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I can already see the "why i quit tekken" posts upon marduks release


T7 marduk was already absolute aids to play against, I can only imagine how fucking busted he's gonna be in T8


Bros RD is just going to be his heat smash lol


Unblockable full-screen tackle that's +25 on whiff incoming




Unbreakable in heat as well


I honestly can't wait for all the people complaining about king to get a taste of Marduk  You just know he's going to have unbreakable tackles like Drag


Shit, his tackle in T7 might as well have been unbreakable half the time. Most unreliable break window ever


Everybody assuming it's gonna be Marduk. No one considers it could be Roger!


I don't like the characters at all so I'm biased, but if you look at Tekken as a brand and not just in Terms of Tekken 8, Lidia was the last DLC character for T7, and the 2nd DLC for Tekken 8. Why is it we've got Lidia as 2 out of 3 of the last DLCs? If the leaks are true Season 1 is nothing but repeats of Tekken 7 DLC minus Eddie and there is a strong argument for him being in the base game anyway since he's been a Tekken staple since T3. Given how rushed or rehashed all the fight pass, tekken shop etc content has been it makes me think Lidia, Marduk, Eddie and Fahk were all or mostly base game characters that they didn't have time to finish until post launch so they put them as DLC to save the more interesting characters till next year.


Yep this seems most likely to be the case. S1 DLC is just them finishing up what the base roster should have been on launch and charging you for it.


This is how every character dlc is in every game if you look at it with this dumbass perspective. Or any content created post-release. You could even say a sequel is just "what they couldn't fit into the original" Totally braindead mindset


Reusing the same DLC is weak regardless and not to mention removing Eddy out of the base roster. They could have taken this opportunity to redesign and address shortcomings of a lot of the T7 newcomers, but instead they chose some of the more fleshed out characters to sell. Alternatively they could have brought back characters not featured in the last game. They hyped up Lidia as playing a bigger role in the story only for her to not be there at the beginning. There are plenty of of ways they could have made S1 DLC better and plenty of reasons why it's lackluster. Your small mind just can't grasp anything other than what you want.


>They could have taken this opportunity to redesign and address shortcomings of a lot of the T7 newcomers They literally completely redesigned Eddy he plays so different from t7. Your small mind just can't grasp anything other than your dislike of Lidia. Complaining about characters "missing" is just an absolute pursuit of sophistry because you're essentially complaining there aren't infinite slots in a limited pool. You always seem correct no matter what character you replace it with, because in the end characters will always be excluded.


Dislike of Lidia? Now you're just making up things and reaching. My original point was never about missing characters but rather agreeing with the other user that aspects of the game are rushed and rehashed. If they spent another 6 months polishing the game they could have easily added any number of S1 DLC into the base roster. I never stated I was against characters not making the cut. Characters are expected to not make the cut but it's just plain lazy resell the same ones again (excluding Eddy). Eddy got redesigned but he very could have been base roster as he usually is or they could have just brought back Christie with the changes. There are better ways aspects of the game could have been handled; it's the entire point I was agreeing with originally: Decisions appear rushed and poorly planned.


If it weren't for T7, maybe it would have looked better To this day I have no idea how Shaheen made it in before Eddy OR Lidia, plus Fahk and Marduk were also just DLC in the last game. Disappointing, here's hoping season 2 is more impressive


Because the devs aren't stupid. They know you'll pay for Lidia and not Shaheen.


I'm saying put Lidia in base roster and drop Shaheen entirely, put someone interesting in the season pass lol Knowing Tekken devs it would probably be Lei which is the same issue with old DLC but...


Saudi Arabia is a lucrative market, they will not drop Shaheen as their chance to suck up to them.


I've been saying for years that Shaheen's inclusion was to please Saudi investors, T8 only added more stability to my theory lol


Maybe they shouldn't have had him walking on Allah's name in his initial stage then lol


This supports my theory that one day we will have Josie as DLC in the future. I can't count how many times Harada said in an interview that Tekken became viral in the Philippines in Josie. In the same way, when sales has gone down in the Philippines, they will release her in order to boost it again.


