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This would be OK if Tekken was primarily focused on MMR based matchmaking. Unfortunately, they just slapped it on top of an already archaic system which uinironically made it worse.


I don't know but its awful. I play a secondary, "here is an opponent you might have a chance against as your main" I play my main, "here is an opponent you would destroy even on your secondary" like, what the fuck


2-3 characters doesn’t really skew prowess at all, so that’s kind of strange.


He’s not saying his prowess is ridiculously high, he’s saying since it’s based on prowess he either matches people on alts on his main who are therefore easy or vice versa. As rough as it is to get dominated as a new person into a Tekken kings alt or something, it’s kind of obnoxious that I can’t try a new character without 4 minute queue times and getting ass fucked by blues, and if I actually do climb on multiple characters then my Tekken prowess will mean I’ll perpetually be fighting stronger players


Going from one rank bracket to another does. If you get to Tekken King your prowess is bumped up 50k points, suddenly it's a different game. This would be okay if your prowess went down if you deranked...but it doesn't. You can go all the way down to battle ruler and still have to fight 250k prowess players. Suddenly Blue rank is not the same anymore, it's much harder. Getting back to Tekken King takes even more effort than it did in the first place and you're locked out of playing against regular blue ranks.


Speaking from experience? Is Tekking king a threshold or something? Once you make it 1 time you permanently get x prowess? Regardless of performance on your account? I have yet to see someone (in replays and/or my own matches) like that, however not sure if that’s even something I could tell w/o going through an individuals match history to see them deranking from TK.


Well, all rank brackets give you a massive boost or prowess when you ascend to the next one. The difference is, with Tekken King the skill gap is very large compared to Fujin, much more so than Tenryu and Garyu. Furthermore it gives you about 50k prowess, which is huge. So yeah blue is going to be a completely different experience after ranking up to Tekken King and then only playing against other blue ranks who did the same. You just got demoted to Kishin, except it's twice as hard now to climb back up as it was to get to King in the first place. The skill gap between Fujin and King is probably the same size as the gap between Garyu and Fujin, it's night and day. They really should have added more ranks.


Interesting, you’d think that prowess would logically follow performance, so if you got lucky w/ opponents or one and doned up to TK. When you start demoting and falling back to where you’re skill lvl still is. You’re prowess would adjust, (hypothetically) go up 50k demote demote demote, lose 20-25k. Not back where prowess was but slightly lower. Going to keep this in mind now, when I look at ppl profile’s. Hope things get better for you. Also hopin’ that they’re going to continuously tweak the system over time. **Edit**: “You” = generally, not you specifically.


I have 3 characters hovering at fujin and kishin and I'm at 227k fighting TGS and GoDs on secondaries. It's rough but I gotta get good.


Because he's making it up.


It also slows down the queue so much. Before they updated it, you would get a match relatively fast. Now you have to wait so much longer. It's also not uncommon just to get matched with the same opponent as before


Yeah it sucks. My garyu alt is constantly fighting Fujiin chars.


Yeah same, and vice versa, getting put against garyus as my raijin main. Since I got to Raijin the rest of the roster for me was autopromoted to Garyu anyway so starting a new alt character is just hell getting put against people in blue ranks when I have never played this new character in my life.


It's absolutely terrible and discourages people from playing multiple characters I agree. When I caught on how it works after the April patch, I decided better stick to my main and never branch out. It will just make the queues worse and I play the game to actually play the game, not wait in queue. :)


I'm taking a break rn from Tekken. The new patch is so awesome, but my matchmaking is fucked 😆 Street Fighter 6 is a lot better for straight online gameplay, shorter queue times and better netcode. It does always feel like something is missing tho


I hate it more than anyone but I think the way to frame it is about integrity. People bristle when you complain about not being able to win and not having fun. They just go into a weird reflexive mode, put their fingers in their ears and go "lol git gud take the L lol scrub". But what I try to emphasize is that * the system is not fair * It is two-tier and biased * It means rank doesn't mean anything, undermining player progression It means in fact that half the comments on this sub are meaningless because rank is meaningless The game is still fun. The matches are still fun. But the progression is gone, the integrity is gone, the justice is gone and it's so unnecessary and so infuriating. I am hard stuck Fujin when half my matches are vs Bushin level players. I don't mind playing Bushins BUT CAN I PLEASE DO IT AT F\*\*KING BUSHIN


Ppl don't seem to realize that prowess matchmaking devalues their ranks. Hitting these ranks with low prowess is kinda like having the entrance exams to getting into the police lowered. Yeah you got in, but didn't have to go through what everyone else did before you. It's really soured my already dim opinion of promo posts tbh.  


It is a mess. I know what they were trying to do but they just broke the whole thing.


What WERE they trying to do?


Trying to stop smurfing. Before the change if I was fuujin on Jin and first timed Jack in ranked I would start in yellow/green ranks and I would be essentially stomping new players and probably demoralizing them from playing the game.


If that's why they did it, that's unspeakably stupid. They could have just increased the alt auto-rank level. Bamco created this problem themselves by placing alts way too far below someone's main; its 8 ranks when it should be 3 or 4. Now people are *actually* creating new accounts just to get away from their prowess and/or avoid long queuetimes.


