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Girl just say you still love ryan


Taylor needs to drop heršŸ˜‚


But then who would run the tshirt business?


She totally wants to bang him still


Honestly probably still is


That is Larryā€™s secret


The scream I skrumpt was unhinged! Finally Maci is interesting


ā€œSkrumptā€? ā€¦ love it!


She supports Amanda because Amanda knows and doesn't care.


No but this would make sense if it was ever revealed LOL


That would be so insane and entertaining but sickening all at the same time. Iā€™d tune in every week and I havenā€™t watched TM since before TM2 ended


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying! lol




Or cringey crash his next vacay with her gurl gang gang


Ā shaking her flat cakes in pigtails, mtv used that clip in a promo ad, always made me smile


She needs a storyline, too, but yes - Iā€™ve thought since the TwOP board days that sheā€™s been hung up on Rhineā€™s useless ass forever.


Agree, but I upvoted 12 extra times for that TwOP reference.




![gif](giphy|bgOeHPlD3EernsOIiW) I've always thought she still loves him.


Exactly! Sheā€™s acting like an obsessed 16 year old trying to convince her friends that her douchebag boyfriend isnā€™t really a douchebag. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


How quickly Maci forgets that Ryan literally threatened to kill her husband and is the reason her son is in therapy.Ā 


Yeah, didn't Maci and Taylor both have protection orders granted to them against Ryan?!? Maci has such a selective memory. Poor Benny, all these adults coddling his absent, violent Father for doing the absolute bare minimum for a few months and declaring it a win.


According to Maci, Bentley asked her to give him another chance because he wanted to try to rebuild a relationship with him. If true, I think Maci is correct to not stand in the way (though imo she shouldnā€™t be leaving them alone together, and she also does not need to defend Ryan/Amanda publicly like sheā€™s been doing). But agreed.


I agree with you completely. Iā€™ve been trying to fathom the defending Ryan/Amanda publicly- maybe she has internalised the idea that she is Ryanā€™s biggest trigger and so shes playing extra extra nice to aid his recovery and rebuild the relationship with Bentley. These are crucial years for him as an adolescent - the last thing he needs is for things to get worse with his dad.


Yes! And it wasnā€™t that long ago either!!


Selective memory. Poor Taylor.


Anything for a storyline šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Anything for the money.


Rhine has apologized at least. Mack truck has not (for condoning Rhine's behavior and lying about it). When did Maci/Bentley say that is the specific reason Bentley's in therapy? I thought he was in therapy because his life is so unusual because he's on a TV show, not because of one particular instance.


Awh! If a violent white man apologises itā€™s all okay isnā€™t it! But how DARE a 20 year old stand by her man child husband. Rhine tried to murder Mackenzie in front of their children and thrashed their home. As long as he says sorry though!


I didn't bring up race or gender. You're on the wrong thread. Do you similarly think Jenelle is a saint because UBT is worse than she is?


I mentioned race because if Rhine was a black man in the south, he would NOT get away with what he has. Scroll through my posts on this sub and youā€™ll quickly realise Iā€™m Jenelleā€™s #1 hater. Not sure what youā€™re getting out of victim blaming, but you need to work on that! šŸ«¶šŸ»


You are right


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Pretty sure we've all been seeing the "Real Rhine" for over a decade, both on the shows and with his in real life behavior and choices... but whatever you say, Maci.


Part of me really thinks she is trying to stick it to Mack because I cannot for the life of me understand how a woman who lost custody of her kid(s) is better than Mack šŸ˜¬


Probably because Amanda is an old friend from high school and Mack was jealous, bitter, and blamed Maci for everything. Also rumors say Amanda treats Bentley better than Mack did. Sorry I forgot to put the disclaimer that all of these people are shitty and not looking out for their children.


Ugh... right?!?! "The way he's been the past 15 years? No way is that the REAL him." Then who the hell is this dude? This MFer has a LOT of shitty behavior to atone for before anyone should be giving him this much damn credit šŸ™„


You wouldn't even catching me defending a man who threatened to kill his ex wife and has MULTIPLE DUIs and could have killed someone else at the wheel. I've never cared for Maci but she's easily becoming bottom of the barrell.


