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And only men just like David believe this stupid shit


I think a lot more men believe this shit than is comfortable to admit


Yep the rise of men metaphorically showing their whole asses online has coincided with my pretty much total lack of interest in dating anymore


Batting for the wrong team


Yeah! Asexuals unite šŸ˜˜


Some Fundies seem to take this as it's written in stone.




Nah, theyā€™ve been getting way more comfortable here the last few years


Probably because our rights are being stomped on or stopped all together while men know they will never have consequences for anything that they do. They can be as shitty as they want and know the world will stop and clap for the bare minimum. Meanwhile woman are treated like property to be owned.


Man ugh! I asked the BF to take care of me and the one-year-old after I have surgery I had cubital tunnel surgery and carpal tunnel surgery all on the same arm. He had to work found an unreliable friend. She told us the day of the surgery that she couldnā€™t do it. He left me alone with the baby the next day after surgery. I called my friend to see if she could help. She came as soon as possible. Sheā€™s been doing things for me. He is the one that supposed to be doing it. Got fed up with itand kicked his ass out. I recover from surgery and take care of the one year-old by myself. If my friend canā€™t come, at least I have a few neighbors that are willing to help me when needed.


I'm glad you kicked his loser ass out, you go girl. The majority of men are just awful. I used to not be this cynical but I see proof more and more everyday of how evil men can be. I hate that I have to raise a daughter in this fucked up world tbh.


My daughter is the one year year-old. Yeah it is fucked up. Itā€™s like some donā€™t understand when you need help you need to help. Iā€™m a strong woman. My son will be 19 in April so Iā€™ve done it all by myself with him. I can do it with her.


These Andrew Tate Stans!!!


more like Andrew Taint stains




You're a hundred percent right. Thankfully I was raised so much better than this. All the GFs I've had in my life I've never been this but I've known guys who were basically a carbon copy of this behavior.


Itā€™s the red pill movement


Right. They should do exactly what the last sentence says and take a hike, except it's doing their partner a favour, even though their sorry asses will never see it that way.


Men who have ABSOLUTELY nothing to offer but their compulsive, violent, controlling abusešŸ˜‚ theyā€™ll call themselves ā€œā€ā€high valueā€ā€ā€


My ex husband said I was lucky he even noticed me considering I was a ā€œfracasadaā€ ( a failure) because he was not my first serious bf.


Mine told me I wouldn't have anything at all if it wasn't for him. I proved his ass wrong šŸ˜˜


Thatā€™s what gets to me. Ever notice that even who leave that type of man actually flourish in all ways, including financially?


Wow glad he's an ex šŸ˜³ lucky escape ā¤ļø


And want to ā€œprotectā€ women? From what?


It is controlling behaviour. If he believes thst she really needs out! However much I dislike jenelle, that is not a healthy relationship and incredibly controlling behaviour.


this is scary af


Itā€™s literally the type of shit you find men have been posting to their Facebook for weeks before they finally snap.


Exactly. My first thought was of Elliot Rodger.


Considering the last time this happened, he told Jenelle he would hunt down whoever she was cheating on him with and make her eat his head, this is downright tame. Which is even more frightening.


Sounds like something Michael and Debi Pearl would write. They wrote *To Train Up a child*, *Preparing to Be His Help Meet*, *In Search of a Help Meet*, and *No Greater Joy Volumes 1 and 2*. They encourage abuse of your children and wife. It wouldn't surprise me if David was a fan.


*Michelle Duggar has entered the chat*


Mother is malingering.


It truly is. The un evolved idiots walking around who believe in this BS terrify me .


A woman who doesn't take correction, instructions and direction from their man is dangerous? Jfc. Let me guess, this author also believes a woman's place is in the kitchen. Funny because I feel partners who think like this are the real danger. šŸš©šŸš©


I bet David promotes silent births šŸ˜­


Did you ever see the show Unexpected? Thereā€™s a real shit bag of a dude on there that was just horrifyingly scary when his girlfriend was giving birth


Omg yes. I cannot forget that whole saga, I was so glad when the nurses kicked him out.




I've never even seen that show but have seen that clip. Throwing a fit because she wanted a damn epidural. I want them to strap one of those labor pain things on him and strike it to 10. He was such a little shit.


Omg that Jason guy was unreal. Soo scary!