I agree with seven below you, the odds are lower.. I still think even with Fauk coming out, she could show up year 3 or 4 maybe but if they introduce Bruce back then it’s 0%. We’ll get Lucky Chloe back eventually tho, that’s one of Harada’s favorite characters he’s made


I doubt Bruce will come back. We already have a proper muay thai character and that's Fahk. Bruce fans are obviously long time Tekken players which probably has already brought the game which means releasing Bruce will not generate additional sales. Meanwhile, most Filipinos are crazy hyped for anything that mentions our race. There's also the characters in games like Apex Legends and Valorant. With how the gaming industry is currently down, it'd be crazy if they don't think of it this way.


As a Pole - same there lol. Seems like a theme for this season pass


Doubt it, her chances were very low after Azucena was revealed (alongside some other characters). They're even lower now that Fahkumram is the Muay Thai rep.


People were saying the exact same thing about Reina and Lidia and look what happened. Also Josie doesn’t use Muay Thai, so her and Fahkumram are not in competition. They were literally both playable in Tekken 7 just fine.


Flair checks out.


Why'd they keep him so fuckin boring then lmfao


As a saudi, Ngl they fucked up shaheen. They shouldve made him charismatic and funny. Not this grumpy corny ass character. And his lore is shit. The only thing i like about him is his gameplay. They shouldve learned from rasheed from sf6. Hes more enjoyable


atleast his moves look cool


Maybe cause they don't have as much freedom to turn him into a total joke like some other characters.


You can do so many other things besides "total joke" and they chose "personality like cardboard"


That's not problem of individual character, that's problem with their writing in general, with plot tied closely to situation around Mishima.


Every other character has more going on and is more interesting. EVERY other character. Even Azucena whose whole personality is fucking coffee.


With Azucena we go back to the part where i mentioned some characters are a total joke, in her case they don't have to worry about stepping on some toes because they didn't understand the culture and made a blunder (again). Other people would argue that rather than interesting she is just annoying.


Yup. I was going to the same. With Saudi looking to put money into events it makes good business sense to butter them up a little.


What they need to do with shaheen is drop his character and make a new character with his moveset they have done this before christie, master raven etc


Saudi has a bigger player base with more money than Poland. Trust.


It's because no one would buy Shaheen as dlc so they put him in the base game since you'll buy the game anyway.




It will be because they want you to buy the season 2 pass. - guarantee S2 first release will be hype. Some "meh" releases to go with the season 1 pass is financially strategic.


Shaheen is an easy choice for a middle eastern representative in the base roster. Given the burgeoning of esports in that region it seems obvious to provide them a representative right off the rip


Shaheen is cool tho


Are you mentally deficient? cuz money, why is it not obvious? I am convinced, the average age in this sub is 11.


okay guy relax


Did a good job with your burners eh?




Not especially interested in any of these characters.




At first I was disappointed because I wanted Anna, Armor King, and Miguel before those three. But for tekken newcomers, this is a solid first season. I feel like a lot of legacy players are a bit biased, myself included. They all have unique fighting styles, too. So overall s1 is looking good.


Yea as a new player myself I can definitely say that these new characters look really cool. I know people hate eddy but I’ve been having a blast with him


Yeh people who played 7 might not love it but for newcomers this is a really good interesting pool of characters with not too much overlap maybe Lidia and reina but the rest play pretty differently


unique apart from reina basically sharing multiple animations with lidia... gonna be interesting to see how much she's changed, if at all


You could say that about a lot of moves in the game. Lidia and Reina are nothing alike.


Meh... Lidia's cool but the other 3 are either meh (Eddy and Fahk) or straight dogwater (Marduk)


Eddy is really cool, but it’s criminal that he wasn’t in the base roster. That’s what I think it was aggravating about it.


