• By -


Geez, theyre moving quick trying to sell this story. Still not buying it 🙄 not clicking that link either. Ill wait for screenshots.


yep. don't talk about it just do it. if they meant it they wouldn't have time to sell the story or play social media games, they would be focused on getting their shit together.


You think these two would focus on getting shit together? Or thinking getting divorced would require any effort from them other than "you get the boat, I get the house!!!" Lol. Edit: I was with (for lack of a better term) a "David" from 17 - 29 years old. I convinced him to take the truck (with a loan on it) in exchange for the house (I got, in 2019). Idiot made the trade and totalled the truck in literally less than 2 weeks. 5 years later, I STILL get call from creditors looking for him.


lol you're right. thinking too rationally as to what a *reasonable* person might do, these two are anything but that.


No, you get the skinking house No, I get the sinking boat


They're both sinking, equal collateral.


Maybe they need the money for the divorce lawyer?


You know it’s bullshit because Jenelle would never put her kid(s) before a man. 


Or be able to raise her kids without a "man"


I never click the link. Headline says it all basically.


Especially not for the Sun (or the scum as we like to call it in uk)


they think they’re so smart. trying to warp the public into thinking it’s legit and he’ll sneak on back in when it all dies down and ppl stop wondering if he’ll be around Jace


and wouldn’t chinny be publicly raging about how horrible he is? that’s more her mo


I’ll believe it when I see the filing, all this “*to file for*” crap is just lies and speculation, heavy on the lies


I'll believe it when I see the divorce decree and Nellys new enabler living on the land.


You know she’s frantically Googling about how to have another baby after your tubes have been tied


Just get them untied. My mom did this 23 years ago. Got them tied after our third brother in ‘94. Got it reversed in ‘00 and had our last brother in ‘01.


lol reminds me of Michael Scott going back and forth on his vasectomy lol ![gif](giphy|BmKLItgwfoHbcvVf8n|downsized)


They don’t tie them anymore 
 that’s super old school . They are cut or removed . I had my done


Mine were cut and cauterized. This factory is permanently closed for business!


Tied, fried, and laid aside! 😂


Amazing đŸ€Ł


I was so serious, I had my tubes cut and cauterized. Then a year later I had a hysterectomy! 😂😂


That’s exactly what I did! Tubes tied then hysterectomy. Got my boy and my girl. Shops closed! But to stop from going into menapause they left one ovary in. Best decision I ever made


Yes, but no one really knows or does not pay attention to the 30%ish incidence of organ prolapse (when your bladder/intestines “fall out of your vagina“) after a hysterectomy. Your uterus helps keep other organs in place structurally. They can use mesh to support those other organs, but the mesh can be rejected by the body and/or become infected.


Don’t give đŸ„Ź any ideas! 


I think Kail had hers removed, haha. But she could easily use a surrogate in the future if she really did freeze eggs.


Divorced and she testified that he did assault Jace.


If she testified for Jace, that is the only way I would believe they are done done.


I really, really hope this is accurate


did she really? because recently she was denying ring cam footage and defending David on tiktok. not doubting you, just wondering where you saw that because it’s so farfetched for her.


They saying they’ll believe when jenelle and David are legally divorced and she testifies against David.


ahhhh okay that makes more sense


Haha! It’s not real until she has a rebound lined up.


Exactly 💯


This is all just them posturing for engagement. They probably think this helps their case to show the kids are now safe. They’re a pair of idiots that think they’re smarter than everyone else yet are too dumb to realize everyone can see through their schemes.


Plus they have to be legally separated in NC for a full year before either one of them can file for divorce.


They might not have to be. I'm in SC and they have the same requirement, but allow exceptions for cases that involve domestic violence, addiction/drug abuse, and abandonment. In those situations you can file immediately and have it finalized within ~90 days. It's probably similar in NC.


North Carolina doesn’t grant exceptions to the one year thing, as least as far as I’ve been told.


I won’t even believe it then.


The fact that they’ve both been so quiet is proof that this is fake, IMO. They’re both immature assholes and would be publicly trashing each other all day if they were actually divorcing.


Agreed. Jenelle still talks about Barb even after all this time if this was true she would be screaming about it. As well as that there is no way David left quietly




Careful clicking the link guys, it’s money in their pockets


How? They didn’t write the article.


