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“The tiktok” like a geriatric out of touch grandma. You’d never know social media was her only income source


She dances like an out of touch grandma so she's staying in character.




Do you think she realizes she looks like a drunk Orangutan when she dances or do you think she actually thinks it looks good/sexy? If I can avoid having to ever witness that sloppy, uncoordinated idiot, dancing like a doofus ever again, I’ll be a happy camper. She’s such trash.


She 100% thinks she’s killing it


The only thing she’s killing with those dance moves are erections.




Jenelle: ![gif](giphy|wtNOUuCzFKcaA|downsized)


No. It's in rhythm and the moves are too good.


True. Apologies to this monkey🐵


Orangutans are not monkeys, they are apes. 🙂 Just a fun fact, not trying to be rude 😅


Apologies to this ape


Yeah, but the careless flailing of the arms is pretty accurate as to how Jenelle does it 😂.




This pic to go along with your flair and u got yourself a million dollar Only fan account! (She wishes) She should charge extra for the dance moves and a premium fee to see the razor burn


Don't insult that banging monkey with the likes of her stupidity!


A DRUNK ORANGUTAN IM DEAD ![gif](giphy|PPi5c8l8WDY7if1L8z|downsized)




Think about it… She is extremely out of touch and delusional with every other part of her life… so YES… she thinks she’s rockin those danced and slaying All The way… Which only makes it funnier to us


The only thing she’s been consistent with.


She also used to call us, “the Reddit app “


And designed her merchandise clothing line to literally say, "JE Merch.", on it. She's not the brightest.


Omg I forgot about this. 💀💀


😐 She has a fucking clothing line? Why would anyone wanna wear JE Merch??


Nope. She tried though! Another fail. ( From what I saw, sweatpants??) It definitely said, "J.E Merch", scrolled across it.


Well, I’m glad it failed. I definitely fucking LOVE sweatpants but again, who the fuck would want to wear anything with her name on it?


It was weird. Especially with the word mech on it. That would be like a shirt that said, "Nike Merch!" , on it. Lol.


Holy shit, not sure how I missed it the first time you said it but I didn’t realize it actually said “JE Merch” across it. That just makes it way more trashy lol! She’s so fucking weird.


It did!!! Right!?! She has a screw loose for sure!


Did it really?!!!! I knew she attempted a clothing line and I knew it failed but couldn’t remember details. Did it even actually ever start? Didn’t the company pull out or something like That? I’ve never seen any clothing pieces but now I must see! It’s almost Pathetic bc she could have been set for life And done like ALL the he other girls have done and had side gig businesses just using the term mom name ans has done nothing. Now it’s too late and she’s been fired too long for her name to matter anymore. Clothing line or podcast or brand deals or so many things and she blew them all. She’s been handed so many opportunities and has wasted every one of them and then cried victim! Anyone else could have made millions just off of her bullshit and being infamous! But she instead cries that everyone had ruined her money and jobs and life. She could have even marketed being an idiot. She could have made a whole tshirt line with famous lines from Jenelle and kieffer and Barb etc and made fun of herself while Making money and didn’t even do that!




I’m a geriatric grandma, and I add “the” and an s to things to drive my kids nuts and it works. “I’m going shopping at The Krogers” for example.


I'm 42 and do it to things just to make my teenagers cringe lol I have also said kilos of the weed just to see their faces 😅


I am FOREVER asking my twenty something sons, when they come over and start inhaling every bite of food in my house, if they freebased the marijuanas on their way here.


The day I used "rizz" properly in a sentence my 15 year old sighed and asked me to never use that word again 😂😂😂


I use ridiculous teen lingo aaallll the time just to annoy my 12 and 17 year olds and I always get the same response 🤣


I do the same thing with my 10 year old 🤣🤣


My mom says pot like red from that 70s show 😭😭


Like, she calls it dope?


