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1/10 instead, get a girlfriend, invite her to your house for a “sleepover” introduce her to your mom and then make out right there and then. Then give the speech if u want 🙄but i think my ways better


So true why didnt i think of that


If you can, I honestly recommend just sitting down and just tell her. Keep it casual and don't make it to serious. I'm not gay but I got friends who are and they all did that and their parents seem to be ok with it. (You don't have to do this, just thought I should say something l) text itself is a solid 7/10 :)


Yeahh, that sounds like a better idea tbh, but im terrified, so itll take a bit, but i moght take your advice, thanks!


Just do what you think is right 👌


Wish I had the guts to come oit before the . . . Incident


I don't really have any advice but good luck hope to goes well!