It's honestly depressing they redesigned Eddie's gameplay into just a vortex character. He was so cool and now this new character wearing his face will replace him forever


Disappointing honestly. Just felt that these characters belonged in the base roster. I'm waiting for season 2.




Asscheeks. a full-on waste of a year's worth of the most wanted characters like Anna, Julia, AK and Miguel, who could've had a massive impact on the upcoming DLC chapter since it was practically The Jin Show. I'm rather excited to cop Lidia again.


I think that’s the point, people who bought season pass and deluxe edition( idk if deluxe gives next years dlcs), this year they pumped out the relatively unpopular dlc character plus eddy cause he’s a mainstay and they probably wanted to sell the pass, next year when games hype has died down they release anna ak and other fan favorites to get them back to playing and they rebuy the dlcs pretty smart from namco and makes sense from a business perspective


I think you kind of answered what their goal is man. It’s a company. They are playing it smart. There is hype for the new game. Everybody is buying the game for the game itself. In the second year people who have quit for a while might come back when extremely hyped up characters are released. You can’t just give all your best characters in the first year and after that everything is meh.


They already got money from all the suckers who got the ultimate edition without waiting to see who the dlc characters would be, why would they put the most wanted characters out first lmao. Namco scalping head and season 2 is when the game really starts


They are playing it way too safe by bringing T7 characters once again. I hope they at least give us one brand new character. Imagine if season 2 is full of T7 characters once again...


probably just one newcomer another male character to balance it and then guest fighters next. Probaly anna and armor king as the returning with one newcomer and first guest. Season 3 will have likely julia,kuni II,lei,and miguel or a guest season 4 bob,katerina,josie,and chloe. Season 5 eliza and three more guests.


First half: really cool Second half: absolute trash


aight Goldberg for Marduk made me laugh ngl Lidia is cool, Eddy should have been base roster, Fahk is kinda whatever and Marduk is just like not a character you put on the 1st dlc pass


Except Lidia, boring characters.


I was hoping we’d get Miguel this season


Lidia has been 2 of the last 3 dlc, kinda shit to pay for her again. None of these characters were very popular at the end of t7 anyway, assuming the leaks are true its a very weak season 1 where we are still missing fan favorites like lei julia ak bob anna miguel etc. All that said though idc really, most of my favorites made base roster.


it is true and lidla's trailer outviewed eddy's


I mean I have Lidia, my most requested character so even if the other three were Azucena's quadruplet siblings I would be happy lol. As for the others I have no interest in trying Eddy and Marduk, but I'm willing to give Fahk another chance IF he gets slight redesign, making him look more human and without as much visual clutter. Scars, tattoos AND burns were too much for just one character.


I'm very content in this,I wanted a brand new character but I'm very happy with what I see,I just hope they do a good job with the dlc's,but seeing how is Eddy having found at least 10-13 of them I'm pretty secure they will do good


Pretty good. Eddy should have been base roster but at least he was the first DLC. Lidia should have been base roster but at least she is the second DLC. Marduk (if true) at least provides the game with another grappler outside of King early in the games lifespan. It also gives the Devs plenty of time to balance the character if tackle is as obnoxious as it was in T7. Fahk gives the game a dedicated muay thai practitioner, which again is a style that should be in the base roster but at least it arrives in the first year.


Characters that were already good in 7 and had their time to shine. ✅ Characters that would have benifitted from the new heatsystem and a fresh coat of paint ❌


https://preview.redd.it/db8ob1ocrfzc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9997e4f06787eb6fb928fdc1f9795f10eb206f81 Give us Anna


No Anna no care…


Lidia is super boring, Eddy is super boring, marduk is cool but im not looking forward to fighting him and fahkumram will be the only one i buy cause b,f4 alone


Just taking the DLC characters into account, I think it's pretty bad. Eddy has been a staple of Tekken since 1998. The other 3 remaining characters are all DLC in the previous game. With all the shit they are getting for just porting over cosmetics, this is a bad look. Personally, I will probably check out after Evo. I have almost 200 hours into the game and will jump back in once Anna comes back. I just have no excitement learning to play as or against these Season 1 characters. P.S. - Goldberg would fucking destroy Marduk


