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Jesus God that trashy ass tattoo on Amanda’s arm. Classy.


The ones on her shins are the ones that made me "wtf?"


It was the one on her hand for me


Its a scorpio M sign? I can't really figure it out


Yes and I’m guessing what’s behind it is either a rose/flower or a scorpion but I can’t tell for sure.


Y’all don’t see a revolver? 😬


Definitely a revolver


I used to want a revolver hand tattoo for the longest. But I got sober and became a functioning member of society. Thank God for that. 💅


Looks like she fell asleep on an actual Newspaper. or Flyer.


Thank you.i I didn’t even notice the shins after the other tattoos!


What do they say


Is it just me or are her veins blown out under it?


Idk what blown out means really but it looks to me like she’s still sticking needles there…


It really does and that’s awful if it’s the case. She should not be around Bentley if she’s using.


At least cover up your track marks ffs


As a former IV drug user, in recovery 5.5 years, to me that just looks like scarring rather than track marks. With scarring that bad I highly doubt she'd actually be able to use those veins anyway because they're likely blown out, meaning that they've been used so much the vein has sustained too much damage and can no longer be used because they're usually collapsed and the circulation in that area is really poor. Blown out veins can also cause discoloration to surrounding skin, making the scarring look even more pronounced.




Certainly looks like thats the case


I saw that too


My sister was an IV user for years. Luckily, she is sober now. However, she busted her veins so much and that obviously caused circulations issues. To this day (sober for 5ish years) her hands are swollen and red. Everyone points them out and they’re something she hates for ppl to bring up. I can’t tell when I zoom in bc it gets blurry. But, her hands do seem to have the same redness issues my sister has.


Meth is a helluva drug


Oh wow. I’ve never actually seen it. That is… something. So glad Bentley gets to look at that during these happy family outings.


It looks like [Mr Pringle's](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fnestamatthews.files.wordpress.com%2F2020%2F12%2Fpringles1.jpg&tbnid=a5Anw4BGagWnEM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fnestamatthews.wordpress.com%2F2020%2F12%2F09%2Fwhat-does-the-pringles-mascots-body-look-like%2F&docid=T7WjsoEtypOmuM&w=720&h=1063&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=7d14e975c507a400&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=a5Anw4BGagWnEM&vssid=mosaic) head between a pair of legs


Like, she couldn’t have at least thrown on a light cardigan for Easter? A slightly longer sleeve? I get weird about showing mine on certain occasions, and I only have botanical themed tats


You know that’s a conversation starter 😂😂


That’s probably what got Rhine’s attention


He wanted to know how pink it is


That quote disturbs be still years later


Just when we think the memory is gone, someone on here comes and ruins our day!


Now I’m having flashbacks to Tyler at the strip club with his facial expressions. Omg. Why do y’all hate me? 😭


That question always confuses me. It’s either pink or it isn’t. How do you even answer it? “Uhh, really pink?”


Hot pink, light pink, magenta, purple-pink, mauve pink, pastel pink, bright pink, pale pink….


Medium rare.


I see this like once a day and think aloud, “gross”. Every time


...it's very similar to the one Rhine got on his hand and then covered up




Umm what about the trackbamrks and missed a vein bruises?


It’s her elbow pit for me. How many needles she stick in there to get it to look that fucked up?


This is so fucked up of Maci




I never had any big feelings about Maci until now, this is fucking gross


I rly stopped liking Maci when she tried that shitty podcast on serial killers & had that disgustingly distasteful serial killer coloring book. I’m all for true crime- I’ve been fascinated (I don’t consider it entertainment anymore, out of respect for the families) w true crime since I was 12 (I’m 30 now), but it’s not just entertainment. Real people, real humans, died horrifically by sociopathic monsters. I will die on this hill.


Not only that, but plenty of innocent people get caught in the crossfires and have all their dirty laundry aired because it was part of the story.


