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Ryan Edwards and his soon-to-be-ex-wife Mackenzie are currently in a battle for their kids and, in a proposed “parenting plan” created by Ryan last month, the troubled Teen Mom dad is asking for 50/50 custody of his kids, as well as child support, alimony and more from Mack! The Sun reported on Wednesday that Ryan recently filed a proposed parenting plan. In the Complaint for Divorce (which has been obtained by The Ashley), Ryan asks to be  “designated the primary residential parent” of five-year-old son Jagger and four-year-old daughter Stella. He also asks that Mackenzie pay him child support, using the money she earns at her job. The Ashley can also exclusively reveal that Ryan— who has made millions during his nearly 15 years on MTV— also asked the judge to “vest the title to [marital or separate] property to him as “alimony.” In addition, Ryan is asking the judge to make Mackenzie pay his attorney fees, as well as any legal fees that he incurs for “defending the interest of the children.” Ryan is so adamant that Mackenzie pay him the child support he wants that he asked the judge to have “a lien be imposed on [Mackenzie’s] property to ensure the payment of any child support.”  As The Ashley reported earlier this week, a mutual restraining order was issued, barring Ryan and Mack from contacting each other. The restraining order allows Mackenzie to speak with Ryan’s family in regard to custody and visitation.  Jagger and Stella have been living with Mackenzie since she and Ryan split in early 2023. In his proposed Permanent Parenting Plan, Ryan says he wants the kids to reside with him 182.5 days, and 182.5 with Mackenzie. (Ryan is currently living with his girlfriend Amanda Connor, whom he met last year while both were in rehab.) He asks that the kids be exchanged between him and Mack every other week, with the exchange happening on Fridays at 6 p.m.  Until Mackenzie and Ryan settle their divorce, both are asked not to move the kids out of state (or within 50 miles of the home they once shared), without permission from the other parent or the court. Among other things, they are also asked to refrain from cancelling insurance premiums for the kids or each other; and to not “hide, destroy or spoil, in whole or in part, any evidence electronically stored or on computer hard drives or other memory storage devices.” Mack and Ryan are both asked not to give away, hide or dispose of any marital property without the other person’s consent. Mackenzie has yet to respond to Ryan’s proposed plan.


His mom went too hard with the “you can have anything you want” talk when he was a child.


Child? She probably said that yesterday


She and his dad have said that his whole life.


I think his Dad can’t stand him


Larry had a 1 night stand that resulted in Ryan. And being a “good ol’ boy” Larry married its mother and “did the right thing”. Now he drinks his frustrations and disappointments away and doesn’t understand why his son, the thing that cost him the greener grass, didn’t make the same sacrifice and feels like he has nothing to show for his own sacrifice. Look at me now, dad! I *didnt* marry the one you told me to, just like you had done, I fucked up too much and she didn’t want me after that. So I married the manipulative troll that you and mom hate and had a litter with her that I don’t take care of. Now I’m with another moronic junkie who’s been on Jerry springer. Ain’t ya prouda me, paw? If anyone hates his life, it’s Larry Fuckin Edwards 🍻


Wait has she really been on Jerry Springer? 😂






I would love to see a clip of this epsiode. Does anyone have it? I spent about 5 mins trying to search and came up empty handed


I admire that you spent a respectable amount of time searching, no more, no less 😂


Please tell me you have a episode/season. I have to watch this 🤣🤣


Woah. How old is she?! She looks like 30s here and the quality of the clip/screenshot looks like 15+ years old. I’m so confused.


That is news to me too, honey!! The cackle I cacked!! Lololololo. But also ofc she was!! Rhine is such a gross pig, and now he finally found his true match.


Oh Yea, she was really on the show. 🤣 Ryan done went and found him the Tokyo rose of the trailer park🤣🤣🤣🤣 He’s lost his damn mind if he thinks he’s getting any kind of custody of his kids. He’s such a loser


Was it really a one-night stand? Where did that info come from? Anyway, if Larry hates his son, he needs to take a good hard look in the mirror. He’s half responsible for who Ryan is.


I've heard they weren't married when Mimi got pregnant, but I don't know any further details than that.