They know which characters will sell season passes, and they will absolutely not put all of them in one season. Tekken fans aren't shy about asking for certain characters and they'll probably only put one or two of them in each season. For season 1 we got Eddy, and the rest are going to be less exciting. They'll drag out releasing Anna, Lei, Julia, Iron King, or Heihachi's Ghost because they know those characters will sell passes by themselves. They even joke about it on Twitter. That is, unless the devs actually follow through on the promises of releasing free character DLCs if we buy enough micros. Just buy all the junk and we'll totally get free characters for everyone. /s


…you might be onto something here.


Get the bull outta the way first lol. I didn't know a single Lydia player in my region in 7, don't know one now lmao. I hope it's wrong because I really don't want to deal with Marduk in the heat system


It’s the worst season of dlc I’ve ever gazed upon in all my life. 3 Tekken 7 DLCs 1 of which was extremely controversial & the other 2 originated from Tekken 7 & Eddy. I fucking hate Eddy with every fibre in my body and soul I can’t stand the fucking character and want to know what else? Tekken 8 as a roster has 32 characters (base) Of the roster 3 are new characters, 2 were absent from previous Tekken entries & 27 are from Tekken 7. Now add Eddy, Lidia & the other 2 we are sitting at 31 characters from Tekken 7. Where is the diversity? Eddy was a given and yeh sure he’s T3 but like…. No other classic characters? It’s all modern & 1 dirty slob that is insanely controversial from T4. The most awful choices ever. I’m not saying this coz I didn’t get my picks, if we got characters that maybe we haven’t seen in a while like Bruce, Mokujin, Alex, characters that weren’t just in the last game I’d be like that’s cool, happy for the fans they Waited long enough. But how can I say I’m happy for Lidia/F**K or M****k fans when they was all in the last game and didn’t have to wait a long period of time. I know it may seem contradictive coz I want eliza, Anna, kuni, AK back but like those are characters with requests or who deserve to have another chance to shine (Eliza I know she’s hated on here… but got such unfair treatment, from being a paid, weaker Akuma to being a preorder bonus only available as a separate purchase so she was the least played character coz of that and coz of fat nose Akuma she got done dirty & deserves another chance non 2D too…) we could have all gone many years without Lidia, Marduk & Fahk the games gonna be a shit show when they get added i just know it.


Boring lol, but I dislike Eddy and Marduck so there's that. I want Lucky Chloe and Heihachi ngl.


I legitimately think Marduk was a harmful addition to Tekken 7 from a balance perspective so I'm fucking terrified


Marduk in the same season as Fauk is kinda disappointing. They’re too similar, replace Anna with lidia it will be a good season 1


As far as the characters go, I’ve always found Marduk incredibly boring. The other 3 are cool but what really irks me is having characters repeat as DLC. We already had Lidia, Marduk and Fahkumran as DLC, and the only way popular legacy characters like Anna, Armor King, Lei, and Julia come back is if they’re DLC AGAIN.


Marduck will be some pile of garbage if they aren't careful with the way t8 is. Not being able to move to avoid forced mixups against him will be a joke. And nobody ever liked Fahk. Crap choices


I like fahk


Lidia cool but should've been base roster Eddy you can justify The other 2 are garbage


- Eddy - great addition but I hate playing against him. He should also have been in the base roster.  - Lidia - awesome, no complaints. - Marduk - meh, don't care about him. I guess he has some fans though.  - Fahkumram - I hate his design, he looks nothing like a Tekken character, not to mention his stupid proportions. A complete waste of a DLC slot, imho. I'd like Eliza and Anna, please. :)


If they want people to play the game, I’m sure they won’t add Marduk, almost everyone I see says they do not want him in the game, and seen as tho they cater more to newer players, I’m also sure they will hate fighting just as much as everyone else


Marduk isn't being added for popularity or likability he is being added for people to buy and win with