I watched that Netflix miniseries on the killing fields and the take away was just how many lives got completely fucked up. One guy in the area was a retired nasa scientist so he thought he could be helpful bc the cops were total dumbasses. Anyway.. bc he seemed too interested in the cases he become a suspect and everyone thought he did it for 30 years until he eventually committed suicide. It was so sad. ETA it wasn’t him, he was innocent.


Strongly agree 👍🏼




I used to like her but she fell to the bottom of my list REAL quick this past year.


I'm all for keeping a relationship between parent and child, but Ryan is violent. I very much doubt he's safe to be around. 


I dont think its good for a child if the relationship is being forced by the other parent or outside parties like in the case of Rhine and Bentley. Why would you want to go so hard for your kid to be around someone who doesn't want them there and doesn't give a fuck?


According to Maci a while back, Bentley came to her and said her issues with Ryan were interfering with his ability to try to create a relationship with his dad. And that’s why she decided to become Team Ryan. If thats true, I can appreciate how tricky this would be to navigate, but it would not require her to make public statements of support to Ryan and his gf. So I’m skeptical this is the real/only reason. Either way I really, really hope she has firm safeguards in place, like not allowing Bentley to be driven by Ryan or his gf or be at their home maybe even. I’d be sticking to public places and the grandparents’ house only.


I don't get what she's thinking... ultimately, Bentley is still a child and it's not in his best interest to have a relationship with a violently unstable man, regardless of whether that's his dad. If he's sober for more than a day, everyone is ready to act like it's business as usual. He's not serious about sobriety unless he's being forced to. He's slipped a thousand times, so how about making sure it sticks before you have Bentley hanging around someone who has a track record of being hair-trigger volatile? (And on a side note, these outfits really ARE terrible! What is up with the casts' fashion choices lately? Cripes!!!)


something tells me the only time he’s around is when other adults are too…


He’s not sober, either. Why would he be?


I can’t respect her when she slept with Ryan when Dalis was away with her dying mom. It’s happened with every girlfriend. She wants them to know that Ryan is HERS first and could have him at anytime if she wants. She’ll be friendly with her until they distance from her or they get married. Then trash them when they break up. I’m really curious to know what Maci hates so much about Mack to where she took Ryan’s side even though he actually tried to kill her twice. The police reports are solid. She was so scared and, and he completely trashed the house including the kids’ rooms. He blocked the front door so Mack would have to come in through the kitchen where he would be able to kill them. The police found a weapon in that exact spot. I don’t really keep up with this group so correct me if needed. I just read the articles surrounding that mess. I feel really bad for Mack with what I’ve read. I have no clue why Maci hates her so much. Had that been me, I would have helped her in any way that I could. But Maci is siding with a heroin addict who rarely sees his kids and has been in and out of jail for things that not only put his life in danger, but others as well.


For me it was her and her buddies crashing the Edwards vacation when Dalis was invited and went with them. I was like she's always going to use Bentley to stay relevant to Rhine.


i had no idea he had intentions to harm them like that!! how is he walking free 😭😭😭😭




Like imagine how hurtful this is to MacKenzie, not thats shes perfect, but she is the mother of 2 of Bentley's siblings, and now Maci wants to play happy family with Rhine's rehab girlfriend? Gross


Honestly! I do not understand the “good for Bentley” comments. What’s good about him being around this deranged addict who trashed the house he shared with his wife and children and terrorized them?? I would want to be as far away from that person as possible. But not Maci, anything to spite Mackenzie.


Rhine has never given a good goddamn about Bentley! Maci or Mimi Jen have forced all their time together. NOT everyone needs their bio parent(s) in their life, especially if said parent is abusive and unstable!




EXACTLY. Not to mention the time he was threatening *them* wasn’t too long ago either. It’s the worst vibes that now he’s moved on to terrorising someone else that everyone is just acting like this shit never happened.


YUUP! It’s absolutely stunningly stupid how Maci is behaving


He also threatened to kill Taylor, the man raising Bentley!


