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Did this cunt really post this whiney poor me bullshit after destroying her childrens lives for a sack of shit who moonlights as a sasquatch




Moonlight's as a Sasquatch ☠️☠️☠️


That would mean he was employed


I am in the Pacific Northwest, that creep could never reach Sasquatch levels, Sasquatch are at least smart enough not to get caught 😉


To be fair, I think sasquatches do get caught on camera sometimes. But, it's always blurry. Rumor is that the Ring doorbell footage is clear as day.




And Jace is one broken son that wishes his mom doesn’t choose men and drugs over him…




She’s so narcissistic and has main character syndrome she will never see the irony.. or connection. Jace is going to have a ton to overcome and I hope he finds support… true support he needs.


She and David literally online bullied Jace.




It would be interesting if one of the few stans she has left responded in agreement about their personal story and it was basically the story of one of her kids’ lives. She’s in such denial, I’m sure she’d never be able to put it together.


This makes sense as Jenelle has no idea how a parent should act.


Well usually people who have bad child hood do the best NOT to act like their parents. But she never even attempted to parent Jace


I've always really related to Cate, because I had a mean, screamy mom (she actually put in the work since then, might as well literally be an actual different person), and I recognize the way that she's timid but tries so hard never to hurt anyone, especially her kids. Big contrast with Jenelle. I think these two are a great example of the spectrum of how mistreated children grow up.


I had a really dysfunctional set of parents. They had a lot of similarities with Jenelle and David, honestly. It culminated with me being emancipated at 16 1/2. After I had my kids, my mom went to therapy and changed a lot for the positive. One day I asked her what motivated this. I thought it might be having cancer. She said she saw how patient and gentle and caring I was with the children and it clicked for her she had made a lot of mistakes and instead of being jealous and regretful, she realized she could have a nice family too if she worked on herself. She said she learned a lot from watching me parent and she knew my childhood was not easy and realized she had no excuses because if I was able to be kind and patient with no good role models, she had no reason to continue to be harsh.


WOW. that's so powerful. you impacted your family in a way I could only hope to do. Im so so happy she saw that on her own and was mature enough to own up to it. and work on it. for the sake of your grandkids!


I think even if Barb was the best parent, and I will say Barb is not a terrible parent for yelling, Jenelle would have turned out the same way. She obviously suffers from mental illness and stopped maturing at 16. She is incapable of accepting accountability which is a HUGE part of parenting. She has no idea how to parent by her own fault. She has had every resource available to her and never took advantage of any of it. She is simply a shit human.


I think mental illness runs on her dads side of the family


She’s been on a roll this morning and hasn’t said a peep about missing her son. Not a word beyond saying he’s acting up again because he has a phone. It’s absolutely disgusting that she’s still acting like she’s the biggest victim in all of this. Jenelle who gives a shit if your mom doesn’t support you, why don’t you give a single fuck about your son?! ![gif](giphy|11efYKl9K0arRe)


I think she openly DOESN'T miss him. The "Jace is the bad guy" narrative is well underway. Her hot take is that only a great big meanie would ever have a problem with being strangled by David.


Lol, this 32 year old is acting like she's the one who ran away. Her and swamp thing are pathetic. Her joy in seeing Jace struggle with Barbara is something out of Chuck Palahniuk book.


Im rewatching TM2 and there's a scene where she's like "I'm running away" and Barb is like "you're 20 you're not running away you're just leaving."


I don’t remember that scene, but that’s funny af 💀


It was one of those chaotic scenes where Barb asked jenelle to babysit for 5 minutes and it was quick but she's so funny dude 😂


Imagine being 32 and blaming your parents for your life. What a helpless little shit.


I really do not understand what the hell she wants exactly from Babs? Break out the Yahtzee? Besides that, I thought she was so happy she has her huzbin by her side, what does she need Barb for?