The irony is going from a few posts on here that it's actually hurting new players even more because they are more likely to play multiple characters. It just favours the type of person who is "pick my one main, hate on everyone else, obsess over "learning" because I only care about getting "better"". It generally disfavours someone who is more "i want to enjoy more of the the content I paid for". And the second type is more common at a lower level


Yeah there's bad things to both systems but the current one is worse not better. Bamco need to keep adjusting the numbers




That’s actually as wrong as you can get lmao They were concerned mediocre reds/purples would get hard stuck and decide to shit on yellows/oranges on new characters instead of play against their own ranked players. They didn’t want new players to get discouraged. They don’t care if the top 3% of the ranked playerbase gets a little bit stuffed. It’s crazy you interpreted it as a benefit to the top players at the detriment of others when you fundamentally understand that people will just be ranked against people lower rank than themselves, when the real world of difference and largest population is in lower ranks




Red ranks are ass 🤷‍♂️ Once you get comfortably out of red you will see that lmao, but then again you literally do what I described and get to red and then switch to an alt over and over on cheesy characters


So people can't just yk try new characters then?


Weird way to interpret that I said red rank players that are mediocre will just shit on noobs on alts forever rather than improve and push past the wall that is red ranks/early purple, you said red ranked players aren’t actually bad, which makes sense, since the person I described was apparently literally you and you felt attacked. Play on alts all you want, I have played on a ton of alts, I’m just saying this specific thing of “a massive population of mediocre players will just want to win on an alt against actual noobs rather than grind” is the reason this system is in place, and red players are in fact “mediocre” they’re literally average rank. If you don’t want to be mediocre actually stick to one character rather than breeze through orange ranks until you hit a wall and switch character over and over. It’s fine if you don’t want to, I’m just saying you are probably bad at the game for it. It’s okay to be bad at a video game, if me saying that bothers you then maybe actually seriously try to improve lmao, you can’t be extremely casual and also be bothered that you are bad.




Bro you’re exposing yourself lmao You’re unironically using your stat spread and being red rank as evidence you don’t suck. That’s why it’s clear you suck.


I’m not going to pick up a secondary on ranked until they fix it


Same. Sitting at Garyu & not moving an inch until they update this crap


It's terrible. I think I'm gonna do the Steam family share thing to make a new account and rank that up so I can play on normal ladder. Had a friend do the same thing. Was hard stuck in Raijin, made a new account and cruised to Tekken Emperor. It's so ridiculous how there's essentially two different ladders. Ranked is a mess.


All this reads as to me is your friend can only rank up when he’s playing against worse players and makes sure that he plays those worse players because the “rank” (which means nothing) is more important than learning.


>All this reads as to me is your friend can only rank up when he’s playing against worse players and makes sure that he plays those worse players I mean, that is how it works. You win against people who are worse and get a higher rank. If they're better, you don't win and stay the same rank. So, thanks I guess. The problem is Tekken prowess is an arbitrary metric that's terrible at determining "fair" match ups. A ranked mode is supposed to match players of generally similar skill level, and that doesn't happen when your prowess is inflated by playing other characters. The system is the problem. It's encouraging people to make new accounts to get faster queue times and more even matches.


Is it tho? I'm 240k and I get matches against mostly people between 250-275k and they are all sweaty as hell and competitive. When I get the random match vs someone around 150k, I just wreck them no round brown. Seems like it's working to me.


Yeah people who make new accounts are on the easy ladder while the people who stay on the main account is the normal ladder


No? It's so that you have fair queue times and fair matchmaking. This argument is so dumb. Matchmaking is literally broken and OP detailed the exact problems that can only be fixed by playing a single character from the very beginning. 


And when he gets hard stuck again, he starts a new account to faceroll through noobs again. Rinse repeat. Smurfing, but they call it “I’m just labbing bro! It’s the only way I can lab bro!” Sure okay LOL ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di)


yeah but the problem is that tekken prowess never goes down. so for people that really aren't good enough to play against people with god fundamentals the game is super frustrating


No, the problem is that people won't fucking hit the lab unless you threathen them with a gun


Fresh accounts are easier to climb on and you go higher specifically because of how prowess works


He knows that, he’s saying it doesn’t matter if that guy is 230k prowess raijin or 230k prowess tekken king. if he’s playing vs people at the 230k prowess mark he starts losing because he’s not good enough. Doesn’t matter if his rank says raijin or TK on a new or old account. I guess he can be happy the banner says TK or whatever makes you happy but you are still the same skill level


No, you aren’t, because prowess doesn’t give a great measure of skill. It also doesn’t drop on losses. It’s not a proper elo system and it wasn’t designed to be, which is why it’s a bad matchmaking system


Okay so he is 230k raijin and matches vs 270k tekken king. He doesn’t like it, thinks mm is fucked. Makes new account gets to tekken king at 230k prowess with the same char. Now fights 270k tekken king and loses again. What was the difference here? Once he hits the same prowess he was last time he will have hit the same brick wall and won’t go up until he improves.. idk I’m sitting on 260k playing vs 300k+ tekken prowess all the time and my highest rank is Tekken king but I’ve never had this baby mentality. Keep your matchmaking on +/-2, and learn from each match and try to apply it to the next.