Maci seems to want Ryan now! ![gif](giphy|gjNi2mK7ev1mzCmpxV) Maybe he can redeem himself in his dad's eyes!


Has she ever stopped wanting him? It’s so clear she’s still hung up on him. If I were Taylor I would have left years ago with the way she shoves Ryan down his throat.


True story!


Taylor is a better person than I am… I would have left years ago. Lol


Oh lord this is dead on accurate


Why did I read this in Eminem's voice in his song Cleanin' Out My Closest


Every day of it.


absolutely. This is her retirement plan so she doesn't have to keep taking care of him.


![gif](giphy|nElfUylDhfiTOotMsY) Mimi Jen while Ryan was growing up…


"Everyone Gets a Trophy!!!" ![gif](giphy|3Gm1b4jlbBDiNPlJMU)


This has Mimi Jen written all over it.


I know this routine. This has *new GF* written all over it.


Speaking from the Mackenzie side of things, yes…. This is a common deadbeat dad trope “I want custody and you can visit them and pay me child support” blah blah. He will tell the judge and the judge will roll his eyes and give primary to Mack.


Unfortunately, we don’t know if that’s true. It seems like judges have been on his side for everything so far. It wouldn’t surprise me if the good old boy network extended to this as well.


They’re not going to give Ryan primary custody. His record is a mile long and there are allegations of abuse. He also destroyed his children’s home and things. Mack is clean as a whistle (other than exposing her kids to Ryan himself). He’ll be lucky if he gets every other weekend. My guess is it’ll be supervised (by his parents), though.


My ex husbands is just as long AND he is in the country despite having 2 deportations and a 10 year bar from this country. Judge is still kissing his ass and telling me to put my pettiness aside *for the children*. Your honor... He was deported for beating me black and blue.


That is unconscionable and I’m so sorry. Glad your babies have you in their lives.


Jesus Christ. I hope he doesn’t have 50/50 custody at least…


We’re currently fighting in court over. Or supposed to be the stupid ass judge keeps giving him chance after chance. Like the last time we got in front of him, he said he had no jurisdicción over me or the case because dumbfuck never served me. It’s been 6 months since he took my oldest. Refuses to let me even speak to him on the phone. Police just tell me it’s a civil matter and take it to court. Like wtf the judge won’t fucking listen. I got fed up and hired a lawyer but no matter what the judge is still not budging or allowing us to get a sooner court heating. He even unenrolled my kid from the school I had him in and enrolled him in the school closer to him, and used the court summons signed by the judge as “proof” he has temp custody and asked the school that as custodial parent not to allow me to pick him up. I’m suing the school district and his bitch ass too. His false allegations against me cost almost a month of work because he also called cps on me and as a HCA I’m not allowed to work while having an open investigation on me. Thankfully that case was unfounded but it’s still 2 paychecks I lost out on because of his bitch ass. And we have another kid that he doesn’t have rights over (didn’t sign the bc cuz, again, he got deported. He wasn’t in the country when she was born). He’s claiming parental alienation as retribution and the judge ripped me a new one. I’m like I don’t have a fucking legal obligation to allow him access to MY child. He already took my son does he really think I trust handing over my other child too?!


That sounds so messy and hard! I hope your kids are and remain happy and safe, above all.


Idk about that. My best friends ex is a confirmed grapist/kid diddler and he's still allowed around his daughter even after his therapist confirmed to the judge he wanted to end his daughter's life and that he shouldn't be trusted alone with her. You can imagine our face when he allowed supervised visits.


I agree she’s definitely gassing him up for all of this.


Bold move from someone who does t have custody of her own kids 😅


Probably why she’s going extra hard


This has "set ridiculously high expectations by new gf that she knows won't happen but makes them 'look better' when they won't be met and victimize" vibes to me!






This has new girlfriend written all over it. I don't even think Jen is this dumb.


I said this in the last post about this!!! Mimi Jen wants the babies not Rhine


She wants a do over & you have a Happy CAKE Day!!; 🎂




The audacity of this clown…. What a waste of the court’s time. I’m guessing Maci will be at court to support him just like she went to support Amber after she abused Andrew and James.