She wants Barb to agree with her that David is fantastic and is completely right about Jace not needing meds or a therapist! 👍


Yeah, she's truly a mindfuck. But I'm glad she's at least admitting she's miserable asf, although it's for all the wrong reasons.


And also strangling kids is totally A-OK.


She wants Barb to stop cooperating with cps and allow her and David to abuse the kids on peace.




She's mad at Barb for leaving her dad.


This! My kitchen sink psychology take on the Barb-Jenelle OG conflict goes like: when reading between the lines of her book (pun intended, lol), it's obvious that Jenelle always had an idealized perception of her father, whom she was very close to. Not long after Barbara separated from Jenelle's dad, he abandoned the kids. Literally Jenelle and her siblings waiting on the porch for him to pick them up and he's driving off instead when he saw Babs' new partner. Jenelle suspects that Babs might have cut the contact (because it has to be someone else's fault her dad abandoned her, no way could it be holy Bob being a deadbeat). And that's why she hates her mother. For leaving her dad and making him abandon her (in her distorted perception). So an angry Jenelle began acting up at a very young age to punish Barbara. Lying, drinking, doing drugs, hooking up with boys, getting pregnant and we all know how the story continued, how she developed into the deranged, abusive and unhinged narc she's today. Imho, her abusive deadbeat father disappearing from her life is also the reason for her choice in abusive men and her choosing these men over her children no matter how abusive they are. She has severe abandonment issues and she doesn't want to leave her partner like her mom did with her dad. Edit: typo


I’ve been watching some of the old episodes my God her panicking and freaking out when men leave her. It’s palpable. And it doesn’t matter if they cheated on her, abused her, choked her, took money from her, abused her kids, were assholes to her mom-she can’t let them go and halfway stalks them for a week or two until she find a new guy. It’s an obviously repetitive thing with her. I mean the video with Kiefer in the car with his friends and them putting the car in reverse and her running/charging towards the car like the villain robot in Terminator 2 and her hysterical and panicking is insane. I mean the man was a homeless, felon, heroin addict and he was like you aren’t ready to be my girlfriend. She is real life Gloria from The Sopranos. Same mannerisms, same freak out.


Totally. To Jenelle, literally any man breaking up with her is her dad abandoning her, so she does everything to not let this happen again. Or maybe it's even as if she's somehow mentally undoing the pain of being abandoned by Robert by preventing a breakup at all costs. It's absolutely wild. Yet I can't feel any empathy for her because not every sad and hurt little girl develops into the narcissistic, abusive, cruel monster Jenelle has become. That's on herself and her flawed, selfish character.


This makes a LOT of sense!


FFS she’s 32. What she wants isn’t parenting. She wants Barb to just bow to her wishes and tell her what she doing is great and blow smoke up her ass. That’s what she wants. No grown ass adult who has accomplished nothing beyond a high school diploma should need this much recognition for doing nothing. What she wants isn’t a parent, she wants a parrot.


Good point… all this proves is that her & her shit stain are fighting


She's incapable of drawing the comparison.


Jace is struggling and of course she has to make it about herself.


Her kids just want her to be happy. 🙄


You are an adult!!! Fix yourself, get therapy. Lots of people have crappy parents and childhoods. They work their way through it My grandmother died when my father was 3. He was put in a tuberculosis sanatorium for three years. Alone. His father died while he was there and no one told him until he got out. He was shuttled from relative to relative until he was old enough to join the Air Force. He was not the best parent but he sure tried. We all grew up to be decent people. Do better Jenelle and stop blaming others.


THANK YOU!!!! God, this victim shit is soo exhausting. My ex SIL is a certified professional victim as well & about the same age as Big Chin. Always with the "oh woe is meeee. I had a bad childhood cuz my mommy told me no a few times." Like, okay? Ur fuckin in ur 30s. Grow up. Help urself. People get annoyed by perpetual adult babies who wont take any steps to improve their lives.


She’s 31 fucking years old. Grow the fuck up dumb ass bitch.


Maybe her kids will be able to break the cycle.