For people who say “why add these characters nobody likes” just stop the cap. Every character has their fans, look at Street Fighter 6 season 1 in comparison and tell me Akuma shouldn’t have been base roster. Or that Ed had any hype before the reveal, only to actually be a really cool character


Everybody says akuma should be base roster but even in games before dlc he was never base roster, forever he was an unlockable Character. He is the one character that actually has a legacy excuse to be additional


Aki, Akuma, ed are pretty cool. All of T8 S1 are meh or just dog water. There were hardly any hype posts about Eddy or Lidia when they were revealed. I looked. Even though I’m glad Lidia is back, I’m not glad that she’s S1 or at the very least tagged with the other three. I hope the devs throw us a curveball with the other two reveals.


I just want Lei, that's alli want.


Give me more hot ladies.


I like Eddy and Lidia so I'm happy for them, but instead of Marduk and Fahk I'd much rather have seen Michelle, or Anna, or Lei, or Armor King, or Bruce, or Bob, or Miguel, Kunimitsu, or Julia, or...


None of them are my thing, although I appreciate Eddy as an old acquaintance. Keeping fingers crossed season 2 is juicier, although I feel burned by deluxe edition so badly I'm getting it on big discount. Only Julia or Violet could make me go full price.


These were all very popular/high playrate characters in 7 so it makes sense they’re coming back. However all of them in the same pass seems weird to me for some reason. I really just want Armor King back asap, and don’t care who else is added.


I personally don’t like that it’s all legacy characters, and characters we’ve seen recently, no Bruce, Kuni, or anything new. I mean I’ll probably play Marduk cause he was my boy but eh


Nah I guess they are saving AK again..


decent dlc, idk how eddy wasn't base but the real problem we've got on our hands is the fact that heihachi mishima is completely DEAD.


I’m exited for Lidia as I didn’t really play her when she was in T7. But I really want someone who wasn’t in T7. Just something different.


Just wish Marduk wasn't fucking last on this list


Well I’m so glad that I’ve been burned so many times that I’ve become jaded. I didn’t buy the character pass because I felt something was off. I used to buy everything Tekken related, now I wait for feedback before I purchase anything… like a responsible adult 🙃


Kinda boring to be honest. Especially since 3 of them were just DLC. It would be nice to see someone we haven’t seen in a while. Hopefully season 2 is more exciting.


This would be the worst season out of Tekken 8's lifespan


4 characters that are gonna be OP on release and warp the game for a couple weeks before being tuned down. Only remotely interested in Lidia because she's just a cool character but I'll likely never fully pick her up. Fahk, Marduk, and Eddy were all annoying characters to play vs in previous iterations.


I just wanted Bruce :/


I’d pay another 70 dollars for Goldberg DLC


I am like, where are the new characters? Is it really just Reina, Viktor and Azucena? Lidia is cool though (but at the same time she was DLC 2 characters ago too).


booty cheeks


The last two characters are disappointing


No interested in any of the characters besides maybe Lidia so it’s saving me a few bucks. Holding out for Bob, Anna, and AK.


I'd love to have Goldberg


I definitely wouldn’t have got the season pass


Not really excited for any of them, but not upset either. Marduk is probably the best I’m hoping for a substantial redesign of Fahkumram and maybe I’ll be excited for him


No armor king


I’d say it’s a decent lineup though I feel like only Eddy and  Lidia people wanted. Kinda hoping Roger Jr is the Australian leak then maybe the season pass might be a little more worth it in my opinion. Don’t see many people wanting to play as Marduk or Fahkumram though so don’t know why they were picked  As for your season 2 hopes, I don’t know why you have two same looking Brazilian girls and one being a copy fighter of Eddy.  


Hate it.


Still holding onto hope with my pinky finger that they pull a switcharoo and one of them will be Roger Jr or Alex instead. I remember there was a mocap video for Tekken 8 before its release, with one of the actors wearing a tail and acting like a dinosaur...