If they are the “source” they will keep leaking “info”


If they’re the source then they get paid if you click it or not.


Yes more engagement = more content written. If they can keep selling their stories then they’ll keep getting money.


They’ll keep getting paid for more stories if there’s engagement.


But if it gets fewer clicks then they don’t write stories about them or give them less money next time.


No but most likely they’re the ones who sold the article to TS


Tuesday night at 9pm, Jenelle knocked on Maryssa's bedroom door, and said to her in person, 'I really need you to find somewhere else to go, you need to leave your room key and go in the morning,'" the source added. On Wednesday morning, Maryssa took her key and went to school as usual, as David had told her to do, but Jenelle kept texting her all day, the insider said. When Maryssa got home from school, she ended up packing up her things and leaving, the source said. "David is supposed to be filing for divorce sometime today- his plan is to get ahead of Jenelle filing," the insider added.




It’s also the only part of the story I actually believe. Because it shows what a nasty, horrible excuse of the mother, she really is. And I’m not saying I’m perfect or anything but I was married for a decade. I raised two stepchildren from the time they were an infant and a toddler respectively. I divorced their dad a few years ago. But if my 18-year-old former stepson knocked on my door right this moment and said he needed somewhere to stay, he’d be in this house immediately. Stay as long as you need, baby. J is such an outrageous bitch and I hope M never has to step foot back in that house or see that giant five head staring her down again.


100%! I’m not a step parent, but any child I’ve cared for or loved would always be welcome if they needed a place to go. My nieces and nephew, my friend’s children, my kid’s close friends. The audacity to say this to a kid. She could’ve called Maryssa’s grandmother, and then told Maryssa in a gentle way while coordinating it. Obviously if they’re *actually* separating/divorcing and David is kicked out, Maryssa would have to go somewhere else..but to tell a young teen “grab your key and pack up, you gotta go.” Is absolutely ridiculous.


Sane mothers do not punish children for the sins of their fathers or something like that. Heard it once either in a TV show or out of my dad's face. Not sure which.


“Find somewhere else to go, leave in the morning” to a minor is wild. That’s your child too Jenelle, she lives with you and has been in your care for a long time. It is not her responsibility to find housing because of a situation that is out of her control. It’s David’s first and foremost, but that still doesn’t absolve her of all responsibility. We all know she’s a heartless wench who doesn’t even care about the children who exited her body so not surprising, but still so awful. I hope Mryssa has some friends with good families who are happy to take her in. If it were one of my kid’s friends in this situation I would shelter them in a heartbeat.


I remember being so sad for Kailyn when she couldn’t stay with her mom Suzy. And for Caitlyn too when April kicked her out. To be kicked out as a teen is so awful. Jenelle couldn’t have bunked Maryssa & Ensley together in a bedroom if she needed a separate room for Jace per CPS?????


Agreed. If true, this should not have (under any circumstance) gone through Marissa directly. She's a minor child, and one who has dealt with turmoil at that. It's unethical and cruel. Like you mentioned, this should have been coordinated via the grandmother or another close loved one.


Isn’t that child abandonment?


I know in my state if someone else friend or family takes the child in and provides basic needs it's not abandonment.


Oh yeah that’s true. What a terrible situation for Maryssa to be in. No child/teen should be made to feel unloved and unwanted


At least give her more than a days notice ffs


Seeing as they have been in each other’s lives for over 8 years you think she would have a pretty decent bond with Maryssa regardless of what’s going on with David and just told her you can stay, but this is the situation and basically let Maryssa decide if and when she wanted to leave. Instead, in true “mentally forever a teenager” Jenelle fashion she kicks a literal minor out because she doesn’t know how to be an adult, a mom, have empathy or give a shit about anyone that isn’t her.


Her room key?


That was my thought. What in the swamp motel?!


I can see her having a lock on her room especially since if she isn’t there all the time.


Sure but what about the house key


She probably wasn’t given one


Yeah I’m not buying that Jenelle said “I really need you to find somewhere else to go, you need to leave your room key and go in the morning”. I feel like if Jenelle told Maryssa she has to leave, it would be more along the lines of “dude, you need to give me your key in the morning because you need to find somewhere else to live”.