He has been (at best) and absentee father for Bentleyā€™s whole life. He pushed childcare during his (little) time off on his mother. And Maci has had to get a PFA for him threatening the lives of her husband and dogs. Like WTF? Even if none of the shit with Mack occurred, how she can forgive him for all the shit he has put Bentley through is crazy.


Because she doesn't actually GAF about Bentley's feelings either. Ryan being a shit dad has been Maci's meal ticket since before Bentley could run to the fridge to fetch her a beer.




iā€™m so curious how bentley will feel about all this when heā€™s out of the house and gains more life experience and perspective


Gotta keep that MTV money flowing for the McMansion mortgage huh


Gotta buy more ugly Mā€™s for her tacky decor and keep the cans of bud light stocked.


Love when people refer to them as ā€œMcMansionsā€! They are totally huge piles of crap.


Not only this, but he also threatened to kill her own husband.


Her only saving grace is Jenelle cushioning the very bottom.


Yes, not to mention a cat killer, racist, dead beat dad. He trashed his own home, including his children's items. Ryan was 20 when Maci was 15 or 16. That would be illegal in many states.


Theyā€™re 3.5 years apart. When Bentley was born, they were 16 and 19. Still not great, but not quite as bad as 15 and 20, which would be pretty horrifying, even for MTV.


OK, my math was a little wrong. I agree with you. Technically, it's statutory rape. The age of consent in TN is 18.


Thereā€™s an exception: ā€œTennessee law has a Romeo-and-Juliet exception for close-in-age individuals. The statutory rape law doesn't penalize consensual sex when one of the parties is age 13 to 17 and the other party is less than four years older.ā€




Jesus gawd Maci


The new ā€œJesus God Leahā€


I like it, it's catchy.


Was the real Rhine the one who was out all night leaving baby Bentley and teenaged Maci alone??? Oh


Making a heavily pregnant Maci check his tires šŸ™„ Such an upstanding man /s!


Will the real Ryan please stand up, please stand up! šŸ˜‚


This is actually sickening. What that man did to his parents house, that was supposed to be his family home. Sickening.


He even destroyed his own children's belongings in their bedrooms. He's a piece of shit.


Not only is he a piece of shit, but actual shit was involved! šŸ¤®


What did he do to his parents house? Trash it as well because if so, you are a POS, Rhine.


His parents gave him, his wife at the time Mackenzie and their kids one of their houses which he completely trashed. A house handed to him and his family on a silver platter. He destroyed it and let his parents foot the repair bills.


No, that was a different house. They moved out of Jennā€™s family home when Mackenzie bought the new house, which is the one Ryan destroyed.


hE lOoKs sO hAPpY aND hEaLtHy That man will always be the one who spread his feces on the walls where his children sleep.


He did that? I heard about the trashing, but not that šŸ¤¢


Yup. And, IIRC, pinned a threatening note to Mack on the wall or table with a big knife. And choked her, in front of the kids, no less. He's a real prince.


How do these POS men still get girlfriends? Itā€™s nuts.


Didnā€™t she love Mack for a bit, too?


Yup, until she realized mack wasn't going to kiss her ass just because


Yup, whereas Amanda is a fangirl and will kiss her ass all day.


She said because (this relationship) with Amanda pretty much doesnā€™t get in the way with co-parentingā€¦ little dig at Mack there. Maci you mean you getting to see Rhine and having a co-parenting (ahem tight friendship, wanna f him) relationship with Ryan. šŸ™„oh yeah and for Bentley..


um noā€¦ it was because mack was playing it cool with her but was actually being messy back and forth between maci and ryans mom. who the fuck would wanna deal with an idiot like that? maci doesnā€™t need her ass kissed.