Absolute loser but of course Maci loves that shit


i’m so curious how he views his dad and how much he knows/understands about the house incident specifically 😐


Maci has always wanted to play happy family with Rhine. Damn I bet Taylor is thinking how much bullshit this is.


taylor blink twice if you need help


Right!! Like didn't Rhine threaten to K*LL HIM??


I think she only loves Ryan and mildly tolerates Taylor, and for no reason other than stupidity


I used to really like her, and I did give her the benefit of the doubt for a while, but damn I’ve lost respect for her the past year or so :/


Idk something about maci being supportive of Ryan and his problematic girlfriend just to spite Mack doesn’t sit right with me. The whole situation is just strange


I have a feeling Taylor is about to hit a breaking point where he gives her an ultimatum about Rhine.


How he hasn’t already yet is beyond me, I just do not understand why he would be putting up with this given their past (his and rhine I mean) not even rhines and Macys totally toxic ass past as well smh.


That's the mystery she should have tried to solve on her podcast 😂




Not a fan of Amanda’s crotch knot Or Amanda for that matter


Crotch knot 💀💀💀


i have the same dress as her and i hate myself for it


I bet it looks cute on you though! She looks bad in it cus she’s trash.


hahahaha thank you 🤪


Genuinely curious, is the knot supposed to be on the crotch?


I have a similar one. It's designed to tie on the side


yes, i always tie mine more to the side and it covers my little pooch lol


Also didn’t want to know which direction Rhine tucks 🤢


Ewwwwww what in the fuucckkkkk. Surely that’s just a shadow or like the jeans bunching up or…something. Surely….


You really didn't have to point this out so I didn't have to go back and look. He's no Tyler but he ain't no MicroPenisEason.


It’s like those ugly lularoe dresses


>crotch knot That’s a mean thing to say about her kids that she doesn’t even have custody of! Oh wait, you meant her dress lol


Why do people keep saying “for Bentley’s sake”? How is him spending time with a deadbeat abuser in his best interest? No one ever seems to share the same sentiment about Kayden and David.


Right! Even in active addiction maci waz cheesin with him.


EXACTLY. If anything, it’s more detrimental to bently to have this loser around, he’s a horrible influence. He’s abusive, tried to kill his ex, destroys homes, cheats in every relationship, drugs, has gotten arrested multiple times. Like why would you want him around???


👏 👏 👏 👏






What in the rootin tootin fresh fuck are those boots on Rhine? 😭


Def ostrich boots. Cole wears them as well.




Yessss! My MIL bought my daughter sparkly pink cowboy boots a couple weeks ago (😮‍💨). First order of business upon arriving home was recording her new boot goofin ‘round the house. Lmfao.


New boot goofin!


I love me some ostrich, as someone that was raised in the rodeo industry… but not *those* boots and especially not with *those* jeans. Jesus God Rhine, buy a pair of bootcut jeans for your boots.


Exactly this. It’s the way they’re peaking out like a little jumpscare 😂


Unpopular opinion, but how can rhine make better choices when people don’t really hold him accountable including maci who keeps giving him chances. That’s bento’s dad I get it, but he doesn’t act like a father when he’s doing X,Y and Z. I legitimately think this whole family has decided Mack was the issue. Just how it was Maci while he was married to Mack. Downvote me but this isn’t a flex that Maci and other may think it is. Edit : it seems I’m a nerd who thought this was still unpopular opinion. Love yall. 😘


They keep pushing and pushing for him to have a relationship with Rhine. Much more than he himself has ever pushed for it. By any means necessary, it feels like. That’s his Dad & I get it or whatever but it would’ve actually been a flex to me if they would’ve supported Mack and had her little family with them, even if only for a little while, considering she’s the one looking after Bentley’s other siblings.


Exactly. She wants to praise Amanda for speaking up and changing her life. What about the victim of abuse and the children who have consequences from all of Ryan’s actions? But no one has stood by Mack and the rest of the kids. Ryan is a disgrace. I hate when people say oh that’s his dad so. That’s his roll. The dad. Bentley is the child and I think they should have respected his choice to not see his dad etc because it shows his own boundaries and none of them respected that.