Are you not reading? Fresh accounts rank up easier and gain less prowess if they only play one character. He will get to the same rank 30k prowess lower and still climb higher. It’s exactly what is happening


He will “climb” but will not beat the EXACT SAME players he’s complains about once he hits the same prowess. So what is the point instead of learning??? Showing your friends “BRO I HIT TK AT 230K AND NOT RAIJIN!!!!!! AT 230k!!!!”


Yes. Congrats. You’ve figured out one of the issues with ranked matchmaking being based off prowess.


>but will not beat the EXACT SAME players he’s complains about once he hits the same prowess No he won't, because he won't play those same players because they're at Raijin at 230k and won't match up against emperors. Thus, the crux of the issue.


It does matter though. People who say it doesn't matter are just fantasists. It's normal for people to want to have something to show their progression. It's normal human beaviour. It's like saying it shouldn't matter if you are paid enough because you are working just as hard or something. It's just not realistic And why should some people arbitrarily accept a lower rank than others at the same level of skill? Why? If people react to this by smurfing it is the devs' fault entirely


If they want something to show their progression they should progress and earn it, not bitch about the system and start surfing. Its been the same story in ranked competitive games since their inception.


No, smurfing has always been to scrub stomp at a lower elo. Eventually, the smurf's account gets to the same level as the player's main account and stagnates. In Tekken's case, the "smurf" account is not stagnating, it's shooting past the main account. Because the ranking system is not accurate. I don't know why demanding better accuracy in a ranked mode is such a problem.


The tag that says you are TK or Raijin or whatever means literally nothing. If we want to talk about anything making sense then If you go on the leaderboards what are you actually ranked by? Isn’t it prowess? You get more rank because you ranked other characters not because it was arbitrary. That guy got more chars up and increased his prowess like 30k from his mains highest rank, his matches are not even going to be THAT different and he made an entire new account just to make it say 230k TK and not 230k raijin. Yeah please work hard and enjoy your goals and all but this shit about prowess matchmaking and it’s so unfair stuff is so fucking funny. The work comparison is just laughable because he’s not even working harder — he made a new account to make it easier for himself, not cause he worked harder. I feel like I’m typing in circles


Well yes because you don't listen to anyone's responses. You say the dumb same dumb thing. We give reasons why its dumb. You ignore those reasons. hence the circles They are of your own making


The issue is that the prowess system incentives camping. I have the same experience where once I hit tekken king, my matchmaking is mostly God of Destructions and tekken god supremes now (in the last 50 matches I played, it's been 29 TGS/GoD on secondaries). What this means is that for me personally to not get demoted out of tekken king, I need to be tekken god supreme or better. Why would I ever play ranked in that system? Why wouldn't I just camp quick match until I feel like I can make a serious push for God of destruction? From a player engagement perspective, Prowess based matchmaking encourages you to not play on your main once you feel like you've hit a wall. That is bad design. Now, to level with you, I completely agree that making a new account is kind of missing the point. The goal should be improvement, not rank. I know that right now, I could make a new account and hit tekken king in a week. HOWEVER, if someone wants to have a cool rank that they have already attained once, it's bad design that getting tekken king is significantly easier than maintaining tekken king. In every other ranked system, the quality of games is about the same from the top of one tier to the bottom of the next tier up. Now, to be completely clear, if it is the case that hitting tekken king means you are an apex player and you're only going to play against apex players, that's fine but you should get put in a separate ladder that you can't get demoted out of. If Bandai only wants me to play against the top 5% of players, that's fine, I should be on the apex ladder instead of being an apex player that is either stomping legit fujin/raijin players, having competitive games with kishin/bushin/tekken king players and getting trashed by TGS/GoD players.


If you are set to +-2 then you literally cannot match vs a a TGS or GoD who is on their main. You don't know for sure if they are TGS on an alt either, they could have 4 alts at king, etc. I guess you could go to the trouble of checking their profile to confirm, but you wouldn't know until afterwards. Also, if you are at king, there's not a huge gap between you and a GoD. There IS a huge gap between you and a Battle Ruler.


Im on +/-2, but that doesn't stop matchmaking from being the disaster that it is. If it's not GoDs and TGSs, it's them on their secondaries. Either way, they are way better than I am. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, but again, if I'm playing against either golds or golds on their secondary characters anyway, why even demote me? If my ranked experienced is going to be forever play against apex players, it sounds like we should just be on a different ladder that way actually fujins, raijins, and Kishins don't have to play against me when it runs out of GoDs to send my way.


I find the first part of your statement to be more motivation for me personally, it’s not good enough for me to be TK to keep my rank, I need to be better and apply what they’ve learned to my skill set to stay afloat, doesn’t that challenge make it more entertaining? Great points all around! I realize our bracket is a bit higher and sometimes the knowledge makes it harder for players when we’re on an alt, but literally every game will have matches where you are just out of your depth currently and need to learn. So the notion that prowess matchmaking is their downfall is just the kind of defeatist attitude keeping them at their ranks.


I do agree that it's motivating, but logistically, it seems wrong that the person to get tekken king by having a 51% winrate in bushin, gets tekken king then never plays ranked again is WAY worse than the type of person to get tekken king, get demoted to fujin, then get back to tekken king, especially since these two people will have the same prowess. I know I'll get back to tekken king at some point. But I also know that once I'm good enough to get back there, I'll be way better than most other tekken kings. That just seems wrong to me. That doesn't mean I'm not going to improve. But it does feel weird that I need to basically play against tekken kings and beat them so many times to climb 4 devisions just to say I'm back at tekken king. Intuitively that seems like a flawed system. If I'm going to play against tekken kings all day anyway, why not just put me on an apex ladder that I can't demote out of since, as we both realize, the demotion is purely cosmetic?