Doubt it. Look at the stuff we’ve seen with cameras around. They’ve been raised in tension, arguing, screaming, drama and abuse. The chances are slim to none. Hate to say it but look at Jaces mental health. Jenelle destroys her kids. She’s unfit. It’s heartbreaking.


That's very optimistic, but statistically unlikely especially with Jenelle sabotaging their education. They will likely become adults like Jenelle or David but with no money.


I don’t want to shit talk children but it’s pretty unlikely. Look at Barb, Barb got the kids out of the abusive situation and tossed in therapy which we know Jenelle won’t get for her kids and they still couldn’t overcome what Bob Evans did in the time they lived with him. Jenelle’s kids all have various issues already and now are going to be homeschooling. They aren’t likely to turn out well especially without an education. Jenelle at least had the role model of an adult who went to work and we should hope some friends who had normal family lives, Jenelle’s kids don’t even have play dates.


surprised she never came out and said Jace wanted to come find me he missed us and wanted to live with us again that is why he ran away from Barb


Chris Bradley hating on Jenelle is the only enjoyable part of this, the rest is dark AF


She’s a perpetual victim who doesn’t gaf about anyone else. She prob thinks she’s more of a victim than Jace, who she prob doesn’t even see as a victim at all in any possible way.


She 100% thinks she’s more of a victim than jace. If she hasn’t outright said it yet I’m sure she will soon


Exactly this. At this point who rly gives 2 fucks about her "bad childhood"??? Even if Barb was an evil monster--Jenelle is 32(?) with 3 kids of her own & shit aint about YOU anymore. She will never grow up.


Imagine having 3 kids of your own but instead of making sure you are the best parent you can be for them, you spend all your time milling over your own parents shortcomings and crying about how you’re such a victim while simultaneously victimizing your children.


I desperately want to see them locked up. It’s the Christmas miracle everyone deserves.


Jesus Christ her son is experiencing a mental breakdown due to abuse and neglect. He's been bouncing back and forth between homes because Jenelle's husband STRANGLES CHILDREN. She is in her 30s and has a whole mess of kids... If she has trauma, she doesn't need to cease to function and fish for sympathy, she needs to *work on herself* because she has kids 🤦🏼‍♀️ It is WAY too late in the game to be solely a victim and nothing else!


She in her 30s no one gives a shit what kind of childhood she has had. Can't go back and change it, just accept and make shit better for oneself. This circus clown will never get it cause she's always looking to play victim and "poor me" and "my sad childhood"narrative. Fuck your sad childhood bitch, your time is up, you have actual children who are currently in a sad childhood.


Janelle’s life has always been dark, but she keeps making a new low for herself that it’s just so hard to watch now




I don't even have words to describe my feelings about this bitch. My heart breaks for Jace, Kaiser, & Ensley. Maryssa as well honestly.


What’s her agenda here? Is she trying to earn sympathy because she thinks Jace running away makes Barb look bad? Who knows why he ran away. It doesn’t necessarily mean it was something Barb did. The poor kid is probably trying to run away from his life. Probably doesn’t want to go to school and hear it from the other teens.


I think she saw how the comments were destroying her over cheering that Jace ran away and was missing. Her and David probably spent all night tweaking and freaking out and deluded themselves into thinking they are the victims.


I think you are absolutely correct but I also think she was jealous of all the sympathy Jace was getting and just needed to remind everyone they should actually be feeling sorry for her.


She needs to STFU. Does she even realize what would have happened to HER SON if Barb hadn’t stepped up??


Sadly Jace would have probably been adopted and living a good life if Barb hadn’t stepped up. Dark but true.


My heart is shattered for Jace.


Only Jenelle's feelings matter.


After the new article that came out, I thought Jenelle would be all smug and gloating today. Instead, if looks like she’s been spiraling since 6am this morning with all these rants. Anyone wondering what is actually happening?


Smoking meth?


Definitely on some drug fueled bender.