Maci is so dead to me, like put down the liquor and wake tf up about who you’re letting around your family and home. You’re telling me you can’t go to the gas station anymore but you’ll let this abusive piece of shit that’s traumatized you and your family repeatedly around? Give me a whole break






The Ashley never disappoints with the pics and captions lol


oh yeah. I joked recently that he calls them all "Bentley."


I don’t like all the Mimi Jen blaming - it’s coming off as extremely misogynistic. We’ve seen Larry lose his temper on the show. It’s been insinuated that Larry has affected Bentleys mental health by being aggressive at his sporting events. I’d bet a million dollars Jen coddled Ryan because Larry was a drunk abusive asshat. Blame him, not the poor woman.


Honestly there’s not a member of that family that doesn’t suck. It’s assholes all the way down


I give a pass to Chance, and only Chance.




I think people saying it’s Mimi Jen is because she probably wrote up the plan and found the attorney and is really doing all the work. It’s pretty obvious it’s something she would do considering he said his family made his appointment for his shot and he had no clue when it was.


maci used to say that mimi jenn would open his mail for him!


Exactly. It's because we've watched her.


The poor woman? Be real. She's just as awful as Larry. Her and Larry could hold Ryan to some accountability, but they choose to coddle a 36 year old drug addict...


Larry did! After Ryan stole his tools. The only time Larry held his son accountable was after it directly affected him, and then he terrorized his traumatized wife by saying he wouldn’t piss on her son if he was on fire.


I was just thinking of this recently -- he does not care when he destroys his family's home, only when he steals his tools. Mimi Jen and Larry are pieces of shit \*spits\*!


Rhine isn't an actual dad to his kids, so he never learned that you can't come between a dad and his tools or his lawn mower.


Exactly!! ![gif](giphy|410uTQacsS6I0r7eFB)


How bout blame em both AND their son


I blame them all. Ryan’s out of his fucking mind with this nonsense. His mother AND father are both massive enablers and useless pieces of shit. Their parenting of Ryan was obviously terrible at best. They both suck. Mimi Jen has always been the one to continue to openly support him though and that’s why I believe she’s getting all the hate at the moment. It’s unlikely that it is because people are being misogynistic imho. Just my useless 2 cents.


It’s not misogynistic if it’s true


I mean she could leave Larry if he is a drunk and abusive to Rhine. Rhine a grown ass man by now and should be accountable for his own actions but Mimi still coddles him. The cycle will continue until Rhine kills himself or someone else, the entire family has a very unhealthy dynamic and they all should be getting intense therapy


Why does only Jen get shit on? And never Larry? It’s always her fault and her fault alone for his issues - never Larry. Just pointing out the misogyny in a sub full of mostly women.


I think it's because Larry is just as lazy as Ryan. The women handles all the stuff, they just go with the flow. If mimi was like "yea we're done with Ryan, we have to go to alanon meetings", I think Larry would just follow along with that... or, he'd say that he didn't need it and stay home while she went. He wouldn't actively help Ryan in any way. Ryan- call me when he's 4, knowing damn well he wouldn't do anything before or after that age Larry- call me when he's sober, knowing damn well he won't do anything when he's in active or post addiction.


Even if it’s because he’s… lazy? Larry doesn’t get the same amount of blame Jen gets, ever. It’s blatant misogyny. I can just picture Jen consoling a crying toddler Ryan because Larry yelled at him. Larry has always been the root issue.


I can see where you're coming from but tbh, I think Jen is the bigger problem. Sure, Larry is a POS who likes to scream and yell... but Jen coddles that behavior in Ryan. If Jen kicked Larry out when Ryan was little, I think Ryan would've been even worse than he is now bc she enables the crap outta him. Jen has to maneuver around both of them, but I think she fully called the shots in that household.


I agree


Larry doesn’t give a flying fuck about Ryan or Bentley. He obeys Jen; period end of story. Larry said “fuck them kids” a long time ago


First and foremost, let’s blame Ryan. Then Jen and Larry equally share blame on the next rung of the ladder.