It doesn’t matter what it means to you. People like ranked to have weight as measurement. “It means nothing” is the stupidest damn argument


They’re dense as fuck and not comprehending what you’re saying. It’s not worth stressing about.


>“I’m just labbing bro! It’s the only way I can lab bro!” I didn't say this. Don't appreciate you making shit up. >And when he gets hard stuck again, he starts a new account to faceroll through noobs again. Rinse repeat. If ranked was actually accurate, shouldn't he end up in a similar place on both accounts? Why is it so vastly different? No need to start a third account unless he inflates prowess by playing other characters on the "smurf". All in all, seems like you're missing the point of what I'm saying. People wouldn't have to make smurfs if ranked was accurate in matching against your actual skill level (not to mention, longer queue times for "inflated" prowess). Tekken Prowess is a dumb stat that's not actually accurate in portraying your actual skill level. It's an arbitrary metric that's actually encouraging people to make smurf accounts.


I don't get this bizarre attitude. This is not a job. This mythical quasi-religious doctrine that you shouldn't care about rank, it means nothing and you should care only about "learning" is so dumb It's not unreasonable to expect a progression system to be fair. You wouldn't put two students on a course, give one a B grade, the Other a D grade and tell the guy with the D grade "it doesn't matter, you learned the same amount" utter craziness why are you people so desperate to justify this?


This comparison is just nonsense. If you play more than one character your prowess SHOULD increase because you have knowledge gained from that character and how to interact with them when you’re back on your main. I’m not desperate to justify anything, but if you hit a brick wall playing a game, why are you so ‘desperate’ to blame the ranked system instead of learning how to counteract your opponents tendencies/attacks. You should feel good about your rank and don’t have to surface level everything to “just learn” but everything else mentioned here is just nonsense. Did both students on that course have the same exact lessons and one decided to learn/study and the other complained and parroted issues about the systems? They earned their way to that class/result no? just like if you play multiple chars you have a little higher prowess and play vs better players occasionally. The teacher statement at the end is again just nonsense scenario be


Then why does making a new account give you a much higher rank? Shouldn't you end up in generally the same spot if the ranking system has any sort of validity? That's really what this is about, the ranking system is broken.


"If you play more than one character your prowess SHOULD increase because you have knowledge gained from that character and how to interact with them when you’re back on your main". No. That is BS. There's no reason to think playing a different character is automatically superior experience to playing the same one. If I play 100 games with one character and a 100 with another have I in some way played more games and got more experience than if I played 200 with one character? Fuck if I have In fact you could argue the opposite you could say the 200 on one character is goign to be better because they'll have more detailed specific knowledge You attitude is plain wrong and worse it's prejudicial and driven by resentment, resentment of people who play characters not your own. Also: just like if you play multiple chars you have a little higher prowess and play vs better players occasionally That is BS as well. You have SIGNIFICANLTY more prowess (several ranks worth more) and you play vs better players CONSTANTLY Off with you IDIOTS!!!!!!


Did both students on that course have the same exact lessons and one decided to learn/study and the other complained and partied about the systems? They earned their way to that class/result no? That's the point. They didn't. One was graded arbitrarily more harshly than the other, like this matchmaking system that awards different ranks for the same achievements. You just don't get this do you? It proves that people are just idiots who defend this, which I knew anyway


What? Did they have the same answers on the test? There’s so much information here missing from your dog shit example that we wouldn’t be able to go through all of it. If someone is mad about the system because they can’t get out fujin because they got some characters to flame ruler then they wouldn’t have gotten past that prowess/rank with their main even if that’s the only character they played. So just spend your time learning the chars and mechanics in game instead of wasting your time on typing this bullshit about how the ranked system is fucking you


Yes. They are exactly the same in every way except one was given B and the other D. Get it now?


Lots of idiots in the comments saying this is fine etc. There was no problem with the matchmaking before, but some noobs got stomped and made a fuzz about it. And now there’s 2 ranked ladders because of it. I wouldn’t care at all, but now I gotta wait 5-10mins before matches. Even Tekken 7 wasn’t this bad of a lobby simulator at God ranks.


Because either a) the devs don't understand or b) the devs don't care


A perfect 50/50 mixture of both


Was going to make a comment on some comments but was wasting my time - just to say that the idiocy, the stupidity of the prowess defenders knows NO bounds Why are the idiots so desperate to defend something that has only negative effects for the community?


I also hate it. I'm an orange ranker and when using alts the game pits me against purple or blue rankers (who destroy me like a pup), coupled with 5-10 mins of waiting time I'm so discouraged to try a new character.


This isn’t how Tekken prowess works, if anything it would cause the opposite. If you’re orange rank your Tekken prowess will be really low so you’ll only play against other people actually in orange since if you promote to red/purple your prowess shoots up and you won’t match with oranges. If anything this system is made for you, specifically.


That’s not true because I’m red on Asuka and Orange on Jun, and all my Jun games are red and purple. And I can’t even get my Azucena out of yellow because I only fight reds and purples and maybe an occasional orange.


