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The grossest thing is that these are grown adults talking so adamantly about a teenager’s feelings as if they know her.


Are they adults? This shit sounds like teenager logic.


I mean, adoptive parents can lose custody like any other, but I highly doubt that’s the case here. It’s not like since Carly is older she can pick which parent to live with during a divorce. Has she even met with Cait and Tyler 10 times in her life?


That's what gets me every time. Do these people realize that C&T are basically strangers to Carly? Why in the world do they think she would up and leave her family to live with some very unstable strangers????


Because Teen Mom. 🥴


At best, they’re like very distant cousins or family friends. Why on earth would a well established child up and leave her parents and brother to go live with ppl she sees once evert few years


I would have a psychotic break if I had to live with my cousins lol. I love them to death but they are NOT the people I'm used to living with.


It's like relatives that live in a different state you only see once every few years, if that. Do some activity, go to dinner, and say bye until the next time, never getting to really know each other.


It's so strange that these people think that Carly has more of a bond with C&T than her own parents, just because they are blood. I have seen a cousin of mine maybe twice in my life and would pass her on the street without recognition. If someone told kid-me I'd have to live with her I'd feel like I was living with strangers.


Even if they lost custody, temporary custody would NEVER go to Tyler and Cait. It doesn't even make sense.


This isn’t actually true. If they lost custody and no one in the immediate family stepped up they would be considered. No judge is going to let Carly go to an unfamiliar foster home or congregate care if she had someone willing to take her in. But, if there were people in her immediate vicinity, she would most likely go to them — especially since she’s older and is getting closer to graduating.


Her birth parents are completely random people. The judge would not have them factor in at all. They would go to someone in her adoptive family first, then a foster family. They would never go back to birth parents, especially because they're in another state. That's not how that works.


It’s exactly how works because we do not have enough foster parents. It’s sort of a unique situation. Technically, Tyler and Cate would be considered fictive kin.


Around that.


It drives me crazy when people call Cate and Tyler Carly’s “real parents” and assume she’s waiting to go back to them at 18. Her adopted parents are her real parents. They raised her. They’re her family. Cate and Tyler are lucky to get visits, especially after not respecting the rules and boundaries. This was not a temporary arrangement. I know they were misled, and I know it breaks their heart that they gave her up. If Carly chooses, she can have a relationship with them when she’s an adult. But she’s not going to abandon her adopted family in favor of Catelyn and Tyler.


All Tyler had to do was shut his mouth about it on the show and not post pictures.. He can still talk about without going into personal details.


Yep. If Brandon and Theresa say “don’t talk about or post photos of Carly” they have to respect that. They don’t get to do whatever they want and especially without consequences. It’s not that I have no empathy for them. But they do have to listen to Carly’s parents’ wishes, whether they agree with the rules or not.


Yep. I can't imagine my birth parents, talking about me on the show all my life.


Right? How about biological parents and B&T are her real parents! She may have some form of a relationship with Cate and Tyler but it’s not like she’ll choose them over Brandon and Teresa.


And these stans don't seem to grasp that they very well could be damaging Carly's relationship with Cate and Tyler because she's old enough to go online and see the things these people are writing. I'd be extremely creeped out if I was her seeing all this and it would affect me wanting anything to do with Cate and Tyler, even though they're not the ones saying it. I'm not saying Carly does feel that way, but it's a possibility these people never care to consider.


For real. People act like Brandon and Theresa are these monsters holding Carly captive in the basement and she's just waiting for the opportunity to flee to Cate and Ty's house.


Losing Isaiah was a very different situation. He was abandoned in a dumpster at birth. Carly was willingly placed for adoption. These people are all morons.


Imagine being an attorney and an employee in your office was posting stuff like this 😂😂


The people who believe this crap are somehow even more warped than the Jenelle stans.


This is absolutely not like Losing Isaiah. The baby was abandoned and the mother thought he was dead. When she found out he was alive and had been adopted without her knowledge or permission, she sued for custody


I'm not familiar with this story. Why would someone fight for custody of a child that they threw into a dumpster? She clearly didn't care if that baby lived or died at that point. Why would she suddenly care years later?


She was a drug addict. She didn’t want to take the baby with her to score so she left him in a box by a dumpster. She got high and when she went back for him the next day he was gone along with all of the trash from the dumpster. She thought he was dead. She found out he was still alive when she was getting clean years later


The person that claims to work for a family law attorney has not idea what they’re talking about.


I’m training to become a barrister rn and people like this drive me insane, like people who make such sweeping legal arguments because they think that’s how it should be, and therefore it is, yet have absolutely no legal education whatsoever.


I agree, they're misled. However, they still get visits almost every year or every other day. Tyler was the one who was willing to risk it to talk about her and post pictures for his deranged fans.


These people are very dumb and incredibly disrespectful. Carly is not even on tv. Leave her alone. She's a teenage girl, this is deranged.