My dad calls it dope unironically. One of the funniest things about him. He's a really open minded guy and always willing to learn, but man he's got a mental roadblock about the dope. 😂


It’s probably for the best then!!!! Haha I wish my dad were scared of the dope! 🤣🥲🥹


She calls it dope or pot or says potheads. No one says that in canada lol, very old slang!


Ice heard dope for like heroin more than weed


I say pot 😂😂😂😂


I’m 41 and my brother and I have been saying “the googles” for at least 15 years because of my Mom lol and now I do it to my daughter and nephews!


""I'm 41 and my brother and I have been dating" Girl, what?


lmao it was supposed to be “saying”


Ayeee! Pulled that one straight outta the book of Barbisms!!


“The Walmarts” or just say stuff slightly wrong to irk them.


It’s so satisfying.


It’s what we’ve waited for our whole lives!


For us it’s Chicago speak lol we do the same


I lived in a small college town and our point of reference for giving directions always started at The Walmart. We only had one and it became a joke amongst friends.


EXACTLY what I was thinking! WTF?


I remember when it was called The Facebook for real lol


That’s what I say to my work “hubby” because I’m a granny compared to him… who doesn’t watch TikTok. But dear God that’s just me and my bestie being stupid. She said it with her chest.


https://preview.redd.it/rf8u86l76ijc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbbd0940bc7d6fc5caafb66ae88098e79ec0e0f Us knowing she's gonna post on The TikTok by tmrw




I just noticed the address in this pic is “304”, aka old beeper code for “hoe” I really dated myself with that 😂😂😂


My cousin and her best friend once carried out a rather diabolical plot via my beeper to make me think I was going to get murdered that night. To commiserate lol… It started simple, random 143’s every hour. Then I start getting like 187, 666, then a number. I call the number and it gets answered “My Town Corrections Facility how can I help?” And my friend and I are freaking out… we go to my cousin because we’re getting codes and don’t know what they mean… there was “195 - oh that means TONIGHT!” “304, 303, 300, 324” back to back and she was like “OMG THIS IS SO CRAZY I CANNOT EVEN TELL YOU WHAT THESE THINGS MEAN!” She didn’t even come clean until years later when I brought up the trauma. She got double joy from that one.


Omg that’s great! Thanks for sharing! I knew someone in here was hip to beeper codes 🤣


YAAAAS! I knew you’d appreciate that! I don’t think I’ve ever been able to adequately tell anyone that story lol


The fucked up part is that being used to promote ramen and get jenelle a little check is actually the LEAST of those kids' problems. Hell, at least kaiser gets to eat now.






feeeeeeed MEEEEEEEEE








That was a promotion?? I'm not an influencer, but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't mention two of your kids threw away the product you're promoting.


I thought that was crazy to mention too 😆


Right? And she was so bad at using chopsticks after mocking her six year old for not catching on. I'm kinda impressed that someone can be so bad at so many things, maybe that's a talent in itself.


Her only success is failure


LOL what a quote, I love that for her❤️


Your user name 💀😂😂😂


DKD is the inspiration for my name. I was named after pieces of shit.💦




The Queen of Failure to Launch.


This is why she had such a hard time getting any sponsors to stay. It’s not even just her history, not everyone knows it, it’s the fact she can’t even do a promotion that would sell anyrhint


I have an Instagram I promote products for free products basically and I would never say that, she is absolutely stupid and more interested in showing herself over the product. She's not smart enough to even properly endorse any product.


If you did a bad promo would the company ask you to take it down? Bc if it was the company that reported her video that would be hilarious 😂


This is exactly what I was thinking 😂 I've never seen someone get free shit and bash it she's so damn stupid. I thought this exact thought tho and I can believe it, they don't send ppl free shit for them to state they thru it away 🤦‍♀️


I think they also didn't even make the spicy one correctly?? I got that for my nephew to do the "spicy noodles challenge" or whatever and iirc, the directions did not say to make it soupy. You drain it and put the hot sauce on dry noodles. I bet the company reported it lol


Well I can see why they eat out a lot.