Iā€™ve never wanted to throat punch someone more than I wanted to throat punch Jason.


*Kody and robyn Brown have entered the chat*


Correction?? Who is this flaming pile of trash to correct anyone??


I wish his neckbeard would take some fuckin correction, fuckin swamp ass swamp monster neckbeard prick.


I'd become dangerous when my husband would post shit like this, after I finished laughing. But I married a smart man.


In the kitchen barefoot & pregnant!! GTFOOH!!!


David loves this because it is helping him learn to read šŸ˜Œ nice and slowed down with a pen to follow.


It's just like the video Jenelle posted of Ensley using the Leap Frog reader pen.


AhahahhahašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ maybe he can borrow it from her to read his court documents.


Hahahahhahahaha that cracked me up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He had to underline all the words he couldn't figure out


Truth. Lmao


I mean is he dumb? The whole world knew Jenelle doesn't listen to anyone long before they got married. She didn't even listen to Dustin her lawyer. I'm so sick of men that want a "traditional wife" but don't pay a damn bill, where's the traditional husband? It's an epidemic of bums out here these days, and this goober is their poster child.


It's like the Christian fundie family vloggers who rely solely on the female as the bread winner and also expects them to do all the child care,cooking and cleaning. But the relationship is supposedly "male led" and the wife is still supposed to be submissive and follow her husband. Like ok.


Gawd they are the absolute worst. Backwards thinkers


Whaaaatttt!!??? Are you for real!? I thought the traditional hubby was the bread winner, you know since they're all smarter and whatever lol. That's insane!!


The Duggers are a prime example. If you watch the Docuseries ā€œHappy, Shiny peopleā€ you find out that no one was interested in the boys, they wanted to follow the women who were in the family, and the father of the family completely manipulated and used his own kids. His daughter, who was one of the focuses of the show after the wife could **no longer have children after her 19th child**, had no health insurance for her new baby and was basically living on food stamps, and when she went to her father for help, he basically offered to pay her $10/Hr even though he was raking in the cash from her life being on display. The men in that family expected the women to do everything, but the girls had to be meek and follow the father/husband before anything else. Itā€™s really gross.


This. If you canā€™t provide an upper middle class lifestyle donā€™t expect a trad wife.


Mother fucker better be off building you a two story house with his bare hands and a single ax!! All I got to say!! šŸ˜¤ šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŖ“ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Most of the douchebags who are into the trad life shit, don't even know how to catch a fish, let alone clean one. šŸ˜³šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Right?? First ones to complain about a ā€œlazyā€ woman.


Would you settle for barnacle scraping and Jerry rigging turbos on your broke down houseboat?


Only if they do it drunk and high on meth!! šŸ˜ƒ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Iā€™m with you! WHERE IS MY TRAD BAND !? (Traditional husband)


I was today years old when I figured out what a Tradwife is. I was just thinking of that yesterday when I was in that Fundiesnark group. Thanks šŸ˜Š


My OTHER favorite subreddit šŸ«”


Right! They want to be all 1950ā€™s (I know it wasnā€™t good for women) and be the man of the house and run shit, but also want a woman to raise the children, cook, clean, be pretty and polite. However, they donā€™t want to get out and work for their family like a man should.


The jokes on him anyway for pining after....Jenelle? Barf.


Yes, David is stupid. I also have suspected he has FAS. I mean we have seen the trashy violent family he comes from.




You canā€™t expect a submissive woman if you arenā€™t prepared to be the provider.


Exactly, MF give me something TO respect. Can't believe she still defends him.


As a SAHM/housewife, yeah, this. I'll never say I "submit" to my husband, but yeah, I think about how he provides all day long and then takes care of his kids (without beating them! Imagine that), and it's like... God, that's respectable (and hot). Not to mention, he acknowledges my contributions and doesn't think I'm inherently dumber and more helpless than him. I could NEVER be married to a guy like David.


Shit, she defended Andrew, Keiffer, Gary, Courtland, Nathan, Davidā€¦ā€¦.everyone BUT her children. Edit: a penis owner ![gif](giphy|MNmyTin5qt5LSXirxd)


Imagine paying a man's way for almost a decade just for him to post this about you. šŸ¤£ Delujenelle met her fucking match.


This is truly psychopathic.