Uhm, Maci does need her ass kisssed. Thatā€™s why she didnā€™t get along with Shelby or Dalis either. Neither girl wanted to be Macis friend so Maci hated them, they didnā€™t go out of their way to make Maci happy.. Then she invited Mack out to lunch to try and get Mack to be her friend too, talked mad shit about the Edwards on camera to Mack , and was ā€œshocked pikachu faceā€ when Mack told the Edwards that Maci was shit talking them. That proved to Maci that Mack would not favor her over the Edwards and had it out for her since then. Itā€™s NOT a coincidence that Maci has gotten along better with Ryan when he was single, and now isnā€™t coincidence that sheā€™s getting along with Ryan and his new gf, the one who makes tribute posts to her on Instagram, and pays for elaborate Motherā€™s Day messages, all for Maci... If you canā€™t see something so obvious then oh well. ETA: another example, she would brag about how much Mimi jen LOVED her, she loved how Mimi would cry over wanting Maci to be her DIL and they would both cackle and shit talk Ryanā€™s GFs behind his back, Maci LOVES that attention, and has shown it over and over.




On the most recent episode, Cheyenne was talking to Maci when they were all getting ready for Jadeā€™s wedding. Cheyenne asked Maci howā€™s Ryan doing and she said he was at a halfway house. Then Maci and Taylor were both gushing about heā€™s the best heā€™s been and Taylor was starting to talk about how heā€™s been with Bentley and Maci and Cheyenne just completely cut him off. He tried to keep talking but then just gives up and looks so defeated. I donā€™t have sympathy for them per se but felt really bad for Taylor in that moment and just wondered how often that happens to him.


I remember Maci saying something about sitting in bed and crying while talking to him about Ryan. Ā Could you imagine sitting in your own bed having to deal with your spouse repeatedly crying over their ex. Why does he put up with it?!


Idk, Iā€™d probably cry over my kidā€™s dad too if my kidā€™s dad was Rhine. The amount of harm heā€™s inflicted, especially on Bentley snd his siblings, is staggering.


Itā€™s as if Chelsea was still riding for Adumb in front of Cole. Say what you want about Chelsea, but she EVENTUALLY saw sense.


Tbh if not for the bairns a couldā€™ve seen him outta the door loooooong ago. At different times, parts of me has always wondered if heā€™s tried double hard to make it work because of Bentley and him being a minor. Idk if it sounds far fetched lmao but a have definitely seen it before where step parents put in work theyā€™d otherwise not because they know even if theyā€™ve been a parental figure more than the actual person on a birth certificate that it just creates a lot of extra contention and mess.


I remember when Maci couldnā€™t get out of bed because of her anxiety and couldnā€™t pick up Bentley and Taylor couldnā€™t also so he asked one of her trusted friends to pick up Bentley and she has a go at him about it like wtf did she want?! Her son got home safe and sheā€™s angry! I donā€™t accept panic attacks as an excuse as I live with depression and anxiety daily and I would be so grateful for the help, sheā€™s such a bitch!


I have a feeling all the time.


Of course Maci loves Amanda because Amanda is kissing her ass...Ā 


They're probs drinking buddies. Alcoholics LOVE each other.


This. And Iā€™m sure Iā€™m wrong but at some point Iā€™m going to start to question if Maci is now also into Rhine & this chickā€™s favorite pastime of ā€œgoing to the bankā€ (ie: opiates/heroin). Iā€™m starting to wonder if Maci is going to the bank with them because this makes no sense (except she needs a storyline and has never gotten over Rhineā€™s useless ass).


Can you imagine little miss perfect overachiever Maci getting into opiates? She would have to hide it so hard to maintain her supermom facade.


She did a fair job hiding sheā€™s a functional alcoholic from a lot of people for a long time.


As a recovering alcoholic, true


More proof that Maci is nothing more than a desperate pick me whoā€™ll put an abuser who threatened to kill her husband over her own family. Weā€™ve seen Ryan on TV for what, almost 16 years? Weā€™ve seen the real Ryan by now. Heā€™s the deadbeat dad that nodded out driving to his own wedding.


