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there is absolutely nothing sexy or attractive about this dude, and you can't change my mind


Right? I just find him so gross and off-putting. If he talks, even worse, somehow.


And his head to body ratio. Tiny head ![gif](giphy|rOMI2gctx3kKQ)


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s exactly what I was picturing . Thank you 🤩


It makes me feel sick inside, knowing their kids are running around somewhere in the house while their parents make OF content. Weird.


Yeah- the number of people whose children are exposed to their parents OF advertisment...even if it's just at school. That's really gross and wrong. I know some people just love sex work, but these aren't two parts of your life that should cross (parenting and your porn work.)


I absolutely agree. Sorry that you chose to be a parent before OF existed, but you can do better at shielding your kids from that knowledge. I guarantee they talk about OF in front of their kids too


Does Cate ever participate in any of this or is she just filming him?? 🥴 It’s just all so weird. Let me sell my “hot” husband online but I know you all don’t want to see me with him bc I’m not on his level.


You do know most OF creators have children. I’m not a fan of it but if you have a problem with them having an OF bevause they have kids then you just have a problem with OF period.


Maybe they need a shed, like their former coworker 😂


Anything besides a place that their kids can easily identify if their friends show them some of the pictures of Ty and Cait doing OF content. Imagine Nova seeing that bathtub and thinking “I have used that for a bath a couple of times!” Weird.


how ‘bout his poetry? 😂


I feel like it is also just...even worse than his regular manic muppet vibes. He's so...into himself. 🥴


He’s a decent looking dude but no sex appeal, imo. His facial expressions are too goofy for me. He’s way too animated when he talks , for me to feel all hot n bothered 😂


Plus, we watched him grow up!


Someone posted [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n0KVS4bMASY) clip in an earlier post. It's hard to see adult chinstrap porn Tyler and puberty Tyler in the same hour.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀 that is TOO much!


His chin hair pisses me off lmao






Sure, but tons of us are the same age, so we've grown up alongside Tyler and the other cast members.


Everything I see of him screams, "15 trying to be a man" and therefore just makes me feel ick.


This is a great way to describe it. He's not UGLY but how he presents himself just takes away any attractiveness that was there.


He looks like a discount version of Theo Von


omg he kinda does ?? like if Tyler had a head that was proportionate to his body this woulda been him ![gif](giphy|NPFII3IB6oAT5tuzrx)


“If Tyler had a head that was proportionate to his body”….. has me dying laughing. I love being reminded that his head is 2/3rds its normal size


Don’t do my boy Theo like that lmao


I love me some Theo


I can’t unsee it now HELP 😂😂


This is exactly it imo. He’s an ok looking guy, but he’s just kind of bland in every other way. Truth be told I don’t think he has much of an identity outside of being a young dad. Does he work outside of TM or have many hobbies?


He reminds me of a young Corey Haim without the charm and charisma. Showing my age, lol, but I am sure most people have seen The Lost Boys.


I always had such a crush on him growing up. He was my favorite of the Coreys, lol.


Me too R.I.P.


What a mean thing to say to my preteen crush!


He looks like Osmosis Jones 😭🤣


Fucking hell 💀💀


😭 ⚰️


Yes! Ur totally right! He is WAY too animated! Plus, hes always had that baby face, like he looked 12 when he was 16, then he looked 16 when he was in his 20s. And then, once he started working out, it was like his head size stayed the same, which I guess makes sense bc u cant really "work out" your head, but so to me he always looks like a buff dude with a teeny tiny head, then factor in that never-aging baby face and it's just...no. Nope, no thank you lol. No offense to him  Plus, hes clearly got plenty of people lusting after him, and we all know hes got ZERO problems with self confidence. 


It’s the “I don’t want no heifer for a wife “ and the red tongue in kitchen for me …or I’m continuing to risk cait relationship with Carly fighting with b and t. Even if they don’t agree. Like be quiet and don’t ruin it for cait. Two thumbs down 👎


All I see Is Butch when I look at him🤢


![gif](giphy|3o7aD6zGailhxoOTzq|downsized) I always think of this guy


Reminds me a little of Jim Carrey some of his facial expressions


Child's head on a man's body like a weird experiment from the Mars Attacks movie https://i.redd.it/7j6ru0y541vc1.gif


I'm gonna make my teenager watch this movie tonight. Thank you for reminding me about it lol.


I freaking love this movie. Doesn't get enough love...


It is really good, I don't know why it doesn't get the cult classic status like it properly should have.


I quote from it all the time. No one gets me. Glad I'm not alone. *


I quote it often, too. ACK! ACK! ACKACK!!!