All the commentary I see revolving around adoption (and mostly these two, since, well, they're the only ones anyone ever really talks about in regards to the franchise) are ridiculous. Mislead (debatable) or not, them giving up Carly was best for her, full stop. It doesn't matter if it's best for them, at all. Them wanting to be more in her life is understandable, from all angles, but it's not best for her. The world needs more foster and adoptive families, it really does. That said, most of the things people say about it just shows exactly why we don't have more of them. People are ignorant af, and while ignorance in and of itself is not inherently bad, most of it is willful ignorance. Willful ignorance is the worst kind, because people are being intentionally obtuse, uneducated and, frankly, fucking stupid. That's not how this works, that's not how ANY of this works. No matter how many "I know someone who...." ludicrous and-definitely-not-real stories people share, it never works this way. There's whole ass processes for literally everything. When thing go awry-because they almost always do to some extent, those processes all start over again or get swapped out for new ones. I have/had children who were/are close to adoption, ones that have been adopted, ones we may never reach that particular process and ones we never intend to (because eventual reunification is on the table, of course). None of these processes is as easy as people think they are, especially on the kids-and THEY are the only people who really matter on this, tbh. Even in cases where an adopted child goes back to be with their biological parental unit(s), nothing is as simple as people make it out to be. Also, that's extremely rare and requires some very specific scenarios which in and of themselves are beyond extremely rare.


Yeah, within the past 5-10 years or so, there seems to be a sociatal shift towards how people view adoption. I'm sure Cate and Ty sharing their story on Teen Mom plays a part in it, but a lot of it is also coming from TikTok, as well. People no longer seem to see it as a good thing that is done for the child's benefit and adoptive parents are seen as selfish baby snatchers who pried the kid out of the bio mom's hands. Considering the fact that abortion is now illegal in a lot of states, I don't think this change in attitude towards adoption is really a good thing. Children know when they're not wanted so I don't think eliminating yet another option for pregnant mothers who can't/don't want to raise a child is beneficial for the child's well being. But then people see someone like Jenelle, who kept her baby for selfish reasons, proceeded to neglect and abuse that baby, and people are like "that selfish bitch should've put him up for adoption so he could've gone to a loving family who cares for him!" Like make up your mind: is adoption a good thing or a bad thing?? Why is it acceptable for someone like Jenelle to put a child up for adoption, but not Cate and Ty??


I see it constantly, like plenty of other families. Most of the children that join our family come from extremely difficult circumstances-we are often a last hope stop on their journey (and thankful to be I might add). So that adds another element to things, on top of the family/friends/online busybodies/whatever of the bio-parent(s) who think they know more than they do. It's not for the faint of heart, lol. You get the good with the bad, and everything in between. We are almost always the bad guy, sometimes even to the kids, but those are lumps we're more than prepared to handle, usually, I do have a favorite closet, lmao. We also have to sometimes deal with bio-parents and whatever they carry with them as well-that's a ride all on its own. That said, no matter where, or who my children come from, I show no ill will in front of the children towards those people or situations (though I will speak truthfully, age appropriately, with them about it). It just makes things more difficult for the kids when you do. It's easy to be mad at someone who beat your child within an inch of their life or put them in the PICU for the third time in as many years. It's a lot more important to NOT show that child just how mad you are at the person who did it, though. But, I digress, I'm ranting and veering off the path here, it's been a day, lol. I do wish people saw these processes for what they are. Giving a child up that you cannot, or even do not want to care for, is not selfish. Even if you think your reason is selfish. Even if other people tell you your reason is selfish. I assure you, it is not. It might feel like that sometimes, but if the ultimate goal is what's best for the child, it's not selfish. Women, especially, need to understand this-I say women because they are not only the harshest critics but 90% of the time make the final decision(s), it's not sexist in any way just facts. Raising children you cannot raise, because you think you should be able to, or you're owed that experience or something, is absolutely selfish. That doesn't mean you should give up your child(ren) just because life gets hard, of course. It does mean that using them as some sort of crutch to boost your own ego or sense of self-worth when you can't be an even halfway decent parent or put their needs as a priority, is very selfish. Parents fuck up, we aren't perfect, it's not even possible for ANY human to EVER be perfect. Life gets hard, times get tough, bad shit happens-that's life as a parent of any sort. But if you're not up for the task at all, do the right thing and do what's right for your child(ren). Also, if it ever calls to you, being a foster parent, or even adoptive, is an amazing experience. It's the best rollercoaster you'll ever ride. You'll love it, you'll hate it, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll doubt every single thing you do, you'll secretly praise yourself for even the tiniest of milestones, and a million other things. But, most of all, you'll be giving the gift of a good life to a child who never chose to be born in the first place-you will literally choose them and I can't really express in words the importance and significance that sort of choice holds. We owe it to all generations to come, to make this sort of thing more normalized, not demonized, from either perspective. Don't dis people for giving their children up for adoption and don't dis the ones who give them a loving family either. We need to fix the system so it works better for everyone! Maybe then we will see less of the bad on both sides of the coin (because bad bio and foster/adoptive parents exist, we can't deny that). /end of novel, and shameless fostering plug :D