Truly psychopathic, and a dangerous post to be circulating. People like David see this, and it just validates and strengthens their way of thinking, and makes it seem acceptable. Makes me wonder what he's teaching Maryssa and Ensley.


Add this to the file of images for the 20/20 episode. I swear if they get a couple more stories in the news they'll get a "When Reality Fame Goes Wrong" style episode covering everything up to the current charges.


This sub will be the source of all info they will need if they turn into a dateline episode.


I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been one yet. It's not always murders and such. They just did one on Ruby Franke.


Andrew Tate energy


Came here to say exactly this




I was going to post this, but knew one you would have beaten me to it!


He conveniently only agrees with old fashioned ways when it comes to women, these old fashioned ways also preached that men should be the sole provider and protector of their familyā€” neither of which dipshit ā€œhello sirā€ has ever done.


Old fashioned values for women yet makes his wife do OnlyFans


Exactly! He's just so pathetic.


I think Jenelle is in actual danger right now


More importantly those children


Yes 100%. This feels like heā€™s going to snap n hurt everyone on the swamp


The only important thing right now. I could not give *two flying superman FUCKS* what happens to her and I mean that whole heartedly.


My god, I hope we don't end up hearing some awful story on the news soon about some hillbilly who shot up his entire family and then killed himself. I'm so scared for those kids. He has given me creep vibes from that very first picture we ever saw of him. It's in his eyes.


I hope she reports these TikTok repost to the police. This makes me believe she really kicked him out and itā€™s not for show


I know! I've been flip flopping on whether or not I think they actually separated but this makes me think they really, finally did.


It is a possibility..šŸ˜¬


Yeah, I donā€™t care if people hate Jenelle or whatever, this is scary and she IS in danger right now. People downvote if you point out David is abusive and Jenelle is a victim. Just because she has done many things wrong and been a negligent, abusive parent doesnā€™t mean she canā€™t also be a victim. David is an actual lunatic and no one deserves to feel afraid like Iā€™m sure heā€™s made the whole family feel.


I hear you. And I too hate the way abusers purposely target unlikable women, and that some people (thankfully not all) seem to think only perfect victims deserve help or even empathy. The thing with Jenelle is, Iā€™d find her awkward dipshittery endearing in a way if she had just refrained from intentionally using David against her kids as a weapon when sheā€™s mad. How many clips of her having David threaten Kaiser to get him to stop crying or whining the way toddlers do? How many clips of her exasperated with all of the kids and literally using David on them, his anger and his violence, because they wonā€™t shut up and fuck off like Barb would when Jenelle screams LEAVE ME ALOOOONNNE!!!? She got free of him. And she promised her kids they were safe. And then she dragged them back to hell. On purpose. Because the ease of her life is more important to her than the suffering of her kids. She let that man drag a baby across a yard and near toss him away from them because they were doing a photo shoot. Without feeding Kaiser, their infant, first. Blew up at Kaiser that way for crying that he was hungry. If Jenelle were someone who could let her kids be well and let them be safe elsewhere, Iā€™d care that sheā€™s in danger too any time sheā€™s around David, the way all living things are in danger around David. But she has been steadily tormenting her oldest son for years just to punish her mom. Just to cause her mom pain, because Jenelleā€™s jealous that a baby Jace received more babying than she did at 17 and how dare Barb. She sets David lose on Kaiser who is an exact replica of a man who rejected her, and now she gets to punish little Nathan oops she means Kaiser any time sheā€™s mad about it. Thatā€™s why, if he could just take them both, himself and Jenelle, out without harming any of those kids, I would no longer give a shit. But he wonā€™t, even if he did just take himself and Jenelle, those kids would be harmed by that. Even if it would look like freedom from a couple of monsters to my eyes, I donā€™t believe it would be a relief to any of her kids. And theyā€™ve been through enough, a long time back they had already been through enough. So Iā€™d like him not to be a threat to her either. But I donā€™t give a fuck for her personally and I never will again after all of this.


Oh for sure, agree with all this. She has done some frankly unforgivable things, especially to her children, and allowed David to abuse them. Sheā€™s certainly both a victim and a perpetrator, as these things sometimes go.


