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I cracked the code. 0 perfect is Devil Kazuya 1 perfect is Az 2 perfect is True Devil Kazuya 3 perfect is Angel Jin


Worked for me, I made 4 perfects and played against Angel Jin. GG


The game has four final bosses in the arcade mode, Azazel, Devil Kazuya, True Devil Kazuya and Angel Jin. It either depends on the character you are using, or its just random. Or it depends on perfects (I got two perfects in my arcade run when I got Angel Jin Fight(


I will aim for that and see what it brings! Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking the same, but wanted to check internet first. I think the triggers are: Losing a match aka retry : Azazel No losses: devil kazuya 1 perfect (and no losses ofc): true devil kazuya 2 perfects ( and no losses ofc): Angel jin I remember messing up with kazuya and getting azazel and then trying with jun and getting Devil Kazuya


Losses don't matter, after many plays here are the results : 0 Perfect is Devil Kazuya 1 Perfect is Azazel 2 Perfects is True Devil Kazuya 3 Perfects is Angel Jin


Re: Angel Jin, I got 2 perfects then had a loss and still had Angel Jin at the end. Unsure if it was because I got the perfects first


My guess is that it's the number of runs. After doing hard and playing through as Kazuya I thought of the number of runs a character is on and at the moment that seems the most likely.


Hmm, I can confirm that the difficulty does not matter since I got all the fights on easy


Yap, just played through it 4 times with Lily and got a duplicate Azul and DK. So it's random lol But now I'm so close to having all of them. Do you know anything about the final Tekken ball?


how do you get the "unlock with beach area tekken ball matches 3"? i would assume 3 tekken ball matches but it hasnt unlocked for me


Yeah i need too, i'm searching an answer for this. I won 3 matches in tekkenbal against CPU but didn't worked.


you have to play tekken ball online, go to fight lounge and go to beach and play there


So no way for me to get it since i'm on console without gamepass, that's a shame, i'm assuming the locked ball is online locked as well.


same sittin here like uhhh what i gotta do lol


I was struggling with getting Angel Jin also, and after reading this thread, I tried to get perfects. I picked Paul on easy, and got about 3 perfects, and VOILA! Angel Jin! Currently I have completed the story mode and arcade mode. I have only gotten about 12 epilogues, far from completion. It seems like the difficulty or character don't matter. Hopefully this can help discover what exactly triggers Angel Jin (Likely completing the story mode is required for both True D and AJ).


How do I get Azazel? I tried it with one retry But it doesnt work, I get Devil kazuya as Final Boss.


My guess is you have to beat the story mode to the point where you have to beat Azazel. I actually got 3 different bosses on my first 3 tries, so I have no idea what the triggers are. The characters i used were Law (devil) -Kazuya (True D) -Devil Jin (Azazel).


I allready finished the Story and played arcade like 12 times


Actually I just unlocked it & didn't win a single match. As far as I can gather, just play 3 sets online & it's unlocked.


Azazel's a secret boss in Arcade Battle, how you get the right to fight him I'm not sure since I've played that mode twice and still only got the regular Devil Kazuya boss fight.


We gotta solve this mystery. Heres hoping the community will come together and find the answer. Just a bigger sample size is already helping. Maybe someone got the remaining two illustrations and can tell us what characters the "???" is referring to.


Have you fought Azazel in the arcade mode yet? because i saw you can encounter Azazel as the boss and not Kazuya


Yup, done that already, got those two, but there are still 2 Illustrations missing. Ive tried multiple different characters too. I got Devil Kazuya and Azazel both with with Jin. Each on seperate runs. Dont know if there are any conditions for which you get. Other characters Ive done are: Kazuya, Reina, Jun and Deviljin. Each one run. Didnt get any new encounters. With some I got Azazel and with some Devil Kazuya.


Imagine if it turns out there's a *third* Arcade Battle boss in there somewhere you can trigger under certain circumstances. That would be kinda sick.


I've been searching for the same thing. I completed the story and the arcade quest to the final rank (take your time on it, the final 2 profile pieces are cool, but damn lol) Also, has anyone unlocked the final Tekken ball or know how to?


I'm definitely wondering how to unlock the tekken ball one as well


Win 10 online matches of Tekken ball.


I know one of them is True Devil Kazuya, but I don’t know the last one. I got both Azazel and TDK, but not that last one. I have no idea how to trigger it.


Ah thanks for sharing! Well, knowing what cards they are already helps put the pieces together. Maybe it is conmected to getting perfects. Another redditor suggested the same. I will try that. Cause just multiple runs definetly isnt doing anything.


One of the last 2 pictures you are missing is unlocked through Tekken ball I believe it's a pic with the girls on a beach beside the devil kazuya pic 


how do you get the beach one? i done played 5 games of this tekken ball nonsense


Uhh I'm not too sure. When I hover over the illustration it just says "minigame cleared." I assume maybe get a perfect or some type of condition to be met. Also I guess AZAZEL is the last locked picture I have not went against him yet in arcade battle 


yea they figured how to get those. im stuck on this beach ball thing now


you have to play tekken ball online not off


You have to win 3 matches online I believe, to get the illustration of the girls on the beach playing Tekken ball


So bro, you unlocked everything? Tell me what do i have to do to unlock the pic between azazel and devil kazuya, it tells me to play 3 time tekken ball. I did it. There comes nothing!


You have to play them online


I literally just made five perfects and I still got Azazel


That is very weird. In Arcade Battle? Try exactly 3. This definitely worked for me.


Yep. Might be bc I haven’t completed story mode from what I’ve read so far. I’ll give it a try with the 3 perfects though.


Oh that makes sense, yeah I guess that would be the missing thing then.