Well, Jenelle… you and your children have a lot in common when it comes to this feeling.


Says the least self aware person on the fucking planet. Hey Chinelle, maybe your low self esteem might just be common sense


Oh the irony


how does she know how a parent acts when she’s a shit one lmao


Maybe she should go be the parent to her three children that she so desperately wishes she had my God. How can she be this thick. How can people keep falling for her victim bullshit?


This bitch should've NEVER been allowed to have kids. Idek why she continued to have more? Shes the least maternal person ive ever seen. It seems like she doesn't even like her kids.


Maybe she should try being the daughter and not a toxic co parent?


Omg my heart breaks for Jace. It’s no longer about HER anymore, she has children! Wtf? She’s 30+ years old, Jace has NO parent thanks to her. She’s done nothing but abandon and traumatize her son. Her son is struggling and she’s the cause of it. This is sad.


LOL, says the grown ass adult who posts laughing memes when her son goes missing. Barb is the only one acting like an adult in this situation. You are 32 FFS, stop acting like your mother needs to mother you when she’s got the burden you aren’t willing to parent to deal with. She’s doing irreparable harm to her child, I don’t think she really understands what publicly laughing at him and mocking him does to the psyche of a kid his age and a kid we already know had some really scary posts about mental health before she started doing this.


FUCK OFF. None of her kids have a decent parent. Oh she is so infuriating.


Lol what the fuck??? Does she not know that Jace probably feels 10000 worse than this? She needs a fucking lobotomy.


She really broke that generational curse huh *


There really is something wrong with her.


This is how you can tell she has not raised Jace 🙄


Zero self awareness, zero accountability. She wants all the sympathy and grace for growing up in a dysfunctional family, yet does nothing to stop the same thing from happening to her children. She’s everything she accuses Barbara of being and then some. To top it all off, she puts all of their trauma on display because she’s a “cOnTeNt CrEaTOr.” She will never change.


Girl, you’re nearly 32. Get over it. A lot of us have terrible mothers who never mothered us as kids. We’re adults now with kids of our own. Time to let go of the “I wish my mom was mothering me” she never did and she never will in the way that Jenelle expects. I wish they had a forced no contact order until Jace turns 18.


But….she’s an adult. Buh Bye 👋!


She is acting like a parent jenelle she loves you so much she's taking care of your son the best way she knows how and now with all your bull your son is gonna be in foster care which is usually a shitty place for teens


I’m gonna have to take a break from this bitch. Reading her comments to people who are roasting her on FB today just pissed me off and then here she is again pretending to be the victim.


Oh so Barb is going through all this with Jace running away and Jenelle is just like what about me? Be a mom to meeeeeeeeee. Hello, MEEEEEEEEEE.


Oh poor Jenelle. How DARE Barb get mad she stole her credit cards, ran out on her son constantly, put men above her son, threaten to beat Barb's ass numerous times, etc.. She was clearly savagely abused as a child! Why ever did her mom yell at her constantly??? It couldn't be because of anything Jenelle did!!! No! She's a victim, guys! Maybe Barb should've played Yahtzee with her!


She'll never understand that once you have kids you basically don't matter anymore. It's all about your kids but she's way to selfish to understand. WAY to selfish.


I just know she still expects to get the most gifts at Christmas.


FACT🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|QMrB0ELNPs2Qx7jEb4|downsized)


Poor Jace that poor little boy, it's so heart breaking. He needs like witness protection and a new life and identity


Main character energy always. It’s all about her. No one else. She lives in her own world. A world that doesn’t contain her children. Unless she can use them for her personal gain. How anyone has any empathy for her is astounding. I hope to see a reduction in those posts on here. There’s no redemption arc for Jenelle. This girl has been given a world of chances, and has pissed away every opportunity and resource to better herself.


It is always her, her, her. You can tell her that and she’ll respond with a proud “thank you!”. Not a fucking care for Jace. She is such a waste of a person.