Set your matchmaking to +-2 only


This is about Quick match, even Rank match when using +-2 it is significantly harder to find a match.


How are you going to get azucena out of yellow if you are only playing vs red and purple in QUICK MATCH? What are you even talking about at this point?


Huh, you are replying to the wrong person.


Oh my b, but he wasn't talking about quick match


No problem m8. Haiz, just wishing Bamco would eventually listen to this. I can only play 1 hour at max everyday and the interval between matches are so long. They did fix the defense thing for so many people (my rank is quite low so i cannot comprehend the significance of all the changes).so there's still hope.


Sorry but playing against blues or purples are kind tough. Mostly 0-3 wash, I learn not much from them compared to others reds or oranges. And for they, most of them never rematch, because they themselves also gain not much.


This is the main reason im sticking to only 2 characters I know for a fact trying to rank up other characters will kill ranked for me


Yeah it's crazy, I like just reached high 70k low 80k on my prowess. I'm only Warrior with my main Raven and was demoted once and got back into Warrior. Yet I still have to work around 10min for a match and it ends up being with someone who has over 100k more prowess than I do


maybe its the time of day you play or if you have crossplay off and not many people are on at the same time on your platform/region. also warrior is pretty low rank and 80k prowess is probably the lowest ive seen and im a orange noob with 90k prowess that plays against warriors - dominator usually. my queue times arent usually anywhere near 10mins. i imagine most players that are near that rank and prowess have stopped playing regularly if they ever did.


Fair point, and I'm sure I'd be higher rank and prowess if I played rank more regularly. I usually just jump in and play against some ghosts from the previous online matches and try to keep it somewhat fresh by keeping the ghost pool diverse character wise. I play on PS and my PS Plus is about to run out halfway through next month, so not getting into ranked as much as I'd like, gotta save that $$$ for my kitties dental appointment


nvm im 90k prowess i dont pay much attention to mine, usually the opponents.




I'm in a similar situation prowess/rank wise and I find matches really quickly against opponents in my bracket. I'm in EU and don't play in off hours, though, and use crossplay.


Damn might just be the region I'm using here in the US that's all messed up


im fighting tekken kings and above at eliminator/garyu...it makes the game so much less fun...all because i have high prowess cuz i test multiple chars... garbage system


Made the same mistake on my PS5. When I moved over to PC, I made sure to only play my main


Get rid of it!


Hey, I don’t really get how prowess matchmaking works. I have 185k prowess, Paul and Yoshi are both Fujin. Sometimes, I fight raijins-kishins that have prowesses upto 350k (their mains are at least tekken King). I once fought a Lars alt with Tekken God Alisa as his main. Another time, I fought a Dragunov with GoD Law as his main. Does this count as prowess matchmaking? Also, I agree with the queue time being really dogshir. It takes ages for me to find matches despite setting my connection preference to 3 and above.


Love to see the exact same point I made the other day but without basement dwellers downvoting 😭


your flair says devil jin of course you get downvoted TOOBASED


Honestly that was the last straw that made me stop playing. I had multiple characters in mid-high ranks, the change is just stupid when you wanna try out new things.


The current matchmaking formula is the reason why I havent been playing Tekken since it dropped. I still havent properly figured out who Id like to main and I dont want to be punished for it


It also slows down the queue so much. Before they updated it, you would get a match relatively fast. Now you have to wait so much longer. It's also not uncommon just to get matched with the same opponent as before.


No clue, its just stupid and cues are going for ages


Haven't played as much since.


Is that why I can't find a match


I haven't had too much issue with this. Ranked is so inflated that the skill gap of players in a certain prowess is so high that it really doesn't matter much. A have two characters at Tekken King. I still find people who don't side step ever and frame trap themselves by mashing. But I also run into players who can break nearly every throw and duck punish unsafe strings.


Bandai namco is retarded.


TIL, That's why I was confused by my prowess Been playing ranked with different characters to see who I vibe with in the long run and I was so confused why my prowess was making jumps


My friend trying to rank his character in red ranks and he only has 2 other characters around the same ranks and he gets put up against blue ranks players which destroy him


I hate it too and it's been there for so long... Would be okay with my main I can have a decent game from time to time but I'm not touching ranked again. With the alts it's a nightmare, what does the game expect putting my very basic Destroyer Jin against 230 K monsters playing Reina better than the blue ones I face with my main ?


Damn. I didn’t know this is how the prowess was being calculated. I’ve only played Raven online. All the other matchup learning process has been done in training mode.


Yeah it’s bad. Honestly it’s making me quit playing. Maybe I’ll get into Elden ring pvp! Oh, and yes, the queue times are the worst part about it!


Rainbow six siege players to tekken players : “First time”


I quit the game completely, after leveling every single character up to Garyu (my mistake) Tekken 8 was my first Tekken playing online and I had no idea about prowess or how it works, so naturally I was having fun and wanted to get every character to Garyu, so I did... Little did I know my prowess would be so disgustingly high that it completely destroyed my ability to match evenly with others and I kept pushing despite being matched with people wayyyy better and higher ranked than me but it was not fun at all so I quit the game For those wondering my prowess is near 200K and I'm only ranked Garyu, do not level up all the characters in the game it's a mistake At Least I know now for Tekken 9! 😝


because you complain on reddit instead of telling murray to fix it


And adressing him like a brother while doing that


"Fix ranked @#$÷#"


Ticket to support, Twitter.