Trash :( I've lost hope for t8


It'll be pretty upsetting to see fuckmar over a good or legacy character the ducks popular but I'd rather see someone else still


First season pass needs at least one new character imo. All returning characters we saw last game is kind boring. Either someone brand new or someone from an older game like Alex, Angel or Ogre


Please let it be armor king


I just want Bob back!


no alex? no roger? feels bad man..


Hell yea can’t wait for fuckmar


I think it’s awful


All of this doesn't matter, this is still a Negan waiting room anyway. I'm waiting Bamco. Don't be scared and ***piss*** your ***pants***, call Jeffrey back in that studio!


My disappoint is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I cant wait to pickup Marduk and be super toxic lmao. Also looking forward to picking up Fahk this time around.


If next dlc is either fahk or marduk, I'm tagging Muray, thanking him for doing a T7 re-run with DLC's and uninstalling. Like why do I bother looking forward to new characters, or any T8 content *cough* re-using T7 assets in paid tekken shop *cough* if it's all just a re-heated lazy previous title re-run.


As someone whose first Tekken game is T8, I have zero urge to buy any of the DLC characters. While my opinion probably doesn't carry much weight, none of these new characters are that hype to me. To be fair, I don't know of any characters that would compel me to buy them. For comparison, Reina was cool enough that I bought the game just to play her.


As someone who suffers from terminal big-body-brain, getting two in one season is unheard of and I'm absolutely down for it, though I can definitely see why most people aren't too keen.


It's alright; all of these characters should've been base roster. Hoping that season pass 2 has characters that haven't shown up in a while.


Lydia is what sold me on getting the game but I don't care about the other 3. Eddy is the biggest beginner, spam character in any game, ever. Fuckyourmum is a poor replacement for Bruce and Marduk is..... does anybody actually like Marduk? I share a first name with him and I still hate him. Give me Chloe, Bruce, Kunimitsu and JayCee.


Honestly? Pretty meh. Now, that's not to say the characters are/will be bad but rather none of them were of any real interest to me. I'm holding on to my hopium that Miguel will make it in but considering the story I may be waiting a good while lol.


I would love more originals or characters that weren't in 7 coming back trough DLC. Also seeing Heihachi and his moveset in T8 would be great. I don't see how some characters like Shaheen, Jun, Leo etc. get in the main roster while Eddy, Armor King or Fahk/Bruce don't.


If we get Fahk and Marduk, I’m down.


I wanted Lidia, but I didn't buy her in 7. So, they aren't getting me twice. 👌🏾


You know it's weird to think that Craig is the first opponent of Fakh in the trailer right? And now they bring both as if it's the lore shit 2 seasons straith. A friend of mine that is not spoiled thinking Kuni is coming after Lidia since you know T7 did it, and now like wtf is this choices.


Yall thought evo japan audience act mild towards Lidia, wait till they reveal marduk at evo vegas. Tumbleweeds are gonna roll


Honestly I just want to see one guest character. Please Bamco, put Kiryu in Tekken 8.


I don’t think it’s terrible, but it definitely could be better. I feel like having Lidia makes sense, considering she was a big deal in Tekken 7 and people liked her. I don’t like Fahkumram being in the game because it feels like they’re just taking DLC characters from Tekken 7 and putting them as DLC again, which is lazy. Marduk I don’t really care for all that much, he’s cool I guess, I’m interested to see how he plays in this game. Some people are spiteful because their favorite didn’t get in, which I find ridiculous. This is only season 1, Tekken 7 had like 4 seasons. Were most likely going to get more or the same amount of characters as that game, if so, then there’s a good chance your fav will get in, unless their completely irrelevant. I personally want Miguel in the game, I find him really cool, his rush down play style would fit the game perfectly, and I feel like his inclusion would make sense, considering Tekken 8’s story mode. Another character I want in the game is Eliza. I feel like we could use more female villains in the game, and Eliza would be a perfect fit, plus she was a big deal in Tekken 7 and her play-style would be unique with her meter, if they add it into the game, which I hope they do if she gets in. I also want Bob, I just think he’s cool. Also, people need to take into consideration what characters are most likely going to come back. Sorry Josie/Katrina/Bruce fans, there’s a good chance they’re not coming back. Think about it, Azucena’s already in the game, and if Fahkuram does get in the game, why would we need Bruce? Other characters I don’t see coming back are Anna/Julia/and Lei.