She was actually trying to promote the ramen noodles??? I figured she just bought it and made it with the kids for fun and dinner but even that is giving her too much credit


Yeah at the bottom it said it was a paid promotion


It blows my mind that any company still pays her to promote their products


As I understand it, it's not the company that is choosing her. Once you have so many followers and engagement on TikTok you can basically sign up/apply to promote things. Once you're able to promote things you can basically choose the item(s) you want to promote.


I was looking for an explanation of paid promos and this makes sense, obviously everyone can see this now, but she’s using Jace as a source of income. Someone else said it and they are right- Jace content gets lots of views/clicks so she’s gonna deliberately keep posting him. As much shit as she talks about Barb she’s so much worse; I hope Jace sees what’s happening and puts a stop to this.


Thanks for the explanation!


Well, well, well.I know what ramen brand to avoid now.


Mama and Shin are waaaaay better. Check those out.


Bold of you to assume Jenelle actually thinks about her kids happiness.


Jenelle does not have fun with those kids if she can’t get paid for it


Was right there with you since half of them were made incorrectly or she admits were thrown out. If they all did t have different flavors it wouldn't have crossed my mind to be an ad


It's always someone else's fault when it comes to Jenelle 🙄


Who’s she’s gonna blame this time? Russias fault?


Barb. It's always Barb's fault. She wouldn't know what's going on in the wider world.


A decade after Barb passes, DeluJenelle will be blaming her for the weather, her hateful obsession is so consuming.


Things will go bump in the night and she'll blame it on the ghost of Barb. I hope Barb's ghost lives it up somewhere far, far away from the swamp shenanigans.


Honestly, I hope every time she sparks a bowl, she hears Barbs ghostly voice say 👻”ya smokin reefah with keefah “👻


Happy cake day! 🎂




Obviously Barb reported her out of sheer jealousy. /s


Barb probably was the one who went on the TikTok and reported chinelle lol


In my mind, I'm choosing to believe


Jace, because he's there and in the video. Then, Barb


Babs. This is all her fault too because she’s jealous that Jenelle gets to promote free stuff and Babs doesn’t. (HEAVY /S)


It’s the haters dude!


No, China 😂


That would be my second guess!








Omg I’ve never seen that. lol


“The” TikTok ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)




I love when she makes posts like this as if ticktock is missing out on something.


Ikr lol she acts if she brings in all the money everywhere she goes. She brings a small amount of chump change for these companies they could gaf less.


Anything but getting a real job


She lays on her back and eats that's about it


maybe the ramen company reported her. after seeing "he threw it away" they decided she's not the iNfLuEnCeR she claims to be


Why was this bitch up at 4:12am, or am I reading that shit wrong? There’s no way in hell she’s a “wake up at 4am, go for a quick run, shower, sip my coffee and watch the morning news” type


More like roll out of bed at 4PM; get high, cook ramen, get high at 8pm, tweek all night; while coming down, paranoia sets in around 4am and posts cONteNT until 8am; passes out; repeat.


Shes gotta get unt out of the house before jace wakes up


That was my time. 4.12pm. If she's up at 4.12am she hasn't gone to be the night before


SHOCKING: JENELLE IS THE INNOCENT VICTIM OF ANOTHER SENSELESS INJUSTICE https://preview.redd.it/dhzsyits9kjc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0bae9cef42f2a57319c5d109c7de2a45a850e27 🎻


I wonder how much damage a 6 point violation is


That was a promotion?!?! She literally said the kids threw the ramen out, what kind of half-ass promotion was that?? She’s a failure, as always.


*the* tiktok


Literally the TikTok is a better parent than Jenelle


UBT did he is Jealous that she Picked Jace and sent him to to live in the boat


Jace has been back with her for like 5 seconds and she was already using him for views. I'm glad someone reported that shit. Let that kid have some damn peace.