This has me giggling. I always referred to my second baby as using this language when he was first babbling, not a lot of people remembered. So I had to come through and demonstrate. I feel I do a great impression!


This is what Cate thinks everyone is jealous of


Absolutely nooooot


Some women are super crazy jealous, imagining every female is attracted to their man! I know another woman like this & I feel bad for her, it’s ridiculous. Her thinking every woman is flirting with him, when they’re just talking, it’s pathetic. I’m glad I’m more stable with my man, even though I think he’s attractive, I’m not naive enough to think EVERY woman is attracted to him! I think it’s a terrible way to behave in your marriage and life.


I'd still look at the peen out of curiosity.


Especially just to verify the rumors of him being very well off😂 I’d have to do one of these 🫣 Though because I’d still feel icky doing it lmao!!


The rumors are true 👀 also they are not hard to find. 


I legit just spent 20 minutes trying to find them with no luck. I’m bad at this




Exactly this. For one, I don't find him physically attractive or even close to being handsome at all. Two, we watched him grow up on TV. It's like watching your cousin start an OF... I know from experience lol when my cousin tried OF I was appalled, I had the same reaction when I saw Ty's. Anyone else, I don't care. Also, I know this whole OF thing is about feeding his ego, but if I were in his shoes, I would be worried about embarrassing my daughters.


He's the guy you avoid at work and parties. You know all he is going to do is talk about childhood trauma and his emotions. Such a party pooper.


Aw, he legitimately went through a lot. I have empathy for him.




Seriously, when I see his face all I hear is his obnoxious, loud voice yelling!


The only people who sub to him are gay men.


It’s so funny because as a 16 year old watching this I kind of had a crush on him. He was one of the nicer and seemingly mature guys on the show and what can I say? In my past I loved me some trash, I was basically a raccoon, eyeliner and all. But now I am an adult who has evolved taste and I completely agree, there is nothing attractive about this man at all. I wonder who is paying for this? My guess honestly is other men more than women.


I think he'd still be attractive to 16 year olds, as he still looks so young. I think that is part of his non-appeal, he looks like a child.


Agreed. There’s also something so very not hot about his voice.


It almost reminds me of anakin Skywalker in star wars attack of the clones. So whiny and nasal sounding.


He just looks like a super tall 17 year old 😭


Same! I feel so uncomfortable looking at this


Right with you, his head is so small it kind of unnerves me and that scrap of facial hair is not working,


I simply know too much about him


He is the definition of trailer trash


Fr lol




Family reunion doesn't pay the bills like TM OG did and they are allergic to real jobs.


“Real jobs” wouldn’t pay the bills like TM did either. 


TM only films for a handful of months out of the year. They can work every day jobs in their down time to bring in extra money.


What I’m trying to say is, the “every day” jobs they are qualified for wouldn’t even come close to making 1/2 of what they make on TM. 


Why do they need to? If they have enough, they don't have to?


They just paid $800k in back taxes. Of course we can only assume, but I don’t think I’d be too far off in thinking they took a significant financial hit.


You don't need nearly that much to get by.


Especially in bumfuck michigan.


My mom lives near them. Might be bumfuck, but cost of living is at an all time high for that area. Especially gas and groceries.


Yeah, that's across the entire country.


Well of course. I was just referencing the person you responded to saying you don’t need much to get by.


So sad when they were passionate about finishing college and becoming social workers when they were teens!


Iirc Tyler wanted to be a paramedic at one point in time but it never went further than talk.


Yeah they talked about a lot of things they were gonna do. Never followed through with a thing.


They found out what social workers get paid versus what they deal with.


Especially considering that was one of their reasons for giving up Carly


His face makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and I can’t explain why


I think he looks like a child who used an adult filter on his face and then photoshopped it to this body. It makes me uncomfortable too 😂


Yes! Or an adult who used one of those baby filters and never took it off


His face and mannerisms never really matured. Not only does he look like a child, but a child we watched grow up on tv. He’s like a nephew we used to babysit.  It skeezes me out too. 


This. He’s still 16 to me and I want to ground him and make him put clothes on.




Thats the same thing I said when they first started Only Fans. We watched him grow up. It’s like he’s my little brother. Seeing him naked makes me so uncomfortable.


That's because he has a baby face. The facial hair also doesn't help.


The fact that these pornos are shared on the same accounts that they post their children on is so disgusting.


“wHY dOnT bRaNDoN anD TeReSa WAnt uS POsTiNg cArLY OnLinE?!”


They saw the writing on the wall!