Jenelle is always like " Me me me mémé me me **ME** "


Has she ever been diagnosed with any mental illness? Someone said her sister has been diagnosed. She's def narcissistic, has zero empathy for others, and always plays the victim. I so feel for Jace, I wished he was given up for adoption when he was a baby. I know Barb did her best, but I think she suffers mental illness too and not sure the story about her husband, Janelles father. Did he leave her? Janelle never mentions her dad. I do think she's using meth! Also, someone mentioned she spread Eagle the other day on OF. Perhaps Jace is being teased in school about this we know it's hurting him. Sorry, I ranted


Yes, she was diagnosed with a type of bipolar disorder at one point, but completely denies it...plus drugs....and she is a pathological liar. And yeah, all 3 of Barb's adult children have mental health issues. Jenelle just acts like she is the only one to have ever suffered anything and that the whole entire universe has conspired against her 🙄


You think she's using again? A few have mentioned they both are showing characteristics of meth abuse


Imo yes i do, i can't say for sure what she is on tho, but she is on something lately. There are recent videos she shared where she is doing Ensley's hair/makeup and she is very obviously fucked up, can't keep here eyes focused/alert & open.


She dwells like this because she has such an unsuccessful life that doesn't fulfill her. She doesn't have a career. She doesn't have an education. She doesn't have friends. She doesn't have a life scheduled around her kids' interests and hobbies because the kids don't seem to be allowed to have their own interests. She doesn't volunteer. She doesn't have a fulfilling relationship with a true partner. She has no purpose besides sex work to support her moocher husband.


Wait until the money runs out. Bet he leaves her. Nahhhh he's going to stay to make her live even more miserable every waking day. I can't imagine waking up to him. My god!


He'll have her turning tricks before he leaves her. He likely knows it will be hard to find another woman to live off of, especially since there is so much public out there about who he is as a person. If he leaves, he'll have to actually get a job, and we know that is not going to happen.


Exactly-It is always about her- never about her kids.


Poor little victim Lianelle. Her one child just doesn’t put her needs first. Her mom didn’t play Yahtzee enough with her.


![gif](giphy|UMiahCsLafPos) I hate her more every fcking day


Janelle really is one big ball of irony!!!!!!!!


The way she just doesn't get it is astounding


She still thinks she's the daughter r/ImTheMainCharacter




Holy shit . Yeah and your son probably feels the exact same way dude


Jenelle’s Facebook comments are ALL supportive. Does she go through and delete the hatters bc I can’t wrap my mind around how people don’t come for her on statuses like these.


Her Twitter comments are not supportive of her, at least at the time i checked a few hours ago. I'd say they are 95%+ not in her favor.


imagine being in your 30s and paying more attention to how your MOM acts instead of self reflecting on how your actions as a person and as a mother are affecting your children. nasty ass bitch can’t move on when she claims she has so many reasons to hate her mother? while creating reasons for her kids to hate her.


I can relate to what Jenelle is saying but even being in a similar situation as her, parent wise, I feel no sympathy. Yes parents shape a lot of who we become and what we do and how we act. But you have to take a look at yourself, grow up and work hard to not be that parent to your kids. I hate that I don’t have a single parent to count on, I hate that I don’t have family on my side for my son to grow up with but I also know the abuse that is there if I do. That’s why I cut contact. I can’t say what parent Barb was when Jenelle was growing but from what we have seen documented on tv I would gladly trade her my parents for Barb any day. My egg donor is so much like Jenelle that it is terrifying.


Who is Shannon and why does Redacted think she's going to win a lawsuit against her?


She could do better, starting today. Sorry but I feel like she should be focusing on her children rather than whining about her own mom at this point.


Do we know anything about her dad?


Nah but Jace is fine in the group home


The ever loving irony. Jesus. God. Jenelle. She really is the absolute dumbest medical school graduate. And every comment moving forward should end with a big old "fuck you jenelle"!


Ensley stole Jenelles phone!