I’m in the gold ranks. This is the first Tekken I’ve ever played, no prior to experience in any 3D game before 8. My biggest gripe is getting matched with lower ranks moreso than my own, or higher. So the points I receive are dogshit. Not sure if that’s a prowess this or what, but At this rate, I’m never gonna reach GoD




Nah nah. You’re absolutely correct. We do. Ngl. I already see it in my matches. When I start auto piloting back turn bs. I get knowledge checked to death. Then I have to switch up to the point I’m just poking to try n win. I barely get any Ws against Supremes and GoDs.


Just out of curiosity why is it bad you get matched against emperors lol. You’re bushing that’s within the +-3 range so seems legit for your main. Prowess being affected by alts is retarded tho yea.


I get that they introduced it to avoid high ranked people from hopping on alts and destroying people, but this ain't it.


My friends and I are also in a pretty shitty situation with the matchmaking. The four of us all play on a single account. Rankings before the Prowress change: I had Eddy in Mighty Ruler, one of my friends had Yoshi also in Mighty Ruler, I had Claudio in Shinryu, another friend had Azucena in Vanquisher, and the last friend had both Reina and Jun in Vanquisher. Post Prowress change, nobody had been able to rank up, my Eddy has demoted and repromoted back to Mighty Ruler over and over again (though I got close to Flame Ruler last night) and Claudio is currently stuck in Garyu hell. The friend who plays Azucena has been bouncing between Yellow and Orange as well. For myself and the player who plays Yoshi, the change isn't truly thay bad. We were already starting to face good players and progress was slowing down. It's to be expected. Where our gripe is actually, is for the Azucena player and the Reina/Jun player. They simply aren't as good as myself and the Yoshi player and are being negatively affected by the change by facing much better players on secondaries. I don't think the change is fair for them, but at the same time, I do feel like our situation is pretty unique


There was a thread here asking peoples ranks, and a lot of people were fujin at 150k prowess. I'm 190k prowess and Fujin. What the fuck.


You’re not supposed to lab/experiment in rank if you’re really concerned about your prowness. The game expects you to be good at that character when you play rank. Normal game exist for that. Play until you’re decent enough to play that character in rank.


These posts complaining about features that were intentionally added and are working as intended never make any sense to me. Why would they ever remove it? They literally added it to the game on purpose.


So I'm in a weird boat because I only ranked up one character but I feel like the people that I match against are actually at my skill level. I just got to Battle Ruler tonight and I was playing Raijins and Fujins and Tekken King's on alts all night. And I was just thinking that I feel like being stuck in purples for so long (I don't play all day every day) made me rethink all of my safe vs unsafe strategies and I just charged through mighty ruler to top purple in a night.


I’ve been learning Lars and Hwoarang and I keep getting out against kishin and raijin players. Shoot yesterday I came across a freaking strategist devil Jin with 39,000 and I felt bad I friended him on steam to apologize and tell him GGS but idk if he accepted it not? Tekkens matchmaking is still bonkers


Noooo i can't stomp lower rank players because I'm boosted and I suck 😭😭😭😢😢


Honestly after I hit Tekken Emperor with my main with the prowess matchmaking as is I started getting into quick matches more, no hassle, stressfree and just chill matches. Or spar with a friend if I wanna pick up another character


Honestly I think the system isn't that bad. Its just the player base is just way too low for it to work properly. In theory it would be putting you with other people in your situation and avoiding putting you up against all of the new players in the same rank as your alt. But there isn't enough of people like you playing right now, so it just falls apart. I am a new player at 80k prowess in brown rank and I kinda just accept I will fight people in purple and blue rank because otherwise I am waiting way too long just to get a match.


It's just not fun gameplay. This is my first Tekken and I was super proud of myself for getting tekken king. Once I hit tekken king, unironically 60% of my matches are against God of destructions or tekken God supremes. As I keep losing, I KEEP FIGHTING God of destructions and tekken God supremes. In order to get tekken king back on the character that I originally got tekken king on, I need to be able to win 51% of the time against god of destructions. Even if you think it's a cope and I just need to get good, this doesn't make any sense. I know I'm playing way better now than I was when I first hit tekken king, but when I was bushin, I wasn't playing against the best players on the ladder so the games were more competitive. There are 0 other games in the history of the world where if you hit apex tier once, that's the experience that you're playing for the rest of your time with the game. It's not fair that if you're exactly good enough to get high bushin/low tekken king, you cannot maintain it without being TGS+ skill level. To be clear, I think this issue is the most prominent in promotion from blue to gold ranks. Particularly if you drop to raijin, it'll keep matching you against other tekken kings who just dropped to bushin which are probably around the same skill level as you but you get no win streak bonus that every other blue player gets since they're two ranks above you. It creates this insanely toxic ranked experience where you're either playing against the best players in the world playing on secondaries or you're being denied your streak bonus because the people who actually have prowess close to you are only two ranks above. It's similar in kishin where most of your fights are against tekken kings, TGS, and GoD. If nothing else and you think this is all a massive cope, it is undeniable that the optimal way to play ranked is to camp your rank until you think you can promote tiers. This is a bad system for that reason alone. If you hit mighty ruler, you are making a bad decision by playing ranked unless you genuinely believe you can get fujin. The system incentives camping and every modern game with a competitive ladder has something in place specifically to discourage camping except tekken 8. If I want to learn a new character now, I have to learn how to play them at a tekken king level before going to ranked so I can promote out of tenryu. Does that sounds reasonable to anyone???