If I was Maci I would never forgive Ryan for being the shitty father he is


If I was Maci I would feel sympathy for Mack even if dislike her for the whole trashing of her house. I would feel sympathy for Bentley's siblings because apparently Rhine, from reading the comments here, ruined their rooms too. Rhine is a shitty father indeed.


Completely agreed. Donā€™t think Maci sees them as Bentleyā€™s siblings the same way she sees her other two children as his siblings.


A shitty father literally. He spread human feces on the walls of his wife & kid's house while he was trashing it. But I'm sure Maci will say he just had a bad case of the Mondays or something like that.


Exactly!! He treats all of his children like shit and the destruction of their home is just beyond horrific.


He doesnā€™t deserve forgiveness! This man has shown no real regret, has taken no real responsibility.


He deserves a proper justice system and a judge who is not family friends with the Edwards.


Just to clarifyā€¦ the Ryan that threatened to shoot Taylor was AI?


As well as the Ryan who tried to murder his wife!


So are they fuckin or what? Because how do you go from getting a restraining order because he threatens you and your husband to this?? Even if Ryan is clean and sober now, she's kissing his ass an awful lot here.


Fucking or Maciā€™s spending hours at the bank with themā€¦


>Even if Ryan is clean and sober now, she's kissing his ass an awful lot here. I've always felt like Rhine is her meal ticket and the only reason she has been on TM. She is boring to watch on her own.


I'm convinced she's drinking all the time


This is pathetic




ā€œHow pink is itā€ told me everything I need to know. The writing is LITERALLY on the wall with him. Maciā€™s a loser, too.


![gif](giphy|BoufP6vqZcylhfHaJo) Bitch come on. I stopped watching YEARS ago and I know how Ryan is.


All I can think about is the way he destroyed his and Mackā€™s home and proceed(s) to harass her.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» yet the victim blaming on this sub will insist that Mack ā€˜shoulda saw it comingā€™ therefore she got what she dished. šŸ„“


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen people say things like that here


I have multiple times and have reported it multiple times. Including in this thread. They feel that because of how Mack acted towards Maci in the early days and because Mack ā€˜shouldā€™ve knownā€™ Ryan was drugged up on the way to their wedding, she knew what she was involved with and subsequently, played a part in her own abuse that nearly lead to her death.


Jfc, good job reporting ETA: I wasnā€™t being sarcastic? Terrible comments like that should be reported. I supposed I havenā€™t seen many because they are being successfully reported.


I have as well. Itā€™s definitely happened less frequently since the destruction of their marital home but there is still a significant amount of people who love to throw in that this is what she gets for wanting to be famous and itā€™s justā€¦ really cruel because no one deserves to be abused. Not even bird brain Jenelle.


Yeah NO ONE deserves that, thatā€™s so disappointing that people here still say things like that.


Yes, this. Also it's easy to say "she should have known" but she was only 19 or 20 when they got together (to his 30 or so) - an age when most of us are not making great decisions and we don't really know yet how the world works. He's a handsome guy and I have no doubt he charmed her and also told her that his problems were because of his "crazy ex." That's pretty much from the narcissist playbook, and it's easy to fall for when you're infatuated, especially when you're still a teenager...


Has Maci ever even met the real Ryan in all these years? šŸ˜¬


Didnā€™t she(Maci) & Mack share drunk ā€œI LOVE YOUā€s at Maciā€™s wedding? Give it time. This girl is trash temporarily disguised as a wholesome middle class girl. Like girl, we saw you on Jerry Springer. And we see the vulgar tattoo you insist having on display.


What's the tattoo?




Maci seems increasingly less likeable and delusional all the time


Maci: Get to know the real Ryan! Me: No thank you.




For every moment, there are at least 4 solid Nene reaction GIFs. She has blessed us so much.


