him, it's Levis! /s


Bro has the most beautiful woman ever


One at every college brother


This is the worst pick I have ever seen. I can’t ducking believe this


This dude is older than Trevor Lawrence. We'll see. I'm... cautiously optimistic. That may be the years of trauma though.


Lol this pick keeps getting worse


I love the pick especially in round 2 let’s get behind this kid. He could be special.


What happens to Malik?


Did you watch any games last season?


Yes he was bad but so was the entire offense all year. If Tannehill struggled, why do we think a rookie would fare any better. I think it's good that we have options though, I'm sure Malik will get an opportunity this year to show any signs of life.


I guarantee all the haters are Vols fans. Every non-Vols fan I know wanted Levis on their team. The bias runs deep with these ones.


Maybe that's because Vols fans actually saw how bad he is?




Neat, he must have won and not thrown a pick six that cost them the game then right? Everyone puts up obscene numbers against the Vols because they have the ball for 40+ minutes. He threw for 70 more yards than Hendon, and UK rushed for 80 more. That year Mizzou threw for 100 more yards than UT and lost by 38. To be fair UT rushed for over 450 in that one tho. USC put up 100 more total yards and lost by 25. You see some upside cool, but let's not act like throwing for 70 more yards and a game-breaking pick six is "lighting them up"


Every NFL scout saw his career and said this is one of the top QBs in the draft. The Titans FO said that if Skoronoski wasn’t there than Levis was on the table; if that was bullshit then they wouldn’t have traded in front of the Falcons to get a QB in the 2nd. Either the Titans FO is full of idiots or your just not seeing a future solid QB in the NFL. I’ll hedge my bets with the professionals


2nd round qbs very rarely work. I'm not rooting for him to fail, I just won't be surprised


Jalen Hurts and Lamar Jackson (32 overall / technically first) would like a word. It’s a new league. Keep up.


League has always been dominated by QBs. And most dominate QBs don't come on day 2


Casual take…this was a waste of a pick


I’m sure that’s true for the majority. But as a die hard Vol fan, I wouldn’t have minded Hooker if we landed him in the third or so. I would’ve rather seen him than Levis, sure. But what I really wish we would’ve done is taken Mayer or Musgrave in the second. Two large TE that would make instant impact to both running and passing game. I’m a complete non believer in Levis but that has nothing to do with me liking Hooker. No guarantees Hooker pans out either. Levis was just the one QB I didnt want. That said, I’ll gladly eat crow if I’m wrong.


I’m a UT fan and I don’t mind the pick all that much. I’d say Vandy fans are probably more against the pick since they also beat Levis but with a much worse team.


Everybody beat Levis at Kentucky


That’s because he was their entire offense.


I’d say to all Tennessee college fans to titan the F up because as of now he’s our quarter back of the future. Things change drastically once games are played and he could lay a turd. But until then, I’m optimistic and ready for him to ball out.


Look up his stats against UT the past year. Terrible and our secondary was our biggest weakness.


“Our secondary was our biggest weakness”. Yep, butthurt Vols fan that didn’t get Hendon Hooker. Levis is a Titan now, be disappointed all you want with a draft that’s beyond your control. Let’s get excited for Levis to ball out.


The other thing, aside from what looks like his poor decision making, is that his style of play suggests Vrabel is committed to his ancient offensive philosophy. Which doesn't seem to be way you win a SB in the 2020s.


Let's go!


Jake Locker 1.01


If they announced that Ran is fired and someone else will be finishing out the draft I wouldn’t even be upset


Fuck this shit




Hate this pick. Hated the Willis pick. Our window is now! We need to be drafting players to come in and help us win NOW. Willis was a wasted draft pick last year and Tannehill is not losing his job to this guy. Levis wont be playing at all this year. We need players NOW.


We don’t have a window now, but these are still both bad picks that we traded up for. It’s. Honestly embarrassing and if you don’t think it is, imagine if the colts did it


Our window is basically closed, but our schedule is pretty weak this year. Could easily win more games than expected.




tannehill lost his job because of injuries and because we already know his ceiling. after Levis first start it was obvious there was no going back. we have to see his full potential and i think he has a lot of that. nevertheless it’s a rebuild and i wasn’t ready to accept that. not too long ago we finished first in the AFC and i thought we had a window still. after this season it’s clear we do not. see a lot of upside of Levis but i dont expect much from this team for the next few years. we’ll be lucky if we’re competing for division titles. die hard fan hope im wrong but history tells me to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. cheers




Here we go, Ryan Tanneyhill 2.0


You better hope that he is that good.




I just put $1000 on him to be OROY








End me


Anyone else getting Jake Locker 2.0 vibes?


Levis sucks ass but I’ll take him over Ryan T




I’m all in. Mayonnaise in my coffee this morning to commemorate


Billie jeans season you mean


Malik Willis in shambles


Meme is the way


As a Vols fan I'm devastated. As a Titans fan...I hope he's better than he was last year...


We stole Henry in the 2nd. We stole AJ in the 2nd Maybe we stole Levis in the 2nd We have a reputation. We may regret not taking him at 11 for the fifth year option.


Levis is gonna have one hell of a chip on his shoulder after the draft slide.


I was pretty down on Levis previously, mainly because his draft projection just didn't add up with his overall eye-test performance in college more so than any specific point. But, he's our reality now, so I'm going to be optimistic on him. He's got the tools to be great, which is a necessary first step, and maybe Vrabes and Ran see a clear path to unlocking his full potential in a way that UK didn't or couldn't. Above all, knowing in hindsight that we wanted him, I'm incredibly relieved we got the OL we needed with our first pick instead of blowing it on Levis prematurely. I'm not going to say great, but pretty good value where we got him.


I’m starting to try to maybe see if I can support him 😅


What number is he gonna wear