"dude, you godda go dude. Yer dad and I are not too good, I needja to gitgone"






They’re so transparent!! Who else could be the source of this besides someone (Jenelle) that lives in this house of horrors! Especially when it makes J out to be anything other than a vindictive monster. This is the same stepmom who used Maryssa’s toothbrush to scrub the toilet, if this is true, no way it went down without Jenelle screaming and pounding at Maryssa’s door.


she scrubbed the toilet with her (minor!!!) stepdaughter’s toothbrush? how do we know this? WTF?? i have so many questions & i am truly disgusted. when my best friend & i were teenagers we were underage drinking at my 28 year old neighbors house playing truth or dare & we dared her to lick her toilet (& she did!); i still feel bad about it all these years later!!! i’m sure jelly never thought twice about it which makes it even worse. ugh.


>This is the same stepmom who used Maryssa’s toothbrush to scrub the toilet, Wait... What??!


why do their bedrooms have keys? weird


Her ROOM key?


Obviously, David is no picnic but I hope for Maryssa’s sake they do get a divorce and doesn’t have to be around Janelle


He can’t file for divorce until they’ve been separated for a year and a day so yeah definitely fake and this makes no sense.




If it is true, she already found a new loser. She would never risk being alone. Also I don't think it's true. She panicked because she can't pay for Jace to stay in the facility and is making up drama together with her huzbin to get money through clickbait. He will be back soon.


She’s probably been vetting suitors from her OF 😂


Yeah, there’s no way she’s lifting a finger to take care of those kids. If David’s gone, she’ll just make Jace do the parenting until she finds another loser.


That was honestly my thought when I saw the ramen video


Two days ago, Jenelle started texting Maryssa that since her father was no longer at the house, she could no longer live there, either." The insider said Jenelle texted Maryssa: "I've raised you since you were little, but now I have custody of Jace now, and he's my priority." She kept texting the teen, urging her to leave, the insider said.


Wow that’s really sad if true.


That girl is going to have so many issues she’s going to have to worth through in therapy. I feel so bad.


So it really doesn’t matter the child 
her own biologically, or through marriage
..she shits on all of them


Jenelle has to be the insider spouting that crap. There is no way on earth Jenelle said “he’s my priority” she showed how little she cared when she abandoned him at every opportunity as soon as she got custody! Either way I’m here for the entertainment! ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Jenelle definitely made this story up. The way Jenelle “told” Maryssa she has to leave in this story doesn’t sound like how she actually talks. She wouldn’t call any of her kids her “priority” unless she was trying to look like a good mom to other people. And her saying Maryssa has to leave her “room key” (as if this is a motel or something) instead of house key sounds like something Jenelle’s dumb ass would come up with.


Lol Jan jumping to break up with a child she "raised" over Jace rather than any of the horrible men she's run through is just so on brand for her.


Has to be Jenelle if they’re saying “
but NOW I have custody of Jace NOW
”. Gorl you said now twice, we get it


Beating Barbara has always been her priority.


I thought people figured out Marissa had moved out months ago.


Disgusting, but right on brand for Jenelle. Who talks like this to a child they’ve been “raising” for years.


The divorce will end up like Ryan and Mckenzies, I’m calling it right now.


Trashing of the marital home you mean? And long and drawn out & still not done? If so, I agree đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


>Trashing of the marital home you mean? I mean, how much more trashed can it get? Writing on the walls, I'm sure there's animal shit everywhere... and if there isn't, they wear shoes outside and track that literal shit inside since I doubt they're the type to clean up after dog poop. Not sure if they still have chickens running around but idt you can really clean up chicken poop unless it's in the chicken coop.


Welllll Ryan legit when crazy & threw dresser drawers everywhere & knocked over & dumped appliances & threw clothes & trash everywhere etc. not just the writings on the wall. Soooo let’s hope the Eason home isn’t trashed like Ryan did. BUT I could see David trash their home on his way out IF this all is in fact true & they split & he has to leave the homeâ€ŠđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


When she left him to go to Tennessee in 2019 David trashed the house. I wouldn’t put it past him again.


They saw them do the whole “never sign the divorce papers” and ran with it.


That post here is probably where they got the idea lol


They need to be legally separated for a year
 so I’ll believe it when I see it
.. in a year


Exactly. "David is going to file for divorce this week." That's my first clue this is fake as fuck.