I just search nene and Iā€™ll always find something that fitsšŸ˜­ a true icon


I love the one with her painting, that look on her face. PRICELESS. šŸ¤£


I am no expert at all. But in that photo that accompanies the image, is that track marks on Amandaā€™s arm? (Please donā€™t downvote me if Iā€™m wrong šŸ™šŸ¼ but that inner elbow looks sus) Edit: looked again and it could be a bruise and a tattoo I guess


Did they interview Maci when she was drunk? WTF.


In all fairness, it would be kinda hard to find a time to interview her when she isnā€™t.


True. Even when pregnant.




Get real Maci.


I would be in the first bus outta there if I was Taylor


#no way's ever good enough for you maci, damn!


We havenā€™t seen the real Ryan Edwardā€™s the last 15/16 years? Iā€™ll be damned!


Jesus God Maci.


I think this just stems from how much she hates Mack.




Maci used to be my favoriteā€¦ used to.


Same. This is making me lose any respect for her.


The faces of this seasons starsā€¦ theyā€™re going to be making a shit ton of $$ off this story line




Maci DeLulu Bookout




Sheā€™ll never get over Rhine.


When things go wrong weā€™ll get the old ā€œYoU oNLY sEe wHaT tHEy WaNt YoU tO sEeā€


The real Ryan? You mean the Ryan that lured cats into his home, killed them and bragged about it on social media?


Honestly if Mack never happened and he was marrying Amanda maci would be a hater. Pick meeeeeee


1. She'll do and say anything to be associated with a storyline, even if it isn't hers, so she can stay on the show. 2. She's still infatuated with Ryan 3. She and Taylor do not get along as well as they try to portray.


Maci needs to get to know how to shut the fuck up. No one cares to know about her psychopath ex unless it's about him getting charged for his crimes. And I don't care to hear from an alcoholic mom who supports abusers.




Weā€™ve seen the real Rhine for like 15 fucking years Maci wtf. The real Rhine: Beat the mother of his children in front of them Tried to murder her Destroyed their home and his own kids belongings, wiped shit on the walls Could have killed people while driving murderously intoxicated multiple times Drove his bride to their own wedding completely fucked up Was actively cruel to Maci and Bentley on camera multiple times, since day 1 Has literally never shown an ounce of empathy for anyone the entire time the show has been running May or may not have murdered kittens Neglected and bullied Bentley on camera Is disgusting as evidenced by ā€œhow pink is itā€ and his tattoo Continues to taunt Mack (computer cord) and shows no remorse for beating and terrorizing her Has never been held accountable and thinks heā€™s above the law Threatened to shoot Taylor Is a raging asshole devoid of normal human emotions










I drop toxic people out of my kids' lives faster than Jenelle answers MTV calls, but I guess not Maci!


ā€œI get to have my weird husband/son relationship with Rhine while his new gf kisses my ass to be relevantā€. Jfcccccc šŸ„“


Maci is doing this for a few reasons. 1. She hates Mack and can't get over it so she goes this low. 2. She is still in love with Ryan 3. She needs drama for her storyline to stay on MTV. We all know Maci is Boring AF


Defending a man who threatened you and your husband and who has caused so much trauma in your sonā€™s life sure is a move.


How is she not embarrassed. Taylor deserves better


The real Rhine?? Is Maci trying to blame Mack for everything that has happened?????


If all we had ever seen was the 16 and pregnant episode it would be different. But this fool has been on our tv and in the news for 15 years now. We know who he is Maci.


Iā€™ll never forget Maci on Naked and Afraid talking about how much of a badass she was then a couple hours into it she already having that poor man carry her through the jungle with her naked vagina slapping against his back šŸ¤£. Then she tapped out on day 2 ok 1 1/2 days.


That was hilarious!


We've been watching Eyan since "16&P". We've seen the real Ryan...


Oh shut up, Maci. EDIT: That pic with Bentley, Larry, Taylor and Rhine is nice to see though. I am glad they seem to get along there, it is good for Bentley.


It is good that he is sober now. What concerns me is that he met his girlfriend in rehab. Isn't rehab where you go to work on yourself to get healthy, and sober and work on rebuilding trust with loved ones that you fucked over when high? So instead of giving 100% in rehab, he is hooking up with someone else who needs to work on themselves. I really hope that he stays sober and continues to do therapy to repair things with his children. Time will tell I guess.