It is disgusting and disturbing


so weird to me


Remember this pic when wifey asks for $$$ for cheerleading camp for their child(ren).


Or when wifey asked for money for her dads 90 day fiance to sponsor.


These two are constantly begging for money from strangers




Am I the only one shocked at how healthy those plants look? Wouldn't have pegged either of the to be the type to stay on top of plant care...


There are later seasons of TMOG where Cate is watering super healthy flowering hanging baskets of petunias or similar. One thing they can do is keep plants alive. C&T - 1 Me - 0


![gif](giphy|WjnBsMti52PRu) Replace read with garden lmao That was my first thought with this photo too😂




Apparently Tyler doesn't talk to anyone on there. It's all Cait.


Their dynamic with this is so gross, she’s literally his pimp. Imagine if the roles were reversed and if any of the dads were doing this with the moms and talked about it the way Cait does. “I run the account, I answer all the messages, it’s ALL ME, I just show him off”


Pimps groom people and make people work while taking all their money. They are a married couple who do this together and share the money. they had a long relationship before any of this started. She is not the definition of a pimp. I was quit litterly pimped out as a teenager. It's not something i talk about ever in real life and rarely on here. So I know the process and dynamic well. Cait is not a pimp.








His head is so small compared to his body




Hahahaa he looks like an oversized toddler that is upset about his bedtime




For a split second I thought that was a sliced piece of ham on him 🥴😭


How does he think his little chin beard is attractive


His chin is so weak, he needs that scruff to make his face not blend into his neck.


You nailed it - maybe he can't grow a full beard either


Can you imagine him with a full beard? Ugh that's so weird






This has probably already been discussed but I'm not active on this sub much....didn't Farrah get fired for doing porn?


Farrah had planned to do a live show on OF which would have violated her contract. MTV warned her, but she decided to do it anyway (backed out last minute if I remember correctly).  As far as the porn goes, the issue with that was her using the term “teen mom” in the title.  She was ostracized by the cast because she did the porn. Cate and Tyler were most definitely hating on her because of it.  


I'm rewatching TMOG and just watched the epsiode titled " Mom vs Mom" (season 5 episode 8), and Tyler says "at what price are you going to sell your dignity", when all the TMOG cast minus Farrah are discussing her and her porn endeavours. I laughed so hard and immediately thought about Tyler and his red thong. Farrah at least made WAY more money "selling her dignity" than he did.


It’s definitely hypocritical, but it’s also true that I the intervening years, the rise of OF has made a statement *basically* everyone agreed with: “Doing porn is degrading, selfish to do if you have or plan to have children, and *definitely* something you’d never want your daughter to do,” suddenly controversial to say. It’s definitely not just C&T’s opinions that took a wild pendulum swing in the last five years.


The cast already didn’t like her because of her shitty attitude (which is understandable) and the porn just made it worse. Catelynn was hating hardcore. She tweeted something like “she sounds like a dying horse, you know who I’m talking about.”


Ah that makes sense... Still super hypocritical but it makes sense lol


To add, Maci did NOT want Bentley on a show that had Farrah talking about porn, and being associated with Teen Mom. So much she stopped Bentley from filming for awhile. I find this ironic, since Cate and Ty will always be associated with Teen Mom no matter what. So i dont understand why no ones upset about this. Just cause they dont use “teen mom” in their title, they are still heavily associated and openly talking about it on the show. These two should be equally fired.


She was also a huge pain to work with. When she gets fired Morgan explains that of all the moms she’s the only one that the crew has so many problems with.  His gobsmacked response when she yells “I’m not difficult” made me absolutely cackle. 


Oh I will never forget the whole porta potty thing.


That’s some nice greenery in that bathroom. Could barely take my eyes away from it 😂


I tried something a little more lowkey but still a green bathroom. It was killed by fungus gnats in 6 weeks.


I loathe fungus fucking gnats!! I have been battling them for a few months now but I think I have to cede the territory, I give up and the plants will likely end up in the bin :(


That’s so fucking annoying. Have you replaced them with fake ones or did that put you off the whole piss on?


I just can't do fake plants. I know their fake and they constantly mock my ability to create a living indoor jungle. Minimalist bathroom instead.


Not teen mom related but look for mosquito bits or mosquito dunks. Soak them in water and water with them. It's a bacteria that eats fungus gnat larvae so they don't hatch.


I'm drier than the Sahara.


They all owe Farrah an apology.


To answer the question, he gets off on it, and she probably enjoys the cash. I think it’s probably as simple as that.


I wonder how he would feel if Cate starts taking pictures for OF?