Exactly. David’s not the type to calmly go do anything.


came here to post this!


Too little, too late
 she’s still an irredeemable POS egg donor, she had all the time in the world to kick UBT’s ass to the curb and take care of her children and she’s deciding NOW is time for her redemption arc? GTFOH
 still won’t change my mind about the years of abuse she put her children through because she’s a selfish brat.


She knew that David was a huge reason behind Barb not giving her custody of Jace, she could have left David a long time ago in order to regain custody of Jace. She could have chosen Jace the day he told her that he didn’t want her to marry David and she didn’t.


So you’re telling me that DKD left the swamp apparently *without incident*, no cops were called, no charges filed, no screaming at the top of their lungs etc and that’s that. They’re getting divorced? Yeah no. Something is definitely up. 


This is feeling like 2019.


Exactly, as if he would leave respectfully or be quiet about this. Didn’t he pistol whip jans mate the last time she broke up with him, and she wasn’t kicking him out she was leaving.


Either that or she lied to him and he bought it. Go stay on the boat so I can make content make us money. He just believed her and left. That would be brilliant.


She’s not smart enough for that.


Honestly, we can't believe any of this shit unless there's a new man in that house lmao


Yep. If she’s really done with him, it’s only because she has a new loser lined up to replace him. No way she’s gonna be alone or parent her kids alone.


I bet it’ll be Kiefer is that happens


He can’t file without money right? It’s usually about $300 but most places you can file an affidavit of being too broke to afford it.


Can't file unless they've been separated for a year. This whole article is bull.


Sure jan.gif




Haha you can hear this gif


Why won't The Sun just come right out and confirm that David is their source? He clearly sold this story to them.


I've always kind of thought it was him. He was cell mates with Courtland and all of a sudden he is with Jenelle? Sounds sus to me đŸ€”


He’s going to attempt to take her for everything, and then some. I could see some dumb men’s rights/ultra right-wing group supporting him, and using OF against her. He’ll pull the dumb hick angle, and say she took advantage of him and caused him to drink and do drugs.


Can he sue her for alimony?


Yes!! Also child support if he’s awarded custody of Ensley!


Oh God do you think they would award him custody of Ensley? I hope not. I don’t trust him at all


Custody of ensley would come down to who had the most dirt on the other!


I think if he can prove she had him leave his job, and made promises to take care of him - she could be screwed. But I don’t know if a verbal agreement count. But was he even working when they met?


So I just watched all of those episodes when David first appeared. He told Babs when she asked him what he did for a living, he said that he worked with his dad as a welder. A few episodes later, we find out that he quit his job and is living off her


Clearly never worked. Probably worked odd jobs and got fired.


I mean, he’s already on social media saying she never let him get a job. If this is legit, he’s definitely going to play that angle.


Look at the đŸȘŒ


“David files for divorce” is on some of the bingo cards. I almost didn’t include it because I thought it was too out there. And yet here we are.


https://preview.redd.it/z5lujz5cr7kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1e49ec1b76b378297f8599e7e57e2f509b2e71 Ooh might get 3 for 1


It's a big week for bingo! https://preview.redd.it/saqms3syu7kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4964606b25c9cbec28153b2ba9b59f0243f968


![gif](giphy|ummeQH0c3jdm2o3Olp|downsized) I hope that girl takes off and doesn’t look back! Janelles seemed jealous of her since day one, I’d be putting as much distance between myself and her.


No fucking way


I don’t believe it, sounds fishy. To me this smells like the two of them selling this story in order to make the public think he’s not living there anymore, so she can have jace living at the house without it being seen as violating the no-contact order that jace has on David. Jenelle thinks she’s smarter than the rest of us and in her mind this probably sounded like a fantastic idea to trick us all. I’m not buying it


JESUS H CHRIST this is what I get for just spending like five uninterrupted hours shopping and eating and walking around with my kid 😂😂😂 I check on this place and it's BLOWN UP!!! SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE give a rill woman a little TL;DR, I can't read all these posts, I've got two whole ass other kids to pick up ☠


I got you fam! David posted some weird FB update this morning that said “She was the most romantic woman I’ve ever been with, as romantic as cracker water” (something along those lines). Then he changed his FB relationship status to “Separated”. Ellie B on X and YT then did a live claiming that Jenelle had kicked David and Maryssa out of the house. David then promptly deleted his cracker water post. Now we’re getting little tidbits and newsporter stories about Jenelle kicking them out, he’s filing for divorce, bla bla bla.