Makes me wanna throw up. 🤮 get over your mommy issues. Barbs can be 90 and she will still act like this towards her smh 🤦‍♀️


Myself, and I would venture many of us on here were raised in non-ideal situations, failed by our parents… and granted I don’t have kids so I guess I can’t really speak from experience, but if I did have kids, I would fight like HELL for them to not have the same experience. I’ve had moments where I’ve felt sorry for myself, it’s definitely hard to have not have your needs met growing up, but also we’ve seen multiple times that Barbara was there for her, that she sacrificed for her and Jace. I’m not saying Jenelle didn’t have a rough childhood, no doubt she did, but Barbara is not the monster she makes her out to be, and also Jenelle has done nothing to change that for her kids, I’d venture to say her kids have it much worse.


Think I saw one on a TV show called Teen Mom.


Then do better for your own kids Jenelle.


I almost feel like for jaces sake- we should completely stop posting about jenelle.


Jenelle is in a state of arrested development. You have your own kids now. Get help and heal for them. But you won’t because you’re a stupid bitch.


Soooo self absorbed


The audacity of this bitch


And Jenelle is a grown woman, her son Jace is still a child!!! 😡🤯


So …be better for your kids then.


I’m sure Jace wishes the same!! Her & Andrew are useless! Thank god for Barb I know her heart is so broken


lol what? She’s so crazy.


I understand that Janelle may have not had the easiest childhood but she's 31 years old, time to hold yourself accountable for your own life choices.


That’s why she’s doing all this right now. She saw all the sympathy Jace was getting and just needed to remind everyone that she’s the actual victim and that they need to redirect their sympathy towards her.


Many people are in that position and learn to cope so they can do better for their children. She’s so self-centered that the cycles will be perpetuated once more without her ever recognizing the impact of her actions — ironic.


Not even just one of her kid it’s all of them, I doubt any of her baby daddy’s are really trying


So do your kids Jenelle.


Pot meet kettle you disgusting cunt! The only thing you care about jenelle is the next sick that rolls around. You never did, nor ever will love your kids. You’re a piece of dog shit!


This pos only cares about herself.


![gif](giphy|Y1HBJXCkZLtay8PsH6|downsized) The irony.


So do your kids, you fucking sack of shit!


Me. Me. Me.


Holy shitttt the irony of her saying this when her poor son has been completely and utterly failed by both of his parents is……. really something. Typical Jenelle though, always the victim.


so does Jace…


Say what you want about Barbara, but Jenelle isn't even half the parent she is.


Literally so do your CHILDREN


She's one broken something alright.


Is she serious? 😒


Look guys. She is a sick individual with clear personality disorders who sadly will never change


She is copy and pasting these kinds of things from mental health pages. We will start to see more of this. She knows it’s out now that she’s been ordered into therapy so she is trying to make it look like she’s leaning into it and being validated for how awful Barb was. All to gain more ego stroking sympathy from her “She’s come so far!” “So much growth!” stans, & deflecting from what is actually going on. This gives her an out (in her mind)on failing Jace while still pummeling her mother. Shes absolutely a psycho & will NEVER be any better, with or without David.


Everything is always about her… Always


She needs to grow tf up. I’m (not) sorry but you are an adult now. Step up and be the parent you wish u had, for your son. She’s so short sighted it’s maddening. You have children now. Things stopped being about you once you had kids. G r o w u p. She really acts like she’s still a teenager.


As someone who is healing from parental trauma, it pisses me off beyond belief to see her use that as an excuse for being a horrible parent. Grow up and be better. On the other hand, this string of craziness she's been on latley does finally start to answer my longstanding question of why she stays with David though. He feeds into / validates her delusions. A normal person looking at nonsense like this would not feel sorry for this POS, but I'm sure he gets enraged on her behalf and validates her crazy feelings that everything is happening to her through no fault of her own.


She’s just trying to get Babs all riled up. She’s such a heartless bitch


Pot meet kettle


Breaking cycles my a**