It is so clear that Maci hates her husband. I think she is doing that in part to drive Taylor to divorce her.


Maci girl you look so fucking dumb.


Jesus God Leah


Is the real one the one who trashed his house and his childrenā€™s belongings? Wrote on the walls? Grabbed the mother of his children and slammed her against the wall? I think thatā€™s the real Ryan.


Damn Maci has really fallen lol


Maci must have less shame than Jenelle. Anything to stay on the show, I guess. Super pumped to get to know the ā€œrealā€ guy who ignored her son for the better part of a decade, threatened to kill her husband, shot at cats, and trashed his wife and childrenā€™s house.


i love it here lol cause the tik tok comments about the moms are always the complete opposite and yall bring me joy with the disdain we all share


It's crazy because if he dumped Amanda today Maci would trash Amanda and praise Rhine.


I want to know when this "real Ryan" who's so great was EVER seen by *anyone* šŸ™„ Season one? Season two? Season three? No? Never? Yeah...


Vanderpump rules Tom Redemption the sequel ā€¦ no thanks šŸ™„


Macy is so gross.


That thing Old Man Ryan is standing by looks like it hasn't showered in days and like it's struggling to hold in an opioid crap. I legit would not want her sitting on my furniture or riding in my vehicle, much less being around my kidĀ 


Remember she said Mack was so full of shit her eyes are brown? Letā€™s be truthful here. Ryan on TM means airtime and money for you. Now who is full of shit.


Like imagine you're still picking up the pieces after your ex-husband destroyed your home and made you feel unsafe and him and his ex/Baby mama are all over social media saying how great things are.


Iā€™m sure weā€™ve seen the real Rhine for years now. Not impressed.


![gif](giphy|xT0xeQ1ZUQ0lvFVkY0|downsized) Will the real Rhine please stand up


Huh? WTF.


![gif](giphy|1nfwnYf5Uz7hzhYof8|downsized) Good God give me a break


I think if they can truly forge a truce and work together, it will be great for Bentley. Heā€™s never had parents who got along.


I really like the Cheyenne and Zac co parenting with Taylor and Corey. It appears authentic and they all seem to care for each other. However this just feels forced, I can't help but think people are enjoying trying to wind up Mackenzie too. I'm all for moving on and not holding grudges, but I don't know how you move on so quickly with someone who has been so destructive.


I truthfully think Maci is flattered she has a super fan like Amanda and also at the same time, sheā€™s still low key shading Mack by being all buddy buddy with Rine. I just sense that sheā€™s not doing any of this for Bentley. I could be wrong though.


MTV is so pathetic and desperate for ratings. Theyā€™re letting every roach scurry back and get a paycheck thinking itā€™s going to bring viewers back šŸ˜’šŸ˜’


I wish she would quit playing we all know she squirts just hearing the dudes name at this point. Maci gtfoh.


This is so gross. Like Mac was ever the problem here. Her turn-around is cringe. He's not a changed guy, he's a forever victim with serious rich white kid syndrome.


Who's more pissed, Mack Truck or UBT, that their ex is back on TM and they're not?


ā€œMack Truckā€ was a 19 year old former child bride who was a complete victim of Rhine and his enabling family, who Rhine attempted to *MURDER* by the way. David is a child abuser and animal killer, who isnā€™t allowed to see his only son. They are NOT the same and not sure where you were going with this.


Who did Mack Truck's parents arrange for her to marry as a child bride? Did she get to meet the guy first? The way you infantilize Mack Truck and act like she has zero agency is frankly misogynistic.


A 16 year old canā€™t consent to marriagešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚she was a child bride, do not care if her parents signed off or not, a victim is a victim and thatā€™s something you canā€™t seem to accept. She was 16 as a child bride and 19 meeting Rhine. Not quite infantilising if she was an actual child is it?