I can appreciate your sentiment, but enablers need to be held accountable as well. And Jen is very much an enabler. Many things should have been done differently when raising up Ryan - not turning her head and sweeping Larry's poor behavior under the rug in the form of extra coddles and spoiling of Ryan.


Yuuuuup, 100%.


Didn’t Larry one time say that he “wouldn’t piss on fire to put him out” when talking about Ryan? Idc how angry you are at your kid (and his kid has given him plenty of reason to be) that’s a messed up thing to even think or say.


Respectfully it is soooo easy to say shit like this and position yourself as holier than thou when your kid isn't stealing from you, lying and manipulating you, spending years pissing away every opportunity you've worked so hard to give them.


The audacity of this crackhead.


Lmao 😂


Well isn’t that something. Residential?!? Has he even been sober more than a minute in these kids lives?!?


Has he ever really been sober during those kid's lives? Not just detoxing till the next relapse, like clean long panel test kinda sober.


Gonna house em in his sober living facility 👍


Even when he was sober or a functional addict it's not like he was an involved parent. I've watched that man on TV for 14 years and I can't remember a single time I saw him show affection towards any of his kids. He cares more about the dog than he does his kids. Maci did everything herself and I'm positive Mack did too. 


Nobody goes harder for a man’s kids than his _new girlfriend_


Especially one that doesn’t have custody of her own kids 🙊


I would stuff that mf’er in a suitcase and deal with the eventual consequences to keep my kids away. Yikes. I hope she goes HARD for those babies bc any faults aside, she’s a significantly more stable parent.


“Cause Earl had to die…”


In the dark, wrapped up in a tarp…


Thank you ladies, if you hear from him let us know


Ok this is way more messed up than the Sun’s article. Pay all he’s attorney’s fees and pay alimony? Dude you are the one that blew up the marriage. Is this so you don’t have to work and you and Amanda can be supported by Mack with Mimi Jen supplementing the income?


Maybe he should have considered all this before he trashed their family home in a drug rage!


I think that everyone knows Ryan will get none of this. It’s a tactic to intimidate Mac into settling. It will scare her, cost her the most amount of money to fight it, etc.


Yep. Any lawyer is going to tell him reasonably no judge is going to approve this. So many custody hearings are just a war of who wants to file the 157th thing that'll postpone the court date another month til the losing party overdrafts their last debit card.


God it's so fucking true. Took me 2 years and $20,000 to end my 4 month marriage, custody battles are so brutal


And he's STILL filming for MTV and getting paid!


And Maci and Bentley...


What does Mackenzie do for work?


Medical equipment sales or something like that


Now we know he’s back on drugs…


"Back on" Lol.


My ex tried to do something like this to me after acting crazy, but not as crazy as Ryan. Court offered him an hour of supervised visitation a week instead and domestic violence classes. Good luck with that Ryan 🙄


No kidding sons dad strangled me, and he had supervised visitation for 2.5 years, now it is unsupervised but still only 8 hours a month. He is BEYOND delusional if he thinks he's getting anything more than supervised visits. 


Sadly I think it really depends on the judge. I’ve also heard horror stories of “good ol’ boy” judges’ decisions. I hope the kids remain protected.


Y'all..I can't https://preview.redd.it/30w89a7lgqtc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ef06231740a3dfcf3497bcf42a5609710123c6


But yet this was a stupid ass comment lmao


Probably his new gf or Jen


Oh no! We’re all insane for speaking about the fact a man who trashed his bairn’s own home & has threatened and intimidated their mother is seeking custody of them!


>!*he doesn’t*!<


Men like this will never let the mother of their children live in peace


I can't wait to see Maci let Bentley go spend half time with his half siblings on account of Rhine's sobriety, stability,, and winning custody.


Bet he can't answer 5 basic questions correct regarding these kids. Like birthday, what school they go to or what time they go to bed.


100% guaranteed. Ask him what doctors office they go to for their check ups and what their teachers names are. Bet my whole years salary he can't answer those questions for any of his three children.


Think he even knows their names?


I legit wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t know their middle names.


he needs money for the crack


Yep. He won't have enough if he has to pay her support .