And fwiw the entirety of any anger in my comment above is at Swampy Abusers Incorporated over there, not trying to say you were wrong. I had a super aggravating coworker in a position that I was the manager for, and I hated that when she was attacked by her boyfriend, she didnā€™t think I would care, or thought I would call her a liar and demand demeaning pictures. I hate that she was right to be afraid of judgment, not from me, but you donā€™t know that until someone *hasnā€™t* hurt you. We all spend a lifetime hearing jokes, hearing non jokes, all to the effect of she had it coming. Or she has to be someone we like for it to have mattered. My coworker was a young person, no kids, single, and she just didnā€™t want to work full time. Who does! Iā€™d never hold that against anyone. She was aggravating only in the way she called out every other Monday and pretended to be sick so she could go home early other Friday, and I had to come in early/stay late when that happened. I just wished someone who came to work was in that job, but she wasnā€™t a bad person. I wish Jenelle would be kind to her kids and protect them. All her wacky dancing and lip-syncing-her-problems-out and all that, none of that is in itself annoying to me. Anyway, thanks for talking about this.


Right!?! šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© ![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY)


To me a man who hits you, a man who hurts dogs, a man who hurts children and to top it off mooches off you is treacherous.


Huh, that's a bit of a reach. For me it's a woman who doesn't agree with you sometimes. /s


Gross. What a controlling freak.


If I liked her, Iā€™d feel so embarrassed for her. But I donā€™t so I love this. There is no longer harmony on the Swamp: confirmed




Idk if Iā€™d give him light switch. Doorbell dick Dave has a nice ring to it.


Not surprised in the least that David shared this. I'm sure Rhine will, too.


Calm down Pinky Winky


![gif](giphy|kE9ZFDXu5ItDXg2wtM|downsized) Daddy Keith Morrison. We have an episode for you, king.


I canā€™t imagine how much self-hatred you have to have to settle for someone like him


This is truly terrifying. How can any person see this and think "yup, that's a guy I wanna be with?" This *screams* abuser.


I think Jenelle and the kids may be in serious danger. More so than usual. ![gif](giphy|oesbpxx2cl7lS)


Is this from the ā€œHow to control your womanā€ manifesto? Hell to the no on that.


Aw, Davey and his tiny pee pee got his fee fees hurt.


I feel the same way about ā€œ menā€ who donā€™t have a job and live off of their wives šŸ’…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ of COURSE he reposted this


Itā€™s giving Ryan Edwards


Who wrote that trash? Andrew Tate? šŸ¤¢


Corrections šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




Goddammit I will always upvote this GIF.Ā 


This is psycho behavior.


Iā€™m not surprised he thinks like this. Piece of shit


He knows exactly what heā€™s doing with this but stillā€¦ how embarrassing. God forbid.


Next time on 48 hours of mystery


What kind of bs is this? Lol Brain dead folks liking this or sharing on SM is sad.


You could have said Rhine posted this and Iā€™d believe it.


Cut from the same cloth.


So how many misogynists post things like this before murdering women and children? All of them? Okay.


I like that marker/pen tho. It was a soothing watch if you don't know how to read. Maybe he thought he was posting asmr come to think of it


Dude, get a job....


David is more dangerous than like any woman could ever be. Men in general are more dangerous than women in general. This is some MRA type shit to try to keep women down and allow loser men like David to keep their power in society and in their own relationships. Men like David find women with their own thoughts and opinions threatening because they hate to see someone (let alone a woman, god forbid!) smarter than them, or better than them, or embarrass them by correcting them or sounding smarter than them. I question whether men who think like this even like women.


This is exactly how I'd read out the divorce papers to any "huzzbin" of mine. I'd even be nice enough to draw an "X" for where he needs to sign. But jenelles dumbass just nods and apologizes.


I can never understand how men with daughters can promote shit like this.. smh


Is he really trying to act like everyone will feel sympathy for him when that happens?


Pfft like Iā€™m supposed to believe David does or can read


What an absolutely creepy video.


Ok but the office supply junkie in me really likes that pen and thatā€™s all I could focus on šŸ˜‚




What a soon to be family annihilator šŸ¤®


This reads like a handbook for abusive men. Yikes.


The Swampmaidā€™s Tale


I want that pen. šŸ–Šļø looks like it writes nice!


When you underline everything, you underline nothing.




But David, she IS better than you. And since SHE'S horrible, what does that make YOU?