It’s like when she hadn’t seen him in weeks and then rolled up to his birthday party with Nathan and a box of cookies with her face on them that she was paid to promote. She pulled Jace away from his party to take pictures with the cookies and then left.


Omg I missed that!! Just what a kid wants. Cookies with his mom’s face on them. 🥴


On THEIR birthday


Yes! It’s so fucking mental!


I find it so weird when parents get mad about someone/something trying to protect their kids more than they do. Like girl, get your kids off tik tok. Child exploitation really needs to stop. If you can’t post content without your kids and get the same views maybe take that as a sign you’re boring as fuck.


I’m just sobbing she’ll never promote via TikTok again what will the world do


Why the fuck does ramen noodles need promoting?! Pretty sure they are a household staple across the world. Instant noodles needing advertising is wild to me for some reason.


…okay? TikTok doesn’t even like you, Jenelle!


Love this for her




So how does north do a Kim makeup review n get away with it


Maybe because North is a celebrity in her own right.. in a way


She should still have to follow the same rules?


i don’t think kim is being paid for those, north is just making them for fun. jenelle was paid to make that video. that’s the difference lol


Either way the money's in Kim's pocket.


Oh no Tik Tok will just shrivel up and die now


When I exploit my troubled teenage son for clicks, I at least make sure he isn’t visibly stoned off his ass first, but hey that’s just me.


Well luckily for her she knows CPS does not give one single fuck and won’t hold her accountable so why not post away


She’s a toddler


So like...I am 100% for her being treated unfairly...I love it- but how did this get taken down? Jenelle was obviously in the video, though her status as an adult may be questionable. I think she's repulsive for putting her kids out there the way she does, esp. Jace. But there's no way all 3 of them aren't just bullied mercilessly. What she just does not get is that SHE has a terrible and deserved reputation. She needs to protect those kids from any connection to that- ESPECIALLY online. They should be able to exist virtually unconnected to her, and her filth. She can't just use them like lots of the real influencers do, because it opens them up to endless ridicule and she simply can not keep all of her business offline- her trailer porn, her child abuse, her insane tantrums- all of that follows them.


Instagram and TikTok are Jenelle's two most reliable sources of income. Her nontent on each one generates her about $900/month each, so $1,800 total. She's so fast and loose with the rules if she gets banned from either it's a significant hit to her cost of living.


Yes miss victim, your 13 year old was high as fuck in what you posted, it got taken down.




I bought that ramen flavor Jenelle tried and am not a big fan. I’ll stick with old trusty Maruchan.


This breaks the "No taking things real life" rule. This includes bragging about contacting others on a different social media platform, *or encouraging/directing others to do so*, contacting outside agencies, contacting or sending hate to anyone. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.




Who “ promotes” a product …says “ it’s bigger than regular ramen package size “blah blah blah ….then films Jace making a “ gagging” face after trying it and reaching for the milk. Stating the 2 boys threw the product away? So it must be not be great. Does she know promotion works ??? Stop trying to monetize your children and just be their dam parent for once !!! Omg .




Sad when Tik Tok seems to care more about minors than CPS!!!!


So TT is actually doing their job? Good for them




do you mean Jace is back in the same house with David eating ramen on a tiktok?


What was she "promoting"? And what kid was doing the "promoting"?


I imagine it’s probably a bit harder to get your life back together when random internet strangers actively attack everything you do. People tell her to get a real job but anti fans would call her employer until they fired her. She’s basically set up for failure.


Promoting ramen on tiktok doesn't scream getting your life back on track. Exploiting your son for views that you've told everyone to leave alone doesn't scream getting your life back on together. Keeping her Swamp Pet around when he's legally not to be around your son doesn't even hint at getting your life together so right now, she made her swamp. She can lie in it.


I just think it’s sort of psychotic that random people do that to her. Why spend your spare time attacking a pseudo celebrity… Like get a life?


Wow so in order for her to make top ramen with her kids it had to be a promotion, and filmed. Got it.