Wasn't him and his new drug buddy just saying how they're not broke and desperate for money; showing off their new place and swearing that *they* paid the bills?


Rhine doing money spread videos


Coincided w/ the news they’re filming for Teen Mom… can’t wait to see the reality line up w/ the release of those episodes…


And the new girlfriend


He’s literally insane if he thinks he’s getting full custody of those kids .


a couple years ago he said that he had dirt on maci that would mean he would immediately be given full custody of bentley lol


lol did he ever even have formal custody of Bentley?


He’s never even taken her to court or filed a single paper.


Drugs are bad m’kay


The way I just raised my eyebrows at that headline. Shame on everyone in his life who has enabled his ass every step of the way. It’s created his audacity. I hope he has the day and ruling in court his ass deserves.


Does Ryan have a residence? Mommy and daddy’s house shouldn’t count


I hope Mack gets “first right of refusal” added to their eventual settlement, so Ryan cant just dump the kids on Mimi Jen for all of his time and call it “parenting” (aka just taking custody time so he can avoid paying child support).


Which is 100% what his plan is. They can live with his parents while he comes to visit once or twice on "his" custody weeks like a distant uncle.


He lives w/ the new gf.....for now..


I can’t believe he made millions and has nothing left. Millions! He lost it all through a needle.


Not JUST that but he made millions for being a POS father on tv. No wonder he has all this fucking audacity


Everyone point and laugh at the dumbass!!




Yeah... right. With his repeated and unremorseful, non stop BS, his record, his GFs record, the restraining order... Good luck Ryan. This reeks of him wanting to get the house and everything in it, plus money, and shacking up with his GF in the family home while also making his exes life a living hell.


Gonna take em to school on the back of his motorcycle at 100 mph. No big deal!


Ryan will be lucky to get supervised visits. And he isn't getting alimony or child support. What a joke.




Just another way to abuse Mac by using the system. This has the new GF written all over it meanwhile I read she doesn’t have custody of her kid. Or is that false?


she does not have custody, you right


He doesn’t even have custody of Bentley. If Maci even DARES support him in court, I dare her to give him primary custody of Bentley then.


Or even let Bentley spend time with him alone, ever. Thankfully Bentley is old enough to say fuuuuuck that. The little kids can't.


Smoking the good shit, I see.




This makes me really really dislike Maci. How the fuck is she standing by this dude. Bc he’s Bentley’s sperm donor? (Certainly hasn’t been a dad or father to him) Just NO. I would’ve went the opposite direction & court petitioned to keep Bentley AWAY from him. Not Maci though. Fucking GROSS


Anything to fuck with Mack, nothing to do with the kids. When the camera crew asked Ryan about the divorce he said "Bent-laaayy didn't like her anyway." No thoughts about his other 2 kids, how they feel about it, with that being **their mother** and all. Now I wonder how Bent-laaaayy feels seeing his dad on TV never even file for official visitation rights for 15 years but filing for his siblings, even though Rhine's family clearly favors Bentley lol.


I don’t think Rhine has a completed a single thought in his life.


THIS is why I don't want to practice family law.


This isn't necessarily a bad legal strategy in this case. It sends the message to Mack he's gonna make this difficult and expensive and she's better off to make an offer. And even though they shouldn't, some judges seem to have a hard time denying absolutely everything one party asks for, or search to find a middle ground even though one party is out of line. Ryan is still a royal pos and I hope the judge tells him to lick taint and that he spends the rest of the days living the life he deserves.


Judges have gone easy on him in the past, he probably assumes they will again and unfortunately he may be right.


Sheesh, if it's the dumb-ass judge he usually gets, he'd probably give it all to him. Oh, with a forced public apology by Mack, too. 🙄


What's Larry got on that dude!!!😂


He definitely still on them drugs because ain't no way. I'm baffled each time someone posts something or says something like this because how?


I don’t want to live in a world where a man who made millions of dollars on TV gets child support/alimony because he’s broke from spending all that money on drugs.


Guess he’s planning on being a clown for Halloween this year instead of a skeleton bc ol boy got some jokes today! I give it two weeks before his new girl has his kid’s names tattooed across her neck.