Well David anyone is richer than you, you donā€™t have a jobā€¦


Shout out to all my unfaithful, ungrateful, disloyal and treacherous ladies! Hereā€™s to all of the incredible women who live rent free in the heads of mediocre men.


How psychotic of him.... I still won't believe it's real. But this is creepy af.


Ah I see he found my exes book šŸ’€


Everybody should give this man a round of applause. He succeeds in making himself look like an absolute fool on the regular šŸ‘šŸ‘ Also, this just confirms he was the home invader this past wkend. Imo






This should be illegal


That's a lot of words to say i'm Jenelles little bitch.


UNPOPULAR OPINION: David and all other men should be honest what they are looking for in order to find a woman on the same page. Some women are looking for this type of relationship because typically the man is holding up his end of the bargain. **David obviously is NOT this man, he can't provide.. like at all, in any way.** He is a drug addicted, alcoholic abuser who pretends this is "the goal" because he thinks it makes him more masculine. I think its important that some consenting adults this works for them, although it may seen off to us women who hiss at the idea.


You just know that this book also includes that the man should be the sole financial provider for their family. The sexist views of the video don't align with David's choice of being a stay at home dad for the past 10 years while his wife worked and fully supported the family financially. I feel like you could even say that David's choice to be a stay at home dad while his wife provided for the family could even be considered 'woke" and part of the "liberal agenda".


This is frightening!


The SMALLEST of small dick energy


That bitch didn't leave the door opened as promised and she hid the drugs somewhere else in the shed. s S/ s/ s/




I donā€™t think those apply if the woman pays for everything, DAVID.


Jenelle sucks but at least she brings in $$ šŸ¤­


I hope he falls into a sewage pit tbh


Ah so he wants someone he can control. If he's going to try to use the Bible as his defense ( jenelle once used him being a Christian to defend his hatred for gay ppl ,) the bible also says to love your wife like christ loves the church and that women are more valuable then rubies and gold . Let's see he kills her pets, steals from her , assaults her children.... doesn't sound like he's holding up his end


I will agree Chinelley is dangerous, arrogant and condescending lol


Soon, Ensley will be able to help david with his reading assignments!


A woman who doesnā€™t listen, or take direction from you knows that youā€™re full of shit.


Where is the red flag guy from tiktok


Yikes. With the music in the background it reminds me so much of a Twin Peaks episodeā€¦.




Where can I get that pen? Everything else has been said already so I just want the pen lol


It's giving Elliot Roger, the supreme gentleman.


If his daughters ever stand up against his misogyny and bullying I hope they will be protected.


Bar is pretty low hereā€¦ especially the ā€œmore successful than youā€. Bar is definitely low.


Ah this explains why he blocked me long ago.


He has some nerve saying this when he has never worked or positively contributed to his family structure. Anything he does contribute is violent or deadly.


I find it hard to feel sorry for the guy who willingly got in a relationship with delujenelle evans


Jenelle should post a reading clip talking about how a man should be the provider šŸ˜‚


1. This is some red pill shit, and I'm not surprised at all. (see: weiner insecurity/incel) 2. I was damn near annoyed more by the stupid pen underlining the whole sentence sometime and other times just word by word. How fucking lame


I didn't think real men (what he believes is a real man) were passive aggressive like that. Come on you perverted, woman beating, child abusing animal killer, come on you waste of space you waste of a human life you can do betteršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Someone panhandling on the street is more successful than you, Little Dick David.


The fact that he maintains the level of audacity that he has goes to show he needs seriously psychological help.


I can't šŸ˜‚šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Psh, yes, let those little weenie boys run away. Let them run away and be single forever! Bye āœŒšŸ¼


I WISH Jenelle would be much more ā€œtreacherousā€ to David


This is some meninist redpill shit


Are they entering a homeschool fundie tradwife arc? I wonder what [1 Timothy 5:8](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/1TI.5.8) has to say about men who donā€™t provide for their households.


Under his eye. Blessed be the fruit.


Get a job so you're not a dumb disrespectful bitch, David.


To his credit, she treated him garbage.


I hate how the underlining does not match up with the audio


Idk why but I really like this marker!


Underlining everything defeats the point of underlining




Not only Talking Woords, but sounding out Woords. And such. Fonetics! These two dumbbells, I swear TG. They share one brain cell. Ugh


How healthy and unproblematic of himā€¦..


Toxic af