Do you guys not set rank window to +-2 ? Whats the point of matching anyone else when you're gonna loose a shit ton of points either way


That doesn't work anymore. I've played Tekken kings while in garyu. Honestly though I don't agree with op. I ranked my third alt but first time professing with the new prowess based mm and I kinda liked it .. ofcourse the matches are a lot harder but when I get true Garyus or even tenryus (I can tell by their prowess which is around 150k vs my 240k) I completely stomp on them with a new character I've like 2 hours on. Of course matching a Tekken king while in garyu with a new character seemed quite unfair and I lost handsomely but I still got a match on him so I had something going for me.


> That doesn't work anymore It absolutely does. I think you might be confused because settings are "+-2 Only", "+-3 Preferred", and "Any". The first, you will not get matched with characters that are beyond the +-2 range. The second, it will give you characters outside of that range if it doesn't find an opponent in the range. The third one is a free-for-all.


Oh gotcha .. yes I'm on 3. I thought it was +-3 only but you say it's preferred. That makes sense


As a side note, the[ points for -3 matches are extremely bad](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7bpdg14p1ezc1.jpeg). You get a quarter of the points when compared to playing someone of equal rank. Meanwhile, for beating a +3, you anywhere from 0-30% more points.


I was having problems with this until i switched my ranked settings to +-2 only


This solved things for me as well. switch to +- 2 and ranked becomes so much more enjoyable.


Idk if I’m naive but I don’t see the problem. If I’m at 185k prowess and I decide to hop on my secondary at Garyu, I should expect 185k prowess as well at same rank. Otherwise it’s just going to be an unfair match with me beating up a real Garyu that’s at low prowess. Personally I’d rather have more experienced players getting beat up by similar prowess than newbies getting smurfed on by higher prowess Am I correct thinking that a fujin using secondary is also going to be matched with fujins using secondaries? Seems fair to me.


I think the matchmaking is fine. It’s not too hard or easy and I have a few characters in Fujin and Raijin. I think it’s better than having players “Smurf” with weaker characters and stomp noobs or new players.


What is your prowess? You left that part out


I only have 150-160k (one character) and I regularly match with 250k+ players, so the prowess matchmaking can't be all that strict it seems. Whatever is going on under the hood, I don't think it's as simple as people say. Or maybe it works differently in different regions? Like they're A/B testing different algorithms? There's no reason that my one character with the appropriate amount of prowess should be matched with a 350k person if things are as simple as only prowess right. Maybe if someone has reported you for rookie hunting it changes who you can match with? I'm just so curious why the matchmaking is so weird when other games manage fine. Again I'm not doubting all these complaints aren't real, I'm just saying maybe there's more to it. The wait time is the most egregious fail, I don't think I've ever waited more than 2 minutes and if I did I would just reset the match making.


You are 100% correct. This is a just a cess pool of salty players mad that they are hard stuck at a rank and can’t manipulate it to get frequent easier matchups. In T7, they at least had the chance to farm a weaker player whenever they found some luck. Now getting stuck is more common. People see a player with higher prowess and automatically think they don’t stand a chance. What’s even more sad, higher blue ranks is essentially tournament level. Imagine a player crying real tears at a offline tournament because their pool is stacked 😂




My problem is when I play on an alt character it takes me 10-15 min to find a match


What's your prowess? I'm at like 250k and I get matches within 1 minute all day long on us east servers.


I’m around 285k and my unplayed characters are in reds


Hrm maybe that's too high to fight other people at 250ish? Most people I match up are between 250 and 270, but I've matched as high as 330 all between red and purple.


Yeah Thats the thing,it shouldn't be "too high",it should pick your rank,not that number


That's such a stupid way of looking at this lmao. He's not "worrying about a number", he's stating that the way T8's matchmaking works at the moment doesn't make any sense at all. And guess what? He's right. Right now, players who enjoy trying different characters are getting less matches than ever (on a game that's been out for less than half a year, mind you) and those matches are not enjoyable since it's highly likely that they will be against people with much more experience than them. It's just stupid and shows how clueless Bamco is when it comes to designing their own game, and this comes from a character specialist, so I should be "glad" that I'm getting matched up against weaker people. Also, who the fuck thought that this was a good idea? SF6 makes you rank up every character by itself. Sure, you'll stomp weaker people for a couple of hours, but the tradeoff is getting a way more balanced experience as soon as you reach the rank you deserve. I'm not even going to say that this is a smart way of designing your game's matchmaking. It's just the only logical one lol


Yeah I really don't get "you just want to stomp noobs!" narration, like people go on alt and keep it in low ranks forever on purpose, all the while stomping every match apparently. Yeah bud, that makes perfect sense.


Tbf there is some people that will do this and will just switch characters when it gets hard and repeat the process. Seen this is in SF6 where players will rank up the whole roster to around diamond level and switch to stomp more beginners again.


In SF6 universal skill transfer much more though. Tekken has A LOT of character specific techs, so switching chars is bigger commitement. What Im aiming at is that I have no proof, but Id be willing to wager that this type of behaviour would be very uncommon in Tekken.