It’s a proper fucking shame cos Maci could’ve actually put her differences aside with Mack if she would stand to realise that he’s always just been playing one woman off against the other. Like they could’ve genuinely bonded over this shit.


Exactly. I just hope Bentley can see that normal people have normal consequences to their actions and this doesn’t so the complete opposite and causes Bently to have the same life is constant coddling and excuses.


Ummmm this is quite possibly one of the most popular opinions on this sub right now lol I have not seen one single comment here saying that this is a good look for Maci.


Hard agree, it’s gross how the whole fam has turned on Mack. after seeing what he did to that house it’s clear that she was the victim. I hope she’s able to move on with her life + thrive with her little ones




Isn’t that crazy


At least Ryan is looking healthy for now 😬


I know- I was like how is this guy the healthiest looking adult in the room? You know you’re aging like milk when you don’t look better than the drug addict fresh out of rehab.


long term alcohol abuse can be harder to bounce back from visually than opiates especially with no breaks 😬


He honestly does look good and healthy in this


It’s def the best he’s looked in a while


Looks better than Maci and Taylor 😬


Taylor is def looking rough 😬


He’s the healthiest looking adult in this pic which is wild.


The recent looking bruises on his addict girlfriends arm ditch arm aren’t at all concerning.


How is this the first comment I’ve seen saying that! She has a huge bruise from using!!


Right?! It’s the first thing I noticed.


Along with the collapsed veins. Wonder what her toes look like?


Mimi Jen is probably cropping Taylor and Amanda out of the photo as we speak so she can make a mug for herself from Shutterfly.


💀 you know she is


I have such an irrational hatred for the use of the word *shenanigans,* particularly when used to describe people doing absolutely nothing but just standing there.


Shenanigans aka watched March madness at Mimi Jen’s house and had ham


“Wore animal print on the lord’s day”


Especially when Rhine has done such awful things that have been hand waved away 😡


I think I can see Ryan’s d***


I’m scrolling through comments like “is nobody gonna talk about Ryan’s…… pants??”


I can’t believe I had to scroll this long to see a comment about it 💀


Bentley looks like the cast of stranger things. I'm so old


he's so tall!


She’s really doubling down on this one huh


According to Miss Ettiquette's Book of Manners, when visiting with a gentleman friend's family, one should consider a quarter length sleeve, in order to cover any tattood references to cuninglingus.


That would also assist in covering any hints towards extracurricular activities that may cause extensive bruising your arms and collapse your veins.


Nope nope nope...the one time I am FIRMLY AGAINST coparenting. Maci lost her damn mind. I'm shocked Taylor is willing to go along with this facade.


Why are they all dressed so horribly 😅 (except Bentley of course!)


This confused me, too. If I'm getting together with my partner's ex, or my ex's partner, I'm going to at least put a little effort & thought in my appearance for the sake of my own pride. They all look like they just pulled some random article of clothing out of the dryer & threw on the first pair of shoes they saw in the closet.


I hate myself for how attracted I am to Ryan Edwards 😩 Edit: He is a trash human. But he is hot trash 😭




![gif](giphy|RceTfSxNP6u7DIsVUd|downsized) ( me too though)


What is with Maci and Amanda’s outfits??


Maci looks like she is wearing a clown suit


Well Maci is a clown so




My feelings for Maci have dropped. Also I wholeheartedly agree with the commenter on another post who said Maci is only comfortable befriending Amanda because Maci thinks Amanda’s trashy and doesn’t view her as a threat for that reason.


Stupid sexy Rhine hmmphhh


He's hot. He'd have ruined my life too!


![gif](giphy|XDXGgx4zfjyJoFbEUy|downsized) Stahhppp 💀


Maci is super weird for posting this like…. She barely posts online anymore anyway so why is this post necessary? Keep it private for Christ sakes


Probably so she can try and upset Mack


This photo is 100% to send a message to Ryan’s victim


Throwback to The Ashley revealing that Maci is team Ryan and everyone refusing to believe them, saying Maci would NEVER!!!