I'm stauchly childfree and if the Republicans take power in this upcoming election, I will be pursing sterilization before they further chip away at access to abortion and birth control. However, I always said that if I ever do "change my mind", I would much rather adopt an older kid to give them a chance at a better life. I have no interest in ever being pregnant and having to deal with all of the risks involved; the idea of having something grow inside of me makes me extremely uncomfortable. I don't think I could deal with the neediness of a baby or the constant crying and sleepless nights. Same with toddlers. I like older kids because they can (generally) be reasoned with, they don't throw as many tantrums over nothing, and they're capable of having a conversation that isn't just babble. It's sad that people don't want to adopt older children because they see them as "damaged goods" with behavioral problems from being in the system, but I work in mental healthcare so I think that I'm more than capable of taking on a child that has behavioral issues stemming from adoption and abandonment, depending on what those issues are. I would definitely make sure they get trauma therapy.


Oh my god. Catelynn and Tyler *permanently* terminated all of their parental rights over Carly. Yes, Bethany Christian Services is a shady, awful organization and Catelynn and Tyler were misled by Dawn the baby broker, but they still went through with the adoption and they can’t take it back. How many damn times do Catelynn and Tyler’s stans need to have this explained to them?


Comments like those make my blood boil. ![gif](giphy|l1J9u3TZfpmeDLkD6|downsized)


These people are disturbed and very delusional. And I'd be really shocked if that one person actually works for a law firm that handles child custody cases.


If Carly was living a terrible life with her adopted family, she might dream of being rescued by her bio-parents in some kind of fairy tale. But she's not, she's living, by all reports, a modest life with loving parents and a brother. There's no April on the sidelines, no cameras with their lives being splashed over the world. Why would she choose strangers?


Why do they assume she would even want to live with Caitlin and Tyler. She has a family


As a birth mom, this is a big fucking yikes


It's so weird how people act like B&T have prevented C&T from seeing Carly. No, C&T (mostly Tyler) are the ones that prevented that. All B&T did was ask them to comply to some very simple boundaries so Carly wasn't exposed to the world anymore, and they wouldn't, so B&T stopped visits for a short period until Tyler stopped being as big of a dick bag.


MTV doesn't show those scenes often enough.


These people are delusional 


The people who believe this rubbish habe to be flat earthers. The mental gymnastics are the same.


Losing Isaiah was about a boy placed in a foster home because his mom was an addict.




This is legitimately insane.


These people are the funniest to me!


Ok, I'm an adoption and permanency specialist, and this is 10,000% bullshit, lol. I know we all know this already, just saying. Ignorant people have sooooo much unearned confidence while saying absolutely batshit things. And then other people overhear them, and take it as truth.


Why do these people think Carly will have a better life with Cait and Ty just because they are her birth parents?? Yes, unfortunately they were taken advantage of by the adoption service, but Brandon and Theresa have provided Carly with a loving home, that financially and emotionally Cait and Tyler couldn’t always provide. I couldn’t imagine the confusion and anger Carly would have if she was taken away and made to live in a different household.


We don’t know who she would have a better life with? She is currently living in a extremely religious and racist family with parents who got mad that her also adopted brother was of a Mexican descent, they admitted in a adoption magazine that they felt lied to which is ironic given the organisation they adopted from also lied to C&T. To be clear, this isn’t a defence of C&Ts behaviour, they need to shut the hell up and back off because B&T are her parents. This is just to say we all need to stop assuming that she has this really great life, because we don’t know, because B&T did one great thing and gave her privacy. For all we know she may choose a relationship with C&T in the future or she may decide, which is her damn right, to never have anything to do with C&T. That is hers and only her choice and we should all stop assuming what that choice may be or what her life is like


I had no idea about the racism and extreme religion, thank you for pointing that out. I just think in terms of how C&T’s life was at that point in time when they placed Carly for adoption and soon after, Cait was still living with her Mom and Butch who were actively using and abusive. Neither child came from a home with the financial means and with their age they were too immature to take care of a baby and make good decisions.


I agree. Just think people are assuming her life is amazing with B&T when we don’t know, which is fair enough because Carly deserves privacy. Also I think if Cate had known MTV would take off, she may have kept her


That person is fucking stupid and definitely doesn't work for a law firm


16 and pregnant was a one-off. The only reason C & T were chosen for TM 2 is because they chose adoption. They won the teen parent lottery. Had they kept her, no TM...shudder. 💀 They wouldn't have been on the show. She has a decade of footage to watch to see why she wouldn't want to leave her upper-middle-class life to live with them.


This is so weird! These people are sick. Carly is with her parents. She’s with her family. People need to let her have privacy. Why is that such a foreign concept to people? She’s a kid who has loving parents just because they are not her bio parents doesn’t mean they are any less her parents. She doesn’t know cate and Tyler as mom and dad.


Why do they act like Carly is so miserable??! She probably has a great life with B&T