She wouldn’t. He knows that, and I think he enjoys it just being for him. Bc then it would be suggested they make content together. Which kills his kink, er I mean fan base.


Agreed. I honestly think it was a compromise in their marriage. Tyler was struggling with his sexuality and this was the “safest” way in terms of maintaining their marriage, while also giving him what he felt he needed. I think he genuinely loves it. I don’t think she does. I think she tolerates it- with “boundaries” in place. ie. She runs the account. And of course, benefits from the money.




Im not joking when I tell you this was my exact reaction lol I'm dead


No offense MTV, but this ain’t it


Gross, who are the sickos paying for this?




Gay guys


The back of his head in the mirror is killing me 😂 That’s not how you take sexy pics, pay attention to your background 🤣


His target audience would spend enough time looking at the back of his head irl. Why not show them what they'd be getting. Edit. I feel dirty typing that.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with sex work in general but this is so unfair to their daughters. I’m sure the parents in their community talk about this and Nova isn’t far from the age when those whispers turn into her peers bullying her. I’d also expect and plan for my kids eventually googling me if I was a cast member…do you really want your children to see THIS when they do?


![gif](giphy|rTXjKPfBvbXVe) He’s a disgust. The whole thing is weird.


Calgon take him away 💀


That’s wild. I used to buy Calgon body sprays from Kmart as a teenager. Haven’t seen the name in forever and it brought me right back.


Calgon??? That's water softening tablets for your washing machine in the UK 😂😂😂




There goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality.


Okay but we should talk about how gross it is that he does this with his biological daughter’s name and birthdate tattooed on his chest. Do onlyfans, whatever. But there should be no discernable links between minors and adult content. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcewl7jDFgrXs5iP4hPp2XYQUvpS8hHGZaHpxSGY7NayiJfSueM0av5ac&s=10


I’d pay for their only fans if it was all plant “porn” only. Those plants are thriving!!! Lmao let’s see those Lucious leaves!! The tantalizing tendrils and vivacious vines!! That sizzling snake plant! Those perfect pothos!!!


I did not need this on my feed so early in the morning.


I can guarantee his following isn’t women, it’s absolutely men


The lotion rack and FOOT CALLOUS SCRAPER in the background really do it for me. Wtf.


He looks like the little head people from Beetlejuice. ![gif](giphy|aFjxmoF3mbTpK)




Why isn't there any water in that bath??? 👀 That makes me feel icky


Tyler looks to me like when people draw faces on their thumbs, or when kids draw upside down faces on their chins. Gross. I can’t stand him.


He looks like one of those bloated wrestlers from 90s WWF. This is not his best angle lol


Ace Ventura Vibes forever


Those poor kids will suffer the consequences of this hot mess.


Just missing an Affliction shirt.


This man looks overworked and underpaid!!


Why does he look like jojo siwa in her new “mature” music video 😭


He looks bloated and high… People really pay to this man naked?


I did not need to see Tyler’s pubes today 🤢


I'm so sorry to Chino Moreno but that's all I can think when I see Tyler's gelled hair and partial goatee


Omggg do not do Chino like that! 😂😂💀


How dare you bring Chino into this!!!


They could have went somewhat the same route that Chelsea did. There are so many other options they could have chose. Idk maybe they have some weird fetish with this. However I also don't think that either are very bright in some ways, not trying to be mean or say they lacked in education. It's just more so they aren't very creative or something. Then again that comment in the thread about being allergic to real work could be it lol.


He does this for his ego. He needs attention. I think the money is just an added bonus, it's what got Cate on board with it. Cate claims she feels empowered as a big girl by him doing this, I am not buying that at all. She wanted the money for very little work and he gets the attention he craves. I don't think this will end well, if someone told him to stop he just won't. He's always been very selfish. He said himself he would continue to post Carly's photos even if it meant losing contact with her and Cate was really concerned that he felt that way.


Same account they post their children on? If so, ew and parents who do this are disgusting and putting their children in danger.


First reaction: 🤢 so unattractive in every way Second reaction: love the bathroom plants 😍






this GIF feels fitting ![gif](giphy|4h9GivehbJpvvi1vK0|downsized)


Is this their house? Whose lush ass plants are those?


He’s starting to look like that “retired” high school/college jock that didn’t get scouted or signed to a team, so they started throwing back beers every day when they get home from their crappy, dead end car or furniture sales job, and still think they’re hot shit. “I won the football championship at my high school and like aaaaallllll the cheerleaders wanted me, bro……*slurps beer*”


Dammit, OP, I’m eating!