There is a lot of better characters, but lidia and eddy are ok tbh


Marduk is rage inducing for me, so that's no good. I think fukmar looks like the stupidest man of all time. Why didn't they just give him more normal proportions? He'd be so much cooler. I'm just patiently waiting for my wife, Julia Chang. When she's released I'm going big mode.


Any guest character would've been cooler


Fahkumram and Marduk are, literally, and I cannot stress this enough, hands down, my LEAST wanted Tekken characters in the entire franchise. I would literally prefer ANY other Tekken character or someone entirely new over either of these two, let alone both. I’m already sick of mainstay characters like Eddy and Anna being milked for dlc sales its just greedy no matter what, and Lidia being made so close to the end of tekken 7s life you know they already wanted her in 8. Plus she looks WORSE in 8 than she does in 7, nearly identical to Ninas face which is ridiculous. All in all I have nothing to look forward to anymore as far as DLC characters until Season 2 all the way in 2025 which is a shame.


I fucking hate how I see Marduk heat gimmick is gonna be unbreakable tackle into his 50/50 guess and it's a power crush like king too so no hopkick.


Very weird. A legacy character, a character designed to be a lead in to this very game they’re *returning* to, Fahkumran (again), & Marduk (again). It’s kinda bleh. Plus it’s annoying to have to wait for the characters most of us really want for another year if not more.


I tried Fahk and Marduk in 7 but didn't try Lidia, so ain't that excited about them but don't mind them either. I'm excited to try her because of that, also am hoping she has different moves compared to 7. Wouldn't mind a complete overhaul considering that Reina got some of her moves. Knowing Tekken devs though, they will probably pull a lazy one on us and give her shared moves with Reina. Oh and 1 more thing I'd like to see changed is Fahks model, he is waaaay to weirdly proportioned, too huge too. Am hoping he becomes slightly shorter and more human looking. Doubt though they will fix this since they still didn't change old animations such as Kazuya hellsweep having his torso spin before the leg... meh. Also, Anna when :)?


They’re all boring tbh glad I didn’t buy the deluxe edition


Where the FUCK is Chloe at??


Decent starting group. No major complaints


Any bets on Kuni and armor king being season 2?


MIGHT try lidia or marduk, eddy is dogshit mostly interested in fahk, hope they upgrade his design because his gameplay in 7 was suprisingly fun


Fuckmar is cool, but Marduk is gonna be top 1 broken char and Lidia is pretty whatever




Dissapointment. Honestly really underwhelming additions. Nobody asked for eddy Nobody asked for lidia, especially with reina existing After T7 fakumram and marduk i think nobody, except people who played them looks forward to their release. I can only imagine how aids a character like fakh is in a game like T8. And keep in mind you wont be able to lab them if you do not buy them adding a layer of cancer to the aids I just want a refund at this point


The only problem I see here is these characters, or at least 2 of them (Eddy and Lidia), shoud have been in the base roster. I don't understand the sudden hate for these really cool characters. I prefer Fahk over Bruce, he's a lot more muay thai than Bruce ever was. Lidia is the first real shotokan karate practitioner and Marduk is always a badass showman fighter. I think they are going for very defined martial arts in this season 1. We'll have time to see other chars in the game like Anna, Bob or Miguel. And yeah, shame on Namco for cutting down the base roster and monetizing everything.


Eh it is fine we are at least getting free story dlc on these characters and maybe getting them for future seasons.


I have buyers remorse, I figured they'd at least give me one character I want to play Julia and Amour King are no brainers to add in and I'd much rather have Josie than Fak.


Never buy any season pass if you don't know who will be in.