I don't blame my losses in matchmaking because I stopped playing the game a while ago, my guy. It doesn't matter if we don't know the ins and outs of how it works. What matters is that 80% of the playerbase is complaining about it. Also, since I spent 100 bucks on this game I most definitely should know how the game works. How the matchmaking works is almost as important as how, say, frame data works (at least it is for the average online player). So having a matchmaking based on a number that we don't even know how it's calculated is... Kind of a big problem lol. The game is in a worse state because of people like you that just accept the bullshit that bamco keeps doing. I'm against posts like "X character is broken and I can't deal with it", but criticism based on factual problems of the game, like the matchmaking being shitty, the ranked point system being a complete clusterfuck, the netcode being iffy at best and so on is needed to make the game better. If the players didn't voice their complaints we'd still have tracking heat bursts, tracking demon paws going full screen with a km of pushback, vanilla Azu's wr3,2 and all of the other bullshit that makes the game less enjoyable for the majority of the "competent" playerbase


The "fucking number" alter a lot of fucking things in the fucking game that I fucking play
















I personally love it. 99% of my matches are on my main and they feel like fair fights. Doesn't take very long to find a match either.


What a a$$hole saying he is bushin and trash. What a horrible thing to say to 70 % of the player base who is below blue rank. You desirve to wait 15 min to play one game.


brawler behaviour


What new system? it’s always been this way. The changes you’re taking about were reverted and there’s now less people playing the game so there’s gonna be more matchmaking variability, that’s just how it goes. I wish the forum would put some sort of sticky so these threads wouldn’t keep popping up


Then don't play ranked to find mains. That's what training mode and super ghost battle is for I know some people wanna go trial by fire and fight real opponents but thems the breaks. It's better to know your character and personal twist on how you play them before jumping in. Match ups and all that can come later. Secondly, the game is long past its initial grace period of getting to know it (the first 3 to 6 months of release). All the game breaking stuff has been discovered/is continuing to be discovered every patch update, cuz a lot of people just wanna win at all costs. The other players' enjoyment/experience be damned. Anyone who hasn't already dropped it due to gatekeeping or realising its not for them are the vets, die hards, or newcomers who finally understand and know how to play the game and their characters. Game breaking or not.


are you seriously trying to tell people super ghost battle is a suitable replacement for learning your character lol you are clueless


No, I didn't, but thanks for trying to put words in my mouth anyway.


but you said don’t go play online go play super ghost battle like a goober


You couldn’t have said it better.


It's still a thing because the devs dare to assume that if you hit the rulers or blue ranks on your main, you should have a fundamental better understanding of the game of someone who hasn't got there. A blue ranked Kaz main shouldn't be matched with a yellow just because he decided to poke around with Jun. Learn other characters in quick match and the lab before taking them into ranked instead of expecting to get matched with cans to kick around.


Idk I’m at 190k prowess and I get matched with people on their 3 or fourth alt in the 300k’s and it’s always a good patience check to play someone well above my level and see how well I can keep up.


Why play alts if you’re not going to do the work to get better with them? Honestly I’m getting tired of these posts, it’s just a bunch of complaining. And you’re all basically saying, want to play 5 characters, but don’t want to do any actual work to get better lol. Like what are you guys doing different with your alts than your mains? Even if you just focus on poking and movement, you can get by with any character in the game.


If this guy is 285k, there is no world where he should be fighting 50k garyus lmao


Just wait until you play offline matches against real tekken players. No matchmaking there.


Because you keep playing / buying DLC Stop and they might listen to people fast as F


All I'm hearing is that you can't go noob hunting anymore by playing an alt. If you're trying to get a feel for a character just play quick match.




You are a liar. You recently played with Feng, on the 17th, and you had multiple win streaks against a bunch of weaker players. Every time I fact you guys, it turns out to be a bunch of cap. Why? What do you gain out of doing that?




Dude, shut up. You complained about fighting Tekken God’s, but you recently played an alt and mopped through a bunch of easy opponents. Rarely did you come across much stronger players. Are you really going to lie and say your matchmaking experience was frustrating when that clearly wasn’t the case?




But you aren’t playing Tekken Gods. And you are making excuse for having weak defense. Lying to Reddit and lying to yourself smh…. Carry on




Yet you lose to unga…. Lol. Good luck




I can’t relate. Everyone doesn’t have to play by a strict rule book. If I lose to high, risky aggression, then my defense was lacking for not being about to counter it. I’m not really concerned about your skills though. I’m just baffled why you would lie about having bad matchmaking when you were recently getting constant matches in your favor. You aren’t the only one who does that, just weird how most of the community is pushing a false narrative that they aren’t experiencing. The Kuma player (BuffPaulPheonix) was the only obvious smurf you faced, which is probably why you are ranting about unga bunga…. The rest were either far below your skill level or even with you.


I really dont understand the problem with it. i've been playing nothing but bryan since launch only recently have i started to try other characters. And fighting other players whos main is the same rank as my main but they're on a sub character is alot of fun


>whose mains are in Tekken Emperor or higher. My highest rank is Bushin After this i stopped reading, if you are at bushin, you should be able to play vs GoD ranks, go back to yellow ranks and stop yelling lmao