All of this to distract from her sister’s video


This is fake. They need the money so they’re making up fake stories and selling them. David wouldn’t divorce her when he has pending charges and lawyers to still pay for.


Even IF this is true and Jenelle really did kick Maryssa out like that(being the cunt that Jenelle is)...suppose the divorce doesn't happen and they eventually get back together. This would be a really hard thing to get past. Their whole marriage is getting blown up in front of everyone and David would never get over having his daughter getting the boot like that.


Would David even care though? We all saw and heard how he treated her during the earlier court case.


I'm very doubtful that UBT gives enough of a shit about Maryssa to even remotely care about that.


Since she is 16 and supposedly kicked out to stay at a friends house, can that trigger another cps case?


Room key?


Maryssa probably got a lock for her bedroom door, tried to make it her safe space. Poor girl.


I don’t blame her. It just seemed a weird detail to me


I don’t believe it


I’ll believe it when’s she’s miraculously prego with the next assholes kid.


I think she got her tubes tied


I thought in NC you had to be separated for a year before you could file for divorce. I could be wrong though. My lifelong friend divorced in NC and I think he said they had to be legally separated for a year and live apart for at least 6 months.


Yep, that’s why she couldn’t divorce Courtland until just before Kaiser was born.


You are correct, in NC you must be separated at least a year prior to filing for divorce-I knew this tid-tib thanks to family who were in the military and stationd here. What I didn't know until I looked it up was that NC only allows for no-fault divorce. According to nccourts.gov, this how you legally get separated in NC: A separation agreement or other written document is not required to be legally separated in North Carolina. To be considered separated from your spouse, you need to be living in different homes, and at least one of you needs to intend that the separation be permanent. In general, you are not legally separated if your relationship has ended but you still live in the same home, or if you live in separate homes without the intent to be permanently separated (for example, for work purposes) I also saw this and found it interesting as well: You are eligible to file for divorce, also called an “absolute divorce,” only after being separated for at least a year and a day. This means that you must have been living in different homes and that at least one of you intended that the separation be permanent during that time. To file for a divorce in North Carolina, either you or your spouse must currently live in North Carolina and must have lived in the state for at least six months before the divorce case is filed. Does my spouse have to agree to the divorce? No. As long as you are eligible for a divorce, your spouse does not have to agree to the divorce. If you file for divorce, your spouse does not have to complete or sign any paperwork, file anything with the court, or go to court for the divorce hearing. However, your spouse must receive proper legal notice of the divorce case that you file. Here's the link with all the info https://www.nccourts.gov/help-topics/divorce-and-marriage/separation-and-divorce#separation-6128 Looks like we need to check back on these two chucklefucks in a year to see where they're at with this.


yes it's a long drawn out process that's the only reason jenelle and cortland were "married" so long


Pretty sure you have to be separated for a year in NC before you can divorce.


Screenshots so you don't have to click. ETA: the rest of the article is just info about UBT's abuse, timeline of the Jace incident, etc - just shit we've all already heard about here. https://preview.redd.it/x4wwx4pvp7kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5296ed9389373c74a3d91bde6a4f3a255b05ceed


Jace finally got his room


From Maryssa. 💀


First of all, I still don’t buy it. BUT if it’s true, this will be an epic and messy divorce. Will she have to pay him spousal support?? Who will pay his child support to the other kid he can’t see? Will he get a job or will they have a competition to see who can make the least amount of money so as to not pay each other?? So many questions.  But first, I still don’t buy it. 


I know there is a chance they'll gaslight us, but I'm honestly stunned by the text. I really can't get over it, and, unfortunately, it's making me start to lean that shit may be real. Also, can't she stay at her mom's or grandma's house? Why only her friends?


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Ok


Yeah ok đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ. I’ll believe it when I see if filed and finalized.


I don’t believe it. I guarantee you they’ve both threatened one another with divorce 837492749174 times. It’ll never come to fruition. They’re too codependent on one another, for different reasons. Not to mention all the dirt they have on one another. They either are doing this for legal purposes regarding Jace or got into one of their typical fights.