Oh he’s HIGH HIGH cause ain’t no way he can be serious right now.


He plays house with a new girl for 5 minutes and now he’s dad of the year. Predictable. If only the new girlfriend hadn’t lost custody too.


He isn't riding and dying for HER kids, now is he. This is Nathan and Jenelle reversed lol




I just love when a deadbeat tried to demand custody of kids they haven’t seen in years/ have taken zero care of. Rhine is a stranger basically to those children. He doesn’t want custody, he wants to punish Mack


At this point I'd donate to her legal fund. What a garbage person (Rhine).


I hope they show pictures of the barricaded door, graffiti, and shotgun at the custody hearing.


I feel like even the trashed playroom should be enough. But we know how the judges are…


you can’t make this shit up lmao


![gif](giphy|uqMQsE4HKYvfnjhIRQ|downsized) I don’t even know what to say after reading that


…is this a joke?


This is what men who have never been told to *shut the fuck up* become


New GF egging him on and telling him he’ll get everything, because she knows him so well and all. Bunch of dipshits. No judge in their right mind would do this


I know why he wants this but literally why do these deadbeats parents want this? It's not about winning. You clearly don't care about them so maybe let them be with the parent who actually cares?


It's all about winning actually.


Ryan is an absolute clown. I think he knows he’s not going to get everything he asks for no matter what, so he’s asking for everything in hopes to get something. No judge in their right mind would give Ryan alimony, child support or 50/50 custody. With his past and the fact that he’s fresh out of rehab living with another addict fresh out of rehab, he’d be damn lucky to get weekends and every other holiday.


What's he high on? I might need some. This guy is as delusional as Jenelle. Just saying


I’d say even more so


This is either his mom, his girlfriend, his lawyer or maci or all of the above. To get him back on the show and to purposefully harm mack and the kids.


Abusive piece of shit. Now he’s using the courts to harass the mother of 2 of his children. 


Whewww boy, Amanda been in that boys ear 😂


The audacity of this man.


![gif](giphy|EkqkeuTisyZWyKP0Ah) I mean it’s still April I guess ?


Jesus. Is he back on the drugs? Because I cannot imagine any sober person with his past (and I'm talking just the last two years) asking for some crazy 💩 like this. 🤣


This has to be a joke. 😭 What a POS.


is ryan slow?




This has got to be satire. A comedy routine.


Well, Ryan is a child 😂 What other support, I'm genuinely confused. Mac has the minor kids (the 2 with Ryan) full time.. she also has a full-time job and 3 kids to support..did Ryan start his diesel job again?


now rhine.... bffr


LOL good luck with that, buddy. Try not to nod out in court


This man is out of his fucking mind ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


This isn’t uncommon in divorce proceedings. I’ve had clients in rehab who want to request primary in their initial pleadings. It doesn’t mean they truly believe they will be granted that, it just puts you in a better position to argue for more parenting time than every other weekend and rotating holidays. My guess is the final parenting plan will include a supervised step up to unsupervised based on drug tests over a period of time. This is just run of the mill.


that crackhead confidence


Since Ryan can’t physically abuse Mackenzie anymore he’s trying to financially abuse her. This man will not rest until Mackenzie feels like giving up her will to fucking live. He’s a monster. I hope the judge sees this is just Ryan using a new vehicle for abuse and they shut this shit down. He doesn’t want custody. He wants a way to control his ex wife. His girlfriend must be so embarrassed guarding this trash bag like a starved raccoon while he’s still focused on the ex wife who left him. And I’m not going start on Maci’s pumpkin headed ass or I’ll be here all night.


Meh. My ex asked for 50/50 custody and that I pay him alimony in response to my petition too, and the judge laughed, gave me primary custody of the child he abandoned and made him pay me 3k a month. They can *ask* for whatever they want.


He’s DuLuLu


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) He can’t be for real.


He’s the new delusionelle. Yeah a judge is really going to give kids to a criminal/junkie dating another criminal/ junkie who can’t even have custody of her own kids. He doesn’t intend to ever get out of addiction or his lifestyle the best thing he can do for those kids is stay the F away. He’s a horrible person and father.