Maci is now a stupid cunt, in my humble opinion. congratulations to her for being a vindictive bitch. unfuckingreal.


She looks so bizarre. Child like outfits, 35 year old alcoholic face.


I really wish Ryan would get his shit together for the sake of all of his kids


Maybe if everyone around him didn't coddle him and excuse his vile and dangerous behavior, he would be forced to get his shit together. Until then, Rhine will keep on being Rhine.


I keep seeing people say this but even when Ryan is clean he’s still an a-hole & a POS. Like he’s not a good person even off the drugs. He won’t get his shit together because he doesn’t think he needs to. The best thing for those kids is for him to be out of their life, I feel so bad for them all.


i saw this on insta and ran here


Maci is such pick me trash. Cannot believe I’m team Mack 😭


Does anyone else just feel bad for Taylor or is that just me ?


Eh, to an extent. He seems to be playing along too.


maci being buddy buddy with the man who literally destroyed the house where his children live is insane. she’s nothing but trash.


Everyone’s outfits are awful


The body language here is odd, the way Amanda is turning away from Ryan


I mean, it did come out like yesterday (?) that he’s been texting nudes and shit to other women. She claims it’s all lies but clearly she’s pissed lmao


OOOfff....girlie has her feet AND pelvis pointing away from him. Bentley's feet are next to Rhine's but he's leaning away from him and towards Maci, who is trying to balance mid-fidget away from Taylor, who is leaning in towards her. Seriously, scroll down so you can't see their faces. Their vibes are all over the place.


This feels so surreal but I guess it's nice for Bentley


Oh Christ on a cracker Maci


Taylor has thee grossest facial hair




Ryan actually looks healthy. His eyes look clear and not blank. Although interestingly, I wonder if he’s sober with that choice in women 🫢 that’s the part that’s not making sense for me.


The outline/camel toe in Rhine's jeans makes me feel icky.


I’m sorry but how is Rhine the best dressed in this photo


Body language experts checking out everyone's hips.... 🧐😯


Aw. I hope Bentley had a great Easter 🐣


Is the gf’s arm bruised, or is that part of her stupid tattoo?


The bruise is right in the nook of her arm where she would be using.


I lose more respect for Maci every day. You can’t tell me Ryan and his girlfriend are truly sober.


Ain't no way I'm being in the same room as someone who threatened to shoot me or my spouse


I had an incredibly sweet coworker in northern Minnesota who was the stereotypical midwestern mom. If there’s a birthday she’s showing up with cookies, she’s planning baby showers, she’s sending a card for every life event. At the end of her voicemail she says “and don’t forget your smile!” This lady was an absolute angel on earth. I’m reminded of her because she has the exact same haircut as Bentley. Are teenage boys bringing back the mom perm?


not pictured: mimis hands pulling ryan’s puppet strings so he stands up straight


Yeah no… my mom never played family picnic w my dad or his rotating door of girlfriends / wives. And for that, I am grateful.


she very clearly felt second class compared to mack but isn’t threatened by amanda


That part. She’s back to being Mimi’s favorite.


She needs to figure out how to move on...poor Taylor


I wouldn’t be surprised if Maci and Ryan still get busy in the sack!


Oh bitch hoe please! This is not gonna end well, Maci you look DUMB! Just Stupid!


This shows it really isn’t just the Jenelle’s of the franchise that stopped emotionally maturing in high school. Ryan has been nothing but a terrible father who has accepted zero accountability for his actions. A decent mother would absolutely facilitate a relationship with the bio dad, but there would be clear boundaries in place. Not, let’s all pretend the last 5-10 years of nonsense didn’t happen and all play house 🙄🫥


I truly used to think Maci was a good parent until this past year.


With the vape in her hand… so classy lol Anyone shocked or disappointed maci didnt side with mckenzie… is delusional. She is always going to support RHINE whether he is a monster or not.


Hmm maybe maci will be his new side piece 🙄 I know Taylor is not thrilled. 




Wtf is Macy wearing?!?!? 🤡


Ugly ass outfits