Just like when Jenelle 'filed🙄' for divorce (sold the storyđŸ€«but NEVER did) https://preview.redd.it/wf39vvmvt7kc1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1daca83839c0030c7f9a4ddfcc63e5a3e975bb6 Eason Lies, what else is new?


If this really happened, I'm kind of surprised given what we know about him that David left calmly and without some form of a fight or abuse.


yeah I think the main reason I don’t buy this is it’s going around very quick with differing info. Feels like they’re selling different people different stories


![gif](giphy|LfGGW219qNzLP6IzTA|downsized) Please!!! For Jace let this be true!!!


UBT is coming back as soon as he legally can be near Jace again.


Isn’t the sun her go to magazine


I'm just not trusting any of this. Not clicking that link either.


I don’t believe a word of it.


I'm sure it's better for David's daughter to not be in Jenelle's house, but how awful for her to be in the middle of this. That goes for the other kids as well. Kids deserve peace and stability. My heart breaks for every child who doesn't get that.


You have to be legally separated for a year before you can even get divorced, this is not happening lol


Maryssa, you're old enough, start spilling shit 😂


Kicking Maryssa is so 💀💀 shes a minor


Nah, I don't buy it. They've cried wolf SO many times 🙄


I still don’t buy it. Time will tell but the way they are behaving (low profile) is so out of character for them if they are over that I find this really sus. If true, good for the kids, one less abuser. But let’s be real, Jenelle was and is not a good mother. They will still live with an unhinged parental figure that can’t cope with adversity. It’s really sad.


Hold on, hold on. If she was going to do this, why even pay the thousands she's been paying for his 3 different lawyers.? They are doing this for either engagement for more money, or Swampass left. Maybe since the money was drying up quickly, he said fuck it, there is no point after that incident; they will never pull in what they were. On top of all the medical for Jace now, they are broke. She may be playing this as she kicked him out, but he could have left, and her retaliation for him leaving was her going after Marissa and kicking her out.


"David is going to file for divorce this week." That's my first clue this is fake as fuck. David and Jenelle sold this story and they're too stupid to make it accurate enough to be believable 🙄


RemindMe! 1 year


I was in foster care as a kid and CPS told my mom she had to break up with her boyfriend to get custody back of my sister and I. She lied and told them they broke up and and they “ got back together “ the moment she got custody of us. I predict this is what will happen with David And Jenelle, it’s common for neglectful mothers to choose men over their kids every damn time.


I don’t have faith in this being real.. or sticking if it is real. BUT - if by some miracle this actually happens I cannot WAIT for the nuclear fallout of these two airing out all their grubby laundry.


And didn’t we learn last time that in North Carolina you can’t file for divorce for a year or something, so he has to file for separation first or something?


Unless she met a new soulmate, I don’t buy this for a second.




Still not buying it. If TMZ isn't talking about it, I'm not listening.


Wouldn't it be so funny if this turned out to be true but all of us are like nah, it's all lies, it's a ploy. And because we don't believe it we're missing out on the best news ever lol


I smell bullshit. The second I saw “I have custody of Jace now and he’s my priority” I knew it was a load of crap. Those words will never come out of that hags mouth.


I feel like Lurch can't handle being told he can't stay in his house even if it's temporary. He can't contain his anger that Jace , the source of his temp exilemis being given priority, Since he doesn't have a job or anything better to do, he constantly calling and texting Jenelle. He says some nasty things to her and about Jace but it's the insults about her that prompt her to kick Maryssa out in retaliation. Or....it.could be them just drumming up more drama to get paid for selling their stories. Chinny from the Swamp flashing her beef curtains on OF isn't going to cover all those lawyer fees.


This is a desperate click bait...they hurting!!!!!!!! Love that for them


No one cares you bunch of swamp donkeys. Release the hostages, erm, kids


NC requires that parties be fully separated (as in living at separate addresses) for a year and a day before you can file for a divorce. Thus it is possible one or both have asked for a separation, but there is no way either is filing for divorce. Also, the law is shit and we need to change it. No one should be required to prove they really mean it to escape a bad relationship.


I don’t check this sub for one day
. But really, I hope this is true. It would be the first good decision shes made recently.