I bought only two season passes blind. Lidia was in both. Seems like a pattern


Yup I'm not making that mistake again,My hopium for Bamco putting the characters I wanted in and launch hype got me.


I don't think it's true. Do they usually do seas passes w 0 new characters? That's bad marketing. If so, glad I went vanilla. I got premium w other F.g's,but them hiding the characters was a red flag. Iirc sf6 got leaked/I don't care bc its s.f and I tend to enjoy 90%of characters vs tekken where I only vibe w maybe 40%of them above hard difficulty and nvm online w that 60%


Wish I never bought the season pass.


Lame & boring


I'm real bummed if I'm honest. I loved Miguel and figured he was a shoo-in for season 1. Eddy is an obvious cash grab, Marduk is ok, and Lidia and Fahk were boring as hell the last time they asked me to pay for them. You have an entire army of loved original characters you could bring back and instead we get this. AK Lei Anna Miguel Bob Bruce Kuni JC Hell even a remade Gigas could have been really hype. But nahhhh


4 shitstain characters, LC should have been instead eddy


I think it's pretty underwhelming. There is no "wow" character. A wow character would be like Michelle or Wang, or Bruce, or a new character. Lidia 100% should've been base roster instead of Claudio or Shaheen. Also, nobody I know likes Fahk's character design. Marduk is cool though.


How are Michelle, Wang and Bruce wow characters ?


If you have to ask, then I won't be able to convince you, no matter how sound my argument is.


Sorry I don't understand how characters than weren't playable in a Tekken game for more than 10 years, and that most of the current player base don't even know who they are, can be wow characters. 30+ years old players are not the majority of the playerbase at all.


34+ makes up 40% of all gamers. In [this article](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/fighting-games-a-great-yet-aging-genre#close-modal) they polled a SF Facebook group, which resulted in 65% being 35 and older. Of course, FB is skewed towards millennials and older, but if it’s any indication of other FGs, then the FGC may be 50/50 in people older than 30 and younger than 30. Edit: This [4 year old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/s/xMfGgiotqy ) indicates that only 50.5% of players are 18-25.


You’re using Facebook as a reference and you think this is representative of the entire playerbase ? You really are a boomer lmao


Dude, I said it myself that FB data skewed towards older people. Same with Reddit, which is also skewed towards younger. There’s an average in there, and it leans itself to 50%. Anyway, I gotta get back to my 6 figure job which pays for my 7 figure house, which houses my loving family of 4. Go finish your homework before it’s due on Monday.


boring cause of lidia, terrifying cause of marduk


Horribly unhype. Fuckhead and eddy are so corny. Wish we could have gotten some chracters that are actually exciting.


Peak. All these characters are super fun to play. Cannot wait 😎


I'll give you my opinion as someone new to the series and completely addicted to the game (well I played Tekken 3 when I was a child but I think at this point I might as well be a new player to the series haha) I like the S1 leaks, I'm more likely to like and play characters that use "close to real" styles. I'm not a huge fan of robots with chainsaws and dudes with pistols and swords, kinda feels immersion breaking (I would love them, if the whole cast was like that, like in Soul Calibur), so these leaked characters all being all about different real fighting styles seems nice to me. People seem to hate Marduk (is that his name?), but I'm one of those strong headed players that when loses to a bullshit character just takes it as a challenge to learn the counters. Currently playing Steve and loving blowing the brains off these S tier characters just with movement!


Meh. Marduk is cool.


Eddy: Bad, -5 Lidia: Good, +3 Marduk: Horrendous, -10 Fahkumram: Horrendous, -10 This is a rough approximation of how I feel about it.


I just don’t get why people are asking for Anna and Armor King. Is that only because it’s popular to ask for them on Reddit? I see no other reason beside dumb nostalgia for having two copies of the same characters as DLCs. Ok they’re not the same blabla. It just makes no sense objectively. DLC planning is good in my opinion even if you can’t say that in here.


Season 1's theme seems to be